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  1. #1
    The Persistent Flourish OldBean Zero (Prequel) Alice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    OldBean Zero (Prequel)

    Yes. A prequel is already happening,and the sequel for OldBean 1 isn't even done yet! Why am I making a prequel so early!? Well, for starters, I got bored. And the fact that the sequel is almost finished comes into fray as well. You will notice that OBZero is much better than the other two OBs. While the progress of OB2 won't have the nice detailed style of OBZ, I assure you, when I do OB3, it will retain the style that OBZero will have. I promise you, you won't get any crap work!

    P.S. For OB haters, I will tell you, OldBean is NOT in the prequel at all! Well...he is, sorta. In the form of a baby owl, that barely even plays a role at ALL in here. So you can sit down and be happy. (Me included. I don't hate OB myself, but I do rather like the new style of writing...)

    P.P.S. Yeah, PPS, since when did that happen. ><

    You may notice that Zero seems similar to Zero from Megaman. Let me say this. OBZero is not a remake of MMZero! They are not related in anyway. You may be wondering. "What, they have the same weapons!" Well, let me say this. Finish reading the whole thing before you say that...for all you know, the weapons might get replaced...heck, they might get altered.

    It started. Better get a move on.

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    OldBean Zero

    After the incident of Terrayana, Two Years Ago, in 2989, Contro Corporation decided to begin their plan for sending out overpowered Galactasolum all over the world in the hope that they would be able to rule over the world, and spread the evil dark power all over it in the process…
    Afraid to Love
    You are all
    I ever think about,
    You are all
    I ever cared about

    I never realised how,
    painful it is
    to love someone so much
    but can't tell them so!

    I can't concentrate...
    ...when you're all....around!

    I'd give you life,
    so you could live
    I'd give you roses
    Take them if you want

    But I can't keep thinking
    about you all time long
    I must focus on my duty!

    Maybe I'm Afraid to Love
    I can't think of any other reason
    Maybe I'm afraid to love at all

    Maybe that is just the way it is
    Maybe it is just who I am, reluctant

    You are all
    I ever think about,
    You are all
    I ever cared about

    I never realised how,
    much I really loved,
    I didn't know I was capable of it.

    I'll help you,
    So you find your way
    I'll help you,
    So you stay happy

    You're unlike any, other, person
    I've ever met, you're completely different
    Oh yes!

    But maybe,
    I'm afraid to love
    I've never felt this way

    What am I supposed to do?
    Maybe it's something, I can't change
    It's just who I am
    But I'll try my best
    But I'll always love you so!
    Last edited by Alice; 02-21-2008 at 05:18 AM.

  2. #2
    The Persistent Flourish OldBean Zero (Prequel) Alice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Next part of OBZero. Please post in the comments thread.

    Mission 1

    Northern Beanland,

    The world was happy and peaceful, as it should be. However, it was not as happy as it used to be, back in 2000. Now, the year is 2991, nearing the 31st century. The world, as it should be after a long period of time, has had its technology advanced, and as such, the things that were believed impossible back the last few centuries were now being used everyday, teleporting devices and the like. However, the people of this time were smart enough to limit the technology. If something went wrong, the results would not be good. Therefore, they did not go to the extreme, but nevertheless, the world was fine. But, a corporation by the name of Contro is sending a highly dangerous liquid to all nations, known as Galactasolum. It harnessed the power of the darkness within it, but it also gave huge amounts of energy per drop. This energy would be used to its advantage, and with this ridiculous power, such things as Galacta-swords, and Galacta-rifles exist. These weapons were also known as Dark Swords and Dark Rifles, as were the armours. Galacta Armour and Galacta Helms and the like. Contro is building a weapon of mass destruction using the solum, and with the energy being exported to all other countries, the power of darkness would soon spread over to everyone and infect them. Although this power would not instantly affect them, they would slowly change, into their dark side. Usually this type of substance would be viewed as fiction, but amazingly, it has been discovered, and as such, its existence was proved. No one, however, is taking action against Contro, and instead, just wonder around and carry on with their lives. If no one would step forward and stop them, the real end of the world they knew as a happy place, would well and truly come.

    There was also, on the bright side, a hero known as Zero. Whilst his name may sound cool, and he himself a really great person, his life is a sad one. He constantly gets insulted by many around him, even though he had never done a thing wrong. It was upsetting, but he never let it get to him. His sword, the X-Saviour, which was also known as the Xavier, defeats any enemies in his path, as does his Rapid Blaster, which rapidly fires energy blasts at his foes. He obviously, had a shield to go with the two items. His helm also had an eye cover, which would protect his eyes. To go with that, he had a mouth guard which protected that too, and both could be disabled and enabled, to Zero’s own liking. His armour was red, and his eyes were blue. His sword which would usually be glowing green could also, most surprisingly, be disabled, and turned into an ordinary weapon. He is also an expert in all forms of weaponry, from missiles and grenades to Laser Gun and Dark Sword. Despite close contact with some dark items, he was never affected. He had had enough for now, and decided to get a job as a member of the Lufio Army. The building was in Canunburk City, which he was in right this minute. He dashed through all the streets at high speed, and eventually found the building. He looked up and saw the Lufio Logo, two feathers, forming the letter ‘F’. He looked back down, and entered through the door, wondering where to go next. Although he did not know it, by walking in, his entire life would take a big change, and from that point on, everything he would have to do, would be far more dangerous than what he had done previously. Even running into building on fire didn’t compare to this, or even stopping armed robbers. What he would be doing soon, and later, would be far more ridiculous than anything he had done…

    Lufio Building,

    Zero stepped into the building. He looked at the receptionist: A small blue dragius wearing grey clothing. The sight of him amused Zero. He smiled too much, and acted way too cheerful that everyone felt nervous when talking to him. The receptionist noticed the amused Zero, and without further ado, he smiled. The same smile that made it very uncomfortable to talk to him. Zero however, did not feel uncomfortable or nervous. He was still amused. He went up to him and talked.
    ”I’m here to take part in the Lufian Army. Zero. I’m sure you know me already.”
    The dragius looked up and opened his mouth and turned it into a large ‘O’. Everyone else turned around in just stared at him. Zero spoke very quietly to him.
    ”I’d like this done quick…I hate the publicity I get, it’s truly annoying.”
    The receptionist closed his mouth.
    ”O...kay...well. I’m sorry to say, all spaces have been taken already.”
    ”I see…” replied Zero. He had come all this way for nothing to happen, and now he was having a large number of people goggling at him. He saw out of the corner of his eye two girls moving towards the elevator, one wearing black, another wearing blue, and in the other corner of his other eye, a suspicious figure. He sensed danger and something horrible. He decided to keep his eyes on the figure. It went out of sight from his view. He listened to the foot steps. It stood behind him. Zero, very cautious, prepared himself for battle in case of being attacked. He prepared to take out the X-Saviour, but did not grip onto it. It would only make the person himself more cautious. But he still did not make a single move. He just stood there behind him. Zero did not let his guard down however. Everyone in the area just stood still, waiting for Zero himself to move. The receptionist just sat there confused. Zero heard the man move over to the chairs and sit down. He heard the ruffling of papers as well. The area was silent. He didn’t want to seem suspicious himself, so he took out a piece of paper.
    ”Excuse me, I need to check on something.” he said to the receptionist, who merely shrugged.
    Whilst his eyes were on the paper, his thoughts were on the man. Although he had done nothing yet, he seemed to be planning something. He just walked behind Zero for no real reason, and instead of staring at him like he was a Hollywood Celebrity, just went and sat down…that, and he seemed to be hiding something in a sack he held in his hand. Suddenly, there was a scream outside, and armed troops came rushing in.
    ”Everyone, put your hands up, and don’t do a thing!” said the leader of the troops, who was wearing a brown coat instead of the usual blue armour. Everyone obeyed him. Everyone, except for Zero.
    “Unit A, move up to the 2nd Floor, Unit B, move to the 47th.”
    The two groups immediately headed for the staircases. Zero didn’t respond to anything at all. He just stood there as if nothing even happened.
    ”And as for our guests…you shall attempt to find Project Galactanium and the person in charge of it. Eliminate him or her if they get way, same with everyone else.”
    A small group of tough looking troops rushed into the elevator, and the doors shut. There were still a few troops there.
    ’Everyone, keep an eye on things…I’m going outside for a while…”

    Lufio Building,
    Test Lab

    ”Why did you even call me here?” asked the girl wearing black, completely bored. She stared at the floating black orb in the container. “I’ve seen more interesting.”
    ”I needed some company…must be boring to have to be finding stuff to do out there on the streets for no reason at all.” said the girl in blue.
    ”Well, what do you think ninjas do?”
    ”Admit it, you aren’t really one…you just have the skills.”
    ”Well no duh.” she replied. “Do you really think I’ll ever even get to use a blade on a guy?”
    She was too busy and she continued to use her computer without replying.
    ”Ah yes…sadly, it’s true. The solum is probably a lot stronger than we thought.”
    ”Skip to the point, Kyselia.” the girl said, rolling her eyes.
    ”Well, even though the solum may be strong enough in its normal form, the powers can be enhanced by-“
    ”This is going to be long, isn’t it?” said the bored girl.
    ”Well, yes, but-“
    ”Short version please.”
    ”Okay then, we can make it stronger.”
    She laughed. “Sorry, you have to hear the long version to know, Kristi.”
    Suddenly, armed troops busted in.
    ”Put your hands up, we have the area completely surrounded!”
    Kristi laughed and took out her blade.
    ”I’ve wanted to use this for quite a while. Finally, I get some action.”
    ”Kristi, don’t-“ said Kyselia, but Kristi ran across.
    ”Of course you have the area surrounded, if you didn’t, we’d be able to run, now, wouldn’t we?”
    The troops aimed their rifles at her. She frowned.
    ”Guns, rifles? Doesn’t anyone here think about having a fair game anymore?”

    Lufio Building,

    Zero still didn’t react. A troop noticed this. He walked forward to him.
    ”Sir, put your hands up and kneel down!”
    Zero still didn’t do anything. Everyone just stared, waiting for something to happen. The receptionist, however, just sat there with his hands up, and instead of being frightened, read a book that was open on his desk, as if this was something that happened everyday.
    ”Sir, put your arms up, or I’ll have to shoot you!”
    Zero didn’t move. The troop moved to him and attempted to strangle him. Zero however, was too quick, and threw off his cape. And in an instant, the troop was down on the floor, with Zero holding his sword.
    ”Pitiful…you call this a soldier? And he had a gun.”
    ”Oh my god, you killed him!” burst out the receptionist.
    ”I did not kill him…seriously; pal, look at the guy before you make a statement.”
    All the troops aimed at Zero and fired. Zero however, merely took out his shield, which reflected all the bullets, which just merely went back to their firers.
    ”How could a group with what seems like a well organised leader be so easily defeated?”
    The receptionist sighed.
    ”Well, you did kill them this time.”
    ”I injured them. I avoid killing. Now do something useful, will you?”
    The receptionist looked around. There weren’t any troops there anymore, except for another two coming down the stairs, aiming at Zero and preparing to fire. Zero just dashed at them, his sword out, and they fell, and rolled down the stairs.
    ”And there they go.” sighed Zero.
    ”Well, what the heck am I meant to do?” asked the receptionist.
    ”If you’ve noticed, the people around here are safe now…take them somewhere safe yourself now.”
    ”For heavens sakes, I might get killed myself!”
    ”You are a Dragius?”
    Zero shook his head.
    ”Can you teleport?”
    ”Yes…” the receptionist replied dully.
    ”Well do something useful like teleporting them somewhere safe.”
    ”Oh yeah, why didn’t I think of that?” and he did pretty much what Zero asked him to do.
    Now that Zero was free, he picked up his cape, but did not put it on…it would only get in the way. He was to now head to the second floor. He walked up the stairs, and went to the left, for that was where the two guards came from. He stood still. He heard footsteps rushing down from behind him, from the right staircase. He took out his Rapid Blaster and fired, which caused the troops to come out with shields. Now that he had them cornered, Zero jumped over them, and slashed them both down.
    ”Honestly, whatever happened to planning your attacks?”
    He walked up the right staircase to the first floor.

    Lufio Building,
    1st Floor

    The area was deserted. Still, he couldn’t let his guard down. He walked on until he came near the staircase to the second floor. He let his shadow be seen near the staircase, and instantly, a small bomb came bouncing down. Using the Rapid Blaster, he destroyed it before it even came close to reaching him.
    ”He’s there!” he heard someone say.
    Three troops came down with shields, and rifles…
    ”Finally, someone with brains.” Zero said clearly.
    ”Indeed you’re right, Mr. Hero. Look behind you.”
    ”I don’t need to, I know you have another two right there, preparing to fire.” Zero replied.
    ”Surrender, perhaps?”
    Zero activated his eye cover and mouth guard.
    He rushed into a room near nearby, with the five troops firing at him. He thought out a plan instantly. He rolled under the desk, and took his Rapid Blaster out again. Once all five walked in cautiously, the Rapid Blaster stayed true to it’s namesake and fired rapidly, taking them all down. Zero walked over them.
    ”Remember to protect your legs next time.”
    Zero walked up the staircase to the 2nd floor.

    Lufio Building,
    2nd Floor

    After what had happened before, Zero was sure there was bound to be something on the 2nd floor, especially since the commander ordered some to come here. But why? Zero scanned the area. It was empty, but he couldn’t miss something that sounded like sobbing. Zero followed the sound to a room. He saw three guards in front of a woman. Zero moved away from the door, and leaned on the wall next to it. The conversation didn’t seem to hold anything important except…
    ”Tell us everything you know about Project G unless you want your kid taken!”
    The woman continued to cry. Apparently she took her child to work for a day, not knowing that this might have been a bad time for it to visit. Zero didn’t need to listen anymore. He pushed the door open, but did not instantly attack. He pointed the Blaster at them.
    ”Let them go and I’ll let you three run for your lives.”
    One of them kicked the Blaster out of his hands, making him react with his infamous X-Saviour. All three dropped to the floor.
    ”Thank you…” she said. “Thank you....” she picked up her child and ran out. Zero, who decided not to take down one hundred men, took the elevator and went to the 47th floor. But not before he picked up his Rapid Blaster again.

    Lufio Building,
    47th Floor

    Once Zero stepped out, he had about seven men pointing their guns at him.
    ”Like they say,” he said. “Seven is the luckiest number.”
    ”For us, you mean.” one of them sneered. “Give in! Your resistance is-“
    ”-futile, whatever. Just back off.”
    They didn’t say anything, but just fired, not hesitating like the others. He took out his shield which just about made every bullet go back to their owners.
    Why was there twice the number of troops here then the 2nd floor? Was Project G coincidentally on this floor? Zero decided to take a look at all the rooms on this floor. The first three rooms had nothing but what apparently smelled like Galactasolum. Of course, Zero didn’t want to linger, and moved straight away from these rooms. Of course, he met his luck with the fourth. It was a Test Lab for testing new weapons and dangerous experiments. He entered, and saw four troops battling a the girl that wore black, with the one wearing blue doing her best to keep out of the trouble. It seemed that these four were Special Forces, highly skilled, and highly dangerous. Now, he’d finally have a real challenge.

    Lufio Building,
    Test Lab

    ”I like a challenge.” said Zero quietly. Not that he needed to say anything, because two of the men stopped attacking leapt over to Zero.
    “We are Contro Corporation’s finest and best. We’re here to find and take Project G, and we shall eliminate anyone that gets in our way!”
    ”Less talking, more fighting. Seriously, can’t even make a scratch on a lady…” said the girl.
    The two right in front of Zero seemed well armed. Not that they were as good as him. But of course, this might have been the first challenge he may have met in this building. The rest of them weren’t as good. Zero threw his cape away once more, and prepared himself for everything.
    ”How pathetic!”
    Zero ran at the two, who seemed merely bored as if they’d seen the sort of attack already…although, then again, who hadn’t? They merely walked away. This was their flaw. He saw a high tech grapple on the desk. He didn’t understand why things that he needed popped up when ever they were of use, but it was a good occurrence. He grabbed it and pointed it at the center of the ceiling, and fired, and swung halfway across the room, and then slashed at the two, who did a grave mistake by going back into the center. They were smart enough to dodge though. Zero jumped off and turned around and fired rapidly with the blaster. They dodged those too by jumped backwards, and threw shurikens at Zero, who rolled towards the two and did his Roll Slash at them. This time, he got them. They went down to the floor, like the others.
    ”Why do they all go down with their legs?” Zero sighed. “Now to make sure they can’t do anything.”
    He kicked hard at both of them, who grabbed his leg and made him lose balance.
    ”Nice technique…not.”
    His favourite sword did the rest of the job. Now he turned to the girl, who had taken down one already. Apparently those shurikens belonged to her. Taking advantage of their concentration, Zero just walked to the last remaining one and fired away with his blaster. The girl looked relieved.
    ”Blimey, that was harder then anything I’ve faced so far.”
    ”In my opinion, these guys are the most pathetic people I’ve ever fought.”
    The other girl stood up and walked to the other two.
    ”Hey, I’m Kyselia, and she’s Kristi.”
    ”I see. I guess I don’t need an introduction. Just, if you’re going to stick around, leave me in peace.”
    ”I don’t ask for autographs.” Kristi said. “She wants one though it seems.”
    ”I do not!” said Kyselia turning to Kristi, blushing.
    ”We can talk later.” said Zero. “We probably won’t be able to get out of here normally, considering the commander of this whole so called operation is probably back down there in the lobby.”
    ”Okay. It shouldn’t be too hard, there’s a helicopter up on the roof.”
    ”I see.” he replied again. “So we just head on up?”
    ”Pretty much.” Kristi answered.
    ”Okay then. I’ll grab that helicopter and finish some matters with Mr. Leader down there. You two can tag along if you want…”
    ”Nobody ever seems to ask us to tag along.”
    ”Apparently they’ve never seen what you can do.” replied Zero. “If you don’t mind, could you explain to me what Project G is?” he added to Kyselia.
    ”I’ll explain in a while…let’s move on up first.”


    ”Sir, it seems Zero has sadly gotten in the way of our plans. We did not expect him to be here. What should we do?”
    The man behind the desk didn’t seem all pleased.
    ”Send Marshal over to assist Colonel…I doubt I need to say anything else.”
    ”I will do as you wish.”
    As the other man started to walk out, the man behind the table said “Stop.”
    He stopped.
    ”Do you have any idea of what he was doing there?”
    ”Seemed like he was going to become part of the army when I saw him…he wouldn’t have been a bad recruit either…he literally took down over ten of our men on his own, with just a blaster and a sword…”
    ”A sword, huh?” said the man. “The X-Saviour…one of a kind…”
    The man sighed.
    ”Along with Marshal, get some of our top men to accompany him.”
    ”But he’ll just take them all down…”
    ”Oh no, I don’t see him taking down Marshal and twenty other men all at once.”
    “I see…” said the other man, who left through the door.
    The other man’s thoughts were on Zero.
    ”Zero, huh? This’ll be interesting…”
    He stood up, and walked over to his bookcase. Instead of the usual secret switch, he pushed it away, revealing what happened to be a floppy disk.
    ”How unfortunate that I had to happen to run into you…”
    He picked the disk up. In the darkness, what was written on it could not be seen.
    ”Too bad you won’t be seeing my masterpiece.”
    He put the disk in his pocket, and walked out of the room.

  3. #3
    The Persistent Flourish OldBean Zero (Prequel) Alice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Second Mission of OBZero. Feel free to post in the comments thread.

    Mission 2

    Lufio Building,

    ”Explain.” said Zero in an instant.
    ”Okay,” started Kyselia, but Zero instantly butted in.
    ”I haven’t even started yet…” said Kyselia quietly.
    They stood still for a few seconds. Zero heard breathing in the elevator that did not belong to him or the other two…he somehow felt someone else was in there with him too. No, there definitely was someone there with him. He was sure of it. He needed to act normal in case the invisible person found out that he knew.
    ”Never mind. I thought about something, I guess I thought wrong.”
    ”Can I continue?” Kyselia asked.
    Zero looked down. He saw a large shadow. Stealth devices worked perfect; only the person could not hide his own shadow…it was rather unlucky for the person to be hiding in an area that had light in it. Zero pretended to be thinking of something important. He saw the shadow move, and Zero instantly grabbed out what Kyselia, on the way to elevator, told him was the Resistance Grapple. He fired it straight ahead at what was seemingly the elevator door, but instead hit some in mid-air. Zero just continued to hold the grapple, and did not instantly attack. The invisible person disabled his stealth, and was revealed to be the man wearing the brown coat. He pulled the grapple off of himself, and Zero made it come back by pushing a button on the part he was holding.
    ”I am Colonel. I came here to assist my men, but it seems that the rest of them below were too cowardly to follow you, and I thus came myself. How smart you are to have realised my presence.”
    Kyselia backed into a corner, but Kristi merely just raised an eyebrow.
    ”And what would you want? Is this another popular bad guy scenario where the bad guy tries to kill the good guy for no reason?” she said.
    ”She has a point there. Why do you want Project G?” Zero asked, although he didn’t expect an actual answer.
    ”It is Contro Corporation’s own private reason. We rather not disclose any information…now, I’m sorry but, I’m going to have to kill you and capture these two ladies and pretty much everyone that found out about this incident. We wouldn’t want to have any of the details heard, now, would we?”
    ”There have been enough rumours about me in this world already. Ever heard the one about me being an attention seeking moron? It’s all fake, obviously. I’ll be surprised if you released my death saying that I got stuck in an elevator.”
    ”And why does that matter?” replied Colonel. “I need you out of my way.” and with that, Colonel took out a large blue sword himself.
    ”Honestly…isn’t there a single pacifist left in this world?” Zero said. “How the hell do you think we’re going to battle in a small area like this?”
    ”Better advantage for me.” said Colonel.
    ”Why aren’t you going to strike me down now then, instead of talking?”
    ”I’d ask you the same thing.”
    Zero activated his mouth guard. The level on the display on top of the elevator door said ‘83’.
    ”To make some room for us.”
    And suddenly, the door opened, and Zero took out his shield, just in time, as Colonel smashed his sword down him.
    ”Run!” Zero shouted. Kyselia ran out, but Kristi just normally walked out, looking at Kyselia. Zero thought he heard her mutter, “Coward.”
    Colonel backed out of the elevator, and the doors shut, leaving Zero stuck back in there. He went for the floor just below where he was, but as soon as the elevator started moving, he saw a large blue sword pierce the panel. Now he couldn’t go choose another floor if he wanted to. The doors opened, and Zero leapt out, with his shield out. No one was here. Zero went to where the stairs were. He climbed up them, and saw a hatch on the roof, reading ‘rooftop’. Zero didn’t push it open. He took a few steps back, and pointed his sword at that very location where he just stood. As expected, Colonel came busting down, and Zero ran and slashed. Colonel was too fast, and leapt back out onto the rooftop. Zero still stood there, and didn’t take the bait. A small bomb came bouncing down. Zero took out his Blaster again. It was pathetic. He fired at it, and it exploded. He put his shield over his head, and walked on forward. When he was at the hatch, he jumped out, and Colonel smashed his sword down on Zero, who fell, but rolled into the center of the roof, and regained balance. He stood back up.
    ”Nice view.”

    Lufio Building,

    Zero got himself ready for another incoming blow, when a helicopter came by, with someone else wearing red jumping down onto the building. Zero saw Kristi stare with wide eyes at the figure. It then jumped down, off the roof.
    ”What the..?”
    He felt something miss him by an inch.
    ”Keeping your eyes off your opponent is a pretty bad thing, huh, Zero?”
    ”Coming in close range contact with him at times isn’t a very good idea either.” and Zero kicked Colonel, and elbowed him hard, and slashed him straight in the face. Colonel didn’t look fit for another attack.
    ”Be glad that isn’t going to leave a scar.”
    Colonel decided to take out his gun. Zero just walked away.
    ”Hey, what about us?” asked Kyselia.
    Before Zero could answer, he whipped around and Colonel fired. He missed.
    ”Good thing I met seven guards down there, huh? Luck really is on my side after all. Going to try something else?”
    Colonel took out his sword again, attempted to stand up, but couldn’t. Zero heard someone behind him. But how could that be, he was right on the edge of the building. Zero turned around again.
    ”Maybe I should’ve considered having some peace instead of coming here.” said Zero quietly. Floating in front of him was a beautiful woman wearing blue as well. Though a lot more blue than Kyselia.
    ”Don’t think about moving, hero. You’re going down. Literally.”
    ”Going down is also literally movement as well.” replied Zero. “Who are you?”
    ”Another one of the top of Contro Corporation…although a bit better than those fools running around thinking they’re the best.”
    ”Nice ability. Flight, huh? I’m sure that isn’t all you can do.”
    ”How did you know?” she said, smiling.
    Colonel ran at him with his sword out, and Zero dodged. The girl dodged as well.
    ”You didn’t even see that coming. Psychic?”
    ”Very clever.” she said. Zero heard the more than common police car below.
    ”Unfortunately I have no time to deal with you.” she said. “See you…”
    And she started disappearing into nothing, and eventually did.
    ”Nice. Anyone still here that wants to get a slash in the face?”
    ”Nope.” replied Kristi. “Now. Answer our question. How do we get out of here?”
    Zero felt the wind, and then small lights formed, slowly, into…
    ”Hiyas.” said the receptionist.
    ”I have a feeling we’ll be seeing each other a lot more often…” Zero thought.
    ”What’s your name?”
    Kyselia laughed hard from behind them. She wiped her eyes.
    ”Sorry, that name just makes me laugh. Reminds me of the word ‘wannabe’.”
    ”Ha ha, very funny.” said Foda sarcastically. “Hey, I have to teleport you out of here. If the police find you here, they’ll probably hunt you down for questioning.”
    ”Stuff the police. They were never of much help anyway. Even now, they’re taking in the wrong people to prison.”
    ”Yeah well, whatever. Hold onto me. Including you, Ms. Giggle.” he added to Kyselia. “Oh yeah, you too.”
    ”Forget about me.” said Kristi quietly, and she dived off the building.
    ”Some guts she has.” said Zero.
    ”Okay, let’s go!”
    And they felt the wind around them, saw the area around them, though oddly distorted, but they ended up inside pub back in the city pretty quick.
    ”Hey, it’s him! Hey man, can I have your autograph!?” asked a rather large man sitting behind a round table. Everyone walked up to Zero.
    ”You took us to the pub?”
    ”Sorry. Only place I frequent a lot. Not for the drinks. I just like talking here.”
    ”I don’t think I’ll have the same impression as you.” said Zero quietly.
    ”Well, can’t help ya, find your own way.”
    Zero squeezed his way through the lot.
    ”Hey, the autograph, dude!” said the man. Zero picked up a spoon, and threw it straight at the round table. The man looked surprised.
    ”You’ll need a spoon to eat.” and with that, Zero walked out.

    Northern Beanland,

    He saw two other police cars with sirens driving by. He decided not to follow. He would check the other areas first. But as soon as he just moved one step, a whole lot of troops wearing green ran into the city.
    ”Everyone, take cover! Get out of here! Aaargh!”
    The troop got hit by an energy ball, which came supposedly from the direction of Lufio Building. This naturally meant that he didn’t need to check the other areas at all. He sped off to where the ball came from. He came face to face with the girl, right in front of the doorway to Lufio Building.
    ”You again.” she smiled. “You might want to get out of here quickly, unless you want to get taken down by three top soldiers and twenty more troops.”
    And he was surrounded before he could even take out his blaster.
    ”Don’t move!” one of them said. Zero didn’t move. He tried to think of a way out.
    ”Toss your weapons over here…”
    Zero obeyed…but not in the way the troop would’ve wanted him to. He deactivated his X-Saviour, which suddenly looked like an ordinary sword again. He dropped it, and kicked it over to the troop. As soon as he got down, the sword activated again, and got both his arm and leg.
    ”Argh! Someone, get him!”
    Zero took out the grapple at a random building, and took out his blaster. Someone grabbed his leg, but he just fired back down at them all. He purposely let go, fell, and got back up firing everywhere. He picked his sword back up, and slashed at two troops, who went down immediately, covering the area in which they got hit.
    ”Everyone, move out, move out!”
    Suddenly all the troops retreated. Three of them crawled back out. It was the red figure that ordered them all to retreat. Zero noticed that Kristi was nowhere in sight around here, considering she willingly fell from the top. It was interesting to notice the figure was smiling. He apparently also had a mouth guard, although deactivated. It was hard to tell what he was thinking.
    ”Marshal.” the figure said quietly. He walked up to Zero who didn’t react. Without warning, Marshal whipped out his own sword, but before Zero could slash him back, Marshal teleported, somewhere. The troops did too, come to that. Or rather, he someone took them with him. Kristi walked up behind him.
    ”What the heck was that? And what was he doing here?”
    Zero turned around.
    ”’He’? You know him?”
    ”I’m not so sure anymore.” she replied.
    Sirens were heard, and they were getting louder.
    ”You got anything to help us out?”
    ”Yup. Stealth Device…this one is a one time use though.”
    ”Good enough.” Zero said. They turned invisible, and headed off back to the pub. The entrance anyway…Zero didn’t want to be surrounded again by happy people.

    ”What should we do now? You three,” said Zero, pointing at Kristi, Foda, and Kyselia. “You three can’t just walk around freely anymore. They’ll be after you now. Every single one of them.”
    ”What about you?” said Kyselia, looking up at him. The other three were sitting on a bench outside the pub.
    ”You honestly think the police like me? My case is completely different. They can follow me all they want with no success. You three, are going to be followed by none other than Contro itself.”
    ”Well they can try all they want as well, I can teleport.” smiled Foda proudly.
    ”I’m sure even you have to sleep, sometimes.” Zero said quietly. Foda looked upset. Zero didn’t seem to care.
    ”You mean we’re all going on the run?” asked Kristi.
    ”No. That’d be even more foolish.”

    ”How about taking Contro down?!” burst out Kyselia.
    ”Oh, shut up.” said Kristi rolling her eyes. “They’ll hear you. How the hell could we do that anyway?”
    ”You completely forgot about Redman here.” said Foda, pointing at Zero.
    ”What was that?”
    ”I’m sure that’s true.” said Zero sarcastically. “Although, that might not be such a bad idea…” he thought, looking at Kyselia. “The planet is being polluted by the dark power. Someone has to take action.”
    ”Why didn’t you?” asked Kristi.
    ”This takes more than the work of one person.” Zero replied. He turned around.
    ”Woah! Stop right there!” yelled out Foda, getting up. “I am not going to risk my life here! I rather die drinking Aqualato than do that!”
    ”What the heck, is an Aqualato?” said Kyselia, turning her head around at Foda.
    ”I do not want to find out if it exists!” Foda said simply, folding his arms.
    ”You’re a weird one.” said Zero, his back them all. “I never said that we would either…I’m just saying it’s a good idea for someone to fight back…”
    Foda sat back down, looking at the door to the pub.
    ”Either way, you three do something or get caught.” Zero said loudly. “It’s your decision.”
    ”I’m up for it.” said Kristi.
    ”Me.” said Kyselia.
    ”Pie looks delicious.” said Foda, staring through the window. He turned around to see the other three shaking their heads disapprovingly.
    ”What? What did I do? Wait, you mean you don’t like Apple Pie?”
    ”…you really are hopeless…” Zero thought.
    Foda, this time, stared at the statue next to the door, which had gold liquid running all over it.
    ”If only it was real…”
    ”Foda!” shouted Zero.
    ”Eh, what? Oh fine, I’m coming!” and he got off the bench reluctantly, and followed the other three down an alleyway.
    ”What the heck are we-“
    ”Don’t want to be overheard.” Zero answered before Foda could finish. When they stopped walking, Zero said, “Fine. Planning time. What to do first?”
    ”This is all a sudden. We were just walking from the pub and now we’re going to do something that might save the entire world. What a coincidence.” said Foda.
    ”Galactasolum is carried over to many countries, or small towns, to help with energy sources, or power failures. We should help the small towns first, they have no idea of what’s going on at all…any suggestions?”
    Kyselia raised her hand.
    ”There is Hyne.”
    ”Isn’t that the newspaper?”
    ”It’s also another small town.” she explained. “Galactasolum is sent there weekly. If I’m correct, there should be another load sent tomorrow.”
    ”Tomorrow, huh?” Zero wondered. “We don’t have much time then. How do we get there?”
    ”The quickest way is through Contro’s own trains. You’ll have to take one of them, and then go through the Nixorian Forest. When you get nearby, the train should stop, and the two usual men should carry loads of them over.”
    ”I see. We’ll plan on our way there, seeing as we have limited time. For now, we’ll think up how we’re going to get on the train. They’ll be out searching for us after all.”
    ”Around this time no one should be on the trains.” Kristi said. “I should know, dunderhead here keeps asking me to come and visit.”
    ”Hey!” said Kyselia.
    ”Fine then…you got anything to protect you?”
    ”Um. No.”
    Zero sighed.
    ”Eh…fine then. I’ll look after you for the entire duration. Just don’t get yourself into trouble, will you? I can’t be in two places at once.”

    Once they reached the trains, the entered. The doors shut. No one was on the train except for an old man reading a newspaper. He didn’t seem to notice them. Whilst the other three sat down, Zero stared at the window, looking at his reflection…this was more than just dealing with people thinking that they could run around with stolen money…this was something else.


    ”Sir, we clearly stated to you already that he is highly dangerous. For crying out loud, he almost got me. I teleported out of the trouble and took the men with me. I’m telling you-“
    ”And I’m telling you two that you’re the biggest buffoons I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
    Marshal snorted.
    ”Colonel, show him your face.”
    Colonel turned around to his employer, showing signs of blood.
    ”Nice that it didn’t get him in the eyes, huh?” said Marshal, walking around the room. The man behind the table, whose face was hidden by the dark, shook his head. He couldn’t believe any of this.
    ”I’m sure that you can take on any hero anytime without getting your big butt kicked. I’m sure you can handle it anytime…anytime…I mean why shouldn’t you be able to…Mr. Contra?”
    The man got up from the table and walked out into the light.
    ”Next time, I’ll be sending Genesis and Zorolos along with you fools.”
    ”Serenel didn’t even lay a finger on him!” shouted Colonel, kicking the statue near him. It almost fell to the floor, but Marshal rushed over before it hit the ground. “Why does she get off clean?!”
    ”Her duty was merely to just keep an eye on things…to assist you…”
    ”Assist us! She didn’t do anything but float in the sky like a fairy laughing like a cow!”
    Marshal burst out laughing.
    ”Silence.” said Contra.
    Marshal didn’t stop though. Colonel kicked him in the legs.
    ”They won’t have anywhere to go.” said Contra. “Every single person that escaped the Lufio Building will be searched for by the police, and Contro itself! Let us not forget the government!”
    ”Wait, what, the government?” Marshal forgot about his pain. “What the hell, I thought they’d be trying to stop us?”
    ”The president is an easy man to trick.” Contro continued. “He is a fool. Meanwhile, workers at Lufio are being contained there, undergoing questioning.”
    ”About Project G?” asked Colonel.
    ”Yes, indeed. That.”
    ”Surely only the top would know…surely probably only the person working on it should know.”
    ”We can’t just pass it off though.” said Contra. “Keep searching for Zero and the others. I don’t think they’ll just go on the run, considering Zero is with them. They’ll probably take action. And as said, I’ll send off Genesis, Zorolos and Serenel with you.”
    ”As long as she doesn’t laugh like a cow I’ll be happy.” Colonel said quietly. Marshal burst out laughing again.
    ”I’ll be watching you two…so don’t think about slacking off at Delica Burgers or anything of the sort.”
    ”Watching us? For gods sakes, why do you even ask us for reports then?” asked Marshal.
    ”I will be this time. The police, remember! The police!”
    ”Oh, gonna mark us down criminals, are you? We only joined up because we had to! You on the other hand, are a criminal!”
    ”And as such for working with me you are officially named as one of my accomplices.”
    They both started to walk out of the room, when Contra yelled, “Marshal!”
    Marshal turned around surprised.
    ”Don’t let your personal feelings get in the way. I hear you met Kristi during the mission?”
    ”Yes…honestly. We haven’t even talked in real life for ages.”
    ”And so what? That changes nothing. I also hear that your old friend Jim is getting a little grouchy.”
    ”He is?” said Marshal, bored. Apparently Jim was always grouchy.
    ”Yes. Due to the dark power giving off to much energy, his machines and vehicles don’t work as perfectly. He’s asking for an ordinary energy source. We denied him some. He refuses to co-operate.”
    ”That’s Jim alright…the moron he always was.” Marshal s******ed.
    ”I also hear Rose has resurfaced again from the Churadian Forest.” Contra said softly. “That’s a total of three friends.”
    ”Skip to the point please.”
    ”As said, don’t let your personal feelings get in the way. The three are nothing more than enemies to us all now…”
    ”Are you really all that cruel?! We basically can’t even get close contact with even our own men because of all this!” Colonel yelled back. “How are we supposed to even work!?”
    ”By getting to work. Go off and do it.” said Contro, waving his hand at them. They walked out.
    ”Honestly, what the heck is with him!?” asked Marshal, once they were out of the room.
    ”I have no idea…we have to do something. Give Zero a slip off…I’m tired of working for this dumb-“
    ”Colonel! We’re still outside the door, he’ll hear you!” whispered Marshal.
    ”Well, whatever. Giacomo is pretty brave…he’s the only one tough enough to stand up to Electus. I hear that when he argues back or goes against his orders his rank doesn’t get demoted…I wonder how he manages it at all.”

    Northern Beanland,
    Nixorian Forest

    The train ride had ended. Zero was about to step out, when he took a step back.
    ”Stop!” he commanded to the other three. He listened into the conversation between the two men outside.
    ”Marshal and Colonel are heading here. They say that a squad will come along too later.”
    ”Poor guys. Not even getting to sneak off to a burger shop…”
    ”Meh. Let’s just send over the-…do you call this thing jelly? It smells.”
    “You carry that side, I’ll carry this side.”
    Zero heard the sound of the footsteps fade away. But then he heard one of them complain, “What?! He wants us to carry it all the way through this forest? Argh!”
    ”Hey, at least we get one hundred dollars…”
    ”Stuff the money, I want my dignity back!”
    After thirty seconds, Zero said, “Step out. It’s safe.”
    They stepped out. Foda asked, “What the hell are we meant to do now?”
    ”Honestly, do you ever listen?” said Zero.
    Last edited by Alice; 02-21-2008 at 05:38 AM.

  4. #4
    The Persistent Flourish OldBean Zero (Prequel) Alice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Third Mission of OBZero. Please post in the comments thread.

    Mission Three

    During the train trip, Kyselia asked Zero if he wanted to hear about Project G. He didn’t want to hear of it, keeping guard in case someone somehow attacked them. She asked, once again.
    ”No. Not yet.” he said, walking into the forest.
    ”Why the hell are we going through a forest anyway, we could easily just grab a taxi…” complained Foda.
    ”Forgetting we are being searched for in every street now?” asked Zero.
    “Uh…why aren’t you asking me for a teleport then?”
    ”I’m not dumb. You need to know the location.”
    ”Oh well, good for you.” replied Foda sarcastically.
    They walked further until the two men and the large bags of black substance were in view.
    ”Hide!” whispered Zero. They all hid behind trees.
    ”What’s going on?” asked Kyselia. She turned to where Zero was. He wasn’t there.
    Zero was sitting on a tree branch listening in.
    ”Oh god. You’re kidding me. I cannot. I absolutely cannot pull this thing for another three hours.”
    ”You’re forgetting this thing is meant to be given tomorrow.” said the other man.
    ”Why are we going today then!?”
    ”You completely forgot that some of the Solum is for someone else. We’re giving it to her and then we’re going to stick around until tomorrow.”
    ”S-stick around?”
    ”Yes. Why?”
    ”I am not going to sleep with this garbage!”
    ”Stay here and whine then…I’m gonna pull this thing to the town.”
    And the other man walked off. Zero took out his blaster and aimed at, not the walking man, but the bags of Solum. He fired, and an explosion occurred.
    ”Eh, what happened!?”
    ”Stay on your guard, someone’s here...!” and with that, the other injured man rolled down the path with the trailer.
    ”Eh?” the man still standing was unarmed, looking around frantically. Zero jumped down behind him, and before the man could react, Zero held his sword up to the man’s throat.
    ”Speak. Who is this, ‘someone else’ the other guy mentioned?”
    ”Uh…I don’t know…”
    ”Answer me!”
    ”I don’t know, somebody that just came back here from the Churadian Forest. Let me go!”
    ”No. I need one last final piece of info. Where do you get all this solum?”
    ”Hell do I know, we’re just asked to transport it! Let me go!”
    Zero activated his sword. It burnt the man, leaving him on the grass.
    ”Wait here.” Zero said to the others. He dragged the man near a swamp and dropped him right there. He was unconscious now. Zero found a mobile phone. He checked the calendar section. He didn’t find anything of interest, and threw the phone into the swamp. He returned.
    ”Nothing of interest. Time to continue.”
    ”You…do realise that he’ll probably tell anyone he can about us now?” said Kristi.
    ”He has no chance; I chucked away all forms of contact.”
    ”He can still-“
    ”Find them? Rates are low.”
    ”We didn’t need to know that bit of information anyway.” said Kyselia. “What were you thinking?!”
    Zero shook his head.
    ”Who would be specifically ordering Solum? Lets just keep going…anything happen you can blame it on me.”
    And so they continued on, until Foda finally said something.
    ”Hey wait, I do know this place!”
    ”Nice way to waste a whole hour.” sighed Zero.
    ”Yeah…I came here on a holiday…”
    Kristi snorted.
    ”I could teleport you there…”
    ”Try first. We are not going to take any risks.”
    And he disappeared…and came back.
    ”Yesh very safe come with me.”
    They all shook their heads.
    ”What, you don’t like weird talk?”
    They proceeded to the town via teleporting. Once they had arrived, Kristi asked a question.
    ”Wait, wait. Why did you just send the Solum splashing everywhere by firing, Zero? Aren’t we supposed to try not to have that happen?”
    ”If you checked, the forest isn’t as healthy as it used to be. Nothing much will have changed…”
    ”Okay…what the heck are we meant to do now?” asked Foda impatiently. “You pretty much dealt with everything to do here just by firing at those bags.”
    ”We wait…those other two will be coming here, remember? Colonel and Marshal.”
    Kristi sighed. Zero turned to her.
    ”You do know him, don’t you?”
    ”Yes.” she answered. “He was one of us.”

    Year 2989

    He was one of us four. Rose, Jim, him and me. We were of the adventuring kind…he left us and went to join Contro however. He still hasn’t lost his attitude however. He still acts cool and all that…only difference is that he works for something bad now.
    ”Why did he join Contro?”
    He wanted to try something different…but he apparently chose the wrong job. He wants quit now. He can’t. Eventually after all four of us decided to go our own ways for a while, Contro pretty much gained massive control, and we couldn’t see each other again. It’s been two years now. This is the first time I’ve seen or heard of him in ages. With Rose and Jim, I don’t know a thing.
    ”You might know quite a bit. Anything you can tell us that could help?”
    Does the Contro Building Layout help?
    ”Maybe. Where do they store all the Solum?”

    They don’t store the Solum…they absorb it from deep underground.
    ”Absorb? Why don’t I feel that makes sense?”
    Well…anyway. They sometimes, when needed, take trips to Space to collect some Solum.
    ”Because there are more sources of it out there, right? No wonder they call it Galacta…”
    Yeah. Apparently the 43rd Floor has a massive security system too…and a heck load of guards. Although sometimes they limit it to just four of them…
    ”Why? What’s there?”
    I don’t know, but I can guess it’s something awful. Probably a large stash of Galacta weapons…highly confidential documents…the like. I hear that back then, a scientist was working on some sort of giant walking machine of some sort.
    ”Why does that sound familiar?”
    Don’t worry. This time it isn’t a rip off from some book or anything. Back then they hadn’t even managed to get it to walk yet anyway. The best they can do is make it go to Space.
    ”What is it called?”
    I have no idea…apparently the model I heard of is 0.5 though. By now, they might be working on the first actual model.
    ”Have any idea where it is right now? Either of them?”
    No…I hear it’s in an area no one knows about though. Not even the top scientists there. Only the people involved with the project. It’s in the building though. That’s all I know.
    ”Why do they even need anything like that?”
    I have no idea. This is Contro we’re talking about though, so I don’t think we should be expecting anything that’ll benefit mankind.

    Northern Beanland,

    ”Is that all?” asked Zero.
    ”No. But that’s all I know.” Kristi replied.
    Zero examined the town. Not much was going on. The area wasn’t as green as it should have been. Galactasolum had most likely been used more than ten times here already.
    ”Where the heck-“
    ”Foda. Shut up.” Zero said quietly. “We’re not going anywhere yet.”
    Kyselia seemed to be wanting to ask this question for ages.
    ”Zero…what do you fight for? Who are you?”
    This was no common question. It was one that he had never got before…except once…
    ”I have no past. I fight for what I believe in and what I think is right.”
    ”No past?”
    ”I have no family.”
    ”Why are you called that?”
    ”I just am. I decided to adopt that as my name after several calls of that.”
    ”Do you have any friends?”
    He didn’t answer that one.
    “Why do you go out helping people? Why don’t you have a normal life?”
    ”It’s an impossible for me. Don’t ask.”
    ”Has anyone ever seen you below the mask?”
    ”Why?” he stared at her. “But to answer your question…only one person.”
    ”Where did you get that armour?”
    ”You’d be surprised how rare this thing is…and yet I found it lying around. Now,” he turned to her. “My turn to ask some questions. Project G.”
    ”Simply answered. We’re simply trying to find a way to increase the powers of Galactasolum.”
    “Don’t worry…we’re also working on getting rid of the dark power in it. Contro doesn’t seem so happy about that. Lufio and Contro were such good friends before. That is all I have to say.”
    ”I see…”
    Foda decided to break up the silence that followed the next thirty seconds later.
    ”Well I’m Foda. Just another guy that lives an ordinary life and got dragged into some sort of anti-terrorism group.”
    They glared at him.

    They all decided to explore the area. All of them except Foda anyway(“I’ve seen enough of this place for a life time.”). Eventually Kristi came running up to Zero, along with Kyselia. He was near the post office.
    ”I think someone’s following me…” she said.
    ”Yeah…” answered Kristi.
    ”How do you know?”
    ”I keep hearing footsteps around here…and I keep sensing somebody near me. When I look around…no one’s there.”
    ”Where’s Foda?”
    ”Eh.” Kyselia rolled her eyes. “Mr. Life Is Good decided to teleport everywhere around here randomly.”
    ”Nice. That is just nice. Is the ‘person’ following you specifically?” Zero asked, looking at Kristi.
    ”I think the person is following both of us actually…”
    ”Both of you ladies?”
    ”Yeah.” replied Kyselia.
    ”Simple then.” he took out a device and scanned both of their bodies.
    ”What was that for?” asked Kristi, raising her eyebrows.
    Zero pressed a button on the device. He suddenly looked like Kristi.
    ”Nice disguise, huh?”
    He pressed it again and he looked like himself again.
    ”Follow me…we’ll try and catch Foda first.”
    ”How? Moron keeps popping up here and there.”
    ”We’ll stay here a little longer…this is the town square after all.”
    After a few seconds, he popped up near the well.
    ”I am going to fall down, no!” and then he spotted Zero staring at him.
    ”Uh…nothing. I did not say that.”
    ”Stay there.”
    Zero and the other two walked forward to him.
    ”Teleport the girls somewhere safe. If anybody seems like they’re tailing you, just teleport elsewhere…around here.”
    ”O…K…is someone going to explain what’s going on here?”
    ”Later. Just do it!”
    The other three teleported. Zero changed into Kristi. Her dark suit would be effective in the dark. He walked around the town and he heard quick footsteps too. He acted quick too, walking faster, until he eventually lost the footsteps, and then hid in a dark area, near a house. Zero spotted a man wearing entirely black, wearing a mask, with two holes for the eyes. He didn’t seem armed though. Suddenly, Zero also saw another five of them come near him.
    ”Where did they go?”
    ”Look for them…shouldn’t be so hard…” he laughed and they all split up again.
    Zero equipped himself with his blaster and sword. Although, he deactivated the sword so it could be taken as Kristi’s blade, and not his own X-Saviour. He lingered at that area a little more, and then saw one of the men walked by. He sneaked up behind him, and held his sword in front of the man’s throat.
    ”Explain yourself.” he said quietly.
    ”Nice try girly. But Marshal doesn’t give in so easily!”
    ”Marshal!?” it seemed to Zero that Marshal and his friends had finally arrived.
    ”Yes, yes. Let’s see how you can deal with me.”
    Zero activated his sword and it burnt the man, who fell to the ground. He looked around, and found a radio. He put in a random number, and he heard a troop’s voice.
    ”Eh, did you find her?”
    He shut off the communication. Why were they tailing Kristi instead of him? Either way, the person he had called would be suspicious of why he stopped talking, and would probably come and investigate the area. He kneeled in front of the troop.
    ”What’s your frequency?”
    He lifted the man up.
    ”What is it?!”
    He turned into Kyselia, and jumped into the fountain, where her blue suit could be effective. He would not be seen.
    Another troop suddenly appeared, and ran over to the fallen one.
    ”What happened?!”
    Zero raised his head a bit and fired at him. He went down. Zero walked over to the two injured troops and scanned them as well with the device. He dragged them all near a manhole, and dropped them down the sewers. But no before he took another radio from the other troop.
    He covered the manhole and heard footsteps. He switched into a troop. He walked normally and another troop walked up to him.
    ”Did you spot any of them?”
    He shook his head.
    ”Any hints at all?”
    ”Nope.” he replied, in a voice unlike his own.
    ”Aw. Marshal ain’t gonna be happy.”
    And he walked off. Was Marshal probably trying to stray off his actual duty and searching for his old friend? And then he remembered that Colonel and the others were probably here too. He walked the area as Kristi, while using advantage of her suit and the darkness to avoid contact with any of the troops. He eventually spotted Foda, who just teleported elsewhere before he could call them. Zero stayed around on that spot. Foda appeared again in a few minutes.
    “Eh? Oh, you.” there he was with the other two.
    ”Take this.” and he threw at Kristi the other radio.
    ”My number will be 115.36. Yours is 115.12.”
    ”Teleport somewhere and I’ll call you.”
    Foda teleported away with the others. Zero, still posing as Kristi, hid in another dark area and called her.


    ”Yes, what is it?”
    ”It’s Marshal and his pathetic little comrades. They’re here already.”
    ”How do they know we’re here?”
    Zero heard someone yell from the radio, “We have a spy among us!”
    Zero continued anyway.
    ”No idea. They must have been expecting us here. I’ll get rid of them all…”
    ”What about Marshal?”
    ”I’ll think about that one later.”

    Northern Beanland,

    Zero, yet again, still posing as Kristi walked out of the dark spot, and four troops jumped off the roof, and landed around him. One of them grabbed him by the neck. They all surrounded him in the case he tried to escape.
    “Don’t worry, we aren’t going to hurt you. Just don’t go anywhere.” said one of other three troops.
    Zero didn’t do a thing.
    “If you don’t believe us, you can continue holding onto that sword and hit us anytime you want if we do something.” the troop said again.
    After a few seconds of silence, the troop let go of him.
    ”Phew. You do believe us.”
    Zero raised his eyebrows.
    ”Wait a few seconds please.”
    Zero saw Foda and the others teleport in, and they instantly left after seeing the scene. Zero turned to the other man, who was calling someone.
    ”Yeah, I’ve got her now. Town Square.”
    Genesis teleported into the scene suddenly. He was also wearing a black suit for camouflage. He was also armed with a blaster. His sword was glowing red. He didn’t seem to bring any form of defence though.
    ”Thought you’d be seeing your friend her didn’t you?” he said, walking up to Zero. He tried punching him, but Zero blocked the attack.
    “Wait, what, I thought Marshal was coming here?”
    ”Marshmallow is delayed.” he said quietly. “You seem to know a few tricks, girl.”
    Genesis put his hand back down and stared at him. He then suddenly whipped out his sword, and slashed at Zero. Zero however, got out his own sword, which was suddenly activated, and blocked the attack.
    ”A green sword..?”
    The troops suddenly moved forwards suddenly, and tried to fire at Zero and probably land a few blows. Zero grabbed out his shield with his other hand and stopped the incoming blows, and kicked the gun out of the other troop’s hand. He tried to maintain balance. Doing three actions at once wasn’t so easy.
    ”Stop. Leave her alone.” Genesis commanded. He withdrew his sword, and the other three guards moved away. The guard holding the radio was confused.
    ”Although…you probably aren’t really a ‘her’, are you?”
    Zero disabled his disguise.
    ”Nice guess.”
    ”I don’t usually bring my sword out to battle…usually they are quite useless…people often use guns. Unless the sword could deflect bullets, it’d be of no use.”
    ”I’m guessing yours is a custom one. It seems like it can charge up for a more damaging blow…it can also be deactivated and both activated…it’s handle seems to resemble that of a gun…” Zero said quietly.
    ”If you’re thinking it is a cross between the two, you’re half right…have you ever seen a sword like this before?”
    ”No…but I’m guessing you can de-attach the blade, and use the handle as a gun…”
    ”You come up with the answers pretty quickly.”
    Marshal teleported into the scene.
    ”Wait, what is he doing here?” he asked, looking surprised.
    ”It seems we have a cross dresser here.”
    The troops laughed.
    ”Wait, you mean we’ve been tailing him all along?”
    ”I doubt it. He must be hiding the girls somewhere.” Genesis thought. It seemed apparent that they didn’t know that Foda was part of the group. Suddenly, Genesis tried punching Zero in the face. He merely dodged. He was used to sudden attacks…it was starting to get boring seeing the same thing over and over.
    ”Where is the scientist that is worked on Project G!?”
    Marshal teleported elsewhere. As did his unit. They apparently didn’t seem to want to watch the upcoming battle whilst eating popcorn. Zero thought he saw something floating in the sky…he looked closer. It was the other blue girl from before. And there was someone else there as well. Another man, wearing all black, was floating up there.
    ”Try and pull any stunts and you’ll have to face the Un-Escapable Trio.”
    ”I think I pretty much know every single introduction line a bad guy has used now. Thanks for filling up my knowledge base.” Zero said sarcastically. He had to admit this didn’t seem easy though. Facing two people with Psychic powers and one guy that apparently know his sword techniques, what could he do?
    Suddenly, he saw a beautiful girl from the corner of his eyes, hiding somewhere. She moved out of view. She seemed deadly familiar…
    Genesis seemed alert all of a sudden.
    ”Oh, isn’t that nice now…someone released Knockout Gas. Everyone, get out of here!”
    They all left via teleporting. Zero was left quite alone. Someone then called him on the radio. Suspecting it was Kristi, he answered. But not before he activated both his eye cover and mouth guard to avoid the gas.


    He didn’t immediately say something. He waited for the person to talk.
    “Long time no see, Zero.” said a familiar female voice.
    ”No see? I can’t even see you anywhere here.”
    He heard the girl laugh.
    ”You caught me when you were still cornered, remember?”
    ”Oh…you. I’m guessing you’re the one that released the Gas?”
    ”Yep. Do you remember me?”
    ”You sound familiar…”
    ”It’s me, Veronica.”
    ”What’s wrong?”
    ”It’s been two years. Where have you been?” asked Zero.
    ”Oh, here and there…living a normal life. It has been getting boring without you around.”
    ”Without me? Around?”
    ”Remember the Terrayana incident?”
    ”Yeah, what about it?”
    ”Ever since the bombings that happened there, which you put a stop to, of course, the place had been a bit…calm and quiet.”
    ”We are talking about the Terrayana that is in Frona, right?”
    ”Frona has been a bit quiet without me, huh?”
    ”Yeah. Amazing what could happen to an entire country all because an Eighteen year old left. You must be twenty now…it’s amazing what things you achieved at such young ages…”
    ”Age means nothing, in my opinion.”
    ”I think the same. But you still can’t pass off how great you are, Zero.”
    He couldn’t answer to that one.
    ”Always the cold and silent one, aren’t you?”
    ”Heh. Where are you, though?”
    ”Near the post office.”
    ”Wait, Zero. You do know my number, don’t you?”
    ”Well yeah. This thing looks like a calculator only with the frequency where the calculation should be.”
    ”That’ll be because you’re using a Contro Type Radio.”
    ”How did you get yours?”
    ”Ha ha…well, I found mine lying around.”
    ”Who would leave their only form of communication lying around?”
    ”An idiot.”
    ”You haven’t changed either…I’m guessing you’ll be talking a lot more once we see each other again.”
    ”Wait, haven’t you got something to do?”
    ”You were protecting two girls the whole time, am I right?”
    ”Yeah…but I have no chance of catching them yet. I’ll call them later. I’ll meet up with you first.”
    ”Oh okay. Thanks.”


    “Hey Kristi.” said Zero.
    ”Zero! We saw you…are you alright?”
    ”Yeah, luckily. I ran into an old friend too.”
    ”We can all meet up. Town square.”
    ”Aren’t you there right now?”
    ”I’m going to go find her first.”
    ”Oh…it’s a her…”
    ”…eh? What?”
    ”Never mind.”
    ”Oh…by the way. It didn’t seem like Marshal was going to harm you when his unit found me.”
    ”It wouldn’t surprise me. He never betrays his friends.”
    ”Is that so…”
    ”Why were you cornered then? Did you purposely remove your disguise?”
    ”No. More like Genesis came to the scene before Colonel or Marshal could.”

    Contact Number Masked

    Zero then received another call. Wondering who it could be, he answered. He was then surprised that instead of the usual contact number on the radio, the word ‘masked’ replaced it.
    ”Who is this?”
    A dark, cold, evil, and mysterious voice then spoke…
    ”You escaped what was known as the Un-Escapable Trio...even if it wasn’t you who planned the way to escape them, I should applaud you for being the first to do so…”
    ”Who is it?!”
    ”I’ll be watching you…”
    With this, the conversation ended. Zero was still confused.

  5. #5
    The Persistent Flourish OldBean Zero (Prequel) Alice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Fourth Mission of OBZero. Please post in the comments thread.

    Mission Four

    Zero went to the Post Office to meet up with Veronica. On his way, he also stayed alert watching out for the mysterious person who called him. There wasn’t anyone there. Once he had reached the Post Office, he walked up to her.
    ”Heya.” she said.
    ”So, where to?”
    ”Town Square. I’ll get you to meet two lovely people and one complete moron.”
    He wondered for a moment what Foda’s reaction would be if he heard him say that.
    ”And who would that be?”
    ”You wouldn’t want to know.”
    ”Anything up with you lately?”
    ”Other than being chased down by some company, no.” replied Zero.
    She looked worried.
    ”What did you do this time?”
    ”More like what did they did. They stormed into Lufio Building in the first place.”
    ”After some experiment. I don’t know it all.”
    They eventually reached the Town Square, where Foda was teleporting all around the place like mad. Kyselia and Kristi were sitting on a bench, trying not to look at each other.
    ”Foda, what the hell are you doing?” Zero asked.
    ”Uh…just…practicing teleporting! Yeah! Gotta home up those skills, man!”
    ”See my point?” Zero whispered.
    ”Yeah.” replied Veronica.
    ”Why are you here when I needed help the most though?” he asked.
    ”When I finally managed to come to Beanland, I noticed that you were quite the famous type. I’ve been hoping to catch a glimpse of you again, and you just happened to pop up at a place I stick around at.”
    ”I see.”
    Kyselia and Kristi got up to greet Veronica, with Foda still teleporting everywhere. Zero was already half hoping the guy would throw up.
    ”So, who are you?” asked Kyselia.
    ”Just an old friend. My name’s Veronica.”
    Kyselia turned to Zero. Zero stared back at her. She turned back, evidently knowing that he didn’t want to discuss the matter at all.
    ”Uh…okay. Mine is Kyselia and her name is Kristi.”
    ”Don’t forget me!” shouted Foda.
    ”How the hell can we forget him anyway?” whispered Kyselia.
    ”I’d love to know.” said Zero. “You can’t deny he’s useful though.”
    ”So, what things do you like?” asked Kristi.
    ”Oh, a lot…” said Veronica. “…not much to say though.”
    ”Oh just say anything.”
    ”Nature…singing…hanging out with friends…”
    ”Sing something for me to take my mind off the pain…” Zero said, with his eyes closed.
    ”Um, what?” she said, turning to him. He opened his eyes suddenly.
    ”Uh…nothing.” he didn’t want to be in a situation like this, deep inside, but he didn’t want to quite either. It was his life now, helping people. Then he remembered something.
    ”Where did you get the Knockout Gas from?”
    ”Huh? Oh, nowhere special. Remember those two soldiers you dropped down the sewers?”
    ”Huh? Oh yeah…speaking of soldiers…you might want to go back to your normal everyday life. If you follow us, you’ll be facing a bad situation.”
    ”Keep me up to date.” she replied.
    ”I have no reason to…I don’t want you getting involved.”
    ”Why not?”
    ”…why do you want to follow us?”
    ”I want to help you…besides, with what happened here, the entire town will be questioned anyway…I don’t want to be in such tight spots.”
    ”Eh…fine then. Contro is having one of it’s ‘I want to take over the world’ moments and is transporting even more Galactasolum over the world…only this time, it’s more powerful. They want to increase the power even more using Project G. We’re putting a stop to that, and stopping all transportation of the Solum on the way.”
    ”Is there a reason for that?” she asked.
    ”Well yeah…considering we’re being followed anyway…”
    “Who cares!?” yelled Foda, who teleported straight in front of them. “Where to next?!”
    ”We stay…moron.” Zero replied quietly.
    They all laughed, except for Foda. Everyone else except Zero, went to take a rest on the grass nearby the forest. Zero sat down near the post office, and took a rest…but he didn’t sleep…he stayed on guard. He also wondered who the mysterious person who called him had been. There was one thing for certain though. It was definitely not someone he knew. Suddenly, his vision became foggy…but then the fog disappeared, and when his vision returned, he saw that nothing had changed. What had just happened? That was answered, when he saw a sad looking girl floating around the area. He could not see anyone else around…but wait. Floating?

    Plane Two,

    He got up and walked closer to her. She turned around, to show that sad look on her face.
    ”What are you doing here..?” she asked.
    ”I’ve been here for a while already…when did you come here?”
    ”I’ve always been here…in this sad, lonely world…” she replied.
    She drifted away to the Town Square. He followed.
    ”What do you mean? Who are you?” he asked.
    ”I am Laraine…” she answered gloomily. “I see you do not understand…this is…in a sense…the afterlife.”
    ”W-what?” this was not something he wanted to hear.
    ”Yes…but do not ask me if Heaven and Hell exist…all I know is that this place is where some go…it is not what they are or what they do that makes them come here…we do not know why…”
    ”Why am I here? I’m definitely not dead.”
    ”Why…that is beyond even me. Look around…and you may find your answer…”
    He sighed.
    ”You mean that this town is where some people go?”
    ”…no. I guess you could say, that the living cannot see the dead…and the dead cannot see the living…these sightings of each other…they are quite rare.”
    ”I see that.”
    ”…but you. You do not belong here, not on our side of the world.”
    ”I expected that as much. I’m also guessing that this sort of place isn’t as creepy as everyone dreams of in their nightmares and imagination…”
    She smiled.
    ”At least you know that we aren’t going to come and kill you…”
    ”Can that happen though?”
    ”…oh, yes. If you are in the world of the dead, you can be treated as one of us. Except for the fact you aren’t dead of course.”
    ”You mean no one can see us? Or me?”
    Zero took his blaster out.
    ”That will not be necessary.” she said calmly. “No one here is the dangerous type. We’re all peaceful and happy…”
    ”What about you?” he asked, putting his blaster away.
    ”My previous life wasn’t very nice, I guess you could say…”
    ”How do I get out of here?”
    ”That, I cannot answer.”
    Zero walked around the town. He saw some ghosts, either floating or walking. Some looked gloomy, still scared of this new world…some seemed to be enjoying themselves, thinking that it was just a different style of life. Three of them were actually playing cards!
    ”Yeah, yeah, you just got owned!” said one of them, taking a one hundred dollar note off the loser. “Totally, literature owned!”
    ”Uh…dude, I think you meant ‘literally’. Not literature.”
    ”Ha ha!” laughed another one of them. “Who got owned now!?”
    There weren’t any kids around the place…Zero could understand that. Not many people died young. He walked on to the forest where everyone else should have been. In their place was…no one. Zero walked around cautiously. He stuck around the place for a while. Nothing happened. He had no idea of how to get out of this place. Then suddenly, he heard a voice.
    ”It is not time for you to die yet. Now that you have had a nice look around this place, I will send you back to your world.”
    ”Who’s there!?”
    No answer. But suddenly, everyone else came into view again. They were all lying on the grass, sleeping.
    He sat down under a tree, confused as to what had just happened.

    Northern Beanland,

    The next day(Zero never actually slept), they all started dropping question bombs on him.
    ”What we gonna do next!?” Foda kept asking, teleporting in front of him.
    ”Foda, do me a favour. Just try not, to teleport, when we don’t need you to. Got that?”
    ”Anyway, we’re waiting here for that client the two guys were talking about. Keep your eyes open.”
    ”How are we supposed to tell who she is..?” asked Kyselia.
    ”Huh, it was a she?” wondered Foda incredulously.
    ”Yes, Foda, it was a she.” answered Kristi lazily.
    ”Well sorry for not listening.”
    ”…you…do realise, that what you just said means that you should be sorry?” mention Zero.
    ”We’ll find a way, I’m sure of it.” answered Zero.
    Veronica looked down at the grass.
    ”What’s wrong?” Zero asked her.
    ”Since when have you had that blaster..? And that shield too…not to mention the dash add-on for your shoes. It makes you seem like some sort of video game hero…”
    ”Yeah. It doesn’t feel right…”
    ”Where did you get them from?” she asked.
    “Some factory I came across, it was abandoned…to be honest, the blaster and the shield are busted up a bit now. Even the dash add-on isn’t working properly at times.”
    ”What happened to your own stuff..?”
    Zero turned away from her.
    ”I’ve still got it…but it’s time for a change. I don’t want to be called a crappy hero from a video game anymore…”
    ”Um…what?” Veronica was confused.
    ”Time for the hero to zero out his equipment…”
    And with that, Zero dropped his blaster, his shield, and removed his dash add-on, and threw them away. Zero then took out a blue gun that would tranquilize anybody it shot. He then also dropped the resistance grapple.
    ”I was getting sick of carrying all that stuff anyway…”
    He turned back to Veronica, being the Zero she knew again, with light shining on his helm.
    ”Hey wait, Zero. I’d still like to know you a bit better.” Kyselia asked.

    “I have no past. I took care of myself. I was abandoned when I was a child already. No, not abandoned…I don’t know really. I was just…somewhere, with no one around. I’ve suffered many insults. When people look at me, sometimes they look disgusted.”
    ”Ever heard of racism..?”
    ”No...Why would they act like that to you just because of that?”
    ”You have to expect idiots in every kind. The place I found myself at wasn’t a very nice place. Heck…I wonder if they even cared for each other. I don’t even know what I myself am…I don’t let anything get in the way though.”
    ”…when did you become a hero, and why?” Kyselia asked.
    ”It was all due to the Terrayana incident, which actually shouldn’t even be called an incident. It lasted for years. I was just wrapped up in the whole nuclear and bombing, terrorist attacks…what else could I have done? I never intended to become a hero by saving Terrayana from any nuclear threat…but that was where I met Veronica here.”
    Veronica smiled.
    ”Yes. I met him in a small town, which was taken over. He pretty much saved us all…”
    Foda started jumping up and down.
    ”Small town? Terrorists?! Nuclear threat!? Anyone wonder if there will be another prequel!?” he said loudly.
    ”…Foda, what the hell are you talking about…prequel?” Zero really couldn’t understand the guy sometimes.
    ”Well face it…one day we’ll all be famous and someone will write something about us!”
    Kyselia then asked, “Why did Zero get to know you specifically?”
    ”…the terrorists kidnapped me. They seemed to think I was some sort of god or something…something that’d help the world.”
    Zero saw Veronica and everyone else fade away suddenly…was he back on the other plane of existence?
    ”Did you hear that, Zero..? You might want to keep what she just said in mind...”
    ”Who the hell are you!?”
    Everyone else appeared again. This whole thing was really bothering Zero. Why was he being summoned to somewhere no one should be?
    ”Zero, where did you just go..?” asked Kristi, worried.
    ”..huh?” he pretended not to understand what she just said.
    ”Never mind.”
    Zero then remembered the question Kyselia asked.
    ”Yes…that was basically the reason I knew her better. I knew someone else too…he’s…gone now though.”
    ”Well…uh…can we…get on with the food now?” asked Foda.
    ”T-the food?” wondered Zero.
    ”Uh! Um, uh, err, I meant the mission! Yeah, the mission! Nothing is tastier than a mission!”
    ”Oh, just go and bite a brick…” Zero then took a few steps away from them, and began to tell them more about himself.
    ”Have you ever heard of someone that went by the title of ‘The Mercenary’?”
    ”…that legendary hero?”
    ”Yes. Him.”

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