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Thread: OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection

  1. #1
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection

    From the Edge of the World

    From the edge of the world to the last star
    Who knew life extended that far?
    Look from the darkest corner to the lambent rays
    To see the lurid stains of dreamy malaise

    Even on Earth's jagged cliffs
    We have flown through those realms
    That amorphous surf is the dreamer's turf
    In that thick black soup we spin

    We are able to distend, our disbelief
    Our tensions mount or melt, to our relief
    We transform ourselves and our scene
    To fit fancies and cater to routines

    From the oppression and the drear
    Into the best possible haze
    Of the great Etherial maze
    Of deepest darkened space

    To the corporeal fears we eternalize at night
    To cheat slight and life dies bright
    Home is where the heart beats
    For me, black pen ink it bleeds

    To the bleak sounds we hear
    When day is far and night is near
    Sounds of stars falling and werewolves calling
    Strange that they should boost our fear

    Above the roar of the astral hum
    To the pulse underneath your mental thumb
    Along the cosmic whistles and chimes
    It sings above and beyond the times

    Oblivion is our desired home
    In it we float, dream and swell
    Life's little demons are back on earth's hell
    There are no problems here

    From the edge of the world to the last star
    We are able to distend our disbelief
    From the oppression and the drear
    To the corporeal fears we eternalize at night
    To the bleak sounds we hear
    Above the roar of the astral hum
    Oblivion is our desired home
    Our time, it never comes

    A lengthy one, that is for the most part, designed to please the ear rather than the mind.
    Last edited by Sinister; 02-22-2007 at 08:00 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  2. #2
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    In a stone cut temple with no windows
    It had no eyes, no soul to soil
    Only the door to loose light free
    Only the door to let men in
    The invisible columns, tucked away,
    Were inscribed with pagan script
    Their illegible text, a mock warning,
    A fantastic joke,
    Intended never to warn a twine
    They would wander in, like little lost sheep
    Wanting only roofs and walls to dry their fleece
    Never was a son or daughter saved
    From that sepulcher
    The doors would slam like a coliseum gate
    No muttered prayer or divine appeal
    Would echo outside the stone cut walls
    The sheep would panic, bleat and whine
    Then it would hear the seething hissing breathing
    of the Simulacrum
    In anger, in hate, with vengeance to find
    The flock marched in, hoping to win
    They brought some light and weapons to fight
    All those men, died within, that stone cut temple’s
    An age passes with the scars still livid
    The scars then fade away and stretch
    back into the skin
    On a rainy day, a cold couple, with thoughts
    of shelter
    Settled inside of the stone cut temple.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  3. #3
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    A Penny in My Hand

    I have Less Happiness in my heart
    Than the greatest among the least
    Less than a penny in my hand
    Nor Solace in my soul

    My debts are called; my name is sold
    No man is a man without a penny in his hand
    When his will is writ, when he’s gray and old
    His pockets are picked and his Fortune told

    Let me be burned, If buried at all
    Let my line and mansion fall
    But give me a penny so that I may smile
    So with my father my name will file

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  4. #4
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    This poem sums up my entire philosophy in life. This one is SPECIAL!!


    Black and white are varied enough
    The art is in the mixture and use
    When the mix is fine and the texture rough
    Black and white do sign a truce

    Man's complexion may be shades of gray
    But the color and consistency are his fault
    For if he teeters towards one or either way
    He is doomed to fall or exalt

    Why not have just the color white?
    For a light too bright will eyes blind
    If not black, then no white
    They are both a chemistry to the mind

    For you would never know the cure
    If it were not for the disease
    Both maintain their state, so pure
    They both, together are an antithesis

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  5. #5
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    Psaltery of the Soul
    To the soul, alcohol does sultry play
    And in dizzy sickness, do we obey
    In the meadow, mead we drink
    And into inebriation sink
    Metheglyn, deep and clean
    For the brave impassioned being
    "By spirits, raise thy spirits"
    Or so the barkeep calls

    Soaked and soggy we paint ourselves
    And in recompense, lose gray cells
    Wine, O wine, to taste we refine
    And then in flavors do we rhyme
    Brandy, brandy the English keep handy
    But to the taste buds it's a dandy
    "By spirits, raise thy spirits"
    Or so the barkeep calls

    To the soul alcohol does sultry play
    While toxins we imbibe
    Or do we, on our deathbeds say
    I wish I had not drunk that rye

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  6. #6
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    My Only True Care

    My Only True Care

    Lost Away, Filed Away
    In A Hidden And Forsaken Land
    No One Knows Me, Never Will
    Unless It Is By My Own Hand

    I Look About, To Find My Way
    Only To Have My Way Unfound
    Maybe I Was Never Meant
    To Find Myself On Different Ground

    If At Last I Die In Here
    Still In Sickness, Still In Fear
    My Life Shall Whither Gone
    And My Name Shall Disappear

    Here I'll Stay, Forever Dead
    In a Place of Fear and Dread
    My Lifeless Form Left Unmanned
    In a Hidden and Forsaken Land

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  7. #7
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    The Deeper Depths

    The Deeper Depths

    Deeper than a simple frown, a darker tacit gone to ground
    Their smiles held hostage only in theory
    A friendlier angel would’ve steered them right
    Those love-sick misadventure-ed fools

    To these unfortunates there is no comfort to give
    Their hearts no longer allow a frail smile’s glee, their joy is grief
    Their brains copy and recopy only the darker skies
    They’re given over to live only through relief

    A kiss can bind a man tighter than ropes
    But nothing binds them tighter than hopes

    A sadness of a grief recounted again, a mistake or horror you never forget.
    A morose swamping coil in which your haunted mind is set.
    To bemoan a dreary dreary dark and weary life alone.
    To sing-song hum a woebegone long remised love.
    Time and time is set to self-hate remember and regret
    This mistake and horror which you will never forget.

    Yet, Like a phoenix, like a Christ
    They pull from the malaise and their senses right
    After all, by and by, men are only fools in spite

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  8. #8
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    Daisy Cutters

    See! Who would know?
    Wind, war, oil and coal
    Fire, bombs and brimstone
    Sad Sullen souls

    Who can sit still at all
    Go look around!
    We all know who’s there
    Driving our minds

    Go lightly thunder
    Rain slightly harder
    Burn, rain, blow
    Cinders cold and tallowy
    Hot burning snow

    A Mess of hell
    Has been unleashed
    The threads of life

    Who will we call
    In times of need?
    I don’t care
    …No, not at all…

    Go lightly thunder
    Rain slightly harder
    Roll everything in dirt
    Scorching flowers
    And daisy cutters
    Compound death and hurt

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  9. #9
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    A Modern Dissertation on Morals

    A Modern Dissertation on Morals Chpt: 1
    Pride and Modesty

    Harangued in long-term,
    Yet, short and senseless ways
    Parading morals on flags and pennants
    Crying sad pretenseful rays

    Here are there morals of a man
    Morals of a mortal spec of sand:

    Pride is a sinful folly,
    For all sagacious sense;
    It's disappointment recompense
    All shall be sorry for Pride's folly

    Pride and Modesty, are kith and kin
    They are both, by nature, a deadly sin

    Modesty is Honest not
    Modesty is Modest not
    Modesty, veracity destroys
    So therefor, do not Modesty employ
    Last edited by Sinister; 03-01-2007 at 06:59 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  10. #10
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    This diddy goes out to someone very special...that uh :0 I don't know yet...

    Classical Thunder

    Classical Thunder in a Pearl Shell
    Ivory Eyes to Match the Veil
    With Lips of Gold
    To Shape and Mold
    The Thoughts of the Victim's Mind

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  11. #11
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    Frozen Ground

    Casting Rain
    A Tiny Form
    The Canopy

    Icy Trails
    Sloppy Snow
    Melting Skin

    Goddess Cold
    Sewing Seeds of Splitting
    Cold and Trickling
    Down Her Chin
    They Went Tickling

    Casting Rain
    In the Blue
    a small girl
    Her Hand Around
    A Clump
    Of Frozen Ground

    “I see
    And I know..
    That this is mine
    Frozen Ground?”

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  12. #12
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    The Anamorphic Lens

    Excuse me, please
    I have busy lies to lie
    I have sighs that I need to sigh
    I have stinging tears to cry
    I have no time for this
    Bliss, Nor can I
    Risk my time

    Turn away the Anamorphic Lens
    On your own life
    See how you measure under
    Your own strict view
    Study not me
    In time we will see
    Who is in scrutiny

    The scope of my hope
    Is not the focus shown
    The voyeur eye is prone
    To grope that of my own

    Now are we...
    The hypocritical spies
    Hung upon our own devices
    Of sutto voice and lies

    So do we wish
    To see and be seen
    To parade our modesty
    In front of public view
    To secretly embue
    Our lives with
    That charismatic hue

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  13. #13
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    You and Me
    The disturbing poem

    You're leading me hand-by-hand
    It's clouding my heart and bleeding through
    I've never had a world that's been lined with gold
    Maybe it will help me take control

    Will you help me with my life
    Will you be there til I die
    Stand next to me when I cry
    And I will be there too

    One out of many; us out of two
    You with me and me with you...
    We had no one to tell us we were wrong
    No one to tell us we had lived so long

    I'll let you kill just this one
    But only if you treat me kind
    You can suck his blood
    And I will gut his mind

    Take what remains back to our room
    And use it to dye the walls maroon
    We're gonna have to kill this nation
    Gonna save it for the next generation

    I'll leave it back for regenerations
    Vampiric storage and new revelations
    We may have believed ourselves
    Trusted in too many bedtime tales

    You want to bathe in a pool of blood
    I want to see it shine on your skin
    When we consider what can be done
    Our imaginations will keep us warm

    In need to necessarily bind our hopes and desires
    So that mankind will be safe from our evil wiles
    Burning like witches in other's jealous fires
    I am with you and you with me...

    You know that they never bother screaming
    Wouldn't matter, wouldn't change the meaning
    Another year of spreading people across walls
    Another fear of you, watching you feeding

    Hardcore and an angelic blessing
    You're beautiful skin, I'm carressing
    Another time, another generation
    Draining hemophilic regeneration

    Swinging whips and back at lashing
    Poor babies while their frantically
    Makes the sun come down crashing

    You and me; me and you
    Killing the world just by us two.
    Last edited by Sinister; 04-12-2007 at 09:24 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  14. #14
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    Thumbs up For Earth Day!

    Elemental Birth

    Men were the twin of earthen life,
    And long have lived astride.
    Back when they listened to noises at night
    And saw the stars at the eventide

    Men were the listeners to stories told,
    By trees in air and grass on ground.
    They heard of things ancient and old
    Through musical notes of nature's sound

    They heard the plots nature planned,
    To retrive her raped and pillaged land.
    They had heard the old oaks reminisce,
    Of a time before man's presence

    The worlds the old oaks rhymed in verse,
    Made the sting of man the worse
    The very songs they sang
    Are listed here:

    "Caught in the bellow's burning bolero, of sparks of warm anger.
    Caught in the hot, powerful pot of the fetid red volcano.
    The archaic heat, predates the aseptic seed,
    Sewn by the hands of men."

    "Caught in the rain's trickling tickle, of drops of cold refusal.
    Caught in the slow, drag and flow of the icy river bed.
    The aborning cold, before the tangible warming fold,
    Forged by the hands of men."
    Last edited by Sinister; 04-22-2007 at 02:23 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  15. #15
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    I have to say that I am slightly embarassed at these writings. Not only are some of them forcibly nonsensical and rhymed and contrived, but also that no one seems to like them, lol.

    Anyway, I shant post any more in this thread and thus I leave you my last poem as a disgraceful bow-out.

    Closing Comments

    Would that I…Were that fate had…
    Sad to say that…
    No more shall I…
    Never again

    If only it were so
    That life was not…
    …just for show

    Isn’t it hard to say
    That which was not said
    All these days and laughs
    Fun and memories that have fled

    But I shall never forget…
    The last thing that I shall write
    Never forget, nor shall I regret
    That I wrote last: “…”

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  16. #16
    Registered User OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Dimi's Avatar
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    I really like your poems Sinister. You use great descriptive words and I enjoy reading them. They do make sense and I understand where you're coming from.

    The last poem you wrote sounds good. I like the ending of it of how you do this at the end: "...". It sounds like someone is leaving life though. But good poem.

  17. #17
    Ach, shoosh, you. Don't stop posting them. I for one like them, in particular Classical Thunder, Psaltry of the Soul and that one about pennies whose title escapes me. I decided not to post in here prior to now, to let your thread have its own wee 'flow', so to speak. Didn't want to step on your toes, etc.

    Don't ever stop writing.

  18. #18
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. You guys are good friends.

    Well they're modest poems, but I write what I write, lol.

    They were worth every bit of the work if for nothing else I got Gov to post a post again lol.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  19. #19
    Got me to post again, eh! Perhaps this was some clever ruse on your part...though I really, really, really doubt it. I am not such a luddite that I would not drop in to give you my opinion on your writing. You already know what great importance I place in writing.

    In fact, on the occaisions when I do poke my head in here, my only stops are Literature and Journals, really. Just to keep an eye out. I'll probably be poking about more, since my MSN has died and it was basically all I did on this internet contraption.

    Anyway! I'll stop littering your thread. Cheerio.

  20. #20
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    The Battle Pass

    As I was standing beneath the Pass
    Steadfast I stood, but stood aghast
    Any man with an ear
    Could not help but hear
    The pound of the drums…

    They screamed:

    Retreat, Retreat! RETREAT!

    Dun and Crimson hued
    The world was it’s span
    Never before would a “man”
    stand where I was glued

    Snaking through the mountains
    No crooked path or high peak Contends
    The higher it ascends,
    The more snow and blood blends…

    “Retreat, Retreat! RETREAT!”

    Little did the doom and fire
    Courage Inspire, instead faltered ire
    High and higher
    Like a dead fang of the world…

    Deep and steep
    Did that stygian band beat
    Dank caves that Evils replete
    Those maddening drums over and over repeat…

    “Retreat, Retreat! RETREAT!”

    And in all of this storm of earth
    Was a hidden bony song
    Sung by monsters of War
    That littered it’s murky firth

    Dare you stay when you should go?
    Snow and wind bite and blow

    Retreat, Retreat! RETREAT!

    Did you smell the blood we spilt?
    Can you hear the screams that lilt
    Dead and curled are the keeps we built
    Bodies piled so high that the world will tilt

    Dare the Path and Shun the Peak
    The Brave die high and the meek

    Retreat, Retreat! RETREAT!

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  21. #21
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Omnitense, INTENSE!
    The repetiton of "Retreat, Retreat! RETREAT!" added an urgency, and a lot of interest.
    And your use of rhyme...
    I must say this: You are not a poet, you're a poet GOD.
    The Rhyme Sublime himself.

    You've stuck to an idea and pulled it off magnificently, awesome work.
    victoria aut mors

  22. #22
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    Thanks Celtic...I don't know what to say...

    I'm glad you liked it.


    And yes, it was all a clever ruse and you fell for it. It was no big deal... I just had to borrow a rhyming dictionary and then a little of this and that and walla! I got you to post


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  23. #23
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    The Jealousy Lyric

    And So Flowers from Corpses Grow
    Some as Red as Blood
    Some as White as Snow
    The Sad Light they Sew
    Strike the Bereaved
    And those Filled with Woe
    To Dishearten and Make Unwhole
    And Make Precious Mockery
    Of the Life they Stole

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  24. #24
    Registered User OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Dimi's Avatar
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    I wish it was longer. I wanted to keep reading more and more, but its really good. Its written out amazing and you used great descriptive words in it.

    And So Flowers from Corpses Grow
    Some as Red as Blood
    Some as White as Snow
    The beginning of it is my favorite. It puts a picture on my head just imagining it. Kudos OmniTense!

  25. #25
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    The King of gods and the God of men

    The King of gods and the God of men
    Sees with his tower of empyrean light
    of elysian fields and the plains of men
    A fanfare precedes and then follows after
    He makes merry of misery and scorns at laughter

    A god who wrecks sorrow on those who Interest
    The God of men, The God who takes and cannot give
    He steals morality and leaves it torn
    And his absence makes all men mourn

    What Irony that the root made God, Rules men
    When it was we who first created him
    A little ink, some paper and metal
    But it was the idea that, man's fate did settle

    He is most surely in all places at once
    Behind many faces of innocence and loyalty
    All man's dreams and wants made one
    He will steal smiles and blot out the sun

    He gives reasons to murder, mayhem and theft
    He inspires all three and to man destroys veracity
    That all thoughts he consumes and luck he smotes
    All this carnage caused by federal reserve notes

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  26. #26
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    Prepare for Battle

    Nothing but life to live
    One life is all I need
    Heaven shall remember
    Hell will never forgive

    I stood all day in the falling rain
    Let things end and everything start again
    I shall face the end with pride
    I shall stand before the turning tide

    Here, my nerves are bare.

    I wipe my eyes
    Think of the pain!
    Clench your fist
    Die not in vain!

    I stood all day in the falling rain
    Let things end and everything start again
    Speaking in mute pantomime
    Searching for just an hour’s time…

    I try to lift my head
    Looking for a last spark
    Of light in this final dark
    “I’m not dead?...dead.”

    All my life, this has been planned
    In this second, I shall stand!
    And so, I stood all day in the falling rain
    Let things end and everything start again!

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  27. #27
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    Under Wicked Sun...

    A ruddy glow, both soft and slow
    Like cinders tossed amongst the snow
    Tender crisping sallow flesh
    With starry moon does mesh

    Under wicked sun…

    Through fields of coriander
    Under cliffs of alabaster
    Around which, I run the faster
    Under wicked sun…

    Heartstrings plucked like wicked lyres
    Heaping truth on funeral pyres
    Burning deeper in the fires
    Under wicked sun…

    In this world of good or bad
    Sad, glad and happily mad
    We all wake, shake
    And feel the bake

    Under wicked sun…

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  28. #28
    Registered User OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Dimi's Avatar
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    The rhythm and the way it rhymes is really good bro. Seriously, this is has became on of my favorite poems. I noticed that your poems in general have some kind of theme related to life. They're really powerful and if you look beyond the symbolism and the descriptive writing that you use, its really, really good.

  29. #29
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I haven't commented here in a while, but I still have certainly been reading.
    Your poetry seems to only hit good to great on any ratings scale I've ever used.
    Your use of language which just isn't used all that much anymore, your use of a conflict of some sort in your poetry, and any other themes you use all combine for some great reading.
    Keep up the good work.
    victoria aut mors

  30. #30
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
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    Thanks guys.

    I'm not feeling very prolific as a poet but I think I'll throw one more in there for a while...

    You Can't

    From the edges of Madness
    To the cities of the Sane
    They live in the inbetween
    And they're yelling at you!

    Do they ever sound like fools...
    Don't you hear what they say?
    Forgot to leash the wolves
    They're yelling at you:

    "Don't even try; You can't
    You thought you could fly
    You thought you could and you can't
    You'll be shot from the sky."

    They never looked above their heads
    And so they missed the things they said
    "Oh God, it's over." Disaster woos
    God, they sound like fools...

    Are the fools not going to take it anymore?
    So they turned off all the lights
    and "YOU CAN'T!" was writ oe'r the door...

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

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