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Thread: Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List

  1. #1
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List

    This one's pretty straightforward.

    The participants of battle will post their characters up for brief review. Anything deemed /too/ excessive will need to be changed, but considering the situation, there will be little that I request anyone change.

    Primarily Mage characters will need to rely primarily upon magic, both in profile and in battle. Conversely, primarily Warrior characters will need to rely primarily upon physical attacks in profile and battle. This is not to say that you can't have a mage with some sword skills or a lancer with some fire spells. One of the things heavily discussed between Toro, Ano, and myself was the potency of magic, so it was decided that a user who excels in the supernatural should naturally be less adept in the physical.

    REFERENCE THE RULE LIST WHEN POSTING YOUR CHARACTER. The rules will be tweaked quite a bit for this, so I want to be sure that everyone is aware of what is and is not allowed. This will prevent me from wasting time telling anyone how and why their characters should be tweaked.

  2. #2
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List Zephyr's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    New Zealand
    Dargarth "Prophet" Jarlian
    (Most commonly known as simply 'Prophet')

    (Primarily a spellcaster. While he may be a passable swordsman, anyone who devotes their time to using weapons will generally outdo him in combat. He has some tricks up his sleeve that combine combat and magic, but even those are generally more magically inclined.)

    Vital Statistics
    Age: approx. 3780 (Looks to be in late teens/early 20s)
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 180 pounds
    Eyes: Gray/Blue
    Hair: Dark Brown
    Race: Asethar/Human

    NB: The Asethar are similar to humans on many levels. Their main difference is a slightly longer lifespan, and larger amounts of spiritual energy. Once a proud, arrogant race with advanced technology, they sought a war that would eventually end them. A small group escaped the fall of The Great City (as it was known), and began life anew in the mountains. There, they learnt the way of the land, and began to revere nature and all it's spirits.

    Brief Bio
    Dargarth - which means Child of the Seasons in the ancient tongue - is the last living person to claim Asethar heritage. Ironic, perhaps, is the fact he is also the first Asethar to be of mixed blood. His father, a human, was found in the forest surrounding the village. Greviously wounded, he was taken into the village and cared for by the healer. The healer's daughter fell in love with the man - and the normal things followed.

    When Dargarth was five, his mother - and almost half the village - fell prey to a virulent disease. There was nothing the healer could do, and all who caught it eventually perished. His father, devastated by her death, turned to drink and withdrew from society. Dargarth spent most of his days with the other village children in the forest surrounding the village, learning how to hunt and forage for food.

    At the age of 10, Dargarth and one of his friends decided it would be fun to climb to the very top of the huge mountain behind the village. They were smart enough to pick a fine, clear summers day - but little did they know of the journey before them. All day they hiked, but never any closer did the summit look. Refusing to give up, the two boys made camp and waited out the night. Rising with the sun, they once again turned to the trail. Three days it took them to make the ascent, but they would say the climb was worth it. From the summit, it felt as if one could see the entire world. It was Kalnor that saw it first. A dark smear across the land, snaking it's way towards the mountain village. The two boys stood for a moment, just watching, when Dargarth spoke softly. "I think it's smoke."

    Forgetting their packs, the two rushed back down the mountain trail to warn the village. The need for haste rising deep within him, Dargarth felt a strange power flowing from him as he ran - and so it was with great surprise that the two found themselves running back into the village gates a mere three hours after starting the descent. The sight that awaited them is one that still haunts Dargarth to this day. The entire village had been laid to waste. Stepping over the lifeless bodies of former friends and family, the two horror-struck boys searched for any survivors. But no living thing remained, even their livestock and pets had been cut down. After two days of mourning, they decided to lay the dead to rest in the fashion of their race. Working hard, they amassed a huge pyre and, after carefully placing the dead on top, set it alight. Bound by tradition, the two swore vengeance, and so ventured forth into the world, seeking those that had wronged them.

    It took them 7 years, but the two had their revenge. However, they paid a high price. Kalnor was mortally wounded, and died some days later. With his final words, he called Dargarth his brother, and gave him Fehu, the dagger of fire. "Remember me always, my brother, for now you are the last. Let not our people fade from history."

    The death of his friend sent Dargarth over the edge, into the world of madness. Haunted by all the death he had seen, and caused, he sought a way to undo it all. Power washed over him, and the fabric of space/time began to warp around him. He thought to go back to the beginning, and stop the desctruction of his village ever occuring - but time would not allow such a thing, as it would inevitably lead to a paradox. The world went dark...

    When he came to, it was immediately apparent that he was no longer where, or when, he had just been. Propelled 1000 years into the past, he arrived in The Great City upon the eve of its destruction. There, he bore witness to the arrogance that spelled the fall of his race. Magic and technology combined, mechanical soldiers powered by the souls of those unwilling to go to war, and a proud certainty that the Asethar were the most powerful race in the universe. Naturally, such things do not go unpunished. The Asethar, seeking yet more power, had allied themselves with the Outsider Gods - malevolent and chatoic beings that savoured only destruction - and had so doomed themselved. Fleeing the city as the atomic weapons began to rain down upon it, Dargarth escaped into the mountains. There, he ran into a small group of refugees, and together they moved further inland, away from the smoking ruins behind them. He soon learned that this small ragged bunch was all that remained of the once mighty Asethar. They had survived by hiding beneath the city during the war, evading the recruitment patrols. "It was horrible," one said. "They took you, dead or alive, and forced you to the front lines."

    After weeks of walking, the group stumbled unexpectedly on a small wooden hut. (Oh gods, I just realised how damn long this 'brief bio' is going to be. If you actually want the detailed information, read the book. The bio isn't terribly important to RPBs.)


    Dargarth prefers to smooth things over with words rather than resort to combat. He has a sense of honour and decency, and just a little decorum, although a theatrical streak causes him to be a little flamboyant at times - especially when throwing spells around. Fairly open-minded and honest, he accepts most people at face value - a trait that has gotten him into trouble more than once. He trusts his friends implicitly, and his enemies not at all. He won't admit to it, but he is haunted by guilt over some of his past actions, and at the core of his being is a great sadness. After losing so many, and killing more, he has come to cherish life. Long has he sworn to never allow any other being to become the last of their kind, for well he knowns the loneliness of it.


    Funsai-keika ("Shattered Flow")*
    This weapon was given to Dargarth by his old master. It is forged of a long-forgotten alloy that never loses its edge. The blade is a dark gray-silver, but if you look deep within its surface, it has been said that entire galaxies of stars fill the blade. The hilt is black, wound with silver. The guard is of the same metal as the blade, and is intricately engraved with the image of a single river encircling a broken hourglass, the sand spilling out of the lower half. The scabbard is attached to the slender gray rope that serves as Dargarth’s belt. It is said that the blade of this katana is so sharp that it can slice through the very fabric of reality. EDIT: When using this blade as a focus, Dargarth can increase the potency of his time related magic.

    *Translation Note: I used a little bit of creative license here, so please don't send me messages telling me my translation is off, it's supposed to be.

    Isa and Fehu
    These daggers, both forged by the smith in Dargarth's home village, were once gifted to two young boys at the end of their very first hunt (A long standing tradition amogst the Asethar people). Made to be used together, they were a symbol of a strong friendship. Before Kalnor's demise, he handed Fehu to Dargarth, requesting that he be remembered. Each dagger bears an elemental rune; Isa (Ice) is forged of a pale blue, translucent steel. Fehu (Fire) is forged of normal steel, but bears a ruby at its crosspiece. The two sit in simple sheaths on either side of Dargarth’s belt. In honour of his fallen friend, Dargarth never uses these daggers seperately. EDIT: When using these daggers as a focus, Dargarth can increase the potency of his fire/ice based magic.


    Cloak of the Wanderer
    To all appearances, this is nothing more than a simple black hooded cloak that protects Dargarth from the weather, and keeps his features hidden when he needs it. However, it bears a powerful enchantment that protects its wearer from the environment, allowing him to exist in totally inhospitable places. This garment protects against all mundane environmental effects. For example, It would protect it’s wearer from the intense heat of a volcano, but not the heat of a magical fire, from the cold of a blizzard, but not the cold of a magical snow storm.

    Aside from the cloak, Dargarth wears little actual armour, instead relying on his speed and spells to protect him from harm.

    Other Equipment

    Blue Feather
    This long, deep blue feather hangs on a simple piece of string around Dargarth’s neck. Given to him by someone that means a lot to him, he keeps it close at all times, not even removing it to bathe.

    Demon’s Tear
    This is a blood red, translucent gem that serves as a form of pendant. It is, as its name suggests, in the shape of a tear drop. Given to him by the same person as the feather, this item is magical in nature, and has the ability to slow the flow of blood, effectively staunching any heavily bleeding wounds. But even it has its limits.

    Pandora X
    A strange ring seemingly composed of equal parts light and darkness. A gift he received long ago, this ring has the power to nullify any magical attack based on Light or Dark.

    Belt of Many Pockets
    This very useful device consists of many pockets attached to a belt. The strange thing is, there is the same amount of room in each pocket as there is in a standard backpack. This is because each of the 7 pockets opens onto its own small encapsulated dimension. Dargarth has many useful things stored inside this belt, but mostly it just contains food, water and a rather silly number of souvenirs. It also contains a small number of useful items - flasks of holy water, caltrops, some rope, ceramic flasks filled with explosive liquids... stuff like that.

    Special Abilities

    Dargarth can sometimes glean information about the future, usually no more than 6 seconds or so ahead, that would allow him to dodge, block or otherwise negate an attack. Of course, some things just can't be stopped...

    Special Attacks

    Dargarth primarily focuses on magic that can cause the most destruction in the smallest possible time, such as fireballs and bolts of lightning. He does however know some more defensive spells. He sees magic as an art form, something that comes from within, and as such, he doesn't follow any strict rules about spell-casting. He draws mainly from the elements of Fire, Electricity, Air, Ice and Shadow (read: Illusion). While his race is known for their spirit magic, Dargarth knows only a little about it, the last living shaman of his race having died a long time ago. He also makes a point of not using earth-based magics unless he really, really has to.

    Special Magic

    Dargarth has the power to affect the flow of time in many ways, from speeding himself up, to slowing down projectiles in flight. He tries not to use it to much, as it greatly affects the fabric of space/time. He has speculated greatly as to the source of this power, but has never reached a satisfactory answer. He mostly uses it to travel from place to place, and from time to time - ostensibly to 'obverse history as it happens.'

    NB: Chronomancy is quite possibly *the* easiest power to use when it comes to "god-modding". I understand this, which is why my character views using it to win as somehow cheating. If you see me using it in a way that could be construed as "god-modding", do not hesitate to tell me.


    Spirit of the Mountain
    The only powerful spirit-magic Dargarth was ever able to master. The Spirit of the Mountain takes the form of a tremendous and terrible bear. As it is a spirit, it is mostly incorporeal, but it's teeth and claws are real enough. Intelligent, and able to call upon it's own spirit-magic, the Spirit of the Mountain is a powerful ally, and a deadly foe.

    The Moirae
    Calling upon the power of the Moirae, the Triple Goddess of Fate, Dargarth is able to summon one to his aid - although there is usually a steep cost, for not lightly does fate conspire to help a mortal being avoid fate. The first is Clotho, the Spinner. She wields a distaff, but is more adept at healing and other "white" magics than combat. The second is Lachesis, the Measurer. Armed with a rod, she is a fairly balanced combatant, tossing spells and engaging in melee with equal skill. The third, and final, is Atropos, the Cutter. Feared by mortals and gods alike, Atropos' job is to choose the manner of death of a person, and when the time comes, slice their life-thread with her "abhorrèd shears". Armed with a razor-sharp scythe, and powerful spells of all kinds, she is an opponent to be feared. All who cheat fate eventually meet her.


    Level 1Borrowed Time
    Borrowing some time from a future self, Dargarth is able to regenerate some of his wounds, and gains a massive boost to speed for a short time.

    Level 2Veil of Entrophy
    Surrounded by a thin shell of backwards flowing time, Dargarth is rendered immune to any attack that uses missiles for a short while. This includes arrows, bullets, fireballs etc. It should be noted that this ONLY applies to RANGED attacks. Melee attacks will not be stopped.

    Level 3Elemental Flux
    Distorting the time field around his opponent, Dargarth can cause small rifts in space/time to appear, linked directly to the primal planes. Pure elemental magic seeps through, bombarding his opponent with fire, water, air and earth type magic.

    Level 4Cry of the Phoenix
    Close to death, and without hope of victory, Dargarth is able to use what remains of his life-force to immolate himself. Anyone and anything in the immediate vincinity, unless somehow protected, is incinerated. One week later, he re-forms in some other location, fully healed. He learned this trick from the Eternal Bird herself.

    (NB: The Eternal Bird is the Asethar spirit that watches over the passage of time (the Seasons, actually). She dies at the end of each autumn, and is ressurected in spring. Summer is when she in at the height of her power, and Winter is the time that the land must go without her firey warmth. She is most often depicted as a Phoenix.)
    Last edited by Zephyr; 08-16-2007 at 10:52 PM. Reason: Clarifying the role of the weapons. They are mostly used as foci.

  3. #3
    Name: Guthrum the Chosen/High Lord Gaap, The Father of all monsters.
    Race: Mortal man/Avatar of Gaap.
    Age: Exact age unknown, but Guthrum appears to be in his early thirties.
    Height: 200cm.
    Weight: 120 kilos.

    Appearance: Guthrum is a tall and muscular pale skinned man. He is of imposing stature with elegant long limbs, black hair cut at his shoulders, and a handsome face with a strong jaw, and eyes as dark blue as the northern sea of The BOD's domains. His attire is ever changing depending on his whereabouts, but he will always wear practical garments fit for a warrior. The only items he can always be recognized from is the sword Gurthang and the helmet Gorthol. Both are gifts bestowed upon him by Gaap the High Lord.


    Gurthang. A black long sword with a small spike on the pommel and a crude steel crossguard. Gurthang is the weapon of Gaap himself and though not magical of nature, it is as good as indestructible.

    Gorthol. A black steel helmet. Like Gurthang forged in the Dark Citadel by the finest weaponsmiths in the dark realm, and quenched in the recently spilled blood of innocents. Gorthol is special though, as it invokes fear in those who look upon the wearer, making Guthrum's charge even more devastating.

    History: The mortals who carry out their pitiful existence in the most northern reaches of the Dark Christ's domains are a damned people. Most of them do not live to experience more than ten winters, and those that do must constantly fight for their lives against orc raiding parties and the frost giants of the region who hunt them for sports. A life of hardship makes for a sturdy people though, and those who in spite of all odds reach manhood, are magnificent warriors and hunters indeed.
    It was among these people Guthrum was born. One day when Guthrum and his fellow men
    were on their way home to their dwelling after yet another unsuccesful hunt, Guthrum was seperated from the other hunters in a vicious blizzard. The blizzard was magical of nature and had been created by a frost giant who had chosen Guthrum as his prey. Guthrum wandered around aimlessly in the blizzard, not knowing where he was or how long he had been there. His body was slowly losing the fight against the raging elements and he had to use his hunting spear for support as he carried on. Finally the frost giant decided to stop toying with his prey and emerged from the blizzard, certain that the life of the human was his for the taking. Guthrum however, still had some energy left in his body, and with a powerful thrust he drove the hunting spear deep into the body of the frost giant, killing him instantly.
    The frost giant Guthrum had just killed had been a favoured champion of the High Lord Gaap, and the High Lord was not late to seek out the warrior who had killed one of his finest soldiers.
    Upon seeing Guthrum, Gaap instantly saw that he was a skilled warrior and bound the soul of Guthrum to his will. Since that day Guthrum has been directly under the thrall of Gaap, serving as
    his champion and his physical vessel whenever the situation demands it.

    Abilities: Because Guthrum is the avatar of Gaap, his strength, endurance, and wits certainly outdo
    those of ordinary men. Guthrum is a formidable warrior in his own right, but through Gaap he is
    bestowed with experience and combat skills gathered over centuries. He is a peerless swordsman, combining speed, agility, brute strength, and great swordsmanship to bring down anyone who might stand in his way. He is just a mere man though, and his body cannot contain the full power his High Lord. There fore his magical abilities are relatively limited. That does not mean they are harmless though, and even if not a fighter relying heavily on magic, he still has a few nasty surprises up his sleeve in case of an emergency. Through Gaap he can wield mighty forces of corruption, literally letting his target rot or fall into ruin.
    Last edited by Sir Kenneth; 08-18-2007 at 12:55 AM.

  4. #4
    Did you just say "cheesy jeans"? Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List Bryan 2.0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Name: Lord Distruzione

    Gender: Male

    Nickname: Diavolo Sotto

    Height: 6'7"

    Weight: 240lbs

    Hair: Jet black/Straight/Waist length

    Eye Color: Pale/clouded green

    Armor: Elegant black Italian armor rumored to be forged by Nabirus himself. In the middle of the chest, the Nabirius crest is deeply embedded with an unknown redstone in the location of the eye. The gauntlets each have an impression of the Nabirius crest in the palms. When these impressions touch the crest in the armor's chest, the gauntlets ignite in blue flames.

    Hanging from the back of the armor's chest piece is a tattered and stained red cape that is near touching the ground. The whereabouts of Lord Distruzione's helm is unknown.

    Magic: Summoning the spirit of Nabirius to aide him directly. He is also able to bring the fires of hell to the earth's surface and/or control them, though this power is limited.

    Weapon: Condottiere sword of unknown year.

    Short background: Being Italian, Lord Distruzione only speaks his mother tongue and refuses to speak in any other language. His history with the Brotherhood of Doom dates back centuries to a deal that he made with ToroMor himself. Only being able to battle amongst the living in times of potentially great amounts of bloodshed, his castle was left empty during vacancy of war.

    In a great battle against the Hittites, ToroMor and Lord Distuzione fought side by side. After many days, the two were finally surrounded by motionless corpses as far as the eye could see. It was then that Lord Distruzione made his only alliance and explained himself, mentioning his dreadful castle in the far north. ToroMor and Lord Distuzione made an agreement that ToroMor's Brotherhood would make Lord Distruzione's castle their home in times of peace. In return, Lord Distruzione would aide ToroMor and his Brotherhood of Doom in times of great war. An eternal alliance was made on that day and Lord Distruzione returned to his unknown location...waiting and watching...
    Last edited by Bryan 2.0; 09-08-2007 at 02:55 AM. Reason: Typo!

  5. #5
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List ToroMor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Nailed to an inverted cross
    Toro Mor
    The Christ of Darkness

    Short description
    Specie: Unknown. Probably an archdemon in human form
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Height: 7' 4" (225 cm)
    Weight: 400 lbs. (181.5 kg)
    Eyes: Glowing red. No pupils, no white. Just a deep red glow.
    Hair: Pitch black
    Fleshtone: Pale white with black thorns
    Looks: Horrible, if not magically altered

    Strength: Insane
    Speed: Fair
    Dexterity: Very good
    Resistance: Enormous
    Stamina: Fair
    Magic powers: Colossal
    Intelligence: Very high

    An old school swordsmaster and equally skilled with all kinds of huge weapons. Can easily handle oversized weapons with one hand. Insane necromantic powers and absolute mastery of all kinds of dark magic. Has the ability to travel through the endless planes of the multiverse. Has extensive control over time, space and reality itself.

    Main weapons
    Month Morra Morrigu, an ancient demon in the shape of a 2-handed, dark grey sword with the ability to consume souls and deliver necromantic magic from them to its master. Morrigu furthermore has the ability to cast powerful dark magic by itself and act separately from its master, although it is always absolutely devoted to Mor. It is said that it being the greatest honor for an opponent if Mor draws Morrigu, which has happened rarely enough. Normally, Toro Mor likes heavy battle axes, Flamberg bihanders and fistfighting.

    This monster is the incarnation of brutal physical strength. Able to easily break through fortress walls. Combined with his overwhelming magic and fighting abilities this demonic conqueror is an army of his own. He may even use his god-like powers if severly threatened. Physically almost undestroyable.

    Very few. He dislikes light, holy and curative magic and has a strong crush on females. His relatively low stamina is quickly consumed by his gargantuan muscles.

    Very experienced and unpredictable fighter with a load of dirty tricks. Almost always combines magic with close combat attacks. Has a dislike for ranged weapons (except for colossal catapults)

    Self made, very thick and heavy knights armor consisting of blackened metal and boosted with reflecting black magic. Gauntlets, boots and helmet just like the main armor

    Short biography
    Some philosophers once stated that he is the reincarnation of a cruel demon from the dark abyss of time, cursed by the gods of chaos with endless wandering through the worlds, to bring fear and damnation on his voyage and to cover all light on his way with eternal blackness.

    Even Toro Mor himself does not know about his origin. Once it seemed obvious to himself that he is that dark knight who once took off to gather fame and honor with his sword and who, with all the magic powers he aquired on his endless travels, remained a warrior in the core of his character who will continue to travel and conquer the worlds until someday he will meet an opponent strong enough to end his journey. But he learned that his history lies buried too deep in time and blackness to recall. He realized and accepted his fate as to be the Christ of Darkness, hailed as the true God of Chaos, the one to lead the forces of evil to victory.

    The development in the past years indicates that he indeed might be destined for more than just conquering worlds. Mor has found powerful associates and forged the infamous Brotherhood of Doom. This unstoppable force now spreads expeditiously throughout the planes and drags world after world into their maelstroem of destruction. Their rapidly increasing powers start to even concern the watchers of the multiverse. In fact, rumors go among the guardians that Mor was born from the nile itself to conquer the forces of genesis and finally bring an end to all existance in an ultimate orgy of discreation.

    What can be said about this monster's character? Well, let's point out some astonishing thing: he has an odd sense of humor. This has irritated quite some fellows who met him. Just be sure not to confuse humor with benevolence. That would be a fatal mistake. Next and perhaps even more weird fact is: he follows his own code of honor. This has been held against him and it still raises doubts about his true nature as a demon, as well as his destiny. Apart from this and some other peculiarities, he's the incarnation of an evil overlord.
    Get to know him!

    In-depth description
    Mor is a mountain of muscle. There is no part of his body that is not packed with ripped, swelling packs of beef. Even if it may be completely inane for such an overpowered and magical being, he is a sucker for weight training and constantly adds more and more to his absurd strength.

    His usual dress is a very thick, metal armor, completely enclosing his body. It is pitch black and treated with protective magic. The gauntlets are usually without spikes and so is the rest of the plating. The helmet is of cylindrical shape, a great helm in its basic, pot like, form. There are two very small eye slits in it. Not that they provide much of a prospect, but they allow those red eyes to eerily glow through them. For his actual vision, Mor relys on his demonic senses which need no eye slits. Furthermore, there are two long horns mounted on the helmet, which are turned inwards. This gives the curious impression of a mixture between bull and elephant, which in turn is an appropriate draft of his overall appearance. The helmet is also supplied with a visor that is usually closed. Some narrow, vertical slits are crafted into it, mainly to allow the roaring and echoing voice of its bearer to leave the helmet without reducing the volume too much.

    Under his inevitable steel jacket, Toro Mor's skin is pale white with a very little touch of grey, just like the most light-colored parts of fresh ashes. But the most remarkable characteristic of his skin is probably the thorns. That's right, his whole body is covered with nasty, pointed, black thorns. Not the curved ones, that roses have, but straight - like spikes. Well, you could call them spikes anyway but thorns sounds more romantic haha. Though pointy, they are fairly flexible and cannot break. Mor is able to draw them in, though most likely, he will alter his appearance magically if beheld without his armor.

    Speaking of bareness - his manly attributes are of the typical size of an archdemon. Let's say they are very sufficient. (Not that he compasses to use them in battle.) It is said that he is an outstanding and very wanted lover. Be it true or not, he certainly is an extraordinary one.

    As for magic: he has a strong preference for "dark" spells. That means for instance, all that is necromantic, destructive or has to do with fire. He loves to raise the undead, suck blood and souls from the living, curse or poison his enemies. Moreover, he has often been found to use telekinesis, most often to strangle someone or to hit him with an invisible fist. Perhaps the most favorite of all his magic partialities is the use of the Sphere Of Annihilation, which simply erases everything within its extent. He has never been observed to do this in battle though, it's just his way of getting rid of annoying "stuff". Assuredly, battles never annoy Toro Mor. He lives for them. If you are in favor to call his existence living, of course. For a short summary of his magic preferences, it is important to say that he tends to choose the most spectacular spells, especially those who produce a great amount of fire, smoke and bang. On the other hand, when seriously opposed, he will use his more devastating magic, like using pure forms of dark energy or bending reality. Undoubtedly, he would rather destroy the consistency of being than surrender or lose.

    Special layout for the battle against the Masters
    In this battle, Mor will use an uber sized warhammer as his main weapon. Besides that, he will wield a large spear. The spear has a wooden shaft with runes craved into it. Of course, he will not restrain himself from drawing his sword if he feels like getting nasty.

    Here's a little illustration, with uncommon armor though.
    Second illustration roughly resembles the hammer.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by ToroMor; 08-17-2007 at 02:42 PM.

  6. #6
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List Anomaly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hellish Heaven
    Name: Anomaly
    Age: Unknown
    Race: Fallen Angel
    Class: Dragon Knight/Astromancer
    The Founder of: The Masters
    Height: 6'3

    Physical Description: Anomaly is a tall white male. He has long white hair, long black talons instead of fingernails, and solid black eyes (that in fact glow black), white pupils pulsing from amid the smoldering darkness. His usual raiment is a black robe/trenchcoat trimmed in white with a high collar, no shirt, slightly baggy black pants, and steal-toed boots. He also wears an intricatly made silver ankh on a chain around his neck, and a ring with the same emblem from time to time. The most striking feature of Anomaly are his solid black, raven like wings (wing span 8"2) that are sometimes tipped with black blades. These wings, though Anomaly's pride and joy, are usually hidden in his cloak in the presence of strangers, and are only revealed when he wishes to display his true self. Though its hard to be sure...some have reported a solid black halo surrounding his head when he taps into the power of the Pillar of Balance or he casts a spell of Astromancy.

    Blood Reaver-
    7 ft. massive wavy Kris blade. The guard is a curling horned vampyric skull. In the empty eye sockets and the pummel, glow summon materia. The blade feeds on the blood of its enemies. Ele~Drain.
    The true name of the Reaver, it is the spirit that resides within the blade...and within Anomaly's own body. It is unknown when these two were bound together, but they share a symbiotic relationship. Even should the physical blade be lost, the spectral aura of the blade can still be used as an even more effective weapon. It's existance holds the secret of cleaving realitiy in two. It is rumored that the spirit itself is unlimited...tied to another entity that exists outside of the realms of heaven or hell, and can only disipate from this relm if his master its master is destroyed.

    Other Weapons:
    Gauntlet of Kolobos-A silver gauntlet that has a crimson jewel embedded in the palm. This jewel quickly focuses Anomaly's magical energy into orbs of various sizes that can be launched at attackers. The gauntlet itself is made of a substance similar to silver that seems to have the same holy effects...the finger tips of the gauntlet are sharpened into razor like claws. The properties of the Eye of Kolobos are unknown...but it is rumored that it gives it's bearer 'second sight'

    Kolobos Refraction- the eye of kolobos can refocus anything...light, heat, magic, it doesn't matter. It is the spirit of the eye that controls its actions, so it can act independtly of Anomaly. Only magic it can't refocus is only the Void and one other element can hope to fight the Void.

    Eye for an Eye- A hidden talent of the eye of kolobos where by, through a balancing enchantment, any severe damage done to its master is done at the same moment to its administrator. Though this will not save Anomaly from damage, it can make wounding him as much of a liability for the enemy as for himself.

    Holy Shadow-
    armored black cloak, trimmed in white that absorbs light based magic (holy/shadow/beams). It is a living cloak that feeds of its own volation and the chain link material can sometimes twist form to accomidate this process.

    Silver Ankh- (prevents confuse, berserk, manipulate, fear, reflect, and instant Death)

    Magic: Astromancy...mostly non-elemental magic and support magic. Commonly the spells of drain, gravity, comet, meteor, holy, dark, aura and doomsday. Gravity, in the form of black bolts of lightning, is his most common spell. However he will tap the more powerful magic depending on whether or not it is needed.

    Void Magic- Powerful magic that only true masters of Astromancy can use with any real effect. Most commonly characterized by a gentle grey glow, this anti-matter can be manipulated into any shape and form the wielder desires. Mostly because it doesn't truly exist. Most commonly summoned through a dimensional rift, but it is now infused with anomalys very being.

    Summons: ~
    Draconus (dragon summoning): Due to his unique race, can summon any dragon of any element from nearby to serve him
    Abbadon (chief angel of the pit): Elemental Black, causes status effects
    Michael (chief angel of the divine host): Elemental Holy, kills Zombies
    White Wyrm (giant carrion worm): Ele Poison, causes status effects
    The Sabbat (the order of vampyres):Ele Blood, drains MP/HP
    Kolobos (Greek God of mutilation): Ele Void, mass damage

    Limit Breaks:
    Level 1~
    "Hellish Blast"-(Uses wings to cause non-elemental damage to all opponents.)
    "Dark Angels Bless"-(Casts Haste, Fury (easier to execute limit breaks), and Barrier on all allies)

    Level 2~
    "Storm of Pain"-(Uses wings to sweep up a dust storm, causing damage, blind, and confuse on enemies. Weaker enemies are swept away by the blast(Remove).
    "Dantes Spiral"-(focuses the power of his sword on one enemy and unleashes a blinding assault)

    Lv.3 ~
    Kolobos First Mutilation~ Anomaly is temporally completely covered in liquid metal from the eye of kolobos. While he heals within this unbreakable structure, the eye of kolobos takes over. The metal is like liquid under the eyes control, and the eye tries to do it's former masters bidding by ripping anything in site in two.

    Cosmic Dragon~(Amly becomes the Cosmic Dragon)
    A black and white dragon, each of its 3 horned heads representing a different aspect of his personality. There are 3 sets of wings, in sets of 3: dark feathered, angel feathered, and bat/draconic. 3 Set of powerful-clawed arms, each holding a unique sword...a powerful, towering being.

    Dragon moves are...
    Breath Weapon~(Each heads individual breath weapon)
    Cosmic Blades~(hurling its massive swords, hits enemy multiple times with 6 giant swords)
    Cosmic Winds~(Sweep of his 9 mighty wings)
    Cosmic Breath~(Fires an iridescent beam at the enemy)
    Cosmic Judgment~(combination of the three main abilities. The Draconic form usually has to be abandoned after this difficult and draining maneuver)

    Lv.4 ~
    ~Masters Citadel~ Anomaly calls out to the floating fortress...and the massive fortress hovers over his enemies. The Ion cannon at the bottom of the fortress builds power...and then fires...eradicating the entire area and reducing everything to a scorching crater

    ~Black Hole Sun-Destruction beyond compare. The Anomalist casts his most powerful spell of Astromancey...causing the sun to collapse on itself and destroy all things. Causes massive, multiple hits of damage as the world is ripped apart...may cause several status effects...such as blind, silence, and doom if you survive...


    Arad's Corruption (or just Corruption)
    A mixture of dark sorceries and science, this massive armor feels light as a feather to the wearer. Providing for an ABSOLUTE defense against any and all peircing attacks as well as most blunt physical blows, this armor is naturally resistant to all elemental magics and absorbs none-elemental magic with ease.
    It is covered in spikes and horns, arching high over the back. It is also pocked with hidden compartments that contain shurikens, micro-missles, buzz saw blades, machine guns, and various other subsystem arrays. The armor multiplies all Anomalys natural attributes by 100 fold. It comes complete with a horned Draconic helm with the same magical and scientific interface and properties of the Corruption. It leaves the lower face exposed in the maw of the beast but the upper face peers out from three eyeholes. The center eye is the Eye of Kolobos, set in the hoop of an ankh. The Helm protects Anomaly from any techniques that may 'muddle' his senses. The entire armor exists in a collapsable form that is intigrated with the Silver Ankh emblazoned upon his chest.

    Falanx - The Helm of the Corruption armor is a beastial vysage not unlike a dragon with four curling horns. The Falanx offers its wearer complete mental protection, nullifying the effect of all telepathic and telekinetic powers as well as most spells designed to muddle the senses. The faceplate of the helm is retractable, but so long as any part of the helm is engaged its protective qualities remain in effect.

    Holy Shadow-
    Same properties as previously stated, though in htis varient a cloak rather than a trench. It is a living cloak that feeds of its own volation. It can twist light and darkness to make the wearer invisible and is an integril part of the Corruptions defensive systems. So too, it can act as an offensive entity when endevouring to feed...capable of bending its material into various shapes such as wings, arms, and even capable of unraviling itself to assume more complex shapes. However, it cannot GENERATE more mass and possess minimal intellegence. It's only notions are to feed unless otherwise direct by the programming of the Corruption or the direction of the Anomalist.

    Silver Ankh- Same as before but set in the chest peice of the Armor of Corruption rather than around the Anomalists neck.

    Silver hourglass- set in the hoop of the Silver Ankh on the Corruption armor, the silver hourglass is an artifact of the Pillar of Time, and allows Anomaly to control the flow of time as he sees fit. It causes him to be immune to all time magics

    The Eye of Kolobos- Same as previous only now it swims through the armor of Corruption, its favorite spots seeming to be set in the Falanx or the palm of Anomaly's left hand where the Gauntlet of Kolobos is intigrated.

    Black Star and White Shade~ Dual Seven shooter hand-cannons. These weapons fire both regular and enhanced shells, along with magical bullets that only the Masters can craft using the unholy alliance of magic and science.

    Angel Arm~ A gun won in a duel with 'Shane'. A six shooter revlover with a powerful has now been endowed with the power of the Void.

    Silver hourglass- (set in the hoop of the Silver Ankh, the silver hourglass is an artifact of the Pillar of Time, and allows Anomaly to control the flow of time as he sees fit. It cause him to be immune to all time magics)

    Black Wing Armor-Curling horned armor that adorns the Anomalists wings. They are both decorative and deadly as they are sharpened to be used in battle to give Anomaly's wing based attacks an extra boost of power. Imbedded at the joins of the wing are large red materia.

    Special Tech:

    Triple Helix- The White Shade, Black Star, and Angel Arm are all taken into the left arm of the Corruption. They re-sprout as a new three fingered hand capable of firing powerful twisting Tri-Helix like blasts. Four in all, there is the Dark Helix, Light Helix, Void Helix, and Trinity Helix blasts. Each, due to the unique design of the magic fired, can drill through normal, natural, and enhanced defenses...even those that would normally opposse the element of the shot being used. However, this poses a substantial drain on the Anomalists magic and he can only perform basic gravity spells while the Triple Helix is activated.

    Limit Break Lv. 5
    Absolute Anomaly -
    Though there is much speculation on Anomaly's true origins, it is his true form that raises the most. The being Anomaly at times floats supported by three sets of three wings arranged in alternating patterns in a great circle swirling behind his back. The wings are best described feathered white, feathered black, and a strange webbed blue-ish grey, almost like a bat or dragons wing. The arraingment of the wings causes some to speculate that in a past life Anomaly was a Ophanim, a high ranking angel charged with carrying out the Creators judgement as a wheel of burning light, full of eyes and wrath. Of course there is no real evidence to substantiate this claim.
    His skin in this form a strangely tattooed to the point its difficult to tell if his natural skin color is solid white, black, or the intermittent patch of blue/grey. Runes flicker to life and glow as power moves through the beings body. Similarly, behind the head there are three halos, one glowing white, one smouldering black, and the largest pulses a steadym if hazy blue. There is no face...only three eyes. One eye of light, one eye of un-light, and the top most eye pulsates the same irridescent grey-ish blue.
    A truly alien being, there are several other 'eyes' arranged on its body. An eye set in the left palm of the creature is clear the eye of Kolobos, while a similar eye set in the right palm is suspected to be the Eye of Azirimoth, as it has been used to manipulate dimensions. Another far more massive eye set in the hoop of an ankh-like emblem upon the creatures chest is the white on black eye that is more usually associated with Anomaly. The creatures entire lower body seems to be entrapped in a massive block of crystal. This does not in any way impeed Anomaly's movements, but rather seems to serve as a strange source of power. A long, senuous tail protrudes from this facetted blue gem, ending in an eye stalk upon which a nearly invisible eye is perched.
    In this form Anomaly's Reaver is also, likewise, changed. Instead of the usual kris bladed sword, his Reaver becomes a Triple Helix sword, three razor thin blades coiling around one another ending in a hidiously sharp tip. Great power radiates through the sword as the soul that is trapped within it grows in strength. This Cosmic Reaver has been said to cleave through existence itself, though if that is from the soul trapped within or the power of the hand that weilds it is anyones guess.
    As for the Absolute Anomalists known methods of attack, it is said that the seven eyes play a pivotal role in focusing his intense power. Spells that would usually take great effort to cast are cast with ease, sometimes mixed with other spells, resulting in strange and unique combinations. The ultimate technique that was rumored to once have ended a universe is called the Seven Eyes of God. Whatever the nature of this attack, one would hope to never witness it.
    Thankfully Anomaly's Absolute form appears only on the rarest of occasions. It would be amazing to witness it even once in your lifetime.

    Prefered Fighting Style -
    Though Anomaly is a skilled swordsman, as a member of the fallen he is naturally inclined to magics (usually using his wings to great advantage to distance himself from his opponent before using his spells). Often he will fight man to man with his blade and his claws for the first part of any battle, only to resort to spells and techniques of incredible potency, rarely using his sword at all or allowing it to fight as a seperate entity (the Blood Reaver knowing far better how to manipulate itself). Though a Knight in class, Anomaly has a fairly balanced approach to combat, mixing spellwork with a vicious physicality, only intermittenly interupted with summons and other such distractions to allow him time to recover his stamina.

    He does, however, lean towards using spells, and as such must rely more on his defensive armor and defensive spells in close combat as opposed to his swordsmanship.
    Last edited by Anomaly; 08-18-2007 at 11:52 AM.

  7. #7
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List Akira's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    In yo' pants, babeh!
    Akira the Giroan Berserker
    Prince of the North

    - Details -
    Gender: Male
    Age: 34 (in appearance)
    Height: 7' 2" (218 cm)
    Weight: 358 lbs. (162,7 kg)
    Eyes: Yellow surrounded by brown pigmenting
    Hair: Slightly long black hair
    Flesh tone: Pale white skin (undead look)
    Specie: Giroan Berserker Warrior


    Revival of the Jin summons the dark spirit dwelling inside the katana. When called upon, the demon takes control of the swords wielder and gives him god-like powers of exponential magnitude. If the life force of an enemy is adequately reduced, the demon will take the soul of one of the slain enemies and rip them into the dreaded depths of the sword, using the spirit to strengthen the sword even more. This ability is accumulative, meaning each soul will boost the power permanently. This skill does not always activate, however.

    Berserker Rage activates the steroids stored in the hip bracing of Akira's armor, boosting all his stats to extreme heights for a small duration. His rationality is somewhat reduced in this state, relying heavily on his instincts rather than intellect. This has its advantages and disadvantages…

    Main weapons:

    Jin's Revenge (Fukusyu no Jin) is the mighty katana of Giroan lore that was forged by mysterious sorcerers in the caves of Hotu long ago, using the soothing dark energy of hell itself. The creation of the sword, as the legend would have it, is a whole tale in itself.

    At the dawn of creation, the vast plane of nothingness gave birth to deformities and monsters of varying degree, each one uglier and more ferocious than the last. One monster to forge in this pool of black emptiness was the Jin, possibly the most gruesome beast to ever roam the realms of existence. It was a demon of such evil, that it thrived and nourished on the very souls of man. With each newly enthralled soul, the creature grew stronger and stronger, increasing its destructive capabilities to tremendous heights. However, the darkness that had fabricated the creature would also lead to its demise, eventually engulfing the monster and dragging it back to the deep depths of the black abyss.

    Thousands of years later, the sorcerers of Hotu were forcefully gathered by a local Giroan warlord to create a tool of unimaginable might. Huddling closely around a fire in the deepest caves of the Hotu mountain range, the sorcerers ritually meditated for many weeks, delving into the farthest reaches of the darkness from which all evil stemmed. Successfully calling upon the great evil, Jin summoned before them with insurmountable rage. Barely being able to tame the beast, the monster was forced into a brewing melting pot of molten diamond and mythril. The smoldering liquid slowly turned from a brilliant silver color to a putrid black, darker than even the blackest of nights. The fluid metal was thereupon poured into a ceramic mold able to withstand the power of the furious demon raging within the liquid.

    The newly cast rod-like item was quickly laid upon an anvil and forged by a mighty Giroan blacksmith. The man worked in fervor, as he raced against the hardening process to get the blade’s unique look done. A set of Giroan symbols were hammered into the blade, which gained the magical properties that the sorcerers bestowed upon them. The writing was mysterious and gave off an ominous luminescent white glow.

    Sliding a dark brown colored metallic sword guard onto the blade, the smith marveled his artisanship whilst engraving the face of the demon Jin into it. Not quite satisfied with the weapon yet, the smith took a very rare Yattori tusk ivory and formed the tsuka (handle) that the blade would be placed in. He methodically wrapped the tsuka with a fine brownish maroon silk indigenous only to the northernmost region of the Giro island. Sliding the tsuka onto the blade, the smith secured the blade tightly by capping the tsuka’s end with a kashiri that resembled the sword guard in color and material.

    During this time, it is said that the armies of the Giroan warlord raided and plundered various villages. A task that was put forth by the sorcerers, the armies were called upon to gather fifty virgin females. The young women were imprisoned and shipped off to the Hotu mountain range, only to be welcomed by the old scarred men waiting on them. One after the other, their throats were slit. As the flowing blood gushed from their wounds, the sorcerers greedily captured the fluid within a container.

    The blood was cursed by the sorcerers, forever contaminating the purity of the souls that had sacrificed their lives for it. The blood was handed over to the blacksmith who dipped the blade of the sword within the red liquid. The liquid soaked into the hardened blade, transferring an eerie red hew onto the sword’s shimmer. Meticulously applying the remaining blood lacquer to the newly carved scabbard of the sword, the blacksmith adorned it with a both beautiful and ugly depiction of the Jin monster.

    Not much is known beyond this description. Myths of the warlord’s madness and ensuing tyranny have dissipated with the decades, leaving only the mysterious legends and rumors of the sword in its wake. One tale was never told, however…the slaughter of the sorcerers (to be continued).

    Shinzui-san (Thousand Man Slayer) is a bow steeped in mystery. Though the look of the bow is mostly, the true power lies behind the myth that drives the bow’s legendary status. It is said that it belonged to a mighty bowmen; some even say the best bowman of all time. And indeed, the stories circulating this inhuman character would make no one question its legitimacy.

    Many hundreds of years before the time of modern Giro, the island nation was engulfed in bitter endless wars. Not for whole months did one of the many kingdoms know peace. This era gave rise to many brave and powerful warriors, though none as legendary as the Great Bowmen of Yimatsu. Though his name is unknown, his legend is not.

    Accounts of battles reporting kills in the upper hundreds were attributed to the Great Bowmen. What some men could only achieve with a blade, he could achieve with his mighty bow and quiver with ease. His power, however, did not solely come from his unmatched talent. More feared than the actual man was the bow that gained the title of the “Thousand Man Slayer”.

    The actual creation of the weapon is unknown, but some say dark and evil powers were at work when Shinzui-san was born. Made of a wood, traceable only in the forbidden eastern Komaji temple area of Giro, it is particularly famous for its dark brown hew, similar to no other wood in existence. Though the wood is robust and sturdy, it is nonetheless flexible, making its efficiency as a bow unparalleled. Similarly unequalled is the bow’s extremely lightweight design and silent mechanism. This not only makes it easier for the wielder to hold, but its use in silent warfare and during assassinations is unmatched.

    Shinzui-san’s bowstring is made through the twining and stringing of the rare Kazouii (elk-like creatures) hair, allowing the bow to nock an arrow back exceptionally far. The bow itself is approximately 4.5 feet tall and can release tremendous amounts of power.

    The arrows used for the bow are actually unimportant. The strength and accuracy rely solely on the bow and its wielder, with no value laid on the quality of the projectiles. Typically, an average set of arrows will suffice to turn this bow into an extremely lethal weapon.

    Main armor:

    Giroan Armor of the Dark Warrior: Akira wears a full body lightweight armor consisting of a white breast plate, black Kimono, white shoulder and hip covers, brown hip bracing, a pair of identical white gauntlets, black ankle and wrist guards, white shin plates, and a white helmet / black mask combo set that covers his head. Each piece of the armor has been cursed by the darkest spells, that in
    Akira’s case, actually means great amounts of protection from various magic as well as physical attacks rather than restrictions to his abilities.

    The breast plate consists of leather weaving coupled to the main mythril metal plate that has the engraving of the Jin beast on it as well as two red rubies in place of eyes. This engraving is reoccurring throughout the rest of the armor.

    The gauntlets are not of a traditional nature, meaning they lack in size and weight, which has positive effects on Akira’s movement and sword fighting. They consist of a diamond plated hand guard and a mythril base. They also shoot off miniature poisonous needles from the knuckle region, which can be used to either weaken the enemy or in various other situations as an effective tool.

    The hip and shoulder covers are made of finely woven mythril and leather plates to optimize defense and mobility, harmoniously forging these elements into one effective piece of equipment. Strung to the hip covers is a hard leather and diamond material hip brace which has a small hollow running through the middle which contains a steroid-like drug called, Hanshi-ka, that boosts Akira’s abilities in crucial moments. The Hanshi-ka drug is immediately inserted into the blood stream when the body falls below a certain strength level.

    The wrist and ankle guards of the Giroan Armor have all been created using the most advanced Giroan forging/synthesizing techniques to give the best defense while not surrendering the user’s agility. Because of this, they were created through a very complicated process involving a black dragon's hide, which has hardened over time to create the perfect protection for joints and other vital areas.

    The shins are protected using two finely forged plates of crystal and mythril that are fastened by a mechanical closing device making the protection encase the lower leg completely. Due to the materials used for the shin protection, the user barely notices the minimal weight, helping to not hinder his movements.

    Lastly, Akira wears a white samurai helmet that has been created through molding a pure mythril plate to conform to his head, making him the only person that can actually wear it. Alternately, the neck guard of the helmet was made weaving leather with diamond silk strings resulting in a strong yet extremely lightweight form of protection. The helmet can also be attached to a black mask that has the face of the evil demon Jin (also pictured on the breast plate). This mask used to only be a form of psychological warfare, scaring would-be enemies. However, no one has seen the mighty warriors face in years. The current state of his seemingly decomposing face is a mystery.


    Akira is a very intelligent strategist, who can make good decisions at crucial moments, usually leading to the complete demise of the enemy’s army. However, Akira is not always in a calm and contemplative state. If actively taking part in the battle and supporting his troops on the front line, he turns into a raging berserker and destroys all those that oppose him. Contrastingly, others have described him as being overwhelmed by a dark spirit that grants him legendary powers, letting him cut through thousands of soldiers with mere slices of his sword.


    Despite being seemingly invincible, Akira does show slight weakness when surrounded by true holy relics and places of heaven worship. His vehement razing of these religious places is most likely attributed to this weakness. A further weakness that is comparable to Akira’s Achilles’ heel is an unbreakable ancient mirror, known as the Gazan Mirror that is said to reveal the true image of a person. If Akira were to be confronted by this, his own unbearable sight and deteriorated soul would weaken him greatly and pose the opportune moment for someone to strike him down. Fortunately for Akira, he found the mirror many epochs ago and hid it in the deepest of Giro’s many mountain ranges.


    Akira is a very tall demi-human that has a muscular, strong build. He wears a black samurai Kimono, which is covered by his strong Giroan Armor. Seldom, does he not wear his helmet and mask. His left pectoral is scarred by an awkward symbol, greatly resembling an eye. Jin’s Revenge, which he wears on the side of his hip, is never farther than 4 inches from his hand. He will also occasionally wear his mighty bow on his back into the midst of battle.


    Akira is a master of dark arts and can tap into some of the most powerful spells that this field of magic entails. His specialties include manipulative and illusionary spells, but also psychic and telekinetic powers that he can destroy his enemies with. Of course he is also a master of fire elemental spells with which he can incinerate foes foolish enough to stand up against him. He has a certain immunity against spells cast upon him based on these two elements, and other elemental spells of a weaker nature will not even phase him. But generally, he finds a certain satisfaction in slowly and meticulously cleaving all of his enemies’ limbs off before eating their souls, so he prefers physical attacks greatly over magical fighting.

    - Biography –

    The Mysterious Cave:

    Akira was a legendary warrior, stemming from the warlike country known as Giro (GEE-RRO). He was once an average boy in the ranks of one of the Giroan warlords known as Hadowara the Conqueror, who had unified the island nation under his rule and imposed an Imperialistic state. Akira quickly distinguished himself as an extraordinary soldier and fighter. His epic led to many victories in which he marched continuously victorious armies against his enemies, sending those foolish enough to oppose him to their eminent doom…

    One day, Akira left one of the army's camps to explore the surroundings and to secure the perimeter with a small task force of men. Akira eventually lost track of his men before stumbling upon a dark cave which gave off an eerie aura, unfortunately his curiosity took hold of him and he foolishly decided to adventure further. Continuing down the tunnel in the cave, he eventually made sight of a small pedestal holding up a black wooden box that encased a mighty sword. Unbeknownst to Akira was the sword’s unmatched power, the tool that would forge an empire of tyranny and death…

    Akira returned to camp, keeping the find to himself. Some fellow soldiers said that he looked pale and sick. They advised him to see the camp medic but Akira vehemently refused. Continuous pleas of the troops were only answered by a string of painful yells, until eventually Akira fled into the nearby forest. Retreating into a small nearby grove, Akira immediately fell to the ground, holding his stomach in utter agony. Cringing on the ground, his whole body started to sweat and spasm as a he felt a harsh fever set in. Akira continued to roll back and forth on the ground wildly, heaving in pain and anguish. He could barely think away the pain long enough to think about the cause of this excruciating state.

    Akira's face began to throb and swell up as his veins popped out. He pulled out a knife from his belt and started cutting at his own face to relieve the pulsating pressure. The pain, however, continued until Akira slammed his head against a tree in his plight, knocking himself out.

    When Akira regained consciousness, he found himself in the camp's medical tent. Immediately, his upper body shot up. The medic instantly rushed over to help his patient yet to his disbelief, Akira grabbed him by the throat. The man struggled and fought to get free from Akira's mighty grip, but his efforts were in vain as he slowly asphyxiated. Akira flung his body like a rag doll to the side and stormed out of the tent.

    Soldiers came running up to him, asking how he was feeling. Akira confusingly looked at them but did not reply. He then jumped towards a nearby wagon which was filled with various weaponry and armor. Akira ripped a scabbard out of the tumult and unsheathed the katana residing inside.

    "Where is the sword?" Akira asked in an annoyed deep voice as he threateningly pointed the weapon at them.

    A foolish soldier replied: "What sword?"

    Akira's eyes emanated a red glow and his face turned increasingly paler. The soldiers looked in awe and surprise. Suddenly, Akira gripped the katana tightly and feverishly started shredding the soldiers apart, sending limb after limb flying in all directions. Surrounding soldiers stormed towards the scene only to behold a blood-drenched Akira surrounded by lifeless bodies. Attempting to overpower him, it seemed Akira was only infuriated even more and went into an even wilder berserker rage, slashing them away like flies, one after the other. A continuing flood of soldiers rushed towards Akira, trying to tame the beast-like warrior. Eventually, he sprinted through the mass, slashing and slicing majestically as he dashed by, sending many of them to the ground into a river of blood.

    Responsively, a group of archers assembled and started launching volleys of arrows at Akira on a nearby hill, all of which he inhumanly deflected. Akira leaped up the hill until he had reached the archers and cut them down cold bloodedly. A group of spearman snuck up from behind and stabbed Akira's body repeatedly and tried to keep him at bay but Akira picked them up while the spearheads were still stuck in his body and flung them 30 feet into the air.

    He marched towards Hadowara's camp tent. The guards protecting the front of the tent held their ground but the berserker picked them both up by the neck and smashed their heads together in a bloody explosion. He stormed into the tent and saw Hadowara holding the sword.

    "What fine craftsmanship...wouldn't you agree Akira?"

    Akira was still heaving madly due to all the fighting and only looked at his warlord emotionlessly. Akira wanted nothing more than to masochistically mutilate the old feeble man for stealing the mysterious sword he had found…..the sword that he was ready to kill anybody for.

    "I'm sure you're wanting this back...but I cannot comply with your wish. I am quite disappointed that you did not bring me this personally. This sword shall grant me eternal power with which I shall take over the whole of Giro. All will submit to my iron grasp...even the mighty Akira, hahahahaha!!!!"

    Akira instinctively rushed towards the frail old man, but before he knew it, he felt the cold blade of the sword slowly slide into his warm flesh. He grasped his stomach as the blood droplets began to trickle from the wound.

    Suddenly, everything was engulfed in pitch blackness as Akira found himself in a sphere of never-ending mass. He looked around only to find himself floating in midair. He struggled to move but could not. Out of the nothingness, the outline of a dark face appeared in front of him.

    'I am Jin, spirit of the sword. With my eternal blade, thou will write a new history. Thou will forge an evil empire of doom which the likes of Giro hath never been witness to. However, with this immortal strength comes the ultimate price. Be warned…now go and unleash the wrath of Akira unto the world!!!

    The darkness soon changed to light once more. Akira looked down to see Hadowara still clenching the sword firmly. Akira picked him up by his neck with one hand and removed the sword from his stomach with the other.

    "You are wrong old man...I shall be the unquestioned ruler of Giro...and you…you shall rot in the darkest pits of infernal pain and suffering to which there shall be no end."

    With that, Akira severed Hadowara's head off, sending spurts of blood in all directions, leaving Akira's face and body covered by a layer of red. Akira picked the severed head up and carried it outside. What was left of Hadowara's soldiers was standing outside. As Akira came out, he held the head high and pointed the sword grimacingly at them.

    Suddenly, they all lowered to the ground and submitted their loyalty.

    "All hail Akira, new Emperor and ruler of Giro!!!" the men yelled.

    Akira looked into the sky as he yelled at the top of his lungs.


    The Fate of Giro:

    In the first year of doom, Akira's armies marched across the lands of Giro and slowly conquered the various lordships. With each new victory, Akira's army took on a greater size. All that opposed the mighty force were utterly demolished and eventually, none were left to question Akira’s rule…yet the troops continued their march upon Giro.

    In year 15 of Akira the Evil's Empire, all of Giro had been conquered and worshipped a single ruler. The lands deteriorated and a dark mist covered everything. Signs of life were a seldom sight in the lands of Giro. Blackness was lord of the land and all lived by it.

    However, the Dark Lord Akira knew no limits. His hunger for might and destruction was insatiable and soon sights turned to expanding Giro's borders evermore.

    A campaign of island hopping known as the Kung-hai Epoch started. Akira's soldiers left no survivors and plundered all that was possible. Women were shipped to the homeland as concubines and Geisha's, children were dispersed across Giro to help with constructing the mighty projects dedicated to the Evil One, and the men were prosecuted to death unless they swore undying allegiance to Emperor Akira, in which case they were recruited into the demonic Samurai's ever-growing legion of doom.

    Akira's warmongering continued for many years. Eventually however, his Kung-hai campaign had met its end. His sights instantly focused towards a further expansion in the south, an unknown continent. He sent a massive invasion fleet southward, where his troops came upon and clashed swords with the troops of another ruler of supreme might. The man called himself the Dark Christ. Akira continued to send troops onto the continent but they continued to come back defeated.

    Eventually, Akira led the invasion force personally into the heart of this newly discovered land. A massive battle raged on the continent, both sides suffering massive casualties. On the sixth day of the epic battle, the two rulers met each other in battle.

    As the two warriors’ swords met, surrounding soldiers’ eardrums burst at the sound. The dark powers of both rulers emanated into the surroundings, imploding and exploding the bodies of nearby soldiers. The battle seemed never ceasing and continued for another two weeks. All the remaining soldiers of both leaders looked on in awe as they continued to fight without relent.

    The epic fight eventually reached an end, however. The Dark Christ was able to get the advantage for a moment’s notice and suddenly Akira was looking upon the mighty sword of Mor. Awaiting to be slain in battle, Akira kneeled upon the ground and readied his wakizashi to commit seppuku. However, Toro Mor told the Samurai to rise. Amazed at the resilience and strength of Akira, Toro Mor offered Akira to join Mor's united Army of Darkness. He told him of the plans to wage war with a deceiving dictator known as God who controlled a parallel universe known as Earth.

    The Dark Christ told of the three Princes which he had already recruited into his infernal Juggernaut. He promised to appoint Akira as Prince of the North and grant him unimaginable powers which would not only out due those of his sword but also enhance them a thousand fold. Mor's intriguing offer quickly enticed Akira and he accepted.

    Soon, a ceremony was held in the capitol of Lord Mor's Empire. In the cathedral of doom, Akira was crowned Prince of the North and granted the power of immortality. Now Toro Mor had completed his army and would be ready to wage war on the so called "God" of Earth and spread the influence of darkness into the heart of light.


    *to be continued*

  8. #8
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List LocoColt04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
    Blog Entries
    I would like to make a quick note -- remember how we discussed magic? How non-mages should be less adept? I realize that everything is on a larger scale here since we're dealing with blatantly overpowered characters, but there need to be some reductions here and there. Touch it up a bit; make some cuts and only include the things which really fit your writing style. By getting rid of the fluff, you'll be able to trim down some of the extras.

    This isn't just directed at the post above, but toward a handful of you. Review your characters again and remove anything you don't see yourself actually using.

  9. #9
    Synthesized Ascension Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List Zardoch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Character Name: Valkyarc Wraithius
    Age: Unknown
    Height: 5’4
    Weight 162 lbs.
    Gender: Male
    Race: Hephaestian
    Class: Celestial Shifter

    Valkyarc’s true appearance is a complete mystery, long forgotten by those who might have even lived long enough to remember. For now, he has lived almost his entire life in a black armor that surrounds every inch of himself, the armor itself shaped like his natural body except for the face.

    The face of the helmet is a mere plain face with no emotion, a small stretched hole inside the lips of its mouth to allow him to breathe and the nose is straight and edgy. The only thing distinct about the armor is the hundreds of plates that overlap one another like a dragons skin, making it easy to be mobile. Also, his sword sits invisibly connected to his back.

    Valkyarc is a very sharp and somewhat quiet person. His eyes are constantly observing everything around him even though they appear to be lacking emotion. He’s not paranoid in that perspective, but he is a cautious person.

    The other thing about his personality is how direct he is with his opinion. He speaks his mind astringently. This makes him insensitive to other people’s feelings with an “I don’t give a damn” attitude. In addition, when it comes to his opinion he is usually quite neutral on where he stands.

    He does have a sense of morality though and dislikes those who prey on the weak. On the other hand, he despises ignorant good-natured people who feel the need to save every little thing they can. Quite often, he’s very cruel with his words.


    Cyäegha - His main weapon, Cyäegha, extends out to four feet in length, two in half inches thick, and eleven inches wide. Obviously, it’s a massive greatsword. It’s quite eerie however, as one side is black and has the plain faces of a man while the other side is white and has a plain face of a woman. Around each face are four stones. What these faces or stones do is unknown to anyone but him. Now, aside from the creepy faces on the sword there is an ability that is popular with Valkyarc.

    Covering the sword invisibly is a substance called dark energy, a composition that is what makes up most of the universe. This anti-gravitational particle is what creates the weightless atmosphere beyond the gravitational pull of any planet. With this covering the greatsword it affects it in three ways. The first is that it makes the large weapon weightless, particularly on any planet with gravity. The second is that it cancels out the anti-magnetic effect from his armor (read about the armor below to understand) and the third is what he utilizes into an attack.

    When dark energy and gravity collide there is a conflicting moment where a wave of force is created. Therefore, when he swings the sword at any amount of speed the outcome is an invisible wave that throws the force at the speed of the swing. However, since it doesn’t cancel out the massive amount of gravity around the wave is mainly just a blunt force and dies out in a certain length of time depending on how powerful the speed of the swing is. Now how fast the blade can be swung is something only Valkyarc knows.

    Lastly, the dark matter does not make the weapon weak in terms of density. It can still physically cut or block.

    Hastur – As it was described in Valkyarc’s appearance, his armor, Hastur, is a plain black armor that covers his entire body with scale plating on the torso, arms, and legs. What one would quickly notice about it though is it does not shine like most metal armor. That is because it is not made of pure metal, but in fact is made out of dragon’s bone.

    With a little help with some blacksmiths and scientist of his time, he forged this suit to become light and mobile rather than heavy and defensive. The reason why is the natural trait the armor has.

    Unlike pure metals, it’s purpose is not entirely made for defense though it can take blows. Instead, the armor has a property inside its structure that acts diamagnetic; it strongly repels all metal objects. Basically, the armor has an invisible anti-magnetic field around it. So when a metal object hits against the field it it’ll be like sliding against a slippery substance.

    As a side effect of that, when a metal object is swung or thrust at the armor the invisible field creates a blow black effect causing the same amount of force to be thrown backwards. Since Newton’s third law states, "To every action force there is an equal but opposite reaction force" the repelled force must ricochet back to its origin.

    The other simple ability it has is based on his Hephaestian trait, allowing him to manipulate the armor’s shape in any which way he chooses. Compared to taking new forms, however, this is usually done on a much smaller scale. Whatever shape a piece of the armor takes it will revert back to its normal build.

    The last piece of information about the armor is it is made of two layers: The black outer-shell and the white inner-shell. These layers are about half an inch thick each.


    Hephaestian Racial Abilities

    Hephaestian’s Third Eye – All Hephaestians are born with a third eye. It is one of the main features that make them different then humans and it sits dormant inside the eye-lid for sixteen years. When it awakens it releases its’ stored energy into the body and gives Hephaestians their basic abilities they’ve lived with for thousands of years. However, there is a catch.

    The third eye takes up a lot of energy the body needs for itself so the Hephaestian will unwillingly grow old faster. This was a major problem with the race in its early civilization, so they discovered a new way to remove the third eye from its place so the body can live much longer while also allowing the eye to live outside the body.

    They created a procedure that used magic to surgically remove the third eye without damaging anything and then magically imprison the eye into an inanimate object. It could be a rock, a piece of metal, or even a weapon. Anything that was not already living could have been used as a catalyst to allow the third eye to absorb different kinds of energy instead of feeding off the Hephaestian.

    This new way of living created many new abilities and lifestyles. First, it allowed the Hephaestian to manipulate the object his/her eye was inside into whatever shape he or she wished. Second, the evolution of this third eye helped develop new abilities that differed between each person. For example, a Hephaestian could have the ability to use fire that could heal wounds. Third, the third eye developed a resistance to mental attacks or mind control. It also didn’t have to be inside the person’s forehead to stay connected to their minds.

    For Valkyarc, his third eye has been placed back inside his forehead but is covered in a thin piece of the same material the armor is made of.

    Black Clouds – A natural ability since his birth, Valkyarc can create black clouds the size of thunderstorms. What these black clouds are, however, are obviously not what they seem.

    Aside from making it harder to see, its purpose is more like a gateway in-between dimensions. With the black clouds he can open big enough holes to cross into another dimension of the same world. This dimension is the world of void. It’s an invisible dimensional layer no one can see unless you cross over through these clouds. In fact, this world is much like gravity. It’s in the same space as reality, except there is no way you can touch it, feel it, or sense it. It’s in a world of its own.

    Once you move into this dimension, the reality around you is a copy of the current reality except everything is opposite. Light is dark, the sun is black, and every object is outlined in white. It’s a reality within a reality really, (though it doesn’t have the same properties as a parallel universe). The big difference between this dimension, however, is that all the atoms and mass in the real world are still there, but you cannot touch animate objects in the other reality. So by going into the other dimension you will see your friend in the main reality, but when you’d try to pat him or her on the back your hand would go right through them. Now things such as the ground, rocks, or other objects that would need to be forced to become animate are solid. Most universal laws apply to this world.

    Anyway, having a new dimension also means there are things that live inside this world. Other solid objects are the creatures that roam about in their own eco systems.

    Concerning the black clouds themselves, they do have their own self-defense mechanism. When trying to be blown away their atoms bond together into a tighter formation making them heavier and more dense. In which they would catch the wind and then roll around, expanding even more without being thrown apart. Valkyarc can use this to even stand or sit upon the clouds and float, though he would rarely do so.

    Valkyarc’s Violet Inferno – One of the most unique and deadly abilities Valkyarc has is his chaotic flame. It is strange because it does not really burn the same way fire does. Instead, what’s inside the flame is an electromagnetic radiation—gamma rays. Controlled within the form of fire, this flame emits a powerful radiation that attacks the cells forcefully, creating burns from the damaged cells. However, the flame must touch its target in order to begin destroying it. Luckily for Valkyarc, he loves taking it slow wanting to torture every inch of his enemy. Eventually he can’t help but act nihilistically.

    Dimensional Elements – Since Valkyarc is the Pillar of Dimension, he also has a unique skill of opening a dimensional portal to a pure source of any element. The downside is the portal cannot stay opened for too long otherwise it may become unstable, so usually he just uses this in short burst of up to four seconds tops. The strength of the magic usually isn't too powerful, rather it is used within his own tactics.

    Fire Breathing – Valkyarc also has the ability to breathe and spit fire. The kind of fire he breathes, however, is something similar to “Greek Fire”, a burning liquid chemical that cannot be put out by water. This is possible with glands that create the liquid and then use the electric current within his own body to ignite it.

    Summoning – Like it was noted about the black dimensional clouds, Valkyarc has a strong connection towards a specific species inside the world of void. These creatures are called “Rift Seekers”. They are long slender dragon-like beast who can fly like a snake.

    Their size depends on their age obviously and most of them are only a couple hundred years old. These certain young Rift Seekers are nine feet long, two feet thick, and are quite quick and their personalities are most similar to that of the soldier ant. They attack, they maneuver and strategize, and they’ll sacrifice themselves if need be. Most of the time they move in large packs.

    The way they are summoned is a simple teleportation from the world of void the same way Valkyarc goes in and out of the portals.

    Now, some of the main features about them are their scales, which are made of the same material as Valkyarc’s armor so it has the same diamagnetic ability. Special abilities are almost the same as Valkyarc’s, except for being able to open dimensional shifts. Most of the time they can breathe the same type of fire and also create illusions of themselves.

    Picture of a Rift Seeker


    Inside his helmet around the back of his neck are three flexible strings of metal that are surgically placed inside the top of his spine. Each string controls his mind and power. Basically, they are “limiters”. When one string is pulled, he takes a new form and changes in personality. The expression of the helmet’s face may also change.

    Form 1 – The form he is in at all times with all the abilities already mentioned. No strings have been taken out.

    Form 2 – This form begins when the first string is disconnected. His form changes into a much more intimidating armor with hundreds of small and large spikes. He also becomes more aggressive with his strategies and has increased speed.

    Form 3 – Once the second string is removed, Valkyarc’s true personality begins to surface.

    Simply put, he’s a nihilistic lunatic who simply loves chaos, conflict, and torture. Getting him excited is not recommended. The formation of his armor also changes into something much different then before.

    The armor’s skin shapes into thousands of inward holes next to each other that aren’t very deep, but it creates a round scale-like appearance. His helmet also takes a dragon-like shape with spikes shaping at the side of his helmet like ears. This time his speed and strength increase. The other addition to this armor is how the ears pick up powerful vibrations in which give him precognitive senses.

    Form 4 – With the third and final string extracted, Valkyarc becomes an entirely new being. Of course this one form has never truly been seen or at least survived to tell about it, but the one thing known is that he switches the two layers of armor from black to white. Twice has this happened before and both times left catastrophic damage to both the earth and whatever enemy was in the way.

    In the world of Hephaestians, Valkyarc’s birth was one of the most bizarre ever recorded in their history.

    For a Hephaestian woman the average amount of time for a pregnancy to finish is about six months. It took a full year before Valkyarc could be born. In fact, with such a strange anomaly, this birth killed his mother from the amount of energy Valkyarc emitted. It was too powerful for her to contain.

    Even weirder, Valkyarc was already born with his ability of creating black clouds that same night and accidentally slipped into the other dimension. A minute later, he was brought back by a large black figure no one could make out.

    The priest who had come by to witness this odd birth took this has as a very powerful omen and instead of giving him to another family, he was abandoned out in the desert with nothing but a blanket. For days he was left out in the desert to survive on his own, this child crying until he could cry no longer.

    On the sixth day since he was discarded, an old woman with her family who were moving to the nearby city found Valkyarc nearly completely covered in the grey sand; he was on the edge of death. Quickly, they brought him food and water as soon as they could and slowly revived him.

    In the next few days, the family passed through Valkyarc’s hometown without knowing he had been exiled, so they decided to settle down there for the child’s sake. From then on Valkyarc would live in his own village without their knowledge. The family took him in as their own son and named him Vaulk.

    Throughout his childhood, he was without a doubt the abnormal Hephaestian of them all. Constantly would Valkyarc be playing with invisible creatures no one could see and some times disappear altogether before reappearing a few minutes later. And of course he developed his other abilities early on as obvious as it was. He became very useful for the family with certain chores and needs. And even though weird, he actually grew up quite normally like any other child would. Eventually, things began to go downhill when he was reaching the age of sixteen. An age where a Hephaestian’s third eye would finally open after sitting dormant for so long and must be removed before the power the third eye consumes and weakens the body.

    With the day of eye-surgery approaching, the family was having troubles finding something to transport the third eye into. Nothing seemed compatible with his third eye or energy signature. Desperation stirred from the family as they feared he might need to lose the eye entirely. It was that fear that drove Valkyarc away from his family and home in knowing that he may cause them despair. He fled into the desert once again and disappeared without anybody seeing him.

    On the day of the official eye-surgery, the family had failed to find him and was losing all hope. Valkyarc had gone so far into the desert that it seemed impossible for him to survive without any food or water. Finally, in the moment of his third eye’s birth he began going through an immense pain that soared throughout his body from the increase in power. It burned and seared with his insides crackling like lightning ripping through each limb with the electric currents branching out into new limbs of constant torture. The amount of pain that was going through Valkyarc’s body was greater then the thousands of years the Hephaestians had stopped it from happening and the power only became stronger with each passing moment. It wasn’t until this young Hephaestian sensed the presence of another greater being than himself did he stop to realize what it was.

    High in the sky black clouds began to assemble directly above his squirming body and roared out a powerful wind, booming across miles of the heavens like nothing anyone had ever seen. It was then while the clouds started to throw rain down throughout the desert did another roar echo throughout the world, but it was not from another gust of wind. No, this roar screamed and growled ferociously as the sky cracked just a little from its sheer power. The stars flickered and faded only to light up again. It wasn’t long until what was making such a blaring baying revealed itself to this alien world.

    Head nearly as large as a two-story house with a body just as almost thick, this colossal sized black dragon forced itself out of the black clouds like a child ripping itself from the womb, its small four-clawed arms scratching through the air as the rest of its body didn’t seem to have an end. It took a good five minutes before the spiked tail reaped itself from the clouds and with the entire dragon free from its dimensional imprisonment it descended upon Valkyarc’s flopping body like a grizzly excited to find a fish out of water.

    Floating downwards as gracefully as it could, the dragon stopped closely above the boy and stared down upon him worryingly as a father would to his son.

    “Hephaestian, do you know why I’ve come to know?” The dragon spoke, its voice just as deep as its roar. Still in pain, however, Valkyarc could only listen to the beast’s words trying to endure the power inside him. “Yes, I’ve seen this happen thousands of times before when your race did not know how to deal with the power of the eye, but you’re different. You cannot control it just yet, but I sense a change in your future that will result to great power which is why I’ve come to you today.” Valkyarc was having a difficult time processing what the dragon said with the pain only getting worse at the same time. Slowly, with enough willpower he began to lift his arm upwards towards the black dragon and reach for him as a plea for help.
    “Who are you?” Valkyarc screamed.
    “I am Ancalagon. A great dragon of a realm you cannot comprehend, but for you I shall give you my body to use at your own risk,” Ancalagon said, continuing to say, “If you wish to survive in this world I will give you the material you need for your eye to live. In return, you will allow our souls to combine into one so I can escape my prison and flee into new worlds. I no longer wish to sit around watching time go by while he laughs at me.” Listening more carefully at the dragon’s words, Valkyarc considered them well though he felt that he had no choice.
    “Yes! I submit!” He screamed out without another thought.

    With another great roar, the dragon god leapt down towards Valkyarc and crashed into the sand with his mouth open wide enough as to not harm the boy.

    Slowly, Ancalagon’s body began to evaporate into a black mist until there was nothing left but the bone When the mist cleared, Ancalagon’s soul illuminated and forced itself upon Valkyarc’s soul, the two souls attacking each other until they latched onto one another and became one. Soon after, Valkyarc’s third eye was carefully taken out and placed inside the dragon’s skull. Valkyarc blacked out a minute later.

    Valkyarc woke days later to find himself still inside the jaws of the dragon’s skull as the rest of its body had mysteriously disappeared. He leaned over and then pushed himself off his hands and knees, beginning to stand up and awaken from the sleepiness he felt. Eventually he remembered what had happened last night and smiled, looking over in the direction of his village. He was starting to realize his fate.


    Fast-forwarding into present day, Valkyarc had gone through many centuries establishing himself as a myth in the legends of many religions or beliefs. He had destroyed cities, civilizations, but he felt his fate had not been reached. It was not until he met and fought a man who went by the name Anomaly did he find himself both challenged and impressed. From then on he decided to alliance himself with Anomaly and eventually become the Pillar of Dimension. Now, he watches new worlds awaiting for the signs of value.

  10. #10
    This is my sin... Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List Lucid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Silent Hill
    Name: Lucid
    Age: Unknown (Appears to be about 17)
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human/Demon
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 138 lbs
    Build: Slight, agile

    Theme: MUCC - Isho

    Detailed Description
    Because of the demonic soul inside of him, Lucid continues to have the ageless appearance of a young man. He has fairly normal light-colored skin, and medium to short medium brown hair which is longer on the sides and shorter in the back. His eyes are gray-green when his human side is in control of his body, and red while the demon is in control. He's often described as having a pretty face, but despises anyone who tells him this.

    He usually wears a long, floor-length light gray duster over a sleeveless, black turtleneck shirt, black leather pants and shoes. He wears two leather belts around his waist beneath his coat which holds both of his katars. He also wears black fingerless gloves that come up to about the middle of his forearm, and two wide silver bangles on each wrist.

    Having to share his body with a demon was something that Lucid wasn't really prepared for, but was finally able to accept it. While one soul is in control of his body, the other soul can experience the same things as the other, but cannot do anything except speak to the mind of the other soul, which can sometimes be bothersome, especially when it appears as though he's talking to himself.

    Because of what had happened to him in the past, Lucid is usually soft spoken and reserved. He dislikes being touched and has a hard time trusting people, usually spending most of his time alone, communicating with the spirits. The demon soul inside of him gives him a boost in his mind power and physical strength, but despite the boost, he still has a weakness in physical combat, but he can a rather capable and fierce fighter when cornered. For the most part, he usually appears to be quite prudent and passive, but no one really knows what's going on inside of his twisted and sadistic mind.

    When Kraai takes control of Lucid's body, he becomes more outgoing and aggressive, but also a bit outspoken and sarcastic, since he resents only having limited control over his new body. The demon side also projects the feelings that Lucid keeps deep inside, inflicting pain on others and enjoying watching as they suffer. It is this way that Lucid obtains the intense satisfaction of being the one in control, a feeling that he so desires in order to ease his own pain.

    Lucid was born possessing strange psychokinetic powers, and was often seen talking to invisible creatures from the spiritual plane. His strange powers were considered a danger and seemed to put much strain on his family, but they still treated him as he were normal. He was just a child when he watched his parents die in a strange fire. He locked the event from his memory, but the incident had such an impact on him that he became withdrawn and refused to speak. Having no other known relatives to take them in, he and his older sister were sent to the state orphanage. Despite being an extremely intelligent child, his silence caused him to become somewhat of an outcast in the orphanage and he quickly became the target of harassment by other children who thought him to be weird. Lucid often attempted to defend himself, but his inability to control his powers resulted in him accidentally hurting other children. His sister was the only one who accepted his strange abilities and protected him from the cruel teasing and bullying so that he wouldn't harm himself or others with his powers.

    After several years, a man named Edwin appeared at the orphange claiming to be their uncle and took them to live with him at his estate. As the head of a research lab, Edwin was interested in Lucid's abilities and wanted to learn more about them. Edwin was kind and loving at first, treating them as they were his own children, but as time wore on, he begin to grow impatient with Lucid's silence and began to abuse him. Lucid soon began to fear his uncle and could only depend on his sister to protect and comfort him, but when she mysteriously disappeared, he found himself all alone. With his sister no longer there to protect him from his uncle's cruelty, he was imprisoned in the lab where he endured years of experimentation and torture at the hands of Edwin and his staff who wanted only to access his supernatural powers.

    Attempting to escape was futile and always resulted in a beating or some other severe form of punishment which left Lucid in an extremely weakened and emotionally damaged state. The abuse caused him to harbor intense feelings of hatred, wanting to make the people who hurt him suffer for what they did, but being weakened by drugs and painful experimentation made it something that he could only imagine in his mind. It was during this time that Lucid found another form of escape by entering the dream world. In this state he was always in control, but he also knew it wasn't real. From this state he cold also reach the astral world and seperate from his physical body to temporarily escape the lab. It was this practice that helped him gain control over his powers, and was also how he met the demon Kraai.

    Kraai had been trapped within the astral world in the form of a crow, and his only chance of escape was to find a willing mortal to become a host for his soul. Kraai made a deal to help Lucid, but he had to let the demon occupy and use his body. For Lucid, it was a small price to pay in order to finally get his revenge. For Kraai, it was just a way for him to escape his eternal imprisonment, but as his soul entwined with Lucid's, he began to feel sympathetic towards the boy. He was able to see things within Lucid's soul which Lucid had forced himself to forget.

    With Kraai's help, Lucid was finally able to escape his cell and kill all those who had hurt him. He then confronted Edwin where it was revealed to him that the man was not his uncle at all, and that he had been responsible for his sister's disappearance. Lucid then killed Edwin and set the lab on fire, but it was a hollow victory for him since he was unable to protect his sister in the end.

    After fleeing from the lab, Kraai took Lucid to a safe place where he could recover from his ordeal and further train his mind and body in order to become stronger and protect himself and others.

    Twin Scissor Katars - Special katars made more for slashing than punching, but still just as effective. It has a mechanism which makes the blades split apart, causing more damage, especially if the blade is still in the opponent's body at the time it opens. They are made from a special type of metal that cannot be broken or melted, and are able to absorb other psychokinetic energy that he can use to increase the power of the blades.

    Arcane Duster - A long, lightweight coat made from a special type of magical cloth which gives him some resistances to elemental and shadow spells.

    Silver Bangles - Silver bangles which belonged to his sister and were imbued with spiritual magic in order for him to channel his powers more efficiently.

    Passive Abilities
    Mental Sensing - Gives him the ability to sense the presence and location of an opponent if in total darkness, blinded by a spell, or if they are invisible. This ability also gives him the advantage of being able to see through an opponent's illusion.

    Mental Strength - Gives him a high resistance to an other psychokinetic/mind magic such as Mind Control, Telepathy, Mind Break, Fear, etc.

    Telekinesis - Able to lift, move, bend or break objects 10 times larger and heavier than himself.

    Telepathy - The ability to read the minds of people with weak minds or weak mental blocking. This ability can also give him a few seconds of foresight in which to avoid an opponent's attack.

    Mind Control - The ability to control the reasoning or actions of people with weak minds or weak mental blocking.

    Teleportation - The ability to move from one place to another instantly. The process, however, uses a large amount of energy and is therefore used sparingly.

    Mind Break - A technique used to break the concentration of his opponent, disrupting a spell or attack. By using more force, he can inflict crushing pain to the opponent's head, which can also cause disorientation and confusion.

    Pyrokinesis - An ability in which he can ignite, extinguish and control fires with his mind.

    Cryokinesis - An ability in which he can drop the temperature of an area, create ice and freeze objects with his mind. Can be used defensively or offensively, but the prolonged effects of the offensive spells can cause frostbite and/or hypothermia to an opponent.

    Energy Shield - A swirling vector field of psychokinetic energy surrounds and protects him from an opponent getting too close, the energy cutting into the opponent like blades. This does not protect from magic attacks.

    Illusion - Projects several illusions of Lucid in which to confuse the opponent.

    Tranquility - Able to heal minor wounds or cleanse poison using positive spiritual energy.

    Kraai Only Techniques/Spells
    Rage - When Kraai enters this state, his physical power increases, but his magical power decreases substantially.

    Limit Breaks
    Level 1 - Astral Distortion - Disrupts the area around Lucid and his opponent, causing the astral plane to become crossed with the physical plane, increasing his psychokinetic powers for a short period of time.

    Level 2 - Demon Fire - Combining Kraai's fire magic with his own Pyrokenesis ability, Lucid can unleash a powerful blast of Hellfire at the opponent. This spell also has a chance to inflict a status effect which continues to cause burn damage to the opponent over a short period of time.

    Level 3 - Black Dream - Summoning the full potency of his mental powers, Lucid plunges his opponent into a living nightmare where Kraai is absolute monarch. Private for each of his opponents(running the whole spectrum of the dark reaches of the subconscious), this conflict takes place inside their minds, leaving their bodies frozen temporarily as the hell rages within. It’s possible for these dark dreams to completely consume the opponent, leaving them mindless and in a vegetative state. If an opponent survives this waking journey into the dark depths of their own minds, they will be afflicted with the status effects of confusion, fear, and paralysis.

    Level 4 - Asunder - He reaches out using controlled psychokinetic waves of energy and grabs the opponent, attempting to twist their body apart in a most violent and painful way.

    Devourer - A horribly grotesque and fearsome monster that feeds on the energy of living beings. It's form is often based on the vision of it's summoner, but usually has many long, tentacles which reach out and grab onto the victim, crushing them as their energy is drained.

    White Maiden - A spirit of protection which shields Lucid from all forms of attack for a few seconds. It's often speculated that this is the spirit of his sister continuing to protect him from the Other Side.
    Last edited by Lucid; 08-29-2007 at 02:41 PM.

  11. #11
    Aun Chori

    Pillar of Nature


    165 cm

    62 kg

    General Description
    Aun is a small sized, slim girl. Her skin is tan and she's rather flat, the opposite to other girls her age. Her deep brown eyes are placed on her round, tanned, cute face, watching all around with curiosity. Her long, shiny, black hair is usually collected into two cute pigtails each side of her head and decorated with adorable decorations. Her hair is her pride; she finds it to be the most attractive part of her. Her idea of beauty is a blue-eyed, blond girl with a sexy body. She sees herself as not pretty, always comparing herself to popular American beauties.

    Aun has a very interesting taste in clothes. Usually she wears something fashionable (and cute of course), likes skirts, hats and jewelry. The girl likes the cute style, keeping on a childish profile. She doesn't see herself as an adult, that's why she refuses to act and dress like one.

    You can find Aun sleeping with cute stuffed animals and wearing clothes covered with popular animated characters. She likes lively colors, green is her favorite. The girl doesn't use make-up cause she doesn't like how it feels on her skin. Her clothes are often made by Aun herself. She liked to sew and is pretty good at it. Her dream is to become a famous clothes designer.

    Aun's favorite outfit is a light, poison green coat fashioned of a light material. The coat is folded back at the sleeves, and the shoulders are covered with a second cloth covering, which flows from the base of the neck down to the chest, split down the center, and is fastened together at the neck with a dark green button. The edges of the coat are lined with lacing. Tight brown pants adorn her legs. Knee high, poison green boots with a thin strip of brown felt leading from the top lining of the boot down to the center of the toe, divides the boots into even halves.

    Aun was always a curious child and frequently got into trouble because of her will to explore. She's hyper and bubbly, talking almost all the time. The words "Cute", "Like", "Cool", "Nyaf" and etc are often used in her speech. She likes to find new friends, conquering them with her free, careless laugh and friendly behavior.

    Aun is still a child at heart. She adores cute things, lively colors, fashion, popular TV and music related stars, stuffed animals and jewelry. You can describe her as an average teenager that prefers hanging out to studying to exams. She is kind of spoiled and can be selfish sometimes, but can be serious and responsible when it is needed.

    She's not very brave by her nature and tends to be a maiden in distress but you can't call her lazy. Aun doesn't like to fight, but doesn't hesitate to jump into a battle when her friends are in danger.

    Lollipop Transformer-It's a huge, spiral shaped, pink lollipop with a bright stick. It may look heavy but the slim girl carries it around freely as if it was no bigger then its original size. The bizarre weapon can be used in a few ways according to the wish of its no less weird owner. In its full form it can be used as a large hammer to smash the enemy.

    When the lollipop is taken apart it reveals to be a shield and a sword.

    Lighton-The unleashed sword is rather thin and shiny which causes you to think it isn't used much. Yet to underestimate the blade will be discovered later as a big mistake. The crystal clear sword cuts trough flesh and steel as through butter. The toy like blade enchanted by the essence of the lightning allows Aun to use it from distance as well.

    The pink swirled shield can be used in three different states which change its form and properties:
    Earth's Guardian- There is no better protection then a gravity shield that deflects direct physical/energy attacks away from its keeper.

    Fire's Tongue- The round shape can be unwrapped by Aun in a blink of the eye into a long fire enchanted whip.

    Wind's Touch- When it’s used like a discus, which can be rolled and thrown at the enemy the essence of the weapon changes into wind. Its movement is faster then a thought, and can return to cause more damage.

    Honey- Aun's skin is capable of producing a sticky substance that acts like extremely strong glue. It smells like honey and looks like it as well. Aun can use her power for offensive and defensive purposes; from throwing large amounts of the substance on the foe, to using its sticky structure for climbing walls.

    Aun's body is a chemical factory. The amount, the shape, the thickness and the color of the honey is influenced by what Aun ate before. The sweeter the food she eats, the better quality of the clay. Therefore Aun eats a lot of sweets and sugary food, a fact that makes the girl happy (another effect of it is her hyperness).

    Once it comes in contact with a victim the honey wraps around them. The more the captured victim struggles, the less chance he/she has to get free. After sometime the glue hardens and turns into a cement like, orange material. Of course Aun is able to control the state of the glue: liquid, half liquid, half hard or hard.

    Rust- Aun possesses the mutant ability to cause metal to quickly rust, allowing her to corrode most metallic substances. All she needs to is for the metal to come in contact with the skin of any part of her body. Aun can control how fast the metal corrodes. This ability has saved her life many times, when she was targeted for assassination by her rivals. Recently, Aun has discovered that she can use her powers by only looking on the object and concentrating.
    She can also reverse the process, actually creating metallic object from metallic dust. This gives her the ability to reshape metallic objects. This ability also means that she can sense metal in all forms when it is close by.

    Vertigo- Vertigo is a kind of telepathic ability that affects the organs of its victims. Unlike normal telepathy, that targets the insubstantial mind; her power aims to disrupt the physical materials of the victim. A clearer explanation is that Aun is an individual who possesses the supernatural power to project waves of psionic energy around her, which affects the nervous systems of other living beings, distorting their physical perceptions. In simpler words she'll destroy your equilibrium causing you to lose your balance, cause headaches and dizziness, and in some cases force auto vomit.

    This power induces effects ranging from mild disorientation and to unconsciousness. Aun can use her special abilities softly, weakening the opponent slowly till he’s unable to fight back or she can bring her full power to bear all in one go. She is able to focus her power perfectly on one or more individuals or project it outward from herself in all directions, affecting everyone within her range of influence (the limit of which is ill defined at best).

    Hawk Eye- Another ability she discovered a long time ago is keen sight. Aun's eyes are sharper then hawk’s eyes and she is able to see much further then any human or animal is able to. It’ll be wrong to say that Aun possesses x-ray sight though. She can’t see beyond any obstacle, like say, a wall or a thick cloud. But she will be able to see a fly sitting on someone’s shoulder a few streets away. Also Aun is able to focus her super sight at small distant objects as if she were a microscope.

    Summons-(some of them)(As Pillar of Nature Aun is able to summon a variety of animals and plants)
    Kitos Swarm- An enormous swarm of rainbow winged mosquito will surround the foe, blocking his eyesight as it seeks for the enemy's blood. Each smashed insect will split into two identical copies that will duplicate themselves and then the copies duplicate themselves again and again. Wave after wave they come on the unfortunate foe to distract and steal away their blood.

    Royal Doves- A large flock of extremely cute snow white birds find interest in chaotically flying above the enemy's head and drop their excrements all over him. The half liquid, brown substance's foul odor overwhelms foe's senses for a while. As it comes in physical contact with him it penetrates though the opponent's skin, causing great pain as purulent wounds grow up on his body.

    Break lvl 1
    When Aun feels offended she won't keep it inside as if nothing happened. Copying little kid's reaction Aun will shed tears in voice. As she continues to cry a dark storms develops around Aun's thin figure. The freezing winds are blowing violently in time acid rain drops heavily, melting the ground. With time the uncontrollable nature's rage is growing larger and wilder till it reach its peak and ends in form of an enormous explosion in radius 10 meter around the girl.

    Break lvl 2
    Fan girl-
    When Aun sees something she finds to be extremely cool her first natural reaction is to admire the object. A few seconds later she feels an unstoppable need to own or to get a piece from the unfortunate object she chose. Usually it followed by screams and sparkling eyes which gives you the creeps if you are around to see the pure incarnation of the fan girl effect. The phenomenon leaves Aun blind to her surroundings and enables her to move faster then the eye can see. No more she can control her actions and thoughts. In her euphoria Aun crashes everything on her way as she reaches out for whatever she desires for. She cannot be hurt by any attack of the opponent, mental or physical. This lasts about 180 seconds.

    Aun doesn’t remember much about her childhood. She'll never know that unlike the majority of the population she never had a family. The child's birth was caused by chain of unpredicted events in Sergio's little experiments with DNA. The first memories she ever had were of big, cold laboratory and many unpleasant tests she had to pass through. Until her value was proven the little girl was treated as a cheap object. She saw no sentiments in those who surrounded her, no sighs of affection.
    Sergio was a mad scientist who sought for absolute power. He decided to reshape the existing world to his tastes and to take the role of ruler over it. Aun's creation was one of the finest results he ever was able to reach.

    Unlike many others who came out as defected, primitive forms of life, she and a few others were chosen by Sergio, the owner of the lands and high ranks.

    Brainwashed and trained to develop her powers, the girl learned to serve her lord without asking, blindly obeying. Despite of her young age, Sergio found a high interest in her unique abilities, deciding to keep the girl as a useful tool. He gave her the name Aun Chori, taking instead all her feelings and memories. That’s the way she was grown up, to exist as a high ranked slave of her master. The cruel man turned her into one of his soldiers whose sole purpose was to destroy the rebels groups which stood up against Sergio from time to time.

    Aun remained without any past and her future was to stay a tool in Sergio’s hands. Yet the unexpected happened. At one of the many missions she was sent to, something changed her point of view, opened her eyes to what she was doing. After the massacre in one of the rebelling bases, when the young woman saw so many innocents dying and tasted the warm blood, she realized that it was wrong. She tried to hide some of the surviving children but they were found and killed against her eyes.

    Claiming her as a traitor, the rest of the attackers turned up against the fragile woman. They saw no much use for her; she was a weak zombified tool in their eyes. In contrast to Aun they really enjoyed the violence in their action, excited by smell of despair and blood. She was shot from behind and was left to die in the darkness. Still alive, the girl somehow found the strength to crawl away. She wanted to live, scared and bleeding while her consciousness was ebbing away.

    When she opened her eyes she found herself in a bed, treated by rebel survivors who mistook her for one of them. She stayed with them, slowly achieving back her humanity. They were nice and kind to her, something she never knew before. Grateful, the woman tried to help them her best in rebuilding their ruined homes. But they were weak and small in numbers. All of them were slaughtered in the coming battles by Sergio’s army, leaving escape as the only choice left for Aun.

    Aun was mentally reborn, regaining her basic human feelings - sorrow, curiosity, and empathy, as well as the feeling of hate, hate towards those who betrayed her and used her for years. She's still learning about her new feelings, discovering her true inner self slowly. She loves to explore and to learn new things to compensate for all the things that Sergio took from her.
    Last edited by Nekoness; 08-17-2007 at 04:54 AM.

  12. #12
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List Nin`'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    38°56'11.65" N

    • Name: Nin`
    • Alias: Lucifer.
    • Sobriquets: Sodomizer of Faith; Berserker of Doom; Infernal Diatribe.
    • Gender: Unknown, but is male while in human form.
    • Age: Unknown; though appears around twenty whilst in human form.
    • Height: 6’1” (Human form); 9’1” (Kaiju form)
    • Weight: 245 lbs. (Human form); 700 lbs. (Kaiju form)
    • Eyes: Black sclera and pupils, with crimson irises (Human form); Blood red/glowing saffron (Kaiju form)
    • Hair: Black/dark brown (Human form only)
    • Flesh tone: Pale (Human form); black and white (Kaiju form)
    • Species: Kaiju-human (otherwise unknown)
    • Form(s): Human (first form); Kaiju - demonic/draconic humanoid - (second form)
    • Mach speed: Transonic: 0.8 < Ma < 1.2 (levitational flight)
    • Allies: The Brotherhood of Doom.
    • Adversaries: Religion; various Governments; the Masters.
    • Biological classification: Although technically human male, it would be more accurate in some instances (particularly the Kaiju form) to refer to Nin` as ‘it’ rather then ‘he’ or ‘him’ (but according to taste while ‘human’).

    Nin` first form.
    Nin` second form (about to attack with venom cannon).


    Appearance: Nin`, in his present existence, is the incarnation of a darkness which he was once created to be; a darkness he once was. To this day the darkness of ‘his’ past still forms a very intricate part of who and what Nin` is. The original ‘essence’ of Nin`, discovered in the formation of enigmatic matter of unknown origin, and with even stranger properties, was taken and interwoven with human genetics almost immediately upon its discovery in the hopes of developing a breakthrough in human evolution and aid in the advancement of eugenic programmes. As a resulting plethora of experimentation and cloning, Nin` was finally born, or rather ‘reincarnated’, into a new and human male biological form. As a human male Nin` grew quickly reaching full adult maturity in only three years prior to his ‘birth’, and becoming vastly renowned even more rapidly for his consummate skill and unearthly grace; but he was also feared and despised by many for his mixed and unknown lineage. His physical appearance consists of medium-length red-brownish hair passing just below his sharp blue eyes, and with clear ivory skin. His beauty in this form is considered by many to be mesmerizing, usually wooing women unintentionally and sometimes even making men flustered. His attire changes from time to time depending on his situation, but usually consists of black and crimson raiment’s, boots, a pair of Kevlar arm bracers, and often with a cloak. Based on Nin`s true origins ‘he’ can transform into a second, and even more powerful form. In ‘its’ true form, Nin` is a demonic, vaguely humanoid-looking monster with blood red eyes (except when it is launching an attack where they become saffron hued), and covered in a skeletal-looking armour. From the back of its head are swept back horns forming a type of crest (perdu when Nin` is in a certain type of attack phrase, where parts of its physiology may transmogrify), and three large, bony armoured plates running down its back. Nin` also has a long, whip like, forked tail; and on its shoulders a pair of bony protrusions each resembling skulls with each one also possessing blood red eyes.


    Ka`tallasith: A single sword, ranging six feet in length with the power to flay the souls of those it strikes - containing the bound essences of the lost Chaos deities, the A’gathu (powerful writhing warp entities capable of rending reality apart). This distinguished blade was originally pre-forged, in the gathered and devoured masses of planets and stars, from an aggregation within the depths of a black hole - over thousands of millennia; from where a much smaller part of the aggregation had somehow evaded and escaped the sheer crushing force of the singularity (perhaps due to bizarre quantum effects; it is unknown), but was still compressed to unimaginable degrees of potency (see Weapon abilities; quantum triggering; infra, for more details). After the escaping the black hole (most likely due to strange quantum perturbations in the event horizon) this strange aggregated mass was latter discovered by Nin`, thousands of years later - after a meteorite had collided with a small and blue planet known as Earth. It was here that Nin` forged and tempered the strange mass and created a fine sword, which he later imbued with his own DNA making the sword, quite literally, an extended body part, or limb, of himself and equally as controllable. He then completely reinforced the blade with aggregated diamond nanorods, carbon-polymer nanofibres and advanced thermal and cryogenic processing techniques in order to enhance the uniformity and strength of the blade to devastating effect. The toughness of the blade is widely thought (with good reason) to be unparalleled and rivalled by little, if nothing, else. Ka`tallasith also has a precision laser-crafted edge, making it easily one of the most trenchant and acute cuttings ever known. Given enough force, the blade could rip swiftly through an armoured tank with relative ease. Since Ka`tallasith is an intricate part of Nin`, it may not be used nor possessed by anyone, or thing, accept Nin`. Once Nin` transforms, Ka`tallasith fades away from 'reality' until it is again needed.

    Lightning Claw (first form only): A custom-fitted glove of tempered steel named Mortalis, which greatly resemble a smaller version of the claws from Nin`s Kaiju form. Its design is dressed with five razor-sharp points - one for each finger. The claw is accompanied with blueish-colored bolts of electricity that spark randomly, which adds to the claws attack as a small lightning strike. Nin` wears this on his left hand.

    Additional equipment

    Shard of Chronos; also known as: Old One Eye: The Shard of Chronos is worn as a necklace by Nin`, tightly hugging around his neck. Its an arcane and ancient shard of crystallised flesh, which was once apart of Nin`s original form before its destruction. It was one of the few parts of Nin` that managed to survive; as Nin`s body was torn apart one of its eyes were absorbed into warp space rather then being incinerated. Over the next two billion years the shard was swept across the endless tides of the warp like a pebble caught in an ocean current - slowly ingurgitating upon the infinite warp energies as it did so. After Nin`s resurrection this shard was naturally drawn to ‘his’ presence, via Nin`s powerful psychic link between all of ‘its’ individual parts, and where it once more came into ‘his’ possession; it was unable to reintegrate itself into Nin`s biological matrix as a result of becoming crystallised in the warp. The Shard of Chronos has three abilities (listed infra), which Nin` may harness to its own aegis. The name Chronos comes from one the A’gathu, a demonic deity conceived from the warp. Chronos emerged from the warp during the primordial Chaos – the quantum flux at the beginning of space-time - with the power of change, sorcery, Machiavellian scheming and subtle manipulation; all of which Nin` “inherited” when he smashed down the Tapestries of Time, and devoured the arch-demon after an epic conflict.

    Shard of Chronos abilities

    • Utilizing the warp; allowing Nin` to psionically reach into an infinite well of energy, harnessing and controlling raw powers of warp space to use to his/its advantage. This is important to some of Nin`s abilities, such as Shadow Strom and catalysis.
    • Psychic Barrier (first form only). Permits Nin` to cocoon himself in a localized shell of compressed warp energy. This renders Nin` almost completely invulnerable to all supernatural based attacks for one turn. This ability may only be used once every three turns.
    • Dark Tapestries. An effect that can twist the fabric of localized space-time around itself. Anything which is propelled directly at Nin`s torso in close combat (i.e swords, axes, spears, daggers, etcetera) is sent flying back in the same direction to the attacker as it makes contact with Nin`s torso. A weapons mass and momentum twists and distorts in relative locality of space-time with its own reality, bending and twisting the weapons reality to such a degree, as it gets closer to Nin`s torso, that it becomes completely and relatively anisotropic upon touching him, where it is then sent propelling (often unexpectedly) straight back at the attacker. This effect works only when an attack (excluding spells) is directed towards Nin`s back and torso in general.

    Death Mask (first form only): A mirrored mask made out of Kevlar, with perfect specular reflection. The mask itself was forged in the void of warp space and has a basic humanoid faced shape to it, with no appearance of its own. It protects any wearer’s perception against the supernatural effects of relative space-time manipulation (space-time spells/abilities which would effect the wearers sight directly) and psychic based attacks. Direct psychic based attacks on Nin`s mind and physical being are distorted and reflected directly back to their source/point of origin. If a psychic attack consists of energy or manipulation based projectiles (such as firing a blast of energy or lifting huge rocks to throw) then it is not reflected by the mask. The mask may take on the appearance of anything it reflects.


    Mesh armour (first form): Nin`s armour is formed of tens of thousands of individual pieces of thermoplas interwoven to produce a dense and flexible material rather like reptile scales or archaic chain mail. When struck the mesh becomes momentarily rigid, spreading the impact across a larger area. The thermoplas material disperses heat rapidly, which then absorbs the majority of energy inflicted, providing Nin` with good protection against energy based strikes/assaults.

    Cloak of Shadows: While human Nin` may wear a long cloak, black as pitch and darker then the darkest night. As the name suggests the cloak is a manifestation of pure darkness, resembling fire and created from the shadow of Nin`s psionic mind. It offers Nin` reasonable protection against sprit/holy based spells and attacks and also allows him to fade quickly and swiftly from sight and reality, becoming one with the shadows around him from, which he may also use as an extra dimension in space-time to move across vast distances over a short time period - analogous to a traversable wormhole in space-time. The cloak flares around and behind him like wild fire when he is moving, especially with haste. When Nin` enters its second form the cloak is absorbed, becoming a physical part of Nin`s body.

    Exoskeletal carapace (second form): In Nin`s second form its armour is based primarily around its remarkably tough exoskeleton, supported by an equally tenacious mass of muscle and sinew. Nin`s tough external chitin shells, combined with the beasts internally dense silicate-rich skeleton, provides it with excellent protection from both energy and projectile based strikes. Nin`s outer carapace is integrally amalgamated with internal cysts containing of a viscose organic liquid with astounding thermal capacity, allowing Nin` to absorb and disperse most conflagration based attacks, and heat from the surrounding atmosphere/environment. It is likely that Nin`s powerfully resistant, and embolus defence to fire evolved as a result of plummeting into the radiation pits on Sol Tarsis.

    Weaknesses and flaws

    In human form, Nin` is a lot more physically venerable, and susceptible to pain then 'he' is in 'its' Kaiju form. Apropos, Nin` may biologically suffer (from its own design) psychologically inherited and instinctive flaws, such as love or despair. While in its Kaiju form, Nin`s weaknesses are still generally unknown, but it can become venerable when it is overpowered, or is concentrating on its psychokinetic abilities. Also, due to the high-energy consumption rates of some abilities, and the time required to replenish those energies, some moves may only be used once every three/four turns.

    Power and abilities

    Transformation summary: Nin` can transform into a second, more powerful form - becoming arguably one of the most daunting adversaries to exist. As a Kaiju, Nin` is swift, agile, and devastatingly strong, and a very capable opponent in hand-to-hand combat. Apropos, Nin`s armoured body is both incredibly dense and energy absorbent – a combination which has allows it to withstand basic fusillade and incendiary based attacks at point-blank range with very little effect. Finally, and perhaps Nin`s greatest proficiency, is its ability to consciously control, and design, every cell in its biological matrix. This was evidently apparent in the black crusades, and during the interstellar exodus when Nin` fought the legendary demon-hunter, Magnus Calagar across the radiation pits of Sol Tarsis, where, after almost being incinerated, Nin` was able to regenerate itself and consciously adapt its own biology with counter measures against the searing heat and radioactive decay.

    Weapon abilities:

    Swordsmanship: Nin` can skilfully wield single or multi-bladed weapons, while combining them with his psionic based attacks. He can perform complex and difficult manoeuvres while human, stringing together combinations for even greater, often lethal damage. When Nin enters its second form it becomes more of a living battering ram of bone, muscle and sinew rather then a warrior in close combat situations.

    Plasma Blade: Nin` supercharges Ka`tallasith as the blade powers up. By drawing energy from the seething rich quantum foam of space-time Nin` can unleash a burning attack made up completely of plasma, into a wave, and in any dimensional direction.

    Psychic Scream: Pure dread would be a good way to sum up this effect. Ka`tallasith posses the unnatural the power to flay the souls of those it has slain, devouring them of their identity bit by bit until nothing but a corpse of accumulated dust is left remaining. As such, the blade of the sword itself contains the countless unknowns of screaming and writhing souls from various civilizations. Psychic scream is the blades ability to condense the trauma, dread, and torment, of all those it has ever killed into a single (screaming) moment, and to inflict that moment (psychic scream) on the mind of any opponent that the blade strikes. It causes foes to become mentally scared and suffer from mass disorientation, and is capable of generating horror, blinding fear, and even insanity in the weak-minded. The effects may be attenuated or somewhat avoided if the victims mind is sufficiently strong or well protected.

    Quantum Triggering: Ka`tallasith does not always necessarily follow, or obey the laws of normal physics, but instead can break down the laws of reality on the macroscopic scale into quantum state events. The key to this ability is known as quantum triggering, as Nin` can selectively choose when to activate the blades quantum abilities via his conscious connection with the blade itself, and where the comprehensible laws of reality cease to exist – but only within limited proximity to the Ka`tallasith. Given its quantum nature the blade posses self-relative abilities, but only at Nin`s will can they be activated. Such as:

    Quantum Triggers

    • Supercharging, where Ka`tallasith may draw energy from the seething rich foam of quantum interactions and Vacuum energy within the universe. This ability is required to perform plasma blade.
    • Able to rent huge gashes in space-time, revealing the chaotic warp space in-between, and tear through any localized field in space-time reality. This ability is required in order to perform the Shadow Storm ability.
    • One of the blades more perplexing effects where Ka`tallasith (when struck and this trigger is activated) enters a superposition and attacks an opponent simultaneously from two points at the same time; up and down if swung vertically; left and right if swung horizontally. In this quantum state the blade follows two different attack paths (in parallel) at the same time.
    • Ka`tallasith can also form a small, but effective, potent field made up entirely of negative pressure, due to warping the quantum casimir effect. This effect allows Nin` to avoid the gravitational pull of the Dark Banishing ability.

    Physical abilities:

    Body Manipulation (first and second form ability): Due to its superior consciousness and mental integrity, Nin` has full control over every aspect of its physical make-up and anything which may contain any part of its DNA. As a result, Nin` is able to stretch and extend parts of itself, shape-shift, liquefy, and otherwise manipulate its malleable body. This ability also allows Nin` to catalyse its own genetic structure: meaning that it can exert itself, or one of its abilities, more rapidly without requiring as much activation energy to produce the same result. Catalysis generally occurs when Nin` draws energy directly from the warp (hidden and interactive dimensions in the fabric of space-time) via its psychically conscious link with it, and instead of drawing on its own body - providing an alternative pathway for the reaction to occur; thus reducing the activation energy and increasing the reaction rate. This also allows for ‘him’ to transform. Cutaneous diffusion on sacklike simple lungs, with many symbiotic bacteria also allows for adaptation to nearly any atmosphere.

    • Catalysis may reduce any single abilities reuse by one turn. For example: Venom Cannon can only be used once every four turns. But when catalysis is activated that can be reduced to two turns instead of three before it may be used again. When this ability is activated it must target a specific ability to catalyse; only one may be chosen. If it is not used for this purpose then Nin` may also use catalysis for another purpose instead which is to combine its body manipulation technique with its own regeneration abilities (refer: Regeneration; infra). Catalysis itself may only be used once every three turns.

    Scything Claws (second form ability): As a Kaiju, Nin` may use its scything claws for close combat confrontation. Its claws can be either short or long (refer: body manipulation) by extending or retracting them rapidly at will. The reach and sweep of these talons enables Nin` to attack murderously at close quarters, eviscerating most of its victims with a flurry of direct blows. Its claws are powerful and tipped with diamond-hard talons, and are quite capable of crushing plasteel and ripping through most types of armour with their vice-like grip, when given the chance.

    Deathspitter (second form ability): A bio-weaponry ability where Nin` is able to unleash a pestilent swarm of complex multi-creature symbiotes, with a powerful muscle spasm from its mouth. Wherever these highly corrosive maggot-like organisms strike they leave gobbets of volatile fluid splattered across a wide area as they spit out saliva. They are capable of eating through exposed flesh, or melt through armour with equal vigor - breaking it down and pre-digesting it before sucking it back in; repeating this process until either the thing has been completely devoured or the swarm has been killed/removed.

    Venom Cannon (second form ability): A powerful bio-weaponry assault, which fires a fusillade of highly corrosive poison crystals encrusted with a metallic residue within in a single plasmas blast. This ability consists of two attacks rolled into a single assault; the first being a fusillade of corrosive poison crystals, encrusted within a metallic residue (which may disperse in multiple directions as the bio-plasma catapults through the air); and the second which is a huge torrid jet-stream of scalding green bio-plasma. Although this is a very powerful attack it does take time to charge. This ability may only be used once every four turns.

    Tail Slash (second form ability): This ability goes hand in hand with the Life force absorption/bio-extraction ability; so they are basically two parts of the same ability. Nin`s forked tail is a lashing whip, fully capable of writhing and twisting in articulated and fluid motion. Internally it is built up of muscle and sinew, fixed in externally with razor edged bone or chitin, and is aligned with flesh hooks for ripping and tearing out chunks of flesh. In close combat it may either lash out at an opponent, much like a whip, or attempt to impale an opponent like a thrusting spear. If a tail slash ever manages to land a secure hit on an opponent, by grappling or binding them, then the Life force absorption/bio-extraction ability comes into effect.

    Life Force Absorption/Bio-extraction (second form ability): Nin` possesses the ability to drain an enemy's life and bio-mass by stabbing or lashing at its victims with its forked tail - lined with rows of flesh hooks, which are able to grapple to a target. This process allows Nin` to drain organic mass out of the victim from the inside out. It can also increases Nin`s own power and be harnesses for its own use, but the exact amount depends on the victim's power level and how long Nin` can maintain its hold on a target - (whether the grapple takes effect is for the opponent to decide; and if it does take effect then the duration of the ability is also theirs to decide).

    Regeneration (first and second form ability): In rare situations Nin` has an uncanny ability to regenerate from almost any significant assault exerted on it, and is able to regenerate even from the vapour left over from the destruction of small reaming fragments of its own body; which Nin` demonstrated several times during the black crusades. However, if enough power and force is inflicted on Nin`, and it is simply overpowered, then the damage can even exceed Nin`s regenerative powers, and they will begin to fail him for a time. By using catalysis, and after suffering damage from a certain type of attack (energy/elementally based) Nin` may adapt its own biology to that specific attack type, allowing him/it to tolerate and overcome the attack better if used again, when regenerating. This ability may only be used once every three turns.

    Wail of Thrall (second form only). The skeletal mouths of the skull-like protrusions on either side of Nin` shoulders open and may “suck up” any projectile based attack or spell (not including close combat weapons; i.e swords, axes, spears, etcetera). The attack/spell is broken down and crushed by twin vortexes of Beaufort scale forces of up to 1000 km/h, as it is sucked in - rendering it harmless as it is devoured. This ability may only be used one every three turns.

    Psionic/supernatural abilities:

    Psychokinesis (first and second form ability): Enables Nin` to mentally distort and manipulate the nature of certain points in reality, and various material objects with weaker energy fields, or auras; i.e. NPC’s, fauna, foliage and flora. This process requires some deal of concentration on the stronger minded, or harder abilities to perform, and so will inhibit Nin` from moving to any great extent as long as the ability is in effect. Nin` however is very capable of exerting his psychokinetic abilities on the weaker minded, and can maintain reasonable agility and movement while casting some of the more simpler abilities in its psychological arsenal. The source of Nin` psychic abilities stem from its brain which harbours a complex truncated organ deep within the cerebral hemisphere, allowing Nin` to hurl bolts of psychic force and manipulate matter, well as distort space-time.

    Levitation (first and second form ability): Nin`s psychic mind permits it to manipulate almost all types of energy in proximity to its ‘aura’, or (personal) radiating energy field; allowing Nin` to generate a small field of negative pressure and easily overcome the force of gravity. Not only does this permit Nin` to levitate, but also allows it to engage in levitational flight when such action is required.

    Hell’s storm (first form ability): Allows Nin` to fire bolts of concentrated crimson energy, continuously from one of its extended hands in rapid succession. The full result of this attack is a machinegun effect composed of around twenty to thirty individual salvo hyper blasts.

    Psy-blast (second form ability): Allows Nin` to project warp energy in a series of saffron hued optic blasts, like lightning, from both its eyes and the armoured skull-like protrusions on its shoulders. This may only be used once every two turns.

    Dark Banishing (first form ability): Also known as a black hole counter spell. Dark banishing is an excellent technique for breaking up all types of spells and exhausting them completely. This ability may only be used once every three turns.

    Shadow Storm (first form ability): Using Ka`tallasith, Nin` can rip two holes in the fabric of localised space-time – one to each side of his body. After this he sheathes his blade and carries out Shadow Storm. This ability causes the surrounding area to tremble fiercely, and the fabric of reality itself to ‘ripple’. Once the attack is complete, the rift closes. As it consists of warp energy this ability does not follow the normal laws of space-time, and so can bypass magical, or supernatural defences - (this part is for the opponent to decide, and for them to creatively improvise and extemporize upon). This ability may only be used once every four turns.

    Feral Lightning (first form ability): Nin` is able to supercharge, and, if necessary, condensate the sky and manipulate wind patterns. This allows him to create a supercell. Using this severe type of thunderstorm (manipulating it with his psychokinetic ability) Nin` is capable of generating giant, static, bolts of continuous lightning (during a single attack phase) and manipulating these into wild savage beast-like creatures. However, these ‘creatures’ are merely held in reality via a common psychic bond, by Nin`, and are not apart of Nin`; they are phantoms which have only a temporary reality since Nin` must concentrate mentally in order to manifest them, and thus sacrifice degrees of his physical exertion - such as movement or agility. They have no distinct minds of there own and simply fulfil the functions and basic instincts assigned to them when manifested (which is to attack and maim the target). These ‘phantom beasts’ may be killed/dissipated by those whom they attack. This ability may only be used once every three turns.

    Wrath of Perdition (first and second form ability): Nin` forges a singularity of raw demonic force which becomes a column of swirling fire surrounding the victim, as it reaches up openly into the sky. This fire is no ordinary fire, and can nullify water, ice or holy/spirit based defences with relative ease. This ability may only be used once every four turns.

    Wake of Destruction (first form ability): Striking the ground with Ka`tallasith, Nin` can channel some of his own power deep into the earth, summoning a great and infernal wake. What follows is a colossal and burning tidal wave.


    Dawn of the Beast

    Long ago, scattered in the deep past of the galaxy and somewhere in the region of circa four billion years, the Milky Way was a resourcefully rich and fruitful spiral nebulae, teeming with life throughout almost every viable solar system; a million cultures dispersed pseudo-randomly across its great slowly rotating disk. It had taken up until four billion years ago for the galaxy to reach the required state at which intelligent cultures could begin to arise. But once that point of minimal galactic maturity had been reached, theses cultures did not all suddenly appear in unison. It had been a progressive emergence of intelligence, some cultures on worlds where, for one reason or another, the pace of evolutionary change and development was slower then others, or life’s ascendancy subjected to more then the usual quota of catastrophic setbacks.

    It wasn't until around two billion years after life had first arisen that some of these cultures evolved into becoming interstellar races. When that point was reached, most cultures began to rapidly expand deep into the galaxy, with a mean drift rate between one tenth and one hundredth of the speed of light. Some space faring races were even able to travel across vast expanses of space-time in just a few weeks when technologically advanced cultures discovered that the universe was a mixture of different dimensions interacting with each other; thus leading to the discovery of warp space. And with the galaxy being virtually unrestricted, any of these technologically advanced cultures could have swiftly dominated the entire galaxy in only a few tens of millions of years. And maybe if it had happened like that then a neatly imperialistic domination by one superpower would have arisen, making the galaxy a vastly different place from what it is today. But instead it was chaos, war and apocalyptic conflict that ensued and, which soon enough, engulfed the entire galaxy.

    Two civilizations, each well into cultural expansion of the galactic regions - seeking out new territories, planets, metal rich worlds and energy sources - inevitably impacted on the expansion wave of the other. It was here that a sudden burning friction erupted, from where these two swelling empires brushed up against one another, grinding like vast flywheels. Soon, other ascendant cultures were embroiled into the conflict, and eventually several thousand space faring civilizations inescapably fell into the fray. Galactic war slowly, and inexorably spread throughout the galaxy like a destructive plague.

    They had many names for it, but none more relevant, or so meaningful then the Dawn war. A war that had lasted longer then even the evolutionary timescale of the hottest stars. However, it was in the final age of the Dawn war, the black crusades, during the last two thousand years of conflict, that the true horror began.

    A race of vastly intelligent beings on the verge of extinction, known as the Nephilim sought to create a single weapon that would turn the war in their favour and finally bring it to an end. The Nephilim established an elite research group, consisting of some of the most powerful and proficient farseers, technomages and scientists to have ever walked among them, for the sole purpose of creating “the ultimate weapon” – and with great success.

    It was called “Nin`”.

    And it was to be the ultimate, and most devastating creation, then even the Nephilim themselves could even hope to imagine. Nin`s biological design was composed of the combined genetic framework of the greatest and most powerful warriors which the galaxy had ever known; and was also genetically integrated with an arsenal of advanced psionic powers of the Nephilim race; such as psychokinesis and telekinesis. They had designed Nin solely for the purpose of genocide and battle, failing to make it compassionate in the slightest. Nin`s mind was created with the intention of being very basic and simple, and thus easily controllable in nature; a solely instinctive beast with no conscience or rationality of its own, and an insatiable appetence to destroy and devour all in its path. Due to its genetic background, Nin`s powers were superior to all other known beings, even to many legendary figures, or those held in god-like regard.

    For two thousand years, Nin` proved itself again and again; and whenever it was overpowered and physically defeated it would simply regenerate, evolving and adapting each time into a more powerful warrior. It purged the galaxy of almost all life, the Dawn war slowly becoming a epic struggle for survival, as Nin` eradicated entire armies; rent and gorged upon numerous civilizations exhaustively, and devoured worlds whole - setting the galaxy alight in wave after wave of chaos and bloodshed. But something unexpected had started to occur which the Nephilim did not intend. Instead of growing weaker as the Dawn war came to an end, and as cultures, empires and whole civilizations were either wiped out or devoured, Nin` was growing stronger. It was evolving, something that they foolishly thought they could both control and contain. A great wave of fear and concern spread throughout the high ranks of the Nephilim, and those who were sensitive enough to sense the growing power of Nin`, and the diminishing control which the Nephilim had over it.

    Slowly and evermore the galaxy grew quieter and forlorn as race after race and civilization after civilization was purged and hunted to the point of extinction. It was quite possible that no culture emerged intact; that none of the players who had entered the Dawn war ever emerged nor rose again.

    Some Nephilim went mad with grief, convinced that Nin` would surely return to devour them too once there were no more battles left to wage or planets to gorge itself on. While others thought that Nin` was a foretold horror of legend, the awakened agent of the cosmological force of entropy itself, and took their own lives in utter despair, not wishing to become a trapped and cursed soul and apart of Nin`. Others attempted to put an end to Nin` before it was too late. A congregation of the most powerful Nephilim, some of whom were responsible for creating Nin`, gathered within the sacred high tower of Gilledian and psychokinetically accessed the warp – a realm and hidden dimension of space-time, filled with swirling and chaotic energy like waves in a raging ocean, but which is also able to achieve vast distances that may take centuries in real space-time but only a matter of weeks in the warp.

    Knowing the beasts own insatiable hunger, the Nephilim sought to trick Nin`, offering up their minds as they telepathically entered into the warp. One by one the most intelligent sentient beings left in the universe were devoured, and as Nin` gorged itself on them its own mind started to evolve; Nin` became rationalizing and vastly intelligent - an awareness that it had never know before consciously dawned on it, but it was to be short lived. As the last of the Nephilim withered away into an endless death that was Nin`, the creature was suddenly all too aware of their plot, but it was too late. Raw and chaotic warp energies fluctuated about Nin`, internally and externally and in an instant the entire region of space was lit up in a blinding white flash for many thousands of miles. A warp explosion, equal to that of an exploding nova, had been erupted within Nin`s mind from the result of an unbalanced rip in the fabric of warp space which the Nephilim had triggered in their demise. The beast didn’t even have time to blink as it was almost completely annihilated... but it was not yet the end of it…

    A very select few of Nin` cells were able to survive the explosion, possibly in someway due to the adapted ability to tolerate extreme degrees of heat which was acquired when Nin` fought against Magnus Calagar, and had been knocked into one of the radiation pits. But only a select few of Nin`s cells had survived, while the rest of it’s body had been completely destroyed. What few cells remained slowly regenerated what they could and one by one clotted back together, since every cell in Nin`s matrix was psychically, and thus consciously connected through the creatures psionic ability.

    But Nin`s cells could only regenerate so much before what energy they had was depleted and they could no longer mitosis. The remaining and accumulated slowly went into a state of stasis and hibernation, as the lump of cells slowly drifted through the cold vacuum of space.


    Awoken Nightmares

    Two billion years later. Earth 2121, C.E.

    During recent years, after decades of fascist governments and dictatorships had ruled the world and plunged it into the foul depths of chaos and nuclear war, a new power was beginning to rise over the once proud human race; like a phoenix born of the ash to the ruin of a world.

    Governments and great superpowers, tainted and sullied with self-aggrandisement as the worlds energies slowly depleted, ripped themselves apart in nuclear strife where monsters and mutants now slither through a world of darkness.

    Decades later, in a post-nuclear Earth, the Nobility, great demons that had planned for the nuclear war, manipulated hatred between opposing governments and sequestered all that was needed to rebuild civilization in their image, now ruled the planet. As time went on the nature of the world became twisted, mutating into a supernatural quality as the Nobility use their science combined with magic to restore the world as they desired. Nearly all supernatural creatures were engineered, with a small number being mutated humans who had survived the holocaust; yet despite their technology being great enough to create a cloned substitute, they still prefered human flesh, permitting the human race to live on and breed – only to be savagely culled once a year during the red moon. The society eventually stagnated when the superior technology of the Nobility perfected prophesy and determined that they were at their zenith, and were so doomed to fall. It was during this criticical time in planetary history that human evolution had once again arisen from its dorment genetic state, only this time being faster and with greater effect. A great conflict slowly erupted over the following decades between the powers of the Nobility and the evolving human race. And as the two sides reached a stalemate, where neither one nor the other could progress without sustaining great loss, something else rose from the deep darkness of the world: A small fraction of dark warriors known only as the Brotherhood of Doom. They rode across the Earth like an unstoppable force, claiming it for their own and destroying all who opposed them in battle; and as time went on their power and numbers sought only to increase. It was suspected that the one responsible for creating the Brotherhood itself was non-other then the origional master of the Nobility itself; so disgusted and filled with disdain over the Nobilities growing weakness that he dissapeared, forging the Brotherhood of Doom and untimetly destroying. However this was little more then guess work amongst the remaining, and primative beings left, as it is generally unknown where the Brotherhood actually came from, or who they really were.

    A shadow of great despair slowly cast itself, horizon to horizon, across the cursed planet. And it was the Nobility, along with their great empire, that were the first to be devoured by the might of the Brotherhood. Humanity, fearing the same fate as the Nobility and refusing to regress back into slavery and damnation, sought a way in which they might be able to match the Brotherhoods power; and it was from the sky that their hopes were fleetingly answered. A meteorite containing a strange black, cellular material had struck the Earth; and the energy it was emanating quickly drew a growing interest…

    The growing darkness, over centuries of war and conflict had stirred and awoken the dorment cells of Nin`. Driven on by an insatiable hunger the cells were desperate to extract the senseing redolence of bio-mass; it was all they required to fully regenerate. Using what power they still had they manipulated what they could of the warp, bringing the meteorite ever closer to Earth. Once it had crashed, a psychic field was emanated from the mass of cells amongst the debris, manipulating pheromones and playing on peoples curiosity and lust for power – drawing them closer and closer to it.

    Humans, being weaker minded and more suseptable to the manipulation of the strange black cells, were the first to discover it. But the cells could not devour anything substantial enough to engross the regeneration which was required in their present state. So they manipulated the frailty of the human mind to advance their efforts, and once again achieve full form.

    The amassed cells were brought to a surreptitious laboratory, where they immediately became the primary samples in eugenics programmes, genetic engineering and cloning experimentation. Those driven on by the subtle psychic influences of Nin`s cells argued that only through these experiments could mankind further itself as a species and hope to survive the Brotherhoods onslaught. By combining the arts of science and the mutated qualities of the planet, the group hoped to create something that surpassed even what natural evolution could achieve, to create a being of ascendancy, crafted in the form of a man. They started by sampling genetic material from diverse races, particularly the most notable of warriors and thinkers long since dead, as they conducted tests to swell their knowledge. Just as the Nephilim had done long before, human scientists brought together DNA of the greatest calibre from all know regions of the world, cultivating and fabricating a myriad of the worlds most prominent genetic material, into a single biological strain. Many of the experiments ended in failure, resulting in deformed and mutilated bodies. But despite Nin`s nescience with human physiology it quickly learnt with each failed attempt to cultivate its own cells with the eugenic human strain. After gestating for weeks in revivification tanks, pumped continuously with biochemical-liquids and essential nutrients for the bodies growth, as well as the cells regeneration, Nin` had finally been fully resurrected.

    After stirring from its rejuvenating slumber in stasis, Nin` took a moment to allow its power to run throughout his new form, the process triggering a mnemonic chain reaction as random flashes from the depths of its past evanescently flooded his mind. But he could not completely recall exactely what he was; his cells were still in the process of adapting to his new physiology. He quickly shattered through his revivification tank, and when told that he was a laboratory specimen assigned to those who had created him, Nin` became enraged; his eyes glowed saffron, gleaming wildly as he flayed them all alive with a psyker attack, before extracting his failed clone counter-part bodies - absorbing what power they had - and immolating the laboratory, reducing it to little more then amass of cinders.

    But although his cells were rejuvenated and still adapting to his new form, Nin` could sense, in the moment he destroyed the laboratory, that his power was next to nothing of what it had once been. It was possible for him to achieve his original power state once again, but he would need to accumulate the energy for himself; he had the abilities; the control, and now the means; now it was just a question of acquiring it all.

    In the combined wake of the Brotherhood bringing the planet to its knees through war, and Nin` devouring every shred of organic material to restore his strenght, it wasn’t long before these two sides would meet.

    While in the geographic regions which had once been northern Europe, Nin` happened upon a large army of troops which had only just begun to invade the northern territories. Urged on by his insatiable hunger Nin` confronted them by the dozen, rampaging through their ranks while devouring them as he went. As the gargantuan beast mauled his way through flanks of cartilage and flesh, something vast approached him at high speed. As Nin` sensed the approaching figure, the beast unleashed a monstrous psyker blast. After a few moments, a huge explosion enveloped the entire area, turning the once shining metropolis into a desolate graveyard. Nin` stood amidst the wreckage, in the centre of an immense crater. As he looked on, he witnessed the arrival of the approaching figure that was seemingly undaunted by the assault: A Dark Master to the Brotherhood of Doom known as Winter, The Carpathian Wolf.

    In the vast ruins of the fresh wasteland, the two beasts began to battle savagely. Heavy sword blows were exchanged, and the city erupted into a roaring conflagration. Winter rose to his feet amongst the flames, using powerful ice magic’s to freeze over the environment. Although Nin` had the advantage of speed, Winter soon seemed to gain the upper hand as he knocked the other monster down, punching him multiple times. Finally they split apart as Nin` and Winter locked their supernatural powers, causing a massive explosion, blowing them both off their feet. As Winter staggered to his feet, he looked up to see Nin` undergo a terrifying transformation; he enlarged his bodily proportions as his ivory skin changed into a black exoskelaton, with his shoulders filling out as skull-like protrusions. Winter commenced battle with the mesomorphic demon Nin` had become, but was completely overwhelmed by his opponent's awesome power. The Carpathian Wolf suffered greater damage when Nin` began to suck out all his energy, but Winter was not done just yet. Ignoring his pain, the Frostbitten Giant entered a berserker frenzy, grabbing Nin` by its torso as he lifted the demon into the air before thrusting it down onto his knee breaking Nin`s back, as well as his leg bone, in the process. Undaunted by the pain to his leg, Winter saw that Nin` was still alive, and regenerating. Without a second thought the Frostbitten Giant grabbed the demon once more, hurling the foul creatures body far into the atmosphere while unleashing a devastating attack at the same time as Nin` body erupted into a million pieces.

    Cell by cell; piece by piece, over a short time, Nin` once again regenerated itself, his wrath consuming him. He needed to once again reach his full power if he was ever to re-attain control over the universe. A sinister greeting followed his wrathful outburst on a mountain in the distance, erupting into an orgy of light and heat in the process, as a tall humanoid figure loomed over him.

    “A mighty hail to thee, Nin`!” cried its voice.

    “Permit me to introduce myself. I am Akira, Prince of the North and Giroan Berserker to the Brotherhood of Doom, and I have come to you here with a proposal. I would like for you to join our elite ranks. I have seen many of your battles, and onslaughts of late and I must say, I am quite impressed. It is not often that we come across one who is strong enough to stand against our elite warriors, and we never turn down a good fighter. If you would like to accept this great honour, then you may find us to the North, where our Citadel is currently situated. I await many good conversations with you, should you choose to accept... and if it is your lost power you seek, rest assured that the darkness of the Brotherhood can help you to restore it.”

    And in a flash of burning darkness, Akira was gone.

    Accepting his offer, Nin` travelled to the North, entering the Citadel where elite members of the Brotherhood were already gathered, discussing over Akira’s proposal. There were many doubters of accepting Nin` into their ranks, and yet there were also those in favour of the idea. ToroMor himself bestowed the final decision upon Winter, who eventually agreed to Nin` entry.

    After joining the Brotherhood of Doom, Nin` quickly ascended to new levels of power, levels which would have taken him centuries to gain from devouring whole worlds dry. Over time he lead many of the Brotherhoods crusades against human organised religions, destroying them all and gaining himself the sobriquet of Sodomizer of Faith, as a result of impaling a congregation of church leaders, from their anus to the mouths with spears.

    To this day, Nin` continues to fight side by side with those who have come to be his brethren in both power and battle.
    Last edited by Nin`; 09-24-2007 at 05:56 PM. Reason: Typo.

  13. #13
    Permanently banned Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List darkViVi's Avatar
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    In a world gone mad
    Since I didnt see any rules about actually having to post chars, I'll attach it.

    It's a doc file, you do have some office of some kind, dont you? ;)
    If I have to post it, tell me and I will...[/lazy]
    Attached Files Attached Files

  14. #14
    This is my sin... Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List Lucid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    This one's pretty straightforward.

    The participants of battle will post their characters up for brief review. Anything deemed /too/ excessive will need to be changed, but considering the situation, there will be little that I request anyone change.
    Post your damn bio like everyone else did.

    Sorry for posting this in here Colt, but if this idiot can't post his bio up like everyone else, then maybe he shouldn't be taking part in this battle.

    PS. Don't forget to send all your negative feedback to me. Idiots.
    PS2. I can't believe how lazy some people can be. Can't take 2 minutes to organize your bio a bit better. Come on...
    Last edited by Lucid; 09-26-2007 at 08:05 PM.

  15. #15
    Permanently banned Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List darkViVi's Avatar
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    n00b, you have just been reported for flaming. Also I didn't know the "masters" where too broke to buy Office but heh. BTW the smart person would send me a PM so you wouldn't spam up this thread... And if you look down below, you'll see why I attached.. I could make it nice and organized but... I wont. :)

    Well.. lets see...

    NOTE: I have not listed all my skills, only a fool would do, and some of the skills I listed is godmod, but they will not be used until I have won. Complain all you want, i don't care.

    High Lord Bloodaxe

    High Lord of DOOM
    Gender: Male
    Height: 200 CM
    Weight: 150 KG
    Eyes: Black, glowing faintly red when using undead powers
    Fleshtone: Gray and pale white, clearly decaying.
    Race: Undead
    Class: Berserker/Dread lord
    Strenghts: Stronger than any human or humanoid and even though he relies on his brute physical strength he is able to use heavy magic.
    Weaknesses: Slow and big, poses a big target but even so incredibly hard to damage physically but his biggest weakness are spells such as holy and healing.
    Main: Double bladed Battle Axe of Odin - blessed by Odin the Norse God of War who brought him back to the realm of the mortals - inflicts terrible damage
    Secondary: Poisonous dagger – may inflict poison
    Range: Throwing axes - Contains the spirit of Tor the God of Thunder - deals lightning damage
    Chest armor: Enchanted Armor of Loke – Magical armor, enchanted by and contains the spirit of Loke himself, Odin's foster-brother.
    Helmet: Viking helmet - Standard helmet with horns that one can unscrew and use for drinking
    Gauntlets: Gauntlets of Tor - These unholy gauntlets protects it's wearer from all form of lighting and electricity
    Accessory: Ring of Power - Grants it's wearer almost as much power as the gods themselves, made by Odin specifically for Eirik
    Enchanted Mjølnir Necklace – Grants the wearer the ability to call forth lighting strikes and storms
    Cloak of Seduction - Even though his grim, decaying appearance this cloak enchants any nearby women, making them… easily seduced. Made by Frey, the female god of war and fertility
    -Skills and abilities
    Berserker skills:
    Berserker Fury – Caster leaps towards his counterpart(s) and deals out several heavy blows and cuts with his axe.
    Axe of the Apocalypse – Lets the caster hold his axe high up in the air, while calling for the powers of the underworld. The sky will turn black, and anything nearby will be incinerated by a crimson inferno.
    Dread lord skills:
    Turn Undead – Simple spell to control the Undead.
    Death Coil – Sends out a crimson light dealing unholy damage.
    Slay Living – Causes instant death on the living.
    Circle of Death – Creates a black aura surrounding the target(s) where an agonizing death awaits…
    Death and Decay – Allows the caster to fill the surrounding area in a deadly brown and grey mist, corroding on buildings and even armor while making living flesh decays and rot away in minutes.
    Raised as a Viking in the frostbitten Northern parts of Norway he was not unfamiliar to war and battles. He fought many wars against nearby rivaling Viking tribes before he journeyed south. He made a name for himself in the Vestfold and acquired a rumor of being a merciless commander of his men. Not many years after reaching the southern part of Norway he began to send boats across the sea to the British islands and even joining himself quite often. After years of pillaging and burning Britain he invaded with an army and built a stronghold near York and eventually became the king of England at very young age. His axe was always red of blood and that is how he acquired his name. Finally, however he lost his mortal life in a fierce battle that drove the Vikings out of the island also ending the Viking era.
    After this Bloodaxe found himself in Valhalla where he fought, drank and did whatever else that may please a warrior for over 900 years until Odin decided it was time for the northern lands to be covered in eternal darkness so he granted this mighty warrior with undead Dread lord powers and sent him back to the realms of the mortals. He spent nearly a millennia lurking around in the shadows, being a silent assassin. Eventually he discovered a mighty Citadel covered in darkness, impossible to find for any mortal…
    Last edited by darkViVi; 09-26-2007 at 08:05 PM. Reason: copy+paste didnt work.. o.O

  16. #16
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Character List LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkViVi View Post

    NOTE: I have not listed all my skills, only a fool would do, and some of the skills I listed is godmod, but they will not be used until I have won. Complain all you want, i don't care.
    Keep that in mind when using your character. You are well aware of the rules (and if not, you should be), and though I am mostly ignoring the battle threads until everything is said and done, I will be meticulously comparing posts to biographies. If you do some uber move that isn't listed, you'll get smacked for it. In that regard, if you set yourself up for some awesome godmod move -- which you've even admitted is such -- prior to the end of the battle... things won't be pretty for you. Just keep this in mind, sir.

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