Yes. A prequel is already happening,and the sequel for OldBean 1 isn't even done yet! Why am I making a prequel so early!? Well, for starters, I got bored. And the fact that the sequel is almost finished comes into fray as well. You will notice that OBZero is much better than the other two OBs. While the progress of OB2 won't have the nice detailed style of OBZ, I assure you, when I do OB3, it will retain the style that OBZero will have. I promise you, you won't get any crap work!
P.S. For OB haters, I will tell you, OldBean is NOT in the prequel at all! Well...he is, sorta. In the form of a baby owl, that barely even plays a role at ALL in here. So you can sit down and be happy. (Me included. I don't hate OB myself, but I do rather like the new style of writing...)
P.P.S. Yeah, PPS, since when did that happen. ><
You may notice that Zero seems similar to Zero from Megaman. Let me say this. OBZero is not a remake of MMZero! They are not related in anyway. You may be wondering. "What, they have the same weapons!" Well, let me say this. Finish reading the whole thing before you say that...for all you know, the weapons might get replaced...heck, they might get altered.
It started. Better get a move on.
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OldBean Zero
After the incident of Terrayana, Two Years Ago, in 2989, Contro Corporation decided to begin their plan for sending out overpowered Galactasolum all over the world in the hope that they would be able to rule over the world, and spread the evil dark power all over it in the process…Afraid to Love
You are all
I ever think about,
You are all
I ever cared about
I never realised how,
painful it is
to love someone so much
but can't tell them so!
I can't concentrate...
...when you're all....around!
I'd give you life,
so you could live
I'd give you roses
Take them if you want
But I can't keep thinking
about you all time long
I must focus on my duty!
Maybe I'm Afraid to Love
I can't think of any other reason
Maybe I'm afraid to love at all
Maybe that is just the way it is
Maybe it is just who I am, reluctant
You are all
I ever think about,
You are all
I ever cared about
I never realised how,
much I really loved,
I didn't know I was capable of it.
I'll help you,
So you find your way
I'll help you,
So you stay happy
You're unlike any, other, person
I've ever met, you're completely different
Oh yes!
But maybe,
I'm afraid to love
I've never felt this way
What am I supposed to do?
Maybe it's something, I can't change
It's just who I am
But I'll try my best
But I'll always love you so!