Haha, sorry I haven't posted guys...but it's not like I can post when I'm not logged in O_o I always come in here to answer questions almost as soon as I log in, so if something hasn't been answered it means I haven't been online.....
Anyways, for the zanpukto's, and I thank you for bringing this up with Vicky, Andromeda or I wouldn't have beeen asked the question...and I wouldn't have thought about it till later....Well I thank both Andromeda and Great Writer Vicky....oh nevermind this is off subject.
Anyways, I'm going to take a quote straight from Wiki here:
I don't think that it would be possible for the shinigami to hand you your spiritual energy. O_oQuote:
The most prominent supernatural power possessed by a shinigami is their zanpakutō, a supernatural sword generated from the shinigami's soul. Shinigami also naturally give off spiritual energy, which varies greatly in magnitude with the strength of a shinigami. A zanpakutō is a physical manifestation of this force concentrated into a blade.
Now, for what we're doing, I haven't worked the details out for, but I'll get to that ASAP. Basically, we'll do sort of a training excersice to seperate some of our spiritual power from our body, and (probably with some help) concentrate it into a blade. Now, it sounds tough...,and it probably will be...but who said it had to be easy? If a zanpukto is part of our soul, then we have to kind of...draw it out, haha. So, I'll work out the details of this process later.