i luv your stories~ they r so good.. i wish i could write good, but i don't hav much time to write cuz of homwork.![]()
Obviously, this is where you comment on OldBean 2. If you wish to comment on OldBean 1, just go to the OldBean 2 topic and click the link to the OldBean Story. From there, just click the link to the comments topic for it.
Last edited by Alice; 11-13-2007 at 02:04 AM.
i luv your stories~ they r so good.. i wish i could write good, but i don't hav much time to write cuz of homwork.![]()
Thanks for the comment. Now, the bit you've all been waiting for. I'm going to use this post to preview the prequel, OldBean Zero! Do not worry, it is not crappy like OldBean One, and Two(which hasn't even been finished yet). I've had the first chapter(Now renamed 'Missions') reviewed by someone, who says that there is better conversation, labelling the areas was good, and that this is a major step up from the current OldBean series. So do not be afraid! Enjoy and read!
The next part of the story has been removed due to the fact this is a preview. Carry on and read the other bit I pasted in.Lufio Building,
Zero stepped into the building. He looked at the receptionist: A small blue dragius wearing grey clothing. The sight of him amused Zero. He smiled too much, and acted way too cheerful that everyone felt nervous when talking to him. The receptionist noticed the amused Zero, and without further ado, he smiled. The same smile that made it very uncomfortable to talk to him. Zero however, did not feel uncomfortable or nervous. He was still amused. He went up to him and talked.
”I’m here to take part in the Lufian Army. Zero. I’m sure you know me already.”
The dragius looked up and opened his mouth and turned it into a large ‘O’. Everyone else turned around in just stared at him. Zero spoke very quietly to him.
”I’d like this done quick…I hate the publicity I get, it’s truly annoying.”
The receptionist closed his mouth.
”O...kay...well. I’m sorry to say, all spaces have been taken already.”
”I see…” replied Zero. He had come all this way for nothing to happen, and now he was having a large number of people goggling at him. He saw out of the corner of his eye two girls moving towards the elevator, one wearing black, another wearing blue, and in the other corner of his other eye, a suspicious figure. He sensed danger and something horrible. He decided to keep his eyes on the figure. It went out of sight from his view. He listened to the foot steps. It stood behind him. Zero, very cautious, prepared himself for battle in case of being attacked. He prepared to take out the X-Saviour, but did not grip onto it. It would only make the person himself more cautious. But he did not make a single move. He just stood there behind him. Zero did not let his guard down however. Everyone in the area just stood still, waiting for Zero himself to move. The receptionist just sat there confused. Zero heard the man move over to the chairs and sit down. He heard the ruffling of papers as well. The area was silent. He didn’t want to seem suspicious himself, so he took out a piece of paper.
”Excuse me, I need to check on something.” he said to the receptionist, who merely shrugged.
Whilst his eyes were on the paper, his thoughts were on the man. Although he had done nothing yet, he seemed to be planning something. He just walked behind Zero for no real reason, and instead of staring at him like he was a Hollywood Celebrity, just went and sat down…that, and he seemed to be hiding something in a sack he held in his hand. Suddenly, there was a scream outside, and armed troops came rushing in.
”Everyone, put your hands up, and don’t do a thing!” said the leader of the troops, who was wearing a brown coat instead of the usual blue armour. Everyone obeyed him. Everyone, except for Zero.
“Unit A, move up to the 2nd Floor, Unit B, move to the 47th.”
The two groups immediately headed for the staircases. Zero didn’t respond to anything at all. He just stood there as if nothing even happened.
”And as for our guests…you shall attempt to find Project Galactanium and the person in charge of it. Eliminate him or her if they get way, same with everyone else.”
A small group of tough looking troops rushed into the elevator, and the doors shut. There were still a few troops there.
’Everyone, keep an eye on things…I’m going outside for a while…”
And with that, the leader walked out.
Lufio Building,
Zero still didn’t react. A troop noticed this. He walked forward to him.
”Sir, put your hands up and kneel down!”
Zero still didn’t do anything. Everyone just stared, waiting for something to happen. The receptionist, however, just sat there with his hands up, and instead of being frightened, read a book that was open on his desk, as if this was something that happened everyday.
”Sir, put your arms up, or I’ll have to shoot you!”
Zero didn’t move. The troop moved to him and attempted to strangle him. Zero however, was too quick, and threw off his cape. And in an instant, the troop was down on the floor, with Zero holding his sword.
”Pitiful…you call this a soldier? And he had a gun.”
”Oh my god, you killed him!” burst out the receptionist.
”I did not kill him…seriously; pal, look at the guy before you make a statement.”
All the troops aimed at Zero and fired. Zero however, merely took out his shield, which reflected all the bullets, which just merely went back to their firers.
”How could a group with what seems like a well organised leader be so easily defeated?”
The receptionist sighed.
”Well, you did kill them this time.”
”I injured them. I avoid killing. Now do something useful, will you?”
The receptionist looked around. There weren’t any troops there anymore, except for another two coming down the stairs, aiming at Zero and preparing to fire. Zero just dashed at them, his sword out, and they fell, and rolled down the stairs.
”And there they go.” sighed Zero.
”Well, what the heck am I meant to do?” asked the receptionist.
”If you’ve noticed, the people around here are safe now…take them somewhere safe yourself now.”
”For heavens sakes, I might get killed myself!”
”You are a Dragius?”
Zero shook his head.
”Can you teleport?”
”Yes…” the receptionist replied dully.
”Well do something useful like teleporting them somewhere safe.”
”Oh yeah, why didn’t I think of that?” and he did pretty much what Zero asked him to do.
Now that Zero was free, he picked up his cape, but did not put it on…it would only get in the way. He was to now head to the second floor. He walked up the stairs, and went to the left, for that was where the two guards came from. He stood still. He heard footsteps rushing down from behind him, from the right staircase. He took out his Rapid Blaster and fired, which caused the troops to come out with shields. Now that he had them cornered, Zero jumped over them, and slashed them both down.
”Honestly, whatever happened to planning your attacks?”
He walked up the right staircase to the first floor.
Last edited by Alice; 01-29-2008 at 02:13 AM.