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Name: Elizabeth (Lizzi) Elkess
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Race: half Fae- half Human.
Height: 136cm (4.4ft)
Weight: 25kg (4 stone)
Birthplace/Hometown (optional): Kelton
Class: Paladin/ Sage.
Weapon: At the moment, nothing.
Spells (if applicable): Mainly basic healing spells. Though, she is in the process of being taught higher level healing and basic offensive spells.
Appearance: Quick sketch
She has mousy blonde hair that comes to her shoulders. Her eye's are a dark green which at times appear brown. She wears basic white tunics made by her mother, they are specially suited so that she can wear them with her wings showing. Her wings are the same shade as her hair but have flecks of dark browns and blacks at the tips of each feather. Her frame itself is skinny, but what she does have in weight most of it is muscle due to the harsh life in the swamplands.
Her facial features are untouched and her skin pale. The length of her nose curves ever so slighty and her lips are a paled crimson. She has a perfect set of teeth except for one which is misplaced and sticks out from her gum above the rest of the teeth. Though, her upper lip covers this from sight. She tends to smile broady squinting whilst she does it.
Lizzi carries around a small, leather pouch on a belt which can be closed via a 2 piece clip. Inside here she keeps momento's of her mother including her hair pin, which would normally sit in her hair. In her pouch she also keeps notes of all the spell lessons he father has given her, so that she doesn't forget them.
Personality/Strengths/Weaknesses: A kind-hearted, free spirited girl just like her mother. Or, at least, thats what her father had told her. Dispite her age she has a temper and a fury that can cause damage and has, on occasion. She has been taught in sage-ways since she was very young and so is quite articulate for her age. Despite she knows about many subjects yet gets muddled up and often gets confused even if she thinks she knows a topic well. She is bubbly and chatty when she gets to know somebody but, at first, she is very shy and trys to stay hidden around strangers.
She is a very fast learner, especially when it comes to spells. She is keen to learn more about her fathers people and their teachings. She often sits for hours listening to her fathers stories and even asks for more before being sent to bed. She practises as hard and long as she can before becoming exhausted and has often been found by her father asleep outside at night, after 'training'. Her wings are developed enough to carry her a fair distance but after a while it takes up alot of her energy just to hold herself up.
Due to her age, weight and height she isnt much for dealing and hand to hand combat damage. In fact, she is fairly useless in this field even though her father had tried numerous times to teach her how to use short swords; in case she were ever alone in the swamp. Her range of magic is limited so far, but she is trying to learn.
History: (Confirmed by Lucid as okay)
Her father was the brother of the disgraced/ crazed Blessed one, over 500 years before. This was part of her fathers reasoning behind moving to the swamplands of Kelton. The other reason being his her grandfathers protest about his son marrying a human sage. They had lived for a long time in peace before teh day when her mother was viciously attacked by the widlife there, mainly an Troll and killed. Since then her father has devoted his life to teaching Lizzi and taking care of her.
Lizzi had been brought up with a passion for magic. She had always followed her fathers advice in this area, ignoring his warnings about the surrounding area even after her mother was killed.
At the age of 10 her father took her to see the city of Atarylis, this was was to serve both as a holiday and a way for her to gain more knowledge. Whilst within the city, however, they became seperated and Lizzi wandered away on her own. She tried for only a short amount of time to find her father after which she became calm. She told herself that she would study and work at her magic so that one day, when her and her father wer etogether again, she would make him proud.
Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 02-28-2008 at 03:23 PM.
Reason: Changed history.
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