The fact that heroes beat the villains doesn't nescessarily demonstrate their actual strength, since in almost ALL cases, they only win due to PIS. Without the power of plot behind them, almost all of the FF vilaisn would've been the winners. Look at all the early FF's, oh shit, the enemy is unbeatable?! Thank goodness with have the crystals containing just enough magical plot power to win anways in our back pockets! 7, thank goodness for Holy, planetary lifestream lasers, player distractions, and god knows how much luck coupled with Sephiroth not really trying, or our situation would've taken 'screwed' to a whole new level. 8, good thing we happen to have a sorceress whos unique ability just happens to be to allow us to ignore the negative effects of Time Compression as long as we have happy thoughts. 6, 9, and 10 were really the only games in which I can honestly say the heroes should've won based on their abilities.