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Thread: OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed

  1. #781
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lord Storm Bryce's Avatar
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    I think a fitting way to "phase her out" would be to have her die in this fight. Its pretty realistic if you think about it. And then Jardoon would have that extra emotional boost from her death. So I think it will work.

  2. #782
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    I like that idea. If what Cid says is true, then she has lost access indefinitely so there's no issue with her coming back. That sucks a lot, but apparently that's how it is. Plus as you mentioned that would give Jardoon a solid basis to fight on par with a higher level opponent.

    Okay, so this is what we're going to do:

    I'm going to edit my post to include a fifth opponent for Sierh. Lord Storm Bryce, you'll probably have to do the same cuz I think you mentioned it in your post as well. I'll call Cloud tomorrow and coerce him into posting so that he can immediately establish his presence there.

    As for Akira.... Cid you go ahead and start writing your fight post and just control Bleachfangirl's character as well. If you're confident that you can do it WELL, then go ahead and write her death into your post as well. If you're not comfortable doing that, go ahead and write your post up until the point of her death, and I'll write her death in and give it to you to edit into the post. But either way, I want it to be a good death - something that really pays respect and gives testament to this great loss.

    Man, it's a damn shame. I really thought she wrote well.

    Anyway, while I'm thinking about it everyone, don't worry about size limits when writing your epic 1-on-1 battles. If you type it up and it's long as crap, go ahead with it. In fact, longer is probably better. Make it beautiful. Also, the ball is in motion now, so you can go ahead and start your respective fights whenever you want. There's no other posts that you have to wait for unless you specifically want to wait for someone so you can kind of see what they're doing and be clever or whatever.
    Last edited by Lethal Seraphim; 10-09-2007 at 09:39 PM.

  3. #783
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Well about Bleachfangirl, she should be out for a while, no idea how long for sure. Anyway, I was thinking about a death as well, so I am going to do try to post it. I am not sure if I can post today, but it will be out soon.

  4. #784
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    If you have any way to contact her besides the internet, try to and ask her if that's ok.

    If that's not possible, then no worries, I'm sure she'll understand.

  5. #785
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lord Storm Bryce's Avatar
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    And so it begins... *Deep breath.* Yay.

  6. #786
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Alright, as LSB said, it has started. For simplicity's sake, pay no attention to post chronology. We're all divided up at this point and our posts should relate only to our respective battles. I want everyone to just focus solely on the beautiful task at hand.

    I am VERY interested to see these posts. This fight should be the most comprehensive fight any of us has done in this thread, and it will tell me a lot both about how you write and how you play your character. That sort of thing fascinates me, so I'm excited to an extent.

    Right now I cannot give a definite time for my post. Depending on when I wake up tomorrow, I may or may not have it then. This weekend is probably going to be busy, so it may be Monday before I can sit down and compose. My post is going to be long, hence the expected delay.

  7. #787
    Hey hey people! I finally posted =] So its all goood. It wasn't really that long lol it LOOKED long on Word heh. Its like about a page on word lol

  8. #788
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    I don't think I could get in touch with Bleachfangirl, but I'm sure she'll understand. My post is not ready yet, but it will be either tommorrow, or early next week.

  9. #789
    ok im forcing myself to not leave the computer untill i post (god d*mn im a precratinater!!!) so here i go, im posting

    K i posted, i hope u all enjoy!!! its pretty action packed and i think anyone who doesnt know ANYTHING about what makes my character unique, u should check it out.

    Cloud tell me if u aprove cuz ur in it hehehhehe
    Last edited by Seig; 10-11-2007 at 07:12 PM.

  10. #790
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Seig your post is significantly innacurate towards the end and needs to be revised.

    Sierh is currently with Um, Aurora, Sutoomu, Jardoon, and Akira. We're all in the center of Konoha fighting a battle against an elite squad. Each of us is picking one of the five and fighting 1 on 1 with them.

    I accomodated my post to allow for Sierh's entry into the event, but I cannot for you. You've got to figure out something to do with yourself while we fight, because our characters are effectively isolated in our battles. The battles have already started.

    I'm significantly annoyed by this, because this leads me to believe that you haven't read the RP in awhile. This epic fight that we're all engaged in is something we've been discussing for pages here in the OOC, and it's something I've been building up to in the IC thread.

    I don't have a problem with you not posting often, but if you're going to you absolutely have to be 100% up to speed on what we're doing and you have to read every post.
    Last edited by Lethal Seraphim; 10-12-2007 at 09:51 AM.

  11. #791
    hahahah thats what i was wondering. i thought the posts u guys had seporated him from u, i thought i might have mis understood, so i took a 50-50 chance and i hit the wrong target. ill take care of that asap. my bad

  12. #792
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seig View Post
    hahahah thats what i was wondering. i thought the posts u guys had seporated him from u, i thought i might have mis understood, so i took a 50-50 chance and i hit the wrong target. ill take care of that asap. my bad
    Ah, it's cool. No worries. At least it's not like I thought then.

  13. #793
    hey lethal (damn u respond fast!) could i still have him meet up with u guys? if not let me know, i just want to replace the paragraph i deleted

  14. #794
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seig View Post
    hey lethal (damn u respond fast!) could i still have him meet up with u guys? if not let me know, i just want to replace the paragraph i deleted
    Yes and no. Technically we've already started fighting, so you can't waltz up and talk to us, but you can come to the center of town and once you get there, somehow encounter a nasty opponent and fight them there as well if you wish.

  15. #795
    yah it is good

  16. #796
    k. ill either do that or wait for the battle to be over. just glad were all copasetic...... by the by..... where is cloud?

  17. #797
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Where he always is. His computer's not at his house and when he's on he's usually playing WoW with me, because we're cool like that.

    If I'm not lazy, which I am, I'll make time tomorrow or Monday to write out my battle post.

  18. #798
    yay good stuff. what server r u on!?!?!?!?!? horde or alliance?!?!?!? anyone play FF11 anymore!?!?!?! (now i got to throw in something about the forum so Andromida doesnt get on me...hehehehe ) a friend was wondering if it is 2 late 2 join, so cloud could u le me know?

  19. #799
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lord Storm Bryce's Avatar
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    Wow that was fun. I havent done a fight like that in a long time.

    Rexxar and Blackhand servers for me. hehe.

    If it were up to me I would say now would be an ok time for someone new to join. We could meet them after the battle at the burial cerimonies or something, mourning our fallen allies. They could be like one year older or younger than our group and were just off fighting in another part of the town. But thats jsut me.

  20. #800
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seig View Post
    yay good stuff. what server r u on!?!?!?!?!? horde or alliance?!?!?!? anyone play FF11 anymore!?!?!?! (now i got to throw in something about the forum so Andromida doesnt get on me...hehehehe ) a friend was wondering if it is 2 late 2 join, so cloud could u le me know?
    My main is a 70 Dwarf Hunter on Kalecgos. You can look him up on the Armory if you want, his name is Valroraga. Probably one of the best Hunters on that server, despite his gear. Cloud's a priest, Aerithff, and he's probably one of the best priests on the server.

    I also play a little bit of Horde on Emerald Dream. That's more a side project since there's nothing to do on my Hunter aside from Arena and raids, which I can only do when other people are around.

    Back to the RP...

    I'd say it's fine if someone new joins. They don't necessarily have to start from scratch if they don't want to. What I'd like them to do is go ahead and type up a bio and an intro post, then either send it to me in a PM, or post it here in the OOC thread before entering the RP. I'd just like to see what they can offer and get a feel for their abilities.

    I wish I could get some inspiration to bite me in my ass, so that I could sit down and compose my fight. I'm going to have to make myself do it tomorrow, so I hope it's decent.

  21. #801
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lord Storm Bryce's Avatar
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    I was hoping for the same thing LS but when I actually sat down to do it then the words just flowed. It was cool. I dont know if that happens to you or not but I hope you get something this time. I am sure it will be great, you got skills man.

  22. #802
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    There's a post posted.

    I posted a post.

    I made myself sit down and do it finally. Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Wasn't quite as good either, but I suppose overall I'm pleased.

    Yeah... anyway, have a look.

  23. #803
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lord Storm Bryce's Avatar
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    Dude... nice. I think it will take some time to finish that one but it is gonna be awosme.

  24. #804
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's why I broke it up into two posts. I thought I might make it a bit quicker but once I actually got to writing that part I was like, "Wait... no, I've got to spend some time with this."

    I've literally had that idea sitting in the back of my mind screaming at me since I rejoined the RP, so I'm very glad I finally got to get it out. Of course that was at the risk of seeming over-the-top.

    It's going to be interesting for me. I've never roleplayed combat on that sort of scale.

    By the way, your post was delicious. I especially enjoyed the taking no chances and beheading part.

  25. #805
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lord Storm Bryce's Avatar
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    Hehe. Thanks man. Hopefully I will start getting better and better at RPBing. Its one of my favorite pass times. I have been reading the battles between the Masters and the Brotherhood. Anomoly and the guy he is fighting are amazing its sick. I highly recomend reading it for fun.

    Well GL to you all on your battles, hopefullt no one will be too badly injured except for Akira. Ha, I cant wait to see that one.

  26. #806
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    I posted my battle, I hope it's satisfactory. Another thing comes in to mind with the death of Akira. She has family. What are we to do with them? I could take them in with Akira as we were going to do. Either way, it's fine with me.

  27. #807
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lethal Seraphim's Avatar
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    Excellent, excellent.

    As for the family, well I'm sure you guys can figure something out. Aurora wanted her squad to live with her anyway, or something like that.

    The second part of my battle will most likely be posted tomorrow. I have the inspiration for it, and would write it now if it wasn't late. So I'm feeling tomorrow morning or afternoon for sure.

  28. #808
    Posted =] but even though it seems like the battles finished, ITS NOT! I have a little twist for it =] so keep reading and wait lol cause I'm busy as hell this week

  29. #809
    OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed Lord Storm Bryce's Avatar
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    That was a great start. i cant wait for the rest Vivi. Same with you LS. I want to see the final product.

  30. #810
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n OOC: If you aren't remembered, then you never existed FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Nice one everybody, can't wait to see how everything goes, and I want Bleachfangirl's family, but it's really up to you guys I suppose.

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