Originally Posted by
Rydia Lover
does that really matter, as if ANY of the songs from ANY of the other games have ANY lyrics that have ANY relevence to the game or series.
how many popular movies has songs in the soundtracks not made for the movie, yet it still works
and whats this talk of tradition? the only REAL traditions in final fantasy are moogles, chocobos, cid, airships, and the fact that it is an rpg. everything else is fair game according to square, and as far as im concerned.
im quite dissapointed that people are so upset about this game when it hasnt even come out yet. over something so insignificant as a song that will be played in the credits, a part of the game that only exist to give credit to those who made the game.
as if this change is gonna effect anyones decision to buy the game, and if it does... then thats just truly sad.