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Thread: OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection

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  1. #1
    Sir Prize OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection Sinister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries

    OmniTense/Sinister Poetry Collection

    From the Edge of the World

    From the edge of the world to the last star
    Who knew life extended that far?
    Look from the darkest corner to the lambent rays
    To see the lurid stains of dreamy malaise

    Even on Earth's jagged cliffs
    We have flown through those realms
    That amorphous surf is the dreamer's turf
    In that thick black soup we spin

    We are able to distend, our disbelief
    Our tensions mount or melt, to our relief
    We transform ourselves and our scene
    To fit fancies and cater to routines

    From the oppression and the drear
    Into the best possible haze
    Of the great Etherial maze
    Of deepest darkened space

    To the corporeal fears we eternalize at night
    To cheat slight and life dies bright
    Home is where the heart beats
    For me, black pen ink it bleeds

    To the bleak sounds we hear
    When day is far and night is near
    Sounds of stars falling and werewolves calling
    Strange that they should boost our fear

    Above the roar of the astral hum
    To the pulse underneath your mental thumb
    Along the cosmic whistles and chimes
    It sings above and beyond the times

    Oblivion is our desired home
    In it we float, dream and swell
    Life's little demons are back on earth's hell
    There are no problems here

    From the edge of the world to the last star
    We are able to distend our disbelief
    From the oppression and the drear
    To the corporeal fears we eternalize at night
    To the bleak sounds we hear
    Above the roar of the astral hum
    Oblivion is our desired home
    Our time, it never comes

    A lengthy one, that is for the most part, designed to please the ear rather than the mind.
    Last edited by Sinister; 02-22-2007 at 08:00 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."


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