Okay, I have learnt from my last post so I will try to help this one as much as I can.

Who is most powerful, smart, tough, and so on.
You can give anything from in game abilities to theories behind their power.
But! Try not to tend to in game limitations or scripting to much, meaning... Bartz has access to all abilities, making him the strongest. No, give him real reasons.

Here are the list of Main antagonists and what I know of their abilities.
(FF3 and 4 I have not played in a while so I may be wrong, so correct me if need be. FF7 and 9 I have not finished, so I may need persuading for them as well)

FF1- Warrior of Light- He had the light crystals.

FF2- Firion- He has no real powers, but he is really efficient with all classes of weaponry and Magic.

FF3- Luneth- The blessings of the crystal and access to many classses

FF4- Cecill- A top grade paladin/Dark knight

FF5- Bartz- The potential ability of all classes, and crystals blessings

FF6- Celes or Terra- Both really strong, one is a magicite warrior on par of Kefka before godhood, and the other is half esper, pretty powerful in itself

FF7- Cloud- Mako infused, Para-magic

FF8- Squall- Junctioning, Para-magic

FF9- Zidane- Hmm, don't really know, maybe... Angel of death can give me hints as that part of the game is the last I played

FFX- Tidus- Superb agility and stamina

FF12- Vaan(he is the main character)- Access to many powerful magic and weaponry

FF13- A top grade soldier

I will give why I think v would win later.

I think Cloud and or Squall would be in top

Squall and Cloud are close, tho I tend to go Squall the upper hand if that may be Fanboyism kicking in.
