In a modern city, 1990
The rain poured down on window, the ghastly sinister puff of wind could be heard stroking off the window pane. A young man, crying as he held a baby in his arms. His hair was blonde, he wore a formal suit, the jacket closed over his white shirt. He rocked the baby, making the young girl fall into a deep sleep. She was at peace.
"Mr. Frame," A doctor entered the room.
Mr. Frame simply hushed the other man, looking down upon his daughter, holding her tightly, feeling her pulse, making sure that she was still with him.
"Sir, Is there anything you would like to say?" The Doctor asked, his voice lowered.
Mr. Frame raised his head. He didn't speak, he stared at the doctor as he approached him.
"My wife is dead..." Mr. Frame said quietly. "Dead..., because of her..." He spoke down to the baby.
The Doctor wished he could say something. Something to say that it wasn't the young girls fault. The mother had simply bled to death, they couldn't control the bleeding, it was his fault. The mother had suffered heavy burns from inside the womb, it was a freak accident, and unexplainable from a medical point of view.
"Mr. Frame, we need to examine your daughter, she may have the same ... illness as your wife." The Doctor said.
"Three hours after I was married... she was 2 weeks premature..., why did it happen? today of all days..." Mr. Frame handed the baby to the Doctor, he removed his glasses, wiping the tears he shed on them with a small white hankerchief.
"Call her Carole, I'll be back in the morning." Mr. Frame said not looking at the Doctor. He stood in a perfect posture, putting his glasses back on, as the doctor exited the room, Frame exited as well.
Days had passed, and Carole's results came back negative. She was an awfully perculiar baby, she would worry her father majorly for the rest of her childhood, her body tempature raising, immediatley making her father think that she was in serious trouble. But soon, Carole's tempature went down. The crisis was avoided, it left the doctors confused and curious. So when Carole was 9, she was tested on. The results were terrible. The medical lab burst into flames, like a forest fire, the entire lab caught fire immediatley, Carole escaped the lab without a single mark. A screaming nurse, branded her a demi-devil infront of her father.
Frame pulled her out of school, he deserted the suburbs and fled to the country-side. He educated his daughter himself. They were isolated in nature, and Carole's only contact with the outside world was her computer. She was under strict rules never to leave the house. Or they would kill her. The isolation made her lonely, and soon that was turned into bitterness, resentment towards her father. She wanted to escape her prison without bars and flee, if only for one night, she wanted to see real people.
Okay, my comeback rp. Hopefully this is sucessful but it will be a little bit confusing. The story is modern, so guns are allowed. As you may have guessed, Carole is cursed with a sickness which allows things to ignite into flames. I guess you could call it a super-power or an ability.
This is an rp full of Demons, monsters, and of course, evil corporate suits. But, Carole isn't the only one cursed with an ability. There are others, cursed with different powers since birth. Some, have managed to control their abilities, some have been branded outcasts or freaks by society.
So, any questions? Just ask

I Just have one rule, if you choose to have a power, it has to be different from everyone else. It can be anything from controlling electricity, to creating icicles, to super strenght.

Power: (If any)
Bio: (Just a line or two stating their basic life, I want it to be vague, but planned out so you can reveal it in the story, It's very important you put some depth into your character, or you may lose interest in them)
Name: Carole Frame
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Weapon: None
Power: Fire/Control of body heat.
Appearance: Her short blonde hair tips off onto her shoulders, her eyes are blue. She is about 5'6 in size and very skinny.
Bio: Carole lived a difficult life with her father after her mother died in child-birth. She thinks of herself as a prisoner, and believe the outside world is cruel.
Have any questions, feel free to PM or ask in the thread
