Maybe you should think about writing a comments thread to this, but since you have permited it I will touch on a few things.
For a chapter it is VERY short and runs together. For instance "10yrs pass one day " could be read that for some strange reason 10 years have passed in one day. The fact that seven sentances equals a chapter kind of baffels me.
For your opening line could proove my point:
"One day there was a storm at Sephiroth's home and there was a knock at his door when he went to see who it was there was a baby in a basket in the door step he took in the baby and raised him as his own"
The sentance just never ends and so much happens in it with out any real explination / description of the events that happen. There could a whole chapter based alone on what Sephy was doing that story day and it could run on for pages. For example; what was he doing on this rainy day, what kind fo story day was it, where was he during the time period, what was he wearing, when did this rainy day actually happen. As you can see this can go on for a while.
Every sentance of this fanfic could be broken down the same way. Basically what is really lacking is description. In writing you need to cover all aspects and give the reader a visual of what you are trying to portay.
Honestly I found this kid of dry. Spice it up a little.
Take this as encouragement and not as me bashing you for your writing style. I will be checking up later to see if you took my advice.