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The first game didn't have a specific main character, so that's out.
Firion was highly skilled in the use any and all weapons, but I call bullshit on dissidia, since if someone carried that many weapons, they would be pretty immobile, so he should be able to use 2 at the most. He could also use a wide variety of magic as well.
In FF 3, there were characters, but they were still interchangeable. The were basically the same as FF2, but with an added command.
I haven't played number four yet (waiting for the psp release), but I do know that he must be a skilled swordsman, and he used white magic.
I've heard that Bartz is basically the same as FF3, so *copy, paste*
I haven't played FF6 yet but-...wow, that's a lot of flaming thoughts. But I do know that Terra's part esper and was a strong female lead until dissidia turned her into a dependent, useless without a man, woman. and Judging from FF wiki, she has several destructive spells at her disposal. Not to mention turning into her esper form to rain holy spell****ing.
FF7 I've played...and semi regret, but Cloud has a single pauldron (the reason for ever having a single pauldron is for using a single hand weapon, cloud uses an improbably large sword), an improbably large sword (seriously, a sword should not be as wide as your torso), he has access to materia (Which I could write a novel on why they make no sense), and uses limit breaks (which raise all sorts of questions when you stop and think about each of them). He could be a contender, but his fighting would rely on his materia selection since he puts them in his sword...or arm...whatever, and is limited to what ones he could pick (not the summon all or magic all ones, those are cop outs). Also, his sword would be likely ineffective due to a little thing called GRAVITY.
A lot of people call bullshit on Squall's weapon, the Gunblade. Don't get me wrong, I do too, but there have been fencing swords that had flintlock pistols built into the hilt. They fired one bullet, and were a bitch to reload, but they worked. Squall's gunblade on the other hand is just plain impractical. The gun should not be pointed out of the sword. the barrel is in the blade, making it impossible to make a cut through anything. And if they were in a sword fight, the barrel would get dented, not allowing any bullet to pass through. He can also draw magic from enemies, essentially copying their spells (not exactly, I know, but still). He again has limit breaks which still make little to no sense.
I haven't played FF9 (going by FF wiki page again), but he is of course a thief, able to steal minor items, yet that would probably not do much good in battle (well he could steal materia). His skill abilities would most likely come in handy for tricking most foes, and I'm sure that dyne could possibly be on par with Terra's esper. his agility could also outdo a certain whiny, blonde haired, oval blade wielding, water polo athlete.
Tidus is my bane. not because he could kill me, I could terrorize this bastard. I could go on a rant on why I despise him, but that's not the purpose of this thread. His sword is absolutely useless. It is not sharp, it's not made for cutting, and it's filled with water. actually, it's not useless, you know what you can use it for? fishing for whales. It has a giant hook on it, what more do you need?! He also has "Shields". I say "Shields", because they are too small to be a buckler, and are shaped in ridiculous ways. His spells are primarily time magic, haste and slow which could assist him slightly, but his moronic weapon would most likely just piss off his enemy. His other attacks are actually specifically designed to piss off the enemy. Provoke, cheer, delay attack, these would all drive me into a water polo celebrity induced killing frenzy. but he would most likely use Flee to escape. Yes, he did defeat god...but it was honestly the easiest boss I've fought in a FF game.
Now for Ramza. Ramza was raised a swordsman, taught how to fight since a young age by his family, and training with his best friend Delita. Once he was admitted into the academy there, he learned the basic Squire abilities, and once he left, he learned new abilities to add to his squire job. He has learned to master 22 forms of combat and magic, putting him at least on par with the heroes from FF 2, 3, 4, and 5. In his crusade to rescue his sister, he has faced down several demons, more powerful than the last, ultimately leading up to a possessed son of god. That's right, Super Doom Jesus. But his true strength lies in his original job, the Squire. Since he didn't graduate from the academy in Gariland, he was unable to become a holy knight with access to the holy sword. instead, he left and denounced his noble name, adopting his mother's maiden name. over the course of his travel,s he eventually learns several new skills. Wish would heal his allies at the cost of half of the healed amount, Shout increases his speed and magical and physical prowess, and Ultima which is the spell that he must survive from in order to learn. once he learns it, he can use this destructive spell for good.
All in all, I still stand by my decision with Ramza, with Terra coming in with a close second.