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Thread: Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome)

  1. #1
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Wandering the road of life.

    Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome)

    Alright, this is a Final Fantasy X RP, anyone is welcome to join it. Just a few things before I go on, follow the rules of TFF and all the basic RP stuff, like no god moding.


    Spira is once again threatened by the mighty beast Sin. The Summoners will begin their pilgrimage in order to bring in the next Calm. Along with the help of their guardians and other groups such as the Crusaders, they will once again slay Sin.


    Character template should be like this.

    Name: Yu Hisagawa

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Birthplace: Bevelle

    Appearance: 5'8 with blonde hair and blue eyes. He is lean, and wears a blue robe with yellow lining around it and stars and the moon on the back. He has a Mage Staff he carries with him. He also has a red headband from his father.

    Personality: Yu is confident, strong-willed, has a passionate hate for Sin, and sways on his beliefs of the teachings of Yevon. He is fluent in Al Bhed.

    Background: Yu's family has always fought Sin. Most of his ancestors were guardians, and his father was too. His two older brothers had joined the Crusaders. He had a sister too, but she didn't fight against Sin. Yu's father and two brothers were killed in a great battle against Sin, and his sister simply vanished. His mother soon died of a heart disease, leaving Yu to fend for himself. So to defeat Sin, Yu became a summoner, and will risk everything to defeat Sin. He also has been trained in the art of black magic, but he isn't the best at it.
    Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 04-02-2008 at 01:41 PM.
    My TFF Family
    My Yaoi crazed sister Bleachfangirl. My evil vampiric sister Anathematized Anachronism. My random exchange student staying with my family, Xeim. . My Bot slicing brother Novacrash. My ever changing niece Athna Loveil.. My insane Gaara fanatic niece Tiger Lily. My loving sister Ekimeinna. My Quincy Co-Pilot Storm. My son, Savior of the Damned.
    My airship flying man in the air utd fan cousin, Sir Alex Ferguson. My sort of insane, out of his mind cousin, Silver. My Queen-obsessed Zico-loving cousin FF Guru. My FF crazed brother Flash. My disturbed and distraught brother Fishie. My Godsmack addicted brother Demon Hunter. My ickle sister xXViviXx. My old school free styling cousin, Pablo Honey. My Cousin most likely to get their hand replaced by a pen, Aerif. My highwind 'barkeep' friend, Unknown Entity. My fighting game loving cousin, Rocky. My FFVII Matey on starboard brother, SecretWeapon. My Pokémon-obsessed sister, Refieth. My FF trivia master cousin, Phantom. My FF VIII obsessed cousin, Craven.

    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  2. #2
    Name: Nova
    Age: 18

    Personality: keeps out the way of arguments, long convisation, Friends.

    Background: At just the tender age of just 11 he was the guardian of Yu Hingata, Who was the last summoner to bring the calm. He was nothing less of a father figure to Nova, rescuing him from his past life, he was a street orphan who never new his father and the only momentem of his family that he has is a medalian with a fire crest on. (red background - white flame insignia)
    His life was in pieces until he met Lord Hingata in the thunder plains, and ever since has stuck by him completeing temple after temple and even helping Lord Hingata recieve the final aeon, although he neva fought against sin in the final battle. Instead He skowers spira in search for answers to the constent question 'why?'

    Lives in wait for his next chance to correct his mistakes.

    Weapon: Carries a samurai sword and ketana in a white sheath.

    Clothings/Appearance: He wears a red jacket with the Flam insignia on the back, The jacket is borderd through-out in white. He wears it open with no top underneath. suported with the sword's belt.
    His trosers are white long but tucked into red boots in order to increas speed and mobility.
    he stand 5'6 musular toned- with white hair- brown eyes.
    Last edited by Nova Mage; 03-27-2008 at 10:43 AM.

    TFF Family

    Uncle cid ~ Final Fantasy Fan Cid --> Best pilot around
    My Potato loving aunt ~ Bleachfangirl --> Random but cool

  3. #3
    HRH Albha Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) Aerif's Avatar
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    Name: Sabina De Rose
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Birthplace: Rose Island, Aurum Archipelago, East of Spira Mainland

    Primary Class: Summoner
    Secondary Class: Black Mage

    Appearance: Wears a knee-length skirt and a rather skimpy top. She has blonde hair that comes down to her waist and is worn in a ponytail heading down her back. On her left arm is a birth-mark of a Chinese dragon that twists around the arm with the mouth ending at the gap between her thumb and forefinger. She wears sandals on her feet. She is also an albino, shown through her eyes that have violet irises, because of this she suffers from long sightedness.

    Personality: Sabina has a rather selfish streak though is outwardly friendly to those she gets to know. She can be manipulative and grumpy when presented with difficult situations but is a nice girl, deep down.

    Background: Raised on Rose Island, one of the islands of an archipelago near mainland Spira. She was initiated as a summoner at the age of sixteen and received the aeon ‘Tritoch’, a tri-element based aeon that is found on Rose Island’s Northern Temple. She is currently guardian-less but plans to receive her second aeon at Rose Island’s other temple and then visit Bevelle to seek out guardians.


    Note that even though she is a summoner, she would be better suited as the role of gaurdian, so she may eventually become Yu's gaurdian
    Last edited by Aerif; 04-02-2008 at 12:36 AM.

  4. #4
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Welcome, nice to see people already on here. Alright, cool characters so far, a guardian and a summoner.

    One thing I neglected to mention about the RP, we are open to more summoners, I mean the one I created is not the only one in the story. So if you want to get your own guardians to fight Sin, you can. If not, you can still feel free to be a guardian.
    My TFF Family
    My Yaoi crazed sister Bleachfangirl. My evil vampiric sister Anathematized Anachronism. My random exchange student staying with my family, Xeim. . My Bot slicing brother Novacrash. My ever changing niece Athna Loveil.. My insane Gaara fanatic niece Tiger Lily. My loving sister Ekimeinna. My Quincy Co-Pilot Storm. My son, Savior of the Damned.
    My airship flying man in the air utd fan cousin, Sir Alex Ferguson. My sort of insane, out of his mind cousin, Silver. My Queen-obsessed Zico-loving cousin FF Guru. My FF crazed brother Flash. My disturbed and distraught brother Fishie. My Godsmack addicted brother Demon Hunter. My ickle sister xXViviXx. My old school free styling cousin, Pablo Honey. My Cousin most likely to get their hand replaced by a pen, Aerif. My highwind 'barkeep' friend, Unknown Entity. My fighting game loving cousin, Rocky. My FFVII Matey on starboard brother, SecretWeapon. My Pokémon-obsessed sister, Refieth. My FF trivia master cousin, Phantom. My FF VIII obsessed cousin, Craven.

    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  5. #5
    Name: Sano Matsura

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Birthplace: Kilika

    Appearance: Sano is around 5' 7" with a lean, lanky build. He has dark tanned skin, light brown hair that is shortly cropped, and gray eyes. He wears an open red vest that stops at his waist, a pair of black shorts, and sometimes worn black boots (he'll go barefoot when he can). Sano wears a tattoo of a growling beast on his right bicep as a representation of his home's blitzball team.

    Personality: Sano is a brazen young man, always ready to try and show what he's made of. He'll never back down in a fight unless he's bloody, broken, and beaten. He's an energetic guy that can't handle being quiet for too long. Though Sano can be one of the most loyal people anyone can ever know, he opposes all authority and prefers to do things his own way. Basically, he's the average rowdy teenager that only acts mature when the time calls for it. He's clueless most of the time, relying on someone else to fill him in on most situations.

    Background: Sano lived peacefully with his parents and two elder brothers in Kilika for most of his life. At the age of 13, on a fishing trip that he was too sick to take part in, he lost his parents and eldest brother to a sinspawn. Since only his brother stayed back to take care of him, he's Sano's only remaining family. The loss didn't affect Sano that much, but it did root an incredible hate for Sin in him.

    Since he was a child, Sano's only dream was to become a member of the Kilika Beasts. He practiced his bliztball skills and trained to further his endurance daily with the other children and his brothers or by himself in the hopes that he would become the best blizter in all of Kilika. When his parents and brother died, that dream was barely altered, but another was added. He wanted to destroy Sin. Like everyone in Spira, Sano had wished for Sin's destruction all his life. Though after losing his family to the monster, he wanted to have some active part in it.

    His training changed from only blitzball practice to include more endurance and even fight training. Sano is a fighter and knows no spells or magic because of how he was raised and how he trained. He knows how to use his fists and is best with a lance from training with the only thing he could ever find-sticks and poles. He's swift and flexible and can carry on almost every physical activity for long periods of time (does not like anything boring like reading), but he's not the strongest person there is.

    He still lives in Kilika with his brother Wes. He visits the temple everyday for news of any coming summoners for a chance at joining a pilgrimage. He doesn't believe all the teachings of Yevon, but he follows them to the best of his ability.

    There you go. Tell me if there's anything you want to change.
    Last edited by Bleachfangirl; 03-31-2008 at 05:35 PM.

  6. #6
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Cool, glad to see you could make it. Well, we now have my character, Aerif's, Nova's, and Bleach's. xXViviXx was supposed to be a part of this, but we still haven't heard from her. I guess we can go on with the story, I'll have it up in the next day or so.
    My TFF Family
    My Yaoi crazed sister Bleachfangirl. My evil vampiric sister Anathematized Anachronism. My random exchange student staying with my family, Xeim. . My Bot slicing brother Novacrash. My ever changing niece Athna Loveil.. My insane Gaara fanatic niece Tiger Lily. My loving sister Ekimeinna. My Quincy Co-Pilot Storm. My son, Savior of the Damned.
    My airship flying man in the air utd fan cousin, Sir Alex Ferguson. My sort of insane, out of his mind cousin, Silver. My Queen-obsessed Zico-loving cousin FF Guru. My FF crazed brother Flash. My disturbed and distraught brother Fishie. My Godsmack addicted brother Demon Hunter. My ickle sister xXViviXx. My old school free styling cousin, Pablo Honey. My Cousin most likely to get their hand replaced by a pen, Aerif. My highwind 'barkeep' friend, Unknown Entity. My fighting game loving cousin, Rocky. My FFVII Matey on starboard brother, SecretWeapon. My Pokémon-obsessed sister, Refieth. My FF trivia master cousin, Phantom. My FF VIII obsessed cousin, Craven.

    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  7. #7
    Registered User Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) Halie's Avatar
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    Name: Hana Hasumi

    Age: 15

    Gender: Female

    Birthplace: Besaid Island

    Class: White Mage

    Appearance: Hanas' hair is light brown and shoulder-length with a short fringe to the right side of her face. Her eyes are a very peculiar neon green, and her skin is fairly pale. She wears a pale pink knee-length dress with elbow-cut sleeves, and white slip-on type shoes with a white bow at the front of each shoe. Hana is only 5.3, and has a very slim build.

    Background/Past: Hana lives with her mother and her four brothers in a small house on Besaid Island. Her mother is quite poor, and works two jobs. Hanas' older brothers also have to work in order to keep the house running. Three years ago when Hana was twelve years old, her father was murdered by Sin. She looked up to him as an idol, and thought of him as one of her dearest friends as well as an amazing father. He lived in Luca, a few islands away from Hana and her family, which meant she rarely saw him. But when she could, she thought of it as an escape from her troubled home.
    When Hanas' father died, she was traumatized. She wasn't too familiar with such pain, as she hadn't lost anyone to Sin before, and had lived a ful-filling and happy life so far. Her hate for Sin grew, and inspired her to take revenge, and help rid Spira of their horrible entity. She desired to protect those with the same goal. So she learned the art of White Magic, and now wishes to become a guardian.

    Personality: Hana is soft and gentle. She is young, though doesn't always seem it. She is usually quiet and soft-spoken, and finds it hard to understand the concept of Sin. She is a good and loyal friend, though not always trusting, but tries hard to help and much as she can. She has a strong connection with her home temple, and often prays there for the safety of Spira.
    Last edited by Halie; 03-31-2010 at 06:57 PM.

  8. #8
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Welcome, glad to see another person here. The thread is up, as some have already seen. I am waiting on everyone to post, before I go on. Especially Nova Mage.
    Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 04-02-2008 at 01:43 PM.
    My TFF Family
    My Yaoi crazed sister Bleachfangirl. My evil vampiric sister Anathematized Anachronism. My random exchange student staying with my family, Xeim. . My Bot slicing brother Novacrash. My ever changing niece Athna Loveil.. My insane Gaara fanatic niece Tiger Lily. My loving sister Ekimeinna. My Quincy Co-Pilot Storm. My son, Savior of the Damned.
    My airship flying man in the air utd fan cousin, Sir Alex Ferguson. My sort of insane, out of his mind cousin, Silver. My Queen-obsessed Zico-loving cousin FF Guru. My FF crazed brother Flash. My disturbed and distraught brother Fishie. My Godsmack addicted brother Demon Hunter. My ickle sister xXViviXx. My old school free styling cousin, Pablo Honey. My Cousin most likely to get their hand replaced by a pen, Aerif. My highwind 'barkeep' friend, Unknown Entity. My fighting game loving cousin, Rocky. My FFVII Matey on starboard brother, SecretWeapon. My Pokémon-obsessed sister, Refieth. My FF trivia master cousin, Phantom. My FF VIII obsessed cousin, Craven.

    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  9. #9
    Cool thing to see the RP started up. It's moving along pretty nicely too.

    It seems like Aerif and I are a bit set on heading to Bevelle. I'm not really sure, but it seems like that right now. So what's going to happen now? Three of you (Yu, Hana, and Nova) have already met, so I'm wondering if all of us are going to meet up and if so, when and how?

  10. #10
    Registered User Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) Halie's Avatar
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    Maybe we could find you both along the way of the pilgrimage and then you both become guardians or something? Sort of like what they did with Auron and Rikku on the actual 'FFX' game. I

    It's up to you both, I guess, heh.

  11. #11
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Wandering the road of life.
    I was planning on heading to Kiliki island, where I would meet Bleach's character. As Queen Gothica said, it is up to you though.
    My TFF Family
    My Yaoi crazed sister Bleachfangirl. My evil vampiric sister Anathematized Anachronism. My random exchange student staying with my family, Xeim. . My Bot slicing brother Novacrash. My ever changing niece Athna Loveil.. My insane Gaara fanatic niece Tiger Lily. My loving sister Ekimeinna. My Quincy Co-Pilot Storm. My son, Savior of the Damned.
    My airship flying man in the air utd fan cousin, Sir Alex Ferguson. My sort of insane, out of his mind cousin, Silver. My Queen-obsessed Zico-loving cousin FF Guru. My FF crazed brother Flash. My disturbed and distraught brother Fishie. My Godsmack addicted brother Demon Hunter. My ickle sister xXViviXx. My old school free styling cousin, Pablo Honey. My Cousin most likely to get their hand replaced by a pen, Aerif. My highwind 'barkeep' friend, Unknown Entity. My fighting game loving cousin, Rocky. My FFVII Matey on starboard brother, SecretWeapon. My Pokémon-obsessed sister, Refieth. My FF trivia master cousin, Phantom. My FF VIII obsessed cousin, Craven.

    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  12. #12
    well good evening and morning in some cases Giys. Sorry Cid and Fangirl. I didnt mean to die on ya'll like that. school got rough and i havent been able to get on as of late. Well i will ask for a chance if it isn't too late to join the Rp. I will make a char and if u feel it is too late then i will not bother.

    NAME: Raven

    PlACE OF BIRTH:Kilika

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Class: Thief

    Appearance: Raven is a small framed boy. He has very pale skin and black hair. His eyes are a piercing green. He wears black tattered clothing. His hands are covered with small scratch marks from working the land around him. He wears black gloves and a small black cape with a neck piece to cover his neck and mouth. he often does not wear any kind of footwear because the last pair he had was from when he was a younger child.

    Background: Raven is an orphan. His mother and father were killed when he was at a very young age. His father and mother were never really good parents to him. His mother wasn't his true birth mother and his father was a washed up soldier who was abusive to his son and blamed him for the loss of his late wife. WHile suffering from this depression his father became an alchoholic. His so called parents never called him by his birth name , but they had called him things like boy or runt. Due to this abuse he forgot his real name. One day his father and step-mother were killed by a group of raiders and Raven had been able to hide away from the bandits. After the massacre Raven had went to foraging in the woods and taking care of himself b/c he felt like no one would take him in. Now he steals from the local farmers and shops to live. He named himself Raven after seeing a raven all alone in a tree while he was stealing food from a local farm owner and was sighted. He felt that the raven was a lowly bird who was commonly misunderstood just as he was.

    Personality: Raven is a quiet young man ,but he is polite. He doesnt steal because he enjoys it, but because he needs to so he can survive. He is also a hard-working young man because he works by creating a garden for vegetables that he can plant and raise. He has a tender heart towards animals, and is often scared and shy around people.

  13. #13
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    The more the merrier Seraph! Glad to see you could make it. It's fine for you to join the RP, as a matter of fact, I have my character heading for Kiliki as I speak, so if you want to be my guardian, feel free to meet my character when he arrives. If you don't want to be my guardian, you could be a Crusader, or when some more people who want to do their own pilgrimage arrive, you could join them. Just go ahead with whatever you are planning.
    My TFF Family
    My Yaoi crazed sister Bleachfangirl. My evil vampiric sister Anathematized Anachronism. My random exchange student staying with my family, Xeim. . My Bot slicing brother Novacrash. My ever changing niece Athna Loveil.. My insane Gaara fanatic niece Tiger Lily. My loving sister Ekimeinna. My Quincy Co-Pilot Storm. My son, Savior of the Damned.
    My airship flying man in the air utd fan cousin, Sir Alex Ferguson. My sort of insane, out of his mind cousin, Silver. My Queen-obsessed Zico-loving cousin FF Guru. My FF crazed brother Flash. My disturbed and distraught brother Fishie. My Godsmack addicted brother Demon Hunter. My ickle sister xXViviXx. My old school free styling cousin, Pablo Honey. My Cousin most likely to get their hand replaced by a pen, Aerif. My highwind 'barkeep' friend, Unknown Entity. My fighting game loving cousin, Rocky. My FFVII Matey on starboard brother, SecretWeapon. My Pokémon-obsessed sister, Refieth. My FF trivia master cousin, Phantom. My FF VIII obsessed cousin, Craven.

    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  14. #14
    About the whole situation between Sabina, Yu, and Sano- I'm CONFUSED! >< I don't know what to do next...or what really happened. To many things going on at once. Someone tell me what to do!

    Answer these please. I'm begging here:
    -Should I follow Sabina?
    -Should I stay and apologize to Yu?
    -Should I run off and hide from the both of them and just look for the other guardians?


  15. #15
    HRH Albha Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) Aerif's Avatar
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    Well, it's really your own choice what you do next, you should be free to make your own choices as to where Sano goes next.

    Every action has a consequence so wouldn't it be easier to go with the option that has the least consequence?

    No pressure!

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  16. #16
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Wandering the road of life.
    Ha ha, I guess it would be a little confusion. You get to choose being Yu's or Sabina's guardian. Pure and simple, but as for another situation, should Yu or Sabina go first into the temple of the faythe, I don't think it is possible for both to go into together.
    My TFF Family
    My Yaoi crazed sister Bleachfangirl. My evil vampiric sister Anathematized Anachronism. My random exchange student staying with my family, Xeim. . My Bot slicing brother Novacrash. My ever changing niece Athna Loveil.. My insane Gaara fanatic niece Tiger Lily. My loving sister Ekimeinna. My Quincy Co-Pilot Storm. My son, Savior of the Damned.
    My airship flying man in the air utd fan cousin, Sir Alex Ferguson. My sort of insane, out of his mind cousin, Silver. My Queen-obsessed Zico-loving cousin FF Guru. My FF crazed brother Flash. My disturbed and distraught brother Fishie. My Godsmack addicted brother Demon Hunter. My ickle sister xXViviXx. My old school free styling cousin, Pablo Honey. My Cousin most likely to get their hand replaced by a pen, Aerif. My highwind 'barkeep' friend, Unknown Entity. My fighting game loving cousin, Rocky. My FFVII Matey on starboard brother, SecretWeapon. My Pokémon-obsessed sister, Refieth. My FF trivia master cousin, Phantom. My FF VIII obsessed cousin, Craven.

    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  17. #17
    >< You two are now help. I seriously can't decide what to do here! I'm thinking of following Sabina at the point since she's in need of some guardians, but I'm wondering what will happen after that. Well, Aerif, I'm going to place my trust in you...please don't abuse Sano.

  18. #18
    Au revoir. Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    Dec 2006
    Can I join in? The story is really good!

    Name: Kino Nakima

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Birthplace: Luca

    Class: Black Mage

    Appearance: 5'9, with short, spiked black hair and brown eyes. Medium build. Kino wears a black jacket with a white t-shirt, with black pants. Carries a sword which is a family heirloom despite being a Black Mage.

    Personality: Sarcastic with a tendency to be brash around new people. Once he becomes friends with someone, he is fiercely protective of them, and kind. He also tends to be condescending when discussing magic as he i considered a prodigy in the field.

    Background: The eldest son of a middle class family, Kino was a child prodigy in the field of Black Magic. However, his nature lead him to not study as hard as he could, and he has not reached his full potential. Kino is a unique Mage as he fights using a sword which is passed down through generations of his family. He is currently waiting for a summoner at Luca port.


    Not sure which summoner he'll be waiting for yet. I'll add to the story if I'm allowed to by you guys.

  19. #19
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Wandering the road of life.
    Welcome aboard my friend, glad to have you. Your choice on summoners. Feel free to choose either.

    Sorry I haven't been on lately, stupid computers and busy, prom was a couple of days ago.
    My TFF Family
    My Yaoi crazed sister Bleachfangirl. My evil vampiric sister Anathematized Anachronism. My random exchange student staying with my family, Xeim. . My Bot slicing brother Novacrash. My ever changing niece Athna Loveil.. My insane Gaara fanatic niece Tiger Lily. My loving sister Ekimeinna. My Quincy Co-Pilot Storm. My son, Savior of the Damned.
    My airship flying man in the air utd fan cousin, Sir Alex Ferguson. My sort of insane, out of his mind cousin, Silver. My Queen-obsessed Zico-loving cousin FF Guru. My FF crazed brother Flash. My disturbed and distraught brother Fishie. My Godsmack addicted brother Demon Hunter. My ickle sister xXViviXx. My old school free styling cousin, Pablo Honey. My Cousin most likely to get their hand replaced by a pen, Aerif. My highwind 'barkeep' friend, Unknown Entity. My fighting game loving cousin, Rocky. My FFVII Matey on starboard brother, SecretWeapon. My Pokémon-obsessed sister, Refieth. My FF trivia master cousin, Phantom. My FF VIII obsessed cousin, Craven.

    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  20. #20
    Well I hope its not too late but I wanna join too. I'll make one just in case you let me in.

    Name: Kimika Natsuki


    Gender: Female ( I'm not a girl or ...... you know. I just wanna see what it's like to role play as a girl)

    Birthplace: Kilika

    Class: Knight

    Appearance: 4'11 with long platinum hair. She has nice tanned skin and has a fit, slender body. She wears long baggy pants and big patched shirts with hats to try to appear as a boy. Wields a double swords that have her name carved on the sharp edges of the swords. She also has a silver necklace that her late father gave her when she was 6.

    Personality: Kimika is the strong silent type. She doesn't communicate with anyone and has always kept to herself. She doesn't have a short fuse, but when angered it takes quite a while to calm her down.

    Background: Kimika's father's death 11 years ago has put her in a lot of agony. However, she has learned to put it in the past, and show no mercy to anyone that crosses her. Fortunately, her father had taught her the ways of an elite warrior that earned her the rank of a knight. Despite all her training she never gets to use any of it. Since she has lived in Kilika all her life, she believes that out there somewhere her true destiny awaits.

    Hope that's good enough and I really hope I'm not late...

  21. #21
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Wandering the road of life.
    You're not late at all, we just started this RP. Glad to have you aboard. Go ahead and do what you need to, as a knight, I take it you will need to guard someone. Choose yourself summoner, or you can even be a crusader. I'm trying to let their be a lot of ways for this RP to go.
    My TFF Family
    My Yaoi crazed sister Bleachfangirl. My evil vampiric sister Anathematized Anachronism. My random exchange student staying with my family, Xeim. . My Bot slicing brother Novacrash. My ever changing niece Athna Loveil.. My insane Gaara fanatic niece Tiger Lily. My loving sister Ekimeinna. My Quincy Co-Pilot Storm. My son, Savior of the Damned.
    My airship flying man in the air utd fan cousin, Sir Alex Ferguson. My sort of insane, out of his mind cousin, Silver. My Queen-obsessed Zico-loving cousin FF Guru. My FF crazed brother Flash. My disturbed and distraught brother Fishie. My Godsmack addicted brother Demon Hunter. My ickle sister xXViviXx. My old school free styling cousin, Pablo Honey. My Cousin most likely to get their hand replaced by a pen, Aerif. My highwind 'barkeep' friend, Unknown Entity. My fighting game loving cousin, Rocky. My FFVII Matey on starboard brother, SecretWeapon. My Pokémon-obsessed sister, Refieth. My FF trivia master cousin, Phantom. My FF VIII obsessed cousin, Craven.

    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  22. #22
    That's a good thing we've got more members. That should make this more interesting. Cool Kid, since you're in Kilika, you can join right in if you want. Thanks for joining, you two.

    Oh, Nova, if you come along this, remember to post. Cid and Queen Gothica need you to take a turn sometime soon to really go on.

    Doc Rocco, Aerif and I may be a while before we can get to Luca and have you join in. All of us in Kilika still need to go through the cloister of trials and whatnot at the temple, so you may have to wait a bit. If you want, you can come and meet us...but since Kino seems a bit unexcited about becoming a guardian, that would be strange. Just letting you know.

  23. #23
    Au revoir. Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) Doc Rocco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Yeah, that would be kinda stupid. Perhaps I'll do a Sano and go about my daily business?

    No hurry to get to Luca anyways. I was hoping on making Kino kind of a jerk who has ulterior motives, so meeting him may be a bad thing for the characters.

    |Rocco's LiveJournal| = |SPSGE| = |Request Avatars and Banners|

    "I can't disappear yet..."
    Banner and avatar by myself.

    TFF Family, Awards and random lunacy:

    =TFF Family=

    Lily, Craven, Froggie, Bleachfangirl, Priscilla,
    Hyzenthlay, Xeim, Crazy Chocobo, Halie, Refieth, Rikkuffx, Martin,
    FF Ace Cid, winterborn86, L Lawliet and T.G. Oskar.

    PM/VM me to adopt me or join!

    Because we're clones and stuff.

    Memorable Quotes:
    Rachel : I hear you're advanced in twittery. =D
    Rocco : PhD level. =D
    Rachel : And beyond. =D

    Ann: It's like asking someone "How do you brush your teeth?"
    "What's your methods of toenail cutting?" "How do you get rid of nosehairs?"

    Jules: Bullshit. She thought it happened.
    Rocco: It was that quick huh?

    Cilla: Closets are so hot.

    TFF vs. World's Biggest Idiots:
    Matt :
    y = X x T
    C x V
    y= -6
    Rachel : For what, may I ask? Your intelligence?
    Let X, T, C and V all equal zero.
    Rachel : And you'd still come up with -6, because, let's face it, you're not the brightest spark.

    TOM: thought id take a pic of mine [his penis] and show u's
    TOM: its nice aye
    George: i wanan touch it

    TOM: i will go ****ing hulk on your ass ok
    .::.Sammy.::. : ill go like super sayian 5

    Quotes of Lily's:

    Hayden says:
    r u sure theres not a man standing behind u with a knife
    Rachel says:
    Quite sure.
    Hayden says:
    maybe its me
    Rachel says:
    I seriously doubt that your IQ is high enough for it to occur to you that you cannot walk through solid objects.

    =Lily on Freema Agyeman [Slightly paraphrased]=
    Lily says: Freema is so pretty.
    Lily says: I wish I was her.
    Lily says: She is mind-bogglingly sexy.
    Lily says: Seriously, if I had to choose between her and David Tennant, I'd SO choose her.
    Lily says: *glomps Freema to death and rips her clothes off*

    Member of FF Cult

  24. #24
    Hey guys I just posted my first one. I know it was short, but I started sort of late and I needed to get on the ball before you all left Kilika. I hope it wasn't too intruding or anything.

  25. #25
    hey guys so sorry about not being active. School is sucking right now but its ok. well i dropped my first post i hope it is fine ith you guys. Cid i didn't want to do any character controling because i cant play your character as good as you because i don't know how he works except from what you told us in his bio. So im going off of what u do next.

  26. #26
    Doc Rocco, it's fine. That would probably be the best plan while you wait, so go crazy. It'll be nice to see how all the different characters act and think.

    No worries Cool Kid. It's fine that way, since it would have been harder to integrate you later on if we all left. But you might want to go and edit a bit to talk have your character talk to one of the two summoners there. Yu and Sano and Sabina had already parted by the time you posted, so Kimika will have to go after one of the two parties. (We could all backtrack, but that would mean MAJOR editing, and that's a pain.)

    I was wondering where you went, Seraph. Glad to see you hadn't left us.
    Last edited by Bleachfangirl; 04-24-2008 at 08:46 PM.

  27. #27
    Are you serious??? I thought Hana and Yu were still in Kilika. Hana is with Nova and Nova is in the Kilika Pub. Yu was supposedly exploring the town, so I really thought they were in Kilika.

  28. #28
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Wandering the road of life.
    Everyone is still in Kiliki for the moment, because they all have to go through the Cloister of Trials. So, you can still meet them, as far as I know.

    Alright Seraph, I posted, and met with you. It's short, but it's a conversation after all, got to go back and forth with each other and what not.

    As for Nova Mage and his character, we have not seen much of them. He needs to post. Nova if you are reading this, please post. I will give you a few days, and if you have not posted, someone else will have to assume your role in the RP, until you come back.
    Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 04-25-2008 at 06:46 AM.
    My TFF Family
    My Yaoi crazed sister Bleachfangirl. My evil vampiric sister Anathematized Anachronism. My random exchange student staying with my family, Xeim. . My Bot slicing brother Novacrash. My ever changing niece Athna Loveil.. My insane Gaara fanatic niece Tiger Lily. My loving sister Ekimeinna. My Quincy Co-Pilot Storm. My son, Savior of the Damned.
    My airship flying man in the air utd fan cousin, Sir Alex Ferguson. My sort of insane, out of his mind cousin, Silver. My Queen-obsessed Zico-loving cousin FF Guru. My FF crazed brother Flash. My disturbed and distraught brother Fishie. My Godsmack addicted brother Demon Hunter. My ickle sister xXViviXx. My old school free styling cousin, Pablo Honey. My Cousin most likely to get their hand replaced by a pen, Aerif. My highwind 'barkeep' friend, Unknown Entity. My fighting game loving cousin, Rocky. My FFVII Matey on starboard brother, SecretWeapon. My Pokémon-obsessed sister, Refieth. My FF trivia master cousin, Phantom. My FF VIII obsessed cousin, Craven.

    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  29. #29
    HRH Albha Summoner's Pilgrimage RP OOC (Everyone Welcome) Aerif's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Southern Colonies, Northern England
    Blog Entries
    Bit of confusion here I think...

    Kimiko approached Yu and Hana, not Sano and Sabina. Just clearing it up if you didn't realise.

    Also, Doc, if you don't plan on making your way to Killika then you'll probably have a long wait before you meet up with Sano and Sabina, considering we're vising the Temple and then actually going to get Ifrit on the same day that Yu is. That should be fun.

    Anyway, long story short, you're really going to have a long time waiting for Sabina and Sano to arrive at Luca, even if that is our next destination. Which will probably be Besaid instead considering it's the closest location to Kilika.

    Banners and Stuff:

    ˙uɐɔ I ʍouʞ I <- uɐɔ I ssǝnƃ Iżsıɥʇ op I uɐƆ

    Last signature update: 02/08/2014

  30. #30
    Oh, my bad for the confusion. Sorry Cool Kid. I'll just whack myself with a stick now.

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