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Thread: I feel like Animal Crossing!

  1. #1
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    I feel like Animal Crossing!

    I feel like Animal Crossing. I want more friends in Animal Crossing. Let's talk about Animal Crossing. Anything. What you did, things you remember, impressions on it, the future?! Something. Do it. Now. If you don't, you're CRAAAAAAZZZZZZZYYYYYYY!

    I can't remember all that much from Animal Crossing GC though. I remember really liking cabin furniture, had an oriental-themed second floor and a basement (where were you in WW?!), and had these two kitties in my village. One was a snob, she lived in a house on the beach. She was the white one. The other was a black cat that lived in the middle of town, and she was much more awesome. I can't remember her name, but she made an appearance in either Kaz's village or Iced's (a friend) village. They changed her personality in that one so that she was a valley girl. =( I don't remember much else.

    What I do remember clearly is WW! That had a lot of ups and downs. The lack of basement sucked, but the universal storage rocked. I didn't have to lay my junk all over the place. My village was lackluster though. They said that there were more personalities this time around, but it felt like there were a lot less. It feels more like they increased the number of animals. I kept getting these animals I never cared about (with the exception of Gaston, Stitches, and probably one or two that I am forgetting). I really wanted Kabuki and the black cat. The fishing was much more fun with friends, though I wish they had more multiplayer stuff. The most we got was our fishing contests with the timer. I remember Kazanthikus driving me mad because he kept on catching so much damn tuna. =P

    I played that game everyday for a couple of hours for a month straight. A lot of things seemed to be missing though...I wasn't expecting anything new, but it felt very condensed in comparison to the GC one. And not just screen-wise. They killed a lot of the events (Christmas...), the Animal stuff didn't last as long because of the fewer personalities (I had a lot of duo and trios), and...It felt a lot more blander. I liked that insurance guy though. He was annoying, but I kept falling on my face on purpose in the snow (I think there was an item that helped with that too?) to get Bells. No island. I can't remember my housing style. I think I was doing Feng Shui for a while so that I could do some fishing, but it rarely helped. Someone refresh my poor memory!

    Viva la K.K. Ballad!

  2. #2
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I only ever played the GC version. Got it just the Christmas before last. My favorite neighbors were Fang the grumpy wolf, Daisy the sweethart dog, this red ostrich who's name I can't remember, but she was valley girl and had a heart on her cheek, Bob the cat, and this dude penguin. At the end, I had two snob cats and a snob bird, three grumps (Apollo the eagle was cool, too) and I think three jocks as well. the Valley girls would always change. I gave up on the game when I tried fairly hard to get this squirrel one to stay, but she did not.

    Got tired of the game, pretty much, and I think I was actually pretty close to getting my statue set up outside of the train station. I haven't played it since like last August or September, so there's probably a million weeds. I think I just realized it was an even bigger waste of time than posting on some random message board

    The animals also pissed me off a lot. A lot of times, I wished I could tell them exactly what I thought. Heh. Yes, I got angry at video game characters. But they were so freakin' self-centered and helpless. It was like having 15 of those electronic pet things, all at once. I wonder what they'd say if I came back... probably wouldn't be too mad, as per I left them before for like 4 months, and only one left, and was immediately replaced by another one. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  3. #3
    Lady Succubus I feel like Animal Crossing! Victoria's Avatar
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    I would have some sort of topic for this thread, but I haven't played any version of it whatsoever because I don't like these sort of games.

    But then again I play Second Life, but with that I don't just watch what's happening. XD

    ...And I do play SimCity sometimes. Only to destroy it, lmao.

  4. #4
    Spoony Bard
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    I feel like Animal Crossing! Incognitus's Avatar
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    I've got both of the Animal Crossing games released here in America---AC:GameCube and ACS. I'm torn as to which one I like more. The GameCube version is so much smoother, has all of those cool NES games to play (I played Pinball quite often), and is generally more exciting. But the DS version has online play, what seems like more furniture and clothing options, and the ability to type with the touchpad is a godsend. However, I haven't played either in quite a while. I do have a RSS subscription to an Animal Crossing website so that I don't miss any Nintendo Wifi giveaways, but I haven't played it in so long. Hence, the weeds.

    My favorite characters are probably Moe the lazy blue cat and Bluebear the blue bear. I think Bluebear is in both versions, but I am not sure about Moe. These, of course, are arbitrary picks for favorites since they have a cut and paste personality of at least 20 other animals. More personality types would be what I'd like to see in the next Animal Crossing.

    I would fire up my GameCube version and play it, but I have lost the town of Elysium and all of my accomplishments.

  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lakazoo
    These, of course, are arbitrary picks for favorites since they have a cut and paste personality of at least 20 other animals. More personality types would be what I'd like to see in the next Animal Crossing.
    Yeah. My favorites are pretty much based on cosmetics only. I would've liked to get the other wolves in the town, actually (maybe not all of them, however; there were three wolf grumps, so that'd probably get redundant/confusing.) I didn't like a lot of the characters because they were just ugly to me. Heh. That is soooooo shallow of me, man!

    La la la, I named my town "HosDick." I think I was combining lyrics from a song I was listening to at the time, or something. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #6
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lakazoo
    I would fire up my GameCube version and play it, but I have lost the town of Elysium and all of my accomplishments.
    Where does the name Elysium come from?

    I liked the black cat (KIKI, THAT'S HER NAME) the most. Since I tend to talk to my animals a lot, I like what I'm reading to feel nice, haha. The people who snobby personalities sort of annoy me. What annoys me more is when I have to deliver something to an animal, but for some reason they get really depressed or angry and don't let me deliver the damn package. Gaaaah!

    I would like a lot of stuff for the next console installment of AC. I was actually hoping they would allow for 24 hour user-hosted towns so that friends could collect in a single village. Maybe a limit of 5 animals per character (with a minimum of 2 players, and a limit of 20 animals). It's a pipe dream, but it could be pulled off if they released a harddrive. I would also like A LOT more personalities, Mii integration, ALL THOSE LOVELY EVENTS, and online multiplayer minigames. Maybe AC soccer or something.

    I would also like a lot more online updates, another reason for the harddrive. More furniture, personalities, animals, etc., etc. But if there's one thing Nintendo lacks now, it's making a system that allows games to last well after purchase. =( Their stuff is forced to become outdated and abandoned due to lack of online upgrades.

    On a side note, I'd like to be able to "trade" animal villages easier.

  7. #7
    Spoony Bard
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    I feel like Animal Crossing! Incognitus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SOLDIER #819
    Where does the name Elysium come from?
    Elysium is basically a paradise or solace in which all bad things fade off into nothingness, all of the evils in the world are vanquished, Aeris lives, Jar-Jar dies, Worf is a merry man, Conan O'Brien becomes President, the 2004 World Series did not end in a losing sweep, and Resetti comes equipped with a fast forward option. It is what it is.

    Here's my list of things I would like to see in the next Animal Crossing:
    • a ****ing WEED EATER
    • The inclusion of sharps and flats in the town tune options, as well as tempo adjustment and possibly eighth notes. My god that would make my day.
    • A more accurate way to place your house, and not vague questions hinting at a close proximity
    • More multiplayer game activities (i.e. some sort of way that visiting players can actually do stuff other than fish, shop, and run around looking like an idiot). Some game involving a ball, perhaps? Battleship? Tic Tac Toe? I don't care, as long as it's interactive.
    • Keyboard functionality.
    • A 'Survivor' game of Vote [animal] Out of Village
    • a bicycle would be cool
    • The return of the "Woo-woo, woo-woo!" sound effect when you dug up something/caught something on the GameCube version
    • NES games included (will never happen with Virtual Console existing though)
    • the inclusion of some other sort of shop/hang out joint, like an arcade (a dying breed)
    • some sort of Mii integration, as S has already stated
    • more personalities for the animals

  8. #8
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lakazoo
    Here's my list of things I would like to see in the next Animal Crossing:
    • a ****ing WEED EATER
    • For after those long vacations away from the town where no one but you does any work? Heh.
    • The inclusion of sharps and flats in the town tune options, as well as tempo adjustment and possibly eighth notes. My god that would make my day.
    • A more accurate way to place your house, and not vague questions hinting at a close proximity
    I would definitely appreciate both. I hadn't realized there was much in the way of placing your house. That must be more to do with the DS version, eh? But making your town toon an exact science would be very spiffy.
  9. Keyboard functionality.
Like, to talk to other players, or to the animals? it'd be cool if they understood more than just yes or no answers. Like, long, seething, angry rants.
  • A 'Survivor' game of Vote [animal] Out of Village
  • YES!!
  • the inclusion of some other sort of shop/hang out joint, like an arcade (a dying breed)
  • That does sound cool.
  • some sort of Mii integration, as S has already stated
  • I think that's actually supposed to be a part of the next game, definitely. Or maybe not; maybe I'm confusing speculation on Nsider with actual fact. That's not uncommon.
  • more personalities for the animals
  • *nod nod* I'd still like to have more than one species per personality, however. I'd also like more wolves, and maybe some fox characters, too. Besides Crazy Red. Maybe some yoshis and koopas. That'd be cool. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
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  • #9
    Spoony Bard
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taco
    I would definitely appreciate both. I hadn't realized there was much in the way of placing your house. That must be more to do with the DS version, eh? But making your town toon an exact science would be very spiffy.
    Oh, yeah I should have specified. The DS version of Animal Crossing gives you a brief questionnaire at the beginning that determines an approximate house location. You can locate yourself by the beach, by Nook's, by the town gate, and some other location (museum, maybe), and it would use that data to sort of grant your request. By what I meant, I mean physically placing your house somewhere like placing a house in The Sims or the Dark Cloud series, rather than answering some question to do it. It may not be possible due to the plots of land allocated to villagers, but I would like to see a little more control over it.

  • #10
    I feel like Animal Crossing! Chickenballz's Avatar
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    With pixies.
    How easily could I screw around with AC? Because I remember playing the DS version for like, a few days and getting completely bored. And I was all online and jazzum too. But then I'm all like, "Man, chores suck ass yo." I don't want to deal with the denizens of AC, I want to make surreal shit that makes you question your zodiac sign.

  • #11
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rossferatu
    A more accurate way to place your house, and not vague questions hinting at a close proximity
    Maybe they should just ask more questions. The problem is that the map is randomly generated, probably after you answer your questions. Perhaps they should ask things like, "What do you enjoy more? Sunrise / Sunset?" for being on the east or west side of the town, and various other things. I never really had a problem with town placement...I just hated having to run back and forth between store and river when fishing. Inventory was too small, and Nook's was so far away.

    Which is why I want either a question which more or less asks me where Nook's should be (What's your favorite hobby?), or specialized sacks you can put in your inventory to carry more of a certain type of item. Like a fish net, or a bug jar.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rossferatu
    More multiplayer game activities (i.e. some sort of way that visiting players can actually do stuff other than fish, shop, and run around looking like an idiot). Some game involving a ball, perhaps? Battleship? Tic Tac Toe? I don't care, as long as it's interactive.
    If only they took from what they did with Wind Waker. Those games were so fun. I would also like an animal game operator that uses cardboard masks and weird sounds.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rossferatu
    A 'Survivor' game of Vote [animal] Out of Village
    I just wish pissing off animals had something to do with them leaving. You can send them garbage, run over their flowers, hit them with shovels, etc., but it does nothing. =( Though I think it would be hilarious if some of the (NEW) animal personality types were stubborn people (snobs, old people, etc.) who would react by refusing to move. Perhaps make you do different things to get them to leave.

    Which brings up a whole issue about me wishing that they would give you a lot more communication choices with animals, and that the personalities would be a bit more defined so that one thing one animal likes would not fly with another.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rossferatu
    a bicycle would be cool
    I can see myself crashing into trees. Something to speed you up would be nice though, like running boots (or golden winged boots if you get the special version of the item). If they expanded the map, a bike would be awesome too. Golden bikes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rossferatu
    The return of the "Woo-woo, woo-woo!" sound effect when you dug up something/caught something on the GameCube version
    Didn't they use to have a Gyroid outside your house, too? It would be cool if you could replace that one with others you find.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rossferatu
    the inclusion of some other sort of shop/hang out joint, like an arcade (a dying breed)
    What would they have in the arcade sort of thing? Besides NES games that cannot be. Would some hipped out twin brother of Brewster be there? Blendster? Bakester? Grillster? Georgeforemanster?

    They really should do more with the coffee shop, too. I liked the music. OH, and the museum too. Not just in the way of collecting (it gets so frustrating). I would like to see them do extra things with the observatory, too. Maybe make your constellations have effects other than looking pretty.

    And for the love of God, they need to get rid of that Nook duo that follows you around the second floor of Nookington's.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chickenballz
    How easily could I screw around with AC? Because I remember playing the DS version for like, a few days and getting completely bored. And I was all online and jazzum too. But then I'm all like, "Man, chores suck ass yo." I don't want to deal with the denizens of AC, I want to make surreal shit that makes you question your zodiac sign.
    Somewhere deep within your twisted soul, there is a love for innocent sim games bubbling within a locked box. They could have a wizard animal, or witch animal (that is not that psychic), who can screw around with YOUR zodiac sign. Or starsign. Or stars.

    You will play Animal Crossing regardless. Join us. Join us. Join ussss!

  • #12
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I just thought of something I'd like to be able to do in the next Animal Crossing. I explained it to S, but I don't think I'll go into the same detail here. In any case, it would involve terrorizing and abducting the animals. Beat them over the head, tie them up and throw them in your basement. Kill the cop, take off his head and throw it down with them, proclaiming "I am the law!"

    Also, more levels of like/dislike between the animals. Like, you can have certain anmals really like you, and others hate you, and want to leave the town (unless there's another player in the town they really like.) None of this "I like you!" one minute, "You're a bitch!" the next bullshit. It'd also be cool if the animals didn't just pace randomly around in front of their houses; like, if they saw weeds or something, they actually picked them themselves. Of course, they're all sooooo busy, they couldn't possibly be bothered with that Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  • #13
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taco
    Also, more levels of like/dislike between the animals. Like, you can have certain anmals really like you, and others hate you, and want to leave the town (unless there's another player in the town they really like.) None of this "I like you!" one minute, "You're a bitch!" the next bullshit. It'd also be cool if the animals didn't just pace randomly around in front of their houses; like, if they saw weeds or something, they actually picked them themselves. Of course, they're all sooooo busy, they couldn't possibly be bothered with that Anyhoo...
    Those are really good ideas. WW had done so to some extent (I can't remember if they did it with the GC version), but it could really use some improvement. I think animal personalities and communications in general just need much more depth.

    I'm on the fence about weeds. On the one hand, they should stop telling me to pick them and do it themselves. On the other hand, there's less Four-Leaf Clover opportunities.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  • #14
    Spoony Bard
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    For the arcade thing, I figured it would be a place for all of the mini-games that visitors could play with you (battleship, etc), instead of having them all thrown around town. I know there is absolutely no chance they would return the NES games packed into the game, because of the Virtual Console. The arcade is just a "concept." It is not a working arcade, per se. But it would be wicked cool if you could do skee-ball and other similar non-video game games. Skee-ball would work so well with the wiimote.
    Last edited by Incognitus; 03-22-2007 at 10:31 PM.

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