This is my first RP, so please be gentle. ^^;
If you have any questons, please ask me here, or PM and I will answer them in this thread.
Also, if anyone wants to add their own customs for a certain race then feel free to do so.
I wanted to leave a little open so people could customize things a bit more.
If you'd like to be another type of race, then please PM and ask before posting your profile.
Disclaimer: I've also decided to rate this RP as 16+, because of the violence and adult themes/sensitive subject matter.
Link to the actual RP thread - Sisters of Tella (Original)
~ Story ~
The twin goddesses are the goddesses of creation and rulers of the sky. Ishtara is the golden-winged goddess of the sun, and Ashtara is the iridescent-winged goddess of the moon. They created the world of Tella, but soon Ishtara wanted something more and so she created many different beings in which to inhabit the world.
Ishtar loved the people of Tella, but refused to step in everytime they needed help, so instead, she gave the people an object to be used in order to protect the land. The object served the people well for hundreds of years, but soon the people began to realize what power the object held and wanted to possess it for themselves. The people fought over the object amongst themselves and with the people from other lands and in the end they were destroyed by it.
Ishtara was saddened by the actions of the people and blamed herself for what had happened, but her sister Ashtara was apalled by what the humans had done to the world that she and her sister had created. However, Ishtara still thought that the people of Tella should learn to handle their own problems, so instead she gave her blessing to a noblewoman so that only she had the power to use the object. With the power of the object, she helped to restore peace to the world and lead the people to prosperity. Ishtara was so impressed with the woman that she decreed that the firstborn child of her lineage would also be blessed, and would continue with her's child's first child and so on.
Ashtara was so disgusted that Ishtara had given these beings another chance that she took things into her own hands. She created her own creatures in which to bother the beings which Ishtara loved so much and began taking pleasure in destroying the living things that Ishtara created. This made Ishtara upset so she banished Ashtara to the far side of Tella where she would spend the rest of her days apart from her sister. Ishtara thought that it was the best things she could do, but it only made things much worse between the two. Everything Ishtara did, Ashtara did the opposite, opposing her sister's every move. This battle continued to wage on through the years, catching all of Tella in it's path.
Ishtara finally had enough of Ashtara's behavior, so she decided to do something drastic in order to change her sister's mind. She believed that the people no longer needed the gods fighting about them and causing more trouble, so she sealed away their powers, forcing them to be reincarnated on Tella so that Ashtara could learn to live among the beings Ishtara had created. She hoped that after a thousand years, they would meet again and Ashtara would have a change of heart.
Hundreds of years later, a creature known as a Devourer appeared and threatened to consume all life on Tella. Ishtara was sure that her sister had something to do with this, but couldn't bring herself to do anything about it. With the help of his allies, the Elves, Dwarves and Beastman, the current Blessed One defeated the demon and sealed it away. While the demon had been safely sealed, its dark power had already settled in began to affect all of Tella. The corruption was so slow that no one even noticed it until it was too late, causing anyone or anything that came in close contact with this power to become corrupted or changed into some hideous monster.
The Blessed One attempted to cleanse the land, but became corrupted instead and attacked his own people with the object, forcing them to kill him. This incident weighed heavily on the minds of the people and so they began to wonder if the object was even safe in the hands of just the one person who could use its power. The question was raised, debated on, fought over and eventually resulted in a bloody war over who would claim the power of the next Blessed One, splitting the country of Atarylis apart.
The mess was eventually settled when a council of Fae was formed in order to watch the Blessed One to make sure that they didn't abuse their power. The council helped to resolved some of the issues that the people had worried about, but in the end, they only raised more question as to what kind of power the council now had.
500 years later, the delicate balance of Tella is still protected by the council and the Blessed One, but there is still much tension in the land over this. The Blessed One only wants to protect Tella, but some of the people believe that the Blessed One now only does what the council tells them. Despite this talk, things are peaceful enough for the most part.
The peace is soon broken, however, when numerous earthquakes and other strange events began to occur throughout the lands, sending people to seek out the Blessed One for answers, only to find that he has fallen ill. The news sends a wave of panic throughout the land and raises the question of whether of not the events are possibly connected and soon results in an investigation into the speculations.
Meanwhile, news of the Blessed One's illness is good news to some who think that now is a good time to attack the council and claim the Blessed One for themselves, thinking that they alone should have the power of judgement...
Though there are people of different races from different lands, the recent events have set the wheels of change into motion, forcing them to go beyond the borders of their homes in order to uncover the truth behind the ancient secrets of Tella.
Many paths may cross, and though some will join together in this journey, others have their own goals to accomplish and will fight anyone who stands in their way.
Only time will tell what the fate of Tella will be...
~ Races ~
Human - Beings that were considered to be an experimental creation. They are the most curious and progressive of all the races, but have rather short lifespans, not usually living past 70 or 80 years of age. They are able to use many type of weapons proficiently, but have trouble using magic.
*Leadership - Various
Elf - Mystic and agile beings that are of the protectors of the forest. They are shorter than a normal adult human, but they have a longer life span than those of other races. Their pointed ears allow them to hear some distance away and they can easily hide themselves in the forest. They have a strong bond with the Earth and find it easy to use magic. Larna is the homeland of the elves and most make their homes at the base or within the branches Great Tree Teras.
*General - Elves, both male and female, consider their hair a symbol of strength and beauty so it is never cut, unless one is convicted of a crime or deemed a disgrace to the tribe.
*Leadership - King Tristan, Queen Lara
This is what the elves sort of look, height and feature wise. This is the height of an adult elf.
Twilelf - Twilight elves. These elves were once one of the five great elf families, but have been poisoned by dark magic. Their skin darkened, their hair became white and many were driven mad by it's effects. They left Larna from shame and most were never seen again. Only one Twilelf ever returned to Larna, but she appeared to have completely lost her mind. Most Twilelf live underground or in caves, only appearing in the cover of darkness in order to hide their appearance from the rest of the world.
Energy Leech [Racial Ability] - Ability to drain the energy from a target and transform the energy into a dark weapon of their choice(sword, dagger, bow, etc). The more powerful and expirienced the user is, the more energy he's able to drain out the victim.
*Leadership - None
Dwarf - Short, but powerful race of beings of the earth who are skilled in the ways of the forge and metal-working. They normally live undergound, deep in mountains in order to mine the precious ores they need to produce their lovingly crafted works. The have the ability to see in the dark and, although somewhat slow in speed, they have incredible strength and can wield weapons much heavier than what others can normally use. The dwarves live within and around the mountains range of Frostmount.
*General - Length of beards signify age and rank.
Young women wear their hair lose or in many braids. Married women wear their hair in one braid or on top of their head.
*Marriage - The male proposes with the gift of jewelry that is made by him, usually using something that has great meaning to him, in order to show his love.
*Death - Dwarves are placed in elaborate stone tombs which tells the story of the Dwarf's life. The tombs lie in vast chambers deep beneath the mountains.
*Leadership - Queen Ruby Steelforge
Beastman - A race of animal-like humanoids. They spend most of their lives in the safety of their villages, mostly because they had been hunted for sport at one time so they find it hard to trust humans. The main types of beastmen are cat, bear and wolf. They live on the grasslands of Shero.
*Coming of Age - When a boy reaches the age of 15, he is sent into the wilderness alone, for 5 days in which the boy must learn to survive or perish. When the boy returns after those 5 days, there is a great celebration and the boy has thus earned his place as a man in the clan.
*Death - The body of the deceased is burned, and the head or the eldest member of the family then takes the ashes and go on a journey to the sea where they release the ashes. The journey is a way for the family member to cope with the loss of their loved one.
*Leadership - Chieftain Kevek, Princess Naliah
Vyerna - A race of reptile-like humanoids who claim to be the descendants of dragons. Most make their home in the desert, but some have been know to live in the swamps or lakes of distant lands. They are extremely cunning and love treasure. Many of them spend their lives hunting for it, only to hoard it afterwards. They live in the desert county of Xenya.
*Leadership - King Garun
Fae - A race of ancient winged beings who are highly sought after because they are said to posses great clairvoyant powers, referred to as the "visions of the gods". The Fae were the first beings created by Ishtara and were made closer to her image. They have a long life span and age much slower than even the elves, but many of them were wiped out when the Devourer ravaged Tella. They are usually described as having a beautiful and exotic look.
*General - They believe that they were once birds, but were punished by the goddess who changed them into human form. For this reason the Fae elders wear masks and feathers.
*Birth - Twins are said to have greater powers of clairvoyance and can also feel each other's thoughts and pains, even from great distances. Their births, whether male or female, symbolize the twin goddesses Ishtara and Ashtara, and so they are celebrated and honored.
*Death - The Fae believe in reincarnation. When one dies, there is a funeral ceremony and their body is burned in order to release their souls to the sky where they will be reborn as a bird.
*Leadership - 6 Elders, 3 representing Ishtara and 3 representing Ashtara.
~ Classes ~
+Warrior - A class skilled in using many different types of weapons.
+Paladin - A holy swordsman with the ability to use holy magic as well as proficiently fight.
+Cleric - They are the people of the church. Wise and kind, they always use their powers to help those in need. Not only do they heal, but they also have supportive powers which will protect those in need from harm altogether. They can use a staff, which they use to channel their magic, or mace type weapons. Clerics also have some resistance to dark magic and minor status effects such as lesser poison.Lesser Heal - Able to heal light wounds, such as shallow cuts, fatigue, 1st degree burns and lesser infections.
Holy Spark [Holy] - A small blast of white fire that inflicts minor damage to the target Shadow creatures or undead and also has a small chance to blind them.
+Exorcist - Exorcists are a form of Holy Warriors who are proficient in fighting creatures both of undead and darkness. They use spells which can destroy or bind the creatures of darkness as well as draw them out of people who have been possessed. Their main weapon is a blessed mace. They have the higher resistance to dark magic than Clerics, but their healing ability is much weaker.Heal - Able to heal more serious wounds, such as deeper cuts, injured muscles, fractures, 2nd degree burns, moderate infections and minor physical ailments.
Holy Light [Holy] - Gives the user the ability to light dark areas with their staff. This spell can also blind some weaker Shadow creatures and undead.
Holy Spark [Holy] - A small blast of white fire that inflicts minor damage to the target Shadow creatures or undead and also has a small chance to blind them.
Protect - Casts a protective barrier which lowers magical damage for a short time.
+Arcanist - These people have a strong hold over the magical elemental powers in their realm. Arcanists use a staff or tome in which to channel their magic, but they can also use daggers. Arcanists also have the ability to detect magic properties in items.Lesser Heal - Able to heal light wounds, such as shallow cuts, fatigue, 1st degree burns and lesser infections.
Exorcise [Holy] - Gives the ability to draw Shadow spirits out of people, animals, monsters and items which have been possessed. The success rate is based on the user's experience.
Divine Flame [Holy] - A blast of white fire that inflicts moderate damage to the target Shadow creatures or undead and also has a chance to blind them.
Deathwatch - Gives the user the ability to sense the presence of the dead and undead in a certain radius around them.
Darkwatch - Gives the user the ability to sense the presence of demons, Shadow creatures and people of dark affinity in a certain radius around them.
+Sage - People who devote their entire lives to the pursuit of knowledge. They consider intellegence to be the greatest power of the human race and they are incredibly wise. Possessing such intellegence allows them to wield great magical powers and hold sway over magically created beings to do their bidding. Many Sages have a golem to perform manual labor for them as they almost always are too busy with other things.Fire Ball [Fire] - A spell which causes a small ball of fire to strike the target, causing minor damage.
Frost Arrow [Water] - A spell which causes a small spears of ice to strike the target, causing minor damage and also has a low chance to freeze the target.
Bolt [Wind] - A spell which causes a small bolt of lightning to strike the target, causing minor damage and also has a low chance to paralyze the target.
Briar Root [Earth] - A spell which entraps the target in small thorny vines for a short time, causing minor damage and temporarily slowing them down.
Light - Gives the user the ability to light dark areas with their staff.
+Necromancer - Necromancers use dark magic and have the ability to raise the undead and command them to do their bidding. They can also summon demons or other creatures of the darkness.Flare [Fire] - Momentarily blinds and does moderate fire damage to the target(s) in a wide radius around the caster.
Glacier Spike [Water] - A spell which causes a large spears of ice to strike the target, causing damage and also has a high chance to freeze the target.
Summon Earth Golem [Summon] - Summons an earth golem to fight for you. It has a few basic earth attacks.
Summon Fire Golem [Summon] - Summons a fire golem to fight for you. It has a few basic fire attacks.
+Rogue - A class adept at using short blades to pierce the defense of their foes. They constantly are looking for easy money by robbing others, or hunting for treasure. They are excellent pick pockets and they can pick locks incredibly well.Shadow Bolt [Dark] - A spell which causes a single bolt of shadow to strike the target, causing minor damage and also has a low chance to blind the target.
Affliction [Poison] - Casts a poison on the target which causes minor damage over a period of time.
Confusion - Confuses the target for a short period of time. The target sees things differently or that are not there.
Summon Undead [Summon] - Summons an undead creature to fight for you. They have a chance to poison the target when attacking.
Summon Lesser Demon [Summon] - Summons a lesser demon to fight for you. They have a fire attack and have a chance to blind the target while attacking.
+Archer - People highly skilled in the art of archery and hunting. They can also use daggers and short swords for close combat, but their sword skills are fairly low.
+Ranger - They are skilled in the use of bows as well as long swords and are an expert at tracking. A Ranger is often accompanied by a hawk or falcon who helps him track down whatever he is hunting for.
~ Locations ~
Atarylis/New Atarylis - Most humans live in this country. The terrain is very diverse, including part of a snowy mountain range running along the north and western edges and rolling plains to the south.
Frostmount - This mountainous country is home to the dwarves. It's mostly covered in snow year round, but has little effect on the dwarves since they live deep under the mountain.
Mayun - Part of the mountain range that makes of Frostmount runs along the coast of this country. The centaur make their homes within the green valley.
Grahn - Tropical-like country along Lann's eastern coast.
Shero - This country is covered by grasslands and most beastmen clans make their homes here.
Quesh - A volcanic island southwest of Lann.
Halm - An island northeast of Siroca. It's coverd by a strange mist and it said that the ancient Fae live here.
Xenya - Xenya is an exotic desert country home to the Vyerna.
It's usually hot and dry climate lasts though all four seasons of the year, receiving only a few inches of rain each year. The capital, Jarla, is home to the largest and most unique marketplaces in the world, offering a wide selection of merchandise from silks and spices to precious metals and jewels.
Vale - This country is covered by a vast wasteland. It was once said to be part of the elven forest, but was corrupted by dark magic. The Twilelf may have traveled through here at some point.
Kelton - This country covered in swamp-lands is not really suitable for people to live, but many snake-like creatures make their homes here.
Larna - This mystical country filled with lush green forests is home to the elves. The forest surrounds and protects their city Faryl and the Great Tree Teras.
Urvak - A country inhabited mostly by humans. They have been enemies of Lann for many years. The terrain is much like Atarylis.
~ Profile Sheet ~
Birthplace/Hometown (optional):
Spells (if applicable):
~ Map of Tella ~