Wow breaking the word limit? All i can say is I look forward to it. ^_^
Well, sorry this is a day late. I meant to post it yesterday but then I had a
friend come over and...I obviously couldn't be on the computer (forgive me).
Well, I'm not posting everything about what happens in the academy, only the things you'll need for the immediate future. I've also got an in progress class list for ya'll.
Register- put in your name and reason for joining. Your application will be processed and, depending on how you join it can take you up to two weeks to get results. If you walk in and register, it takes hours, if you sign-up on a “mass sign up” day, it can take up to two weeks. (this was "made-up" accordixng to how people's posts went)
Get a room- you board with three other people. After getting in, you go here and rest the rest of the day.
Training- for the next week you get basic training in swordsmanship and kidou. You use a wooden sword.
Exam- at the end of the week, you take a placement exam that puts you into your classes. If you fail the exam, you have another week of training.
Class list (in-progress)
Zanpukto theory (I couldn't come up with a better name for this. If one of you can tell me. It's a class on the zapukto's and their various aspect/attributes)
Hollows (a class on hollows so we know how to fight them)
History of Seiritai (includes lessons on various things that happened during the show. It can be removed if AS watchers would rather not here about these things XD)