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Thread: Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song

  1. #1
    FF:Zero (RMXP) - Writer/Director Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Petros's Avatar
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    Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song

    If anyone else has reported this I apologise for the double post. I couldn't find it anywhere else.

    Okay, so I recently went onto the Final Fantasy XIII website to check out the soundtrack, only I went to the US site to hear a rather interesting announcement.

    So as we know since Final Fantasy VIII there have been theme songs with lyrics added to them. We had "Eyes on Me" for VIII, "Melodies of Life" for IX, "Suteki DaNe" for X and "Kiss Me Goodbye" for XII, along with a few others like arrangements of "Theme of Love" for the DS release of IV and "1000 Words" for X-2.

    For Final Fantasy XIII, Leona Lewis will be singing "My Hands"

    Now whether this should be a Final Fantasy theme song or not it's a beautiful song and I'm a huge fan of Leona Lewis and couldn't believe it when I heard she was singing the theme song for James Cameron's Avatar. Now we've got her singing for Final Fantasy XIII too and I'm quite frankly stunned. I look forward to hearing the only real success ever to come out of the X-Factor or the Idol shows sing the theme to what is shaping up to be the biggest release of the last decade.

    Here is a link to Leona Lewis's song on YouTube:
    YouTube - Leona Lewis - My Hands (HQ) [Official Album Echo Music]

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    Registered User Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song
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    So I guess you aren't going to sign the petition to stop this from happening, are you?

    Nah, I kid...

    I'm not that big of a Leona Lewis fan (although I agree she does have a nice voice), but I like the Japanese version better.

    YouTube - Kimi ga Irukara - Final Fantasy XIII Theme Song
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  3. #3
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Treize's Avatar
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    I really like Kimi ga Iru Kara more too. I can't picture My Hands in a video game. To tell the truth, I would even rather have the instrumental of Kimi ga Iru Kara than My Hands. It just seems like it could go so well with Final Fantasy XIII.

    This may be just personal preference, but I don't really like Leona Lewis to begin with, so for her to be singing the theme to Final Fantasy XIII just seems bad.

    In my opinion Square has been known to replace the Japanese songs in its games with inferior English songs, but at least in the past they tried to keep the songs similar and maybe just change the lyrics, but this time I think they've gone too far with localizing their games.

    This may increase Final Fantasy XIII's popularity among an English speaking audience, but I would still prefer Kimi ga Iru Kara.
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  4. #4
    #LOCKE4GOD Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Alpha's Avatar
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    Those lyrics do not work. That's all that needs to be said; this is crap.

  5. #5
    FF:Zero (RMXP) - Writer/Director Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Petros's Avatar
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    I'll be interested to see how they use it. But in general it doesn't fit with Final Fantasy. Though I do love Leona Lewis, she is a fantastic singer and she's a brit like me :-D

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  6. #6
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Yeah, I heard about this a While ago, and I Didn't really Like the fact of that.

    I Like How They Usually Incorporate the Japanese Version Songs in the English Versions.

    Anyway, This Just Be My Opinion. Happy Posting Guys

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  7. #7
    Gunblade wielder Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Nunubx's Avatar
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    10,000 Gil say that you guys will be crying when this song will be playing in the background of a cutscene/endcredits.
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  8. #8
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Gunblade wielder Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Nunubx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima View Post
    Good Cry, Or Bad Cry?

    I Must Know.

    Please, Explain Your Reasons For Saying This?
    Good cry.

    The reason why I say this is because I've been listening to the Song a number of times to know that by the time the song comes in the endcredits, you guys will remember the hardships the characters had come though as well as the emotional pain they had that you will be crying tears of sadness.
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  10. #10
    FF:Zero (RMXP) - Writer/Director Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Petros's Avatar
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    Yeah, I agree. Kiss Me Goodbye was a great song that had NOTHING to do with FF12 and yet it played beautifully in the background of the ending to a game that although I do slate it quite often, it's still a very good game.

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  11. #11
    Registered User Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song CeeJay's Avatar
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    I was really dissapointed when I heard this, but thinking about it... I only dislike Leona Lewis for the songs she sings, she doesn't have a PARTICULARLY bad voice. So maybe it'll work out alright with a song that isn't like.. Her own. Unless it IS one of her own.. In which case..


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  12. #12
    HRH Albha Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Aerif's Avatar
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    Wow. That's really something I did not expect, especially since, well, the X-Factor makes me want to cry. And in that case the bad cry.

    Still the ending songs featured in Final Fantasy really depend on the video they accompany or the scene their following. Or even just the names of the people who created the game, so the YouTube video with a picture of Miss Lewis isn't really the best medium for judging the song.

    We'll just have to wait until the Western-release.

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  13. #13
    Air from my lungs. Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Violet's Avatar
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    Well, hearing this new song being played by itself, I am not impressed. I actually somewhat cringed the second she began singing.. especially with the idea that it's for Final Fantasy's main theme song.

    Hopefully.. they'll just use it in the end credits. It's not a BAD song, it's just not my cup of tea. I hope the rest of the game and music make up for it, though. So far, everything in the game looks spectacular and the characters seem appealing and more 'alive' this time. One thing I hope for is more mini-games, heh.
    Last edited by Violet; 12-17-2009 at 07:20 AM.

  14. #14
    The Whitemage, Curaga's only 300gil Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song TehRealDinnin's Avatar
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    Kimi Ga Iru Kara should of just stayed the opening theme it makes me sad

    I just don't think that 'My Hands' portrays the game like they originally planned. Plus I could of tolerated it, but hearing the "put on my makeup" line just destroys any hope of me liking this song.
    Last edited by TehRealDinnin; 01-20-2010 at 07:52 AM.

    Thank you Rnin! Credit is given to you for the Sig

  15. #15
    I'll make you famous Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    After i watched this trailer i knew that the song fit the feel and theme perfectly. this was probably one of the greatest trailers i have EVER seen, and its amaizing.

    YouTube - Final Fantasy XIII International Trailer [HD]

    although maybe its because i actually enjoy listening to liona lewis, as ive noticed most people here dont like her.
    Last edited by Rydia Lover; 01-20-2010 at 11:38 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
    But I think this girl is uber hot
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  16. #16
    FF:Zero (RMXP) - Writer/Director Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Petros's Avatar
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    I'm in agreement with Rydia Lover here, I actually really enjoyed hearing that music over the trailer, I thought it fit so well.

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  17. #17
    .............. Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song smurphy's Avatar
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    Although others are entitled to their opinions, i think that neither the song fits the game or should ever fit the game. For example "otherworld" fit X perfectly because it complemented the frenzy of the cutscene. The same goes for "Eyes on me" and "Melody of life". If "My Hands" did fit XIII wouldnt that mean that XIII is a load of emotional, sentimental Bullsh*t.

  18. #18
    I'll make you famous Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smurphy View Post
    Although others are entitled to their opinions, i think that neither the song fits the game or should ever fit the game. For example "otherworld" fit X perfectly because it complemented the frenzy of the cutscene. The same goes for "Eyes on me" and "Melody of life". If "My Hands" did fit XIII wouldnt that mean that XIII is a load of emotional, sentimental Bullsh*t.
    it is an emotional game buddy:
    its about a group of heros that are destined to die wether they accomplish their goal or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
    But I think this girl is uber hot
    Quote Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
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  19. #19
    FF:Zero (RMXP) - Writer/Director Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Petros's Avatar
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    Yeah I was about to say, this looks like quite possibly the most character, story and emotionally driven game to hit the series by the looks of things. It's written as a grand tragedy like Hamlet.

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  20. #20
    Air from my lungs. Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Violet's Avatar
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    All the games were fairly emotional. They may as well have added one of Beonce's or Maria Carry's songs for this one, though >_>.

    A lot of people may say it's 'too girly', but so were the other theme songs. They were sang by women too.. just.. they were prettier. Oh, and Lightning is the main character.. she is a girl.. so I guess that is why the song would be girlier than usual this time((Although, Lightning doesn't strike me as the feminine type). Plus, they needed something to sound more 'new age', I think. Something to fit the whole "turn of the series" thing. I think the only thing that pisses me off the most about this theme song is that it makes me think of Kingdom Hearts, and I am sick and tired of all the fangirl/fanboy spasms of that series.

    .. It could've been worse. They could've used Hannah Montana or someone along those lines.
    Last edited by Violet; 01-26-2010 at 05:38 PM.

  21. #21
    FF:Zero (RMXP) - Writer/Director Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Petros's Avatar
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    I don't see what people have against Leona Lewis, she's a much more talented singer than most of the crap you get now days, certainly better than Beyonce. I mean clearly James Horner and James Cameron thought so or else she wouldn't have been the spiritual successor to Celine Dion by singing "I See You" for Avatar.

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  22. #22
    Registered User Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song
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    My problem with the song is that it wasn't even made for Final Fantasy XIII, it was just picked from Leona Lewis' album because the North American team didn't have the man-power to come up with an original song for the game. I have nothing against Miss Lewis or her singing.

    Kimi ga Iru Kara was made for the game, and it should have stayed that way, or we should have at least got a choice in the matter, imo.
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  23. #23
    Registered User Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Yesha's Avatar
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    Leona Lewis' voice does not have any FinaL Fantasy "feeL" for me.. I aLso Like the "Kimi Ga Iru Kara" song much much better and it does have that fantasy feeLing.. and it wouLd be definiteLy better if Square-Enix have just chose a Japanese chick to sing for the game..

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    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    If FFX-2 & FFXII nearly killed my faith in the franchise, this news has gone ahead and awkwardly smashed the final nail in the coffin and sent it in for cremation. I mean really, it honestly seems like Square has alienated their entire fan base and are trying desperately to appeal to the 13-14 year old MTV & ADD demographic.

    From my point of view, here's what I believe the pitch meeting for this game was like:

    "So, Final Fantasy is starting to show it's age. How can we revitalize the series? Graphically, we are without a doubt on top, but the game formula is getting stale. How do we fix this problem?



    Wait for it...


    Let's make a game where the player mindlessly moves in one direction while spamming the 'OK' button! Yes! That will be this series' (known for great exploration, side quests, and engaging battles) saving grace!

    Ha! I'm a genius!"

    Maybe not, but they're definitely smoking something to think that this crap is going to slide.

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  25. #25
    I would explode to save your life~ Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    i'm not really excited for leona lewis to sing the theme song......

  26. #26
    All is One.One is All. Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Firefly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Yesha* View Post
    Leona Lewis' voice does not have any FinaL Fantasy "feeL" for me.. I aLso Like the "Kimi Ga Iru Kara" song much much better and it does have that fantasy feeLing.. and it wouLd be definiteLy better if Square-Enix have just chose a Japanese chick to sing for the game..
    Ditto,My Hands is a 'alright' song,but it doesnt match Final Fantasy to me.But then again who cares about my opinon?
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  27. #27
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song

    it wouLd be definiteLy better if Square-Enix have just chose a Japanese chick to sing for the game..
    H*ll yea that is always good!!

  28. #28
    I want to play a game. Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    My problem with the song is that it wasn't even made for Final Fantasy XIII, it was just picked from Leona Lewis' album because the North American team didn't have the man-power to come up with an original song for the game. I have nothing against Miss Lewis or her singing.

    Kimi ga Iru Kara was made for the game, and it should have stayed that way, or we should have at least got a choice in the matter, imo.
    My feelings exactly. I wouldn't have mind if Leona Lewis sung the English version of Kimi ga Iru Kara. The fact that, that song had no relation or connection to FF or SE is my problem. I don't even know why the needed an original song for the game as they could have just translated it and gone from there but oh well.

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  29. #29
    O Rly? Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Arch's Avatar
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    Re: Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song

    Quote Originally Posted by Nunubx View Post
    Good cry.

    The reason why I say this is because I've been listening to the Song a number of times to know that by the time the song comes in the endcredits, you guys will remember the hardships the characters had come though as well as the emotional pain they had that you will be crying tears of sadness.
    Amazing song and im a guy and not afraid to admit this , i like it, leona has a beautiful voice and im happy shes getting the recognition she deserves, first she sings the theme song to the best selling movie in the box office , Avatar, and now one of the most highly anticipated games in years. Im happy for her.

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  30. #30
    O Rly? Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song Arch's Avatar
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    Re: Leona Lewis to sing Theme Song

    Quote Originally Posted by Rydia Lover View Post
    After i watched this trailer i knew that the song fit the feel and theme perfectly. this was probably one of the greatest trailers i have EVER seen, and its amaizing.

    YouTube - Final Fantasy XIII International Trailer [HD]

    although maybe its because i actually enjoy listening to liona lewis, as ive noticed most people here dont like her.
    Just watched it, the song goes great with the story. It shows the emotion of that they only have they're hands to trust, that a whole civilization rejects them and they only have themselves, good job leona.

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