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Thread: The overall top Main characters in FF?

  1. #1
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The overall top Main characters in FF? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Okay, I have learnt from my last post so I will try to help this one as much as I can.

    Who is most powerful, smart, tough, and so on.
    You can give anything from in game abilities to theories behind their power.
    But! Try not to tend to in game limitations or scripting to much, meaning... Bartz has access to all abilities, making him the strongest. No, give him real reasons.

    Here are the list of Main antagonists and what I know of their abilities.
    (FF3 and 4 I have not played in a while so I may be wrong, so correct me if need be. FF7 and 9 I have not finished, so I may need persuading for them as well)

    FF1- Warrior of Light- He had the light crystals.

    FF2- Firion- He has no real powers, but he is really efficient with all classes of weaponry and Magic.

    FF3- Luneth- The blessings of the crystal and access to many classses

    FF4- Cecill- A top grade paladin/Dark knight

    FF5- Bartz- The potential ability of all classes, and crystals blessings

    FF6- Celes or Terra- Both really strong, one is a magicite warrior on par of Kefka before godhood, and the other is half esper, pretty powerful in itself

    FF7- Cloud- Mako infused, Para-magic

    FF8- Squall- Junctioning, Para-magic

    FF9- Zidane- Hmm, don't really know, maybe... Angel of death can give me hints as that part of the game is the last I played

    FFX- Tidus- Superb agility and stamina

    FF12- Vaan(he is the main character)- Access to many powerful magic and weaponry

    FF13- A top grade soldier

    I will give why I think v would win later.

    I think Cloud and or Squall would be in top

    Squall and Cloud are close, tho I tend to go Squall the upper hand if that may be Fanboyism kicking in.


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  2. #2
    The Mad God The overall top Main characters in FF? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    I believe Terra is the strongest in terms of sheer power. Not really a fan of VI, and haven't player it in ages, but she killed some ridiculous number of opponents alone, and yadda yadda yadda.

    My personal preference would be Auron. He died, and lived to tell the tale. That's badass. And he can break damage limit LUL GF OTHER GAMES. No not really, that's a horrible reason.

    Cloud and Squall I'd put about on par with Auron (**** Tidus <.<). But between the two of them, I'd put money on Squall. If Cloud wasn't busy angsting or emoing every 11 seconds, he may have been a more sucessful hero. But as is, he's kinda lame. He never even made it into Soldier while Squall was one of the top in his class in SeeD, he stood by helplessly and watched his girlfriend impaled while Squall went out into deep space and saved his, Omnislash gets 15 hits to Lionheart's 20.

    It's harder to compare heroes than villains, since the story purposely doen't show them being particularly overpowered in most cases, since that'd kinda defeat the point of a game in which your goal is to beat a superior nemesis.
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  3. #3

    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    FF1- Warrior of Light- He had the light crystals.
    Powerful? Maybe. Smart? Maybe. Tough? Maybe.
    I didn't really notice ANY personality in these guys. They didn't even have real names. And depending on what jobs you chose, they were more smart/tough/powerful. So I guess... the poor WoL will never win this "contest".

    FF2- Firion- He has no real powers, but he is really efficient with all classes of weaponry and Magic.
    And he was cute!
    But apart from that, he really wasn't that powerful. Sometimes I thought he was smart, but other times... he lacked personality. But I liked him... somehow.

    FF3- Luneth- The blessings of the crystal and access to many classses
    He was cute, as well, but that's probably due to the fact that I only played the DS version of the game. *coughs* He was okay. But I can't really remember if he was powerful. I think he died several times when I played. ^^"

    FF4- Cecill- A top grade paladin/Dark knight
    Definitely one of the strongest main characters in FF. Especially as a Dark Knight. But as a Paladin he was strong, as well. (But not as strong as as a Dark Knight... still ^^)
    Tough? Pretty much.
    Oh and I liked him. Though I like him more when he was a Dark Knight. How often have I said that now? I think everyone knows that now. ^^"

    FF5- Bartz- The potential ability of all classes, and crystals blessings
    When I think of Bartz, I remember a cute character who was always thinking positive, but wasn't very smart and... rode a chocobo. O_o
    I don't know... I really like that guy, but he wasn't really powerful and not tough... and definitely NOT smart. But he is my second favorite, though.
    Before I played IX he even was my favorite. I couldn't understand why everyone likes the other main characters more. I had fun playing the game, because of Bartz, mostly.

    FF6- Celes or Terra- Both really strong, one is a magicite warrior on par of Kefka before godhood, and the other is half esper, pretty powerful in itself
    I love Celes, but Terra was the main character of the game, I suppose.
    And she was pretty damn powerful. I suppose she even is the most powerful of all. No spoilers here, but her parents were pretty powerful as well.
    But I guess she wasn't THAT smart. Can't remember her really talking that much though. Have to play the game again. ;_;"

    FF7- Cloud- Mako infused, Para-magic
    Gosh, maybe you'll hate me know, but he wasn't THAT powerful. And smart...? Hm, maybe. But he was only... living another person's life. And he often doubted himself, so I guess he didn't show how powerful he was. In the state of the game, I still see the scene when you just had to walk around in his memories. Argh.

    FF8- Squall- Junctioning, Para-magic
    ... Was he even something special? Powerful, without a doubt, but not as powerful as Terra. Smart? Dunno, he didn't really talk much. Tough? At the beginning, yes. At the end, NO.

    FF9- Zidane- Hmm, don't really know, maybe... Angel of death can give me hints as that part of the game is the last I played
    Zidane was a quite interesting character. He wasn't that powerful, but I really liked him much. :> He's my favorite of all main characters, as he's always thinking positively and he was there for his friends all the time. Tough - yes, definitely. He risked his own life more than once.
    But he may not have been THAT smart, I must admit. But he was cute. Every character in FF9 was cute XD

    FFX- Tidus- Superb agility and stamina
    Powerful? Well, a bit...
    Smart? Didn't think so, unfortunately...
    Tough? Pretty much. Though I had the feeling he gave up somewhere in the middle of the game. He was another "okay" character.

    FF12- Vaan(he is the main character)- Access to many powerful magic and weaponry
    I wouldn't count him as main character. After playing the game for 4 hours, Balthier took over the role as main character. So Vaan was just... and ordinary thief. But he was okay. Nothing special, but at least always caring about Penelo. :>

    FF13- Lightning - A top grade soldier (the name was missing )
    Powerful? Well, quite, I think.
    Smart? Sometimes.
    Tough? Oooh yes. They all were. They wouldn't have survived if they hadn't been... But I didn't like her that much. She was okay, but I didn't like the way she treated Sazh. And Snow. I didn't like Snow that much, but she can't be that smart if she just attacks him all the time...

    All in all... Zidane's my favorite, because of his character.
    Terra has to be the most powerful.
    Cecil is probably the smartest.
    And Lightning may be the toughest.

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  4. #4
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy The overall top Main characters in FF? Leon's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    I think Squall is very successful, pretty much for the reasons Heartless Angel gave (top in his class, saved his girlfriend, awesome Limit Break). I haven't even finished Disc 1 (plan to download FFVIII some time this year), but despite the way he is in the beginning, his character evolves into a powerful leader.

    Firion's story was tragic. Losing his family, and pretty much half of the characters he's paired up with die at certain points in the game seems to back up this statement. However, he and his friends are able to continue with their lives despite these losses. And despite almost being killed by imperial soldiers in the beginning, they grow powerful enough to defeat their strongest foe of all: The Emperor.

    Zidane was a good character, and for a thief he showed much wisdom for one. He was actually smarter than he always lets on, which explains why Amarant is a wanted man. He had a big heart, which is why he saved even people who hated him. And Grand Lethal, while it doesn't hit the enemies as much as Omnislash or Lion Heart, it's powerful even at low levels. People are never impressed by it because they're always overleveled at the time they get it (even Stellar Circle can deal 9999 damage if you're strong enough).

    Can't say much about other characters, so I'll stop here. But these are my top picks. Squall at top while Zidane and Firion following close behind. I'll say Terra as well because of her powers, but I haven't played VI much.
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  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The overall top Main characters in FF? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    It's a toss up between Terra, and Zidane. Terra possesses immense power which she can't control, Kefka who saw what really lies in her meant to have control over her for his own purpose.

    Zidane is true Angel of Death, he's improved version of Kuja, thus his potential exceeds Kuja's.

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  6. #6
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The overall top Main characters in FF? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    This seems different from the Villian post, so how about this, who would win in an fight out of all of them?

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  7. #7
    Consistently Average The overall top Main characters in FF? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    I guess it would really depend if the fight is to the death or not, some characters are bound to hold back (i cant really imagine Yuna beating Cloud to death with her staff).

    EDIT: can it extend to lesser protagonists?
    Last edited by Kurt Zisa; 02-05-2011 at 03:59 PM.
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  8. #8
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The overall top Main characters in FF? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Your right, let me build it more complete lol

    Characters should be the class they are most represented with
    These will be in a dissidia type plain, in a real confrontation. No time based.
    Best to give the strengths and weaknesses of the character you think would would be on top.

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  9. #9
    Consistently Average The overall top Main characters in FF? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Hmm if it was an all-out death match between many characters i would say

    He's got high strength to start off with and as the majority of his swords have Piercing they could cut through guys with armour (its a possibility )
    He has experience as a gaurdian which cold help battle-wise and if Overdirives/Limit breaks are allowed he could use tornado and suck them all up .

    Although as downsides go he might have a few. Well he's got one eye for a start which could be used against him and while his attacks are strong they arnt particularly fast and from memory he has low magic defence. Plus if Yuna took part she could just Send him straight away and remove him from the fight completly
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  10. #10

    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    For reasons that have been stated in every post that came before and will come after this one...Terra is the most powerful.

    I don't think anyone can argue, Cloud is the most iconic. He is the face of Final Fantasy.

  11. #11
    The Mad God The overall top Main characters in FF? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Which by extension means Lightning is, because she stole Cloud's face =D

    In an all out fight, Auron. He's already dead, how can you kill him? lol.
    Last edited by Heartless Angel; 02-05-2011 at 04:32 PM.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  12. #12
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The overall top Main characters in FF? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    While I meant main characters, I guess auron could join due to his pure epicness lol

    Well, now we can start an healthy friendly disagreement.

    Auron is strong, and he has experience, there is no doubt about it, but he is definitely lacking speed. And he never shows his intellectual ability, as with little magical prowess.

    I say squall (Yes I like FF8 o.o)
    He has Experience being the highest ranking SeeD, which promoted him as captain of the garden I think if I remember right. He also potentially has the most magic spells at his disposal. Being able to draw and use without Mp is a plus. Terra has Bahamut? Draws and summons both his and her bahamut.
    He also uses a blade in which only 2 people were adept with in his time, the gunblade. He knows his weapon I would say better than most others. He also, despite Cgi shows, great athletic ability. In the galbadia prison, when zell was attacked, Squall jumped from the middle of the prison, which is high, he definitely has some prowess there.
    Which also brings up Limit breaks. I should call them desperation attacks cause he has to be hurt, albeit an Aura spell. His Rough Divide isn't nothing great, but his other 3 defenitly shows power, especially blasting zone, that's a pretty big beam o.o
    And lionheart...>.>
    I know no ingame stats I want in here but just to think about, his attack by default is 255, I mean his accuracy. Not transfered here but another thing to think about.
    And, Eden... lol

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  13. #13

    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Quote Originally Posted by Heartless Angel View Post
    Which by extension means Lightning is, because she stole Cloud's face =D
    give it 5 years, her face will be as forgotten as Squall's...or that guy from FFIX, or that blonde kid who apperently stars in both FFX, and XII(wasn't it the same guy? they look and acted the same).
    but people will all think of the spikey haired guy with the giant sword behind his back when they hear Final Fantasy.

    (I know who zidane, tidus and vaan are... just making a point)

  14. #14
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The overall top Main characters in FF? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Quote Originally Posted by JuzamDjinn View Post
    give it 5 years, her face will be as forgotten as Squall's...or that guy from FFIX, or that blonde kid who apperently stars in both FFX, and XII(wasn't it the same guy? they look and acted the same).
    but people will all think of the spikey haired guy with the giant sword behind his back when they hear Final Fantasy.

    (I know who zidane, tidus and vaan are... just making a point)

    On the contrary my dear friend, on the mere mention of Final Fantasy the word "overrated" comes to many as their first though, Kefka, Sephiroth, even Gilgamesh before Cloud. As for Tidus, Vaan, especially Zidane and Squall, they are sure to be remembered by those who liked them, you would be surprised how many prefer optimistic, and cheerfuller characters over emo ones.

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  15. #15

    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    I'm not talking about avid fans like the ones who use Final Fantasy themed forums.
    I'm talking about the general gamers of the world.

  16. #16
    Consistently Average The overall top Main characters in FF? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Quote Originally Posted by Heartless Angel View Post
    Which by extension means Lightning is, because she stole Cloud's face =D

    In an all out fight, Auron. He's already dead, how can you kill him? lol.
    Is being an Unsent the same as being an undead? I agree with what your saying but i just came across that thought...
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  17. #17
    Badass Military Agent The overall top Main characters in FF? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Quote Originally Posted by SaixBeserk7 View Post
    Is being an Unsent the same as being an undead? I agree with what your saying but i just came across that thought...
    Good question, I guess because Auron doesn't show the normal aptitudes of the rest of the characters.

    In terms of raw power, I'm gonna agree with just about everyone else and say Terra, although in other FF games, Espers aren't thought to be powerful.
    Zidane on the other hand seems like a close 2nd to Terra just because if he's an improved version of Kuja and Kuja
    destroys his home planet

    , think of what Zidane could do.

    In terms of smarts... hmm I wanna say Edgar from FFIII (snes, VI for the young-ins), I suppose with being a King kinda gave him an edge on tactics, and strategies, there were times when he was just that good, although the other characters supported his decision in a way to give him that confidence to ensure and perfect his plan. Delita was also pretty smart in Tactics, just because while Ramza did the behind the scenes thing, he did the public works which helped him out in the end.

    In terms of Tough, depends what kind of tough we talking, just brutal awesomeness, or personality wise? Anyway I'm gonna put up Sabin from FFIII (snes, VI for the young-ins) this guy was a freakin animal lol, can't get much better than that, the blitz, his muscle, jumping into a river to fight an Octopus lol I mean who does that lmao, fighting a kid raised in the wild, fighting a train, you can't get much better than this guy.
    After him I'll say Squall, for the same reason someone else mention earlier, athletic ability, getting impaled, going into space to rescue said girl, top of SeeD Class, Headmaster of Balamb Garden, knows how to give a good speech in times of chaos, wielder of the first ever Gunblade to be display (I think), just an all around Badass.

    Terra - Most Powerful 2nd - Zidane
    Sabin - Tough 2nd - Squall
    Edgar - Smarts 2nd - Delita

    Lol just noticed all 3 of my picks was from one FF game, and it's not even my number 1 favorite. Just shows you, a great game is a great game.
    Last edited by Linus Li Lelouch; 02-05-2011 at 10:14 PM.

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  18. #18
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The overall top Main characters in FF? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Eh, I should have clearified, I ment main characters, the solo main characters.

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  19. #19
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The overall top Main characters in FF? T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Quote Originally Posted by Heartless Angel View Post
    I believe Terra is the strongest in terms of sheer power. Not really a fan of VI, and haven't player it in ages, but she killed some ridiculous number of opponents alone, and yadda yadda yadda.
    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    I love Celes, but Terra was the main character of the game, I suppose.

    And she was pretty damn powerful. I suppose she even is the most powerful of all. No spoilers here, but her parents were pretty powerful as well.
    But I guess she wasn't THAT smart. Can't remember her really talking that much though. Have to play the game again. ;_;"
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    It's a toss up between Terra, and Zidane. Terra possesses immense power which she can't control, Kefka who saw what really lies in her meant to have control over her for his own purpose.

    Zidane is true Angel of Death, he's improved version of Kuja, thus his potential exceeds Kuja's.
    Quote Originally Posted by JuzamDjinn View Post
    For reasons that have been stated in every post that came before and will come after this one...Terra is the most powerful.
    All I can say is...sunshine, and lollipops! =D

    But to clear some things regarding Terra and her power: first, she's a half-Esper; second, she killed 50 of the best Magitek soldiers (either people close in skill like Celes or people in the best Magitek armor around) in under one minute (though how she did it, whether it was through her own magic or through the Magitek armor which was far more advanced than that of the common soldier, except Guardians which were pretty broken); third, only her father was pretty powerful (I have to excuse my mother-in-law, but she was only human), and it wasn't nearly as powerful as, say, the Warring Triad or Crusader or Bahamut or Odin or Alexander; fourth, she can learn Ultima on her own without the need to enter a specific state (sorry Kuja, and sorry Xanatos!); fifth, her magical abilities are impressive even before she transforms into her half-Esper form; sixth, she's a pretty impressive frontline warrior as well.

    So yeah...

    Now, as for the rest: Celes is almost the polar opposite to Terra, as while she has further control of her magic and gets, IIRC, three of the four ultimate spells in virtually all Final Fantasy games (Holy, Flare and Meteor), she really is far more skilled in swordsmanship, having the only set of sword techniques that effectively cancel magic. Auron is pretty impressive for being an Unsent, given that he has incredible resilience and strength topping off his condition. I'm rather surprised that in terms of power, no one has mentioned true Summoners (Rydia, Garnet, Yuna; Eiko is more of a White Mage than a summoner) which are quite powerful. In terms of magical power, I think Aeris is pretty close (if not better) than Terra, but her magic is mostly healing and protection (but that doesn't mean there's no power, as Creation often is greater than Destruction).

    Popularity-wise, definitely Cloud, much to the dismay of some people. Indeed, he's pretty much the face of Final Fantasy, even though most people will probably pick the series on the radar because of Cecil. But generally, it's Cloud <- Squall <- Cecil <- Locke or Edgar <- Zidane. I place Locke and/or Edgar because I subscribe that FFVI doesn't have a defined main character (and Terra is main by default, not by storyline), but they are more memorable than her.

    Now, the most balanced overall? Bartz, hands down. Sure, you have Terra with some impressive balance between Magic and combat (and so does Celes), and Cloud can do roughly the same with Materia, and Squall can do roughly the same with proper junction of spells, and Zidane can do that after eons of training and pretty much mastering the entire Sphere Grid. But Bartz? Mime. Just Mime. Second and third in best overall? Ramza, followed by either Luso or Marche (though quite probably we should consider Marche the most balanced of all villains?) When you can shift between classes like nobody's business, few things compare.

    Now, class wise (at least going with the six originals from Final Fantasy I), we have Auron as the best Fighter (followed closely by Cloud and Squall), Aeris as the best White Mage, Lulu as the best Black Mage (followed closely by Vivi), Sabin as the best Monk (Tifa can't even compare, much less Zell, and the closest thing to a challenge would be presented by Yang), Zidane as the best Thief (because, remember, Locke isn't a Thief but a "Treasure Hunter" and Yuffie is no Thief, but "Materia Hunter"), and can't be really sure who's the best Red Mage, since Terra behaves more like a Mystic Knight with spellcasting (and Celes does so as well) and Seymour, who isn't even a hero, behaves more like a Sage; then we have Tellah who's a Sage, and few others really combine swordsmanship, White Magic, Black Magic and Doublecasting in such a way they are almost equally powered.

    My personal preference would be Auron. He died, and lived to tell the tale. That's badass. And he can break damage limit LUL GF OTHER GAMES. No not really, that's a horrible reason.
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  20. #20
    Badass Military Agent The overall top Main characters in FF? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Quote Originally Posted by o0Odin0o View Post
    Eh, I should have clearified, I ment main characters, the solo main characters.
    Ah sorry bout that, let's see if I can do a quick summary then.

    Most Powerful - obviously still Terra (read my previous post)

    Smarts - Honestly I can't think of any *main* characters from any FF game with smarts, most of them are just lucky to have what they need to do shining like a star above the North Pole. But if I *Had* to choose, I'm gonna go with Zidane from FFIX. He's the closest thing I can think of, in the game he did do some rather interesting things despite his wild personality, somewhat more sophisticated things than other characters of the series so Yeah Zidane is my smarts pick.

    Tough - Still Squall (see previous post)

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  21. #21
    The Mad God The overall top Main characters in FF? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Smarts I'd definitely have to say goes to Auron, though I suppose experience would be more appropriate than sheer intellect. Being dead, he has an understanding the inner workings of Sin, Spira, and the true Yevon, he knows more about his world than all people in it except perhaps the Maesters. Also I would say Auron is the most wise. When Tidus and everyone else was losing their cool and thinking with hearts instead of their heads, Auron was always the voice of reason. He also showed wisdom in letting the others learn for themselves the true face of Yevon, when he could've just told them.

    Toughness, definitely Auron. In addition to being a natural born tank stat-wise, he was able to suffer a fatal injury, and still force himself all the way down a fiend infested mountain, just because there was something he had left to do. Then he just kinda said, meh, **** dying, I'm Auron, I'll leave when I'm ready to leave. He wears sunglasses and carries a jug of some unknown alcoholic beverage. He uses an unnescessarily large weapon. Auron is 6 feet of brickshitting awesome. Nuff' said.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  22. #22
    Consistently Average The overall top Main characters in FF? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    He was also a Warrior Monk if that helps his cause. In battle he has access to the Break ablities which'll lower any sort of opponents main strength, magic, strength etc.
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  23. #23
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The overall top Main characters in FF? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Quote Originally Posted by JuzamDjinn View Post
    I'm not talking about avid fans like the ones who use Final Fantasy themed forums.
    I'm talking about the general gamers of the world.
    With my first sentence neither was I.

    Cloud is quite a popular character, still, that doesn't mean he pops out first whenever someone mentions Final Fantasy, and to some who think of him at mere mention of Final Fantasy quite often he's associated with things as overrated, emo, and such, popularity doesn't necessarily mean that he's loved.

    Many, who are far from avid fans of Final Fantasy, prefer some of the Final Fantasy characters such as Zidane, Vivi, Squall, Tidus, Locke, Terra, they like their respective game, they will be remembered five years from now, don't you worry about that.

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  24. #24
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy The overall top Main characters in FF? Leon's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post
    and Zidane can do that after eons of training and pretty much mastering the entire Sphere Grid.
    Little off-topic, but there's no Sphere Grid in IX. And now here's a quick summary (from me again).

    Power definitely goes to Terra. Tidus with a complete Sphere Grid, Zidane maxed out on Thievery, Squall with Lion Heart, Cloud with Omnislash, and Bartz with Mimicry just can't hold up a candle to Terra causing so much destruction in so little time. I guess she's the only hero who can be compared to the likes of Kefka, even Sephiroth.

    Experience, as Heartless Angel put it, would go to Auron. He's been trained as a warrior monk in the Yevon religion, and even though he was in his mid-twenties he was able to protect Braska in his dangerous pilgrimage with only Jecht's help (if you don't count Braska's summoning abilities). And yeah, despite being injured and perhaps already dead, he managed to make it a long way before finding Kimahri. Who knows what kind of training he received as a warrior monk, but apparently it was very helpful. I guess he also belongs in the tough category, so I won't bother explaining that one.

    Smarts would definitely have to go to Zidane. Like I said before, despite being a thief he showed much wisdom for one. He knew to jump away from Prison Cage's dying breath, he knew right away where the Cargo Ship was headed, and he knew pretty much what to say whenever Amarant spoke to him (honestly? I don't know what I would say to a guy like him).

    I thought about it, and most successful is probably a tie between the Warriors of Light from I and Squall. And I'm just basing this on the happiest ending, so it's only my opinion. Firion and co. probably got stuck rebuilding the countless cities the Emperor destroyed (I haven't seen many survivors anyway). Can't say much about III and IV, so my opinion could change. In V, it's up to your skills what kind of ending you get, so Bartz may end up losing his friends. In VI, pretty much what I stated in II.

    Do I need to explain VII? It's got the most sequels so things don't just end in the original. IX got a happy ending, and it would be on top of the list. After all Zidane promised (?) to see Garnet again and he did. I guess he holds third place, because the only thing preventing him from getting first is the fact he probably never saw Vivi again. I'm just saying, if he hadn't gone back for Kuja, he could have been there for the rest of Vivi's life. And X, we ALL know what happens to Tidus.

    The Warriors of Light from I pretty much accomplished everything they set out to do. Fiends of Chaos are gone, Chaos is gone, peace is brought back to their world, and they're okay. Simple as that. And Squall pretty much has the best ending. Ultimecia is gone, everything's back to normal, his friends are all in one piece, and he gets the girl.

    So if someone finds something wrong with any of this, feel free to let me know. I was kind of in a hurry when I wrote most of this.
    Last edited by Leon; 02-06-2011 at 01:18 PM.
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  25. #25
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The overall top Main characters in FF? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Well, in contrary, tho she isn't a main character persay, Rinoa has the most power out of all FF characters I believe. Just going by her limit break, her berserk one (already forgot name).
    It automatically increases her magic to 255 max, and that's before her sorceresses powers become unlocked, not to mention she saved Squall and kinda restored life to areas in a sense.

    But yes, Terra is powerful, no doubt about it.

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    Consistently Average The overall top Main characters in FF? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    What about Yuna? She has access to aeons like Bahamut and Anima which would cause serious damage to all.

    Magic wise she can heal herself, have immunities to all elemental based magic, make barriers with Protect and Shell plus in the offensive side she can Holy her opponents away. Physical strength.... not so much.

    Downsides are like i said earlier: I cant imagine her beating someone to death with her staff. Although, would she look the other way if her aeons did the dirty work for her? Provided aeons are allowed in this fight, we've kinda made up the rules as we go along.
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  27. #27
    The Mad God The overall top Main characters in FF? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Well technically, any character in X can gain any stat and learn any ability (except summoning, that's Yuna only, but really, at maxed stats, you can do anything your Aeons can lol). In fact, I usually made Yuna a Black mage as soon as I get reflect (right around second Seymour fight, I usually grind a bit to get it just before).
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    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The overall top Main characters in FF? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Another thing to realise.
    Squall, can junction to his stats, meaning if he were to junction Ultima to his magic defense, I doubt most magics would harm him much, but here is another thing, Squall can use Edens learnt skill, devour, which allows him to eat weakened monsters in turn for stat raising. In all, technically speaking, from their respective games, squall has the highest stat potential, trust me, I know. And Yuna has aeons, which as well squall does in which Eden may be on the top summons. And after the events of FFX, Aeons no longer existed.

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    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The overall top Main characters in FF? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    Another thing to realise.
    Squall, can junction to his stats, meaning if he were to junction Ultima to his magic defense, I doubt most magics would harm him much, but here is another thing, Squall can use Edens learnt skill, devour, which allows him to eat weakened monsters in turn for stat raising. In all, technically speaking, from their respective games, squall has the highest stat potential, trust me, I know. And Yuna has aeons, which as well squall does in which Eden may be on the top summons. And after the events of FFX, Aeons no longer existed.

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  30. #30
    The Mad God The overall top Main characters in FF? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: The overall top Main characters in FF?

    If we're going by game mehcanics, Auron demolishes anyone from I-IX. Sphere grid allows for anyone to max out ay stat, learn any ability, and X characters can break damage and HP limit lol.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

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