Suzu: Thank you very much. I really like yours too. Sounds awesome and maybe we could work on some dialouge together sometime. ^.^
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Suzu: Thank you very much. I really like yours too. Sounds awesome and maybe we could work on some dialouge together sometime. ^.^
Bount are mod souls, right? From my understanding. And they have dolls or stand in things that fight for them, but if the doll is destroyed they die as well. So you're saying a mod soul with hollow abilities or shinigami abilities? Or both?
What if we did something that did not even involve souls and the dead. Bleach already does a lot of things with them. What if it was normal humans, who developed unique and special powers, similiarly to Orihime and Chad. Sort of like on the level of the Quincy in power, but unique like Orihime and Chad. I don't know what their motive would be, but I don't know what the Bounts motives are either, since I haven't gotten to the Bount arc yet.
Just a thought.
Bounts are humans who were affected by an experiment in soul socety. They're bascially like vampires. But building off your idea a litte there, what if a government developed "goggles" that allowed the wearer to see shinigami and hollows? Like one of them took an interest in the strange happenings and tried to get to the bottom of it. Now, the humans are trying to gain control of soul soceity, thusly controling their own afterlife, and are building an army trained to fight us using their new technology and a couple shinigami/hollow "hostages?"
Working off your idea Xeim, what if the military dudes began experiments on the Hollows and Shinigami? Maybe the would use some sort of new energy or something to alter the Hollows and Shinigami? Making them more powerful and sinister.
Well, we've got ourselves some good ideas here. It's nice to see something evolve like this. I like that Jecht. So, not only do we have to worry about the humans, we have t worry about a genetically altered army of hollows and evil shinigami. I like it. Very sinister. Epecailly the fact that we'd have to fight our own.
Lets have it take place in Europe or one of the America's or something though, because that way it makes since that its not in the other bleach storyline. While the main force is focused on whats going on in the show, we're focusing on the humans.
I don't know about altered shinigami's and hollows. Bleach already has two types of each. There should be enough room in the Bleach universe to create something that did not involve finding a way to making stronger hollows or something. If that was all we did it'd just be like DBZ.
Though Xeim's idea might work. Using technology to substitute for spirit energy and awareness? Its a little typical, but its an avenue to explore since it does not really exist in the Bleach universe yet. There are plenty of experiments that Shinigami seem to have done. You could even have some old Shinigami that feels betrayed by the soul society supplying them with things so that they can fight the other Shinigamis. Since unless someone got lucky I guess with technology, you'd need spirit awareness to see spirits. But getting lucky with technology is highly possible.
Woah, all this this happened while I was gone only for a few minutes? Looks like a little activity is kicking. Anyways, this is my idea for the new race of enemies.
@Discussion: I was thinking of a race of Shinigami that have lost their zankpakuto. In all of the current Bleach episodes I have not seen any shinigami lose their zankpakuto, but somewhat close to that is a zankpakuto being broken. A zankpakuto can repair itself, but is irreplaceable. Think of a zankpakuto as a human life and partner of a Shinigami.
Rosuto Shinigami (Lost, death (god of)) are lost zankpakuto who have taken the appearance of dead shinigami and are forced to carry the burden of their sins. Instead of reaping souls to go to Soul Society, they bring them to (insert new otherwordly dimension here).
Sounds like a nice idea, but myself I think I am still in favor of having something that is not associated with the Shinigami and Hollows. Something that is independent and can be molded by us to play around with. Plus I feel like we will end up beat the Shinigami stick into the ground if we keep using them. They are naturally choices and progressions, since it is all very likely that something could happen to a Shinigami to lose their Zanpukto. Though I guess Bleach is all about the Shinigami and Hollow, that is the sole focus for the story pretty much.
Maybe you could have the people that were criminals while alive, but now dead and in the underworld gain some sort of power. Sort of create a three power, since the dimension already does exist. Though their alliegiance would be questionable. They would hate the Shinigamis, but it would uncertain where they would stand with the Hollow.
Well, there's a lot of good ideas here. We could incorparate a couple depending on how long we want this to go on for. Andromeda's right that there's just too many things done with the shinigami and hollows, though I do love your idea Suzu. I also think that the idea of the underworld having its own fighting force is good. Perhaps we could alter Suzu's idea a bit to make a race similar to shinigami foir the underworld that hold some of the same qualities as the raqce you came up with Suzu?
Also, I've finished the RP post. Sorry I'm a day or so late. I was dragged off on a day trip yesterday and didn't have accesss to a computer almost all day. I got up early today and finished, and though it's not as good as I hoped, it's probably as good as it's going to get so I don't kill you all by making you wait.
I'm about to post, so read it before you read this next part.
The ending seemed a little rushed I know. I didn't go into detail so that those I mentioned could take their death scene and play with it a little in a post to make it interesting. There's only so much I could do as a creeped out "bystander." For those not mentioned, you can still tell your death from your own point of view, however don't change the way I said we all died. For the spitiual aware characters, even if you see the hollow, don't go screaming that it's a hollow because that obviously wasn't in my post. XD Suzu's character gets closer then the rest of us to revealing our attacker's true nature. If anyone has any questions on any of it, feel free to ask.
Now, just so this is cleared up, I'm not going to wait for everyone to post their view of the death scene. Three or four different views will be plenty. If we get more, awesome, but this isn't slowing us down again. I'll leave it open for two days max and then I'll do a quick scene of our soul burial and then poof! Off to Soul Society.
Question: Do we just start from our death scene or can us other characters start from when we got off the bus?
Well, if it doesn't take you too long you can start from where you get off the bus. Just make sure you stay within the guidlines of the trip. I needed to at least lay the boundaries so we didn't have someone hanglide off the mountain or something. Ok, well you guys wouldn't do that, but I didn't want the trip to get out of hand. So, as long as you stay within the boundaries I set up AND it doesn't take you more then my maximum two day limit then go ahead.
I made my post, hope you don't mind the little sigment I had with you Suzu. I figured if you wanted to have some future interaction with my character that I would start things off with something small. It was pretty insignificant, but it at least lays down a connection that we can use later on.
I'll be curious to see who comes around to give us the Soul Burial. Entering the soul society should make for some fun times. How fast are you planning on going through the ten years that we spend seperated? Just like one post for all of us or a couple? Or are you just going to religate that to flashbacks?
When we next see our characters, they'll be at the gates of the shinigami academy. If anything important happened to you in Rukongai, it will be told through flashbacks. Otherwise, we're just basically starting our new "life."
We're almost dead! Yay! Ok, I've got a bad sense of humor, but I try :p
hey if any of you guys have msn messenger or yahoo messenger can you give it to me through PM? Sorry to say but I'm really lazy and I just thought maybe if there was a point where Fukumi wanted to actually talk to someone that we could work on a post together. So yeah, I don't mind posting mine so mine is [email protected]. Alright?
Also I did a short post on my death. Yeah, not as long as Andromeda's haha... but it's just a breif description. Besides, Fukumi isn't interacting with anyone anyway so yeah.
Yeah, I only use AIM. But that is available in my profile.
You can always just make up someone to interact with. If you wanted it to be longer. I write long by nature, so it is difficult to actually be satisfied with something short. But at least you posted quickly, really quickly. I was a little surprised how fast after me you did. You must have been writing it in the last moments of me editing my post.
And Xeim, so we get no time in the Soul Society alone. Oh well, I'll fill in the details that I need then when we get to inside the academy. Since the reason for me going to the academy requires a little bit of explaining. It should be interesting though once we are there. Just remember whoever does interact with me, I'm the same age as I died. I do not age, so keep that in mind.
Hey nice segment of the convo between you and I! Also nice post too, Andromeda! My post should have taken about 30 minutes, but it ended being two hours because I had to add in the conversations and situations that occured between Haruka and Steph. I think I will have to edit my post a bit so that it will flow and sound right. I might, but I'm not sure.
Haha, unfortunately Jenova and I didn't interact in the RP. I was hoping that would happen, but I guess I will have to wait until Soul Society. Wow, I might end up interacting with everybody! XD Oh great, that means I have to write more... At least the RP is moving on though.
Yeah, my post took a few hours to write up, but I got a little distract here and there. We can see what we can come up with during the Soul Society for our characters to do Suzu. It should be quite interesting.
I had the thought that some time after we become Shinigami, but really early on at that point as a sort of first trial for us. That we could come across some classmates that did not get saved and they had become Hollows. Something interesting and dramatic, but also a little warm up for things to come.
Oh when do we get our Zanpuktos during the time at the academy? Really, really late or early on?
well actually i wrote it out on paper first and then i was typing, like you said, probably while you had just posted yours and such. and Andromeda, I just have to say you're wonderful at roleplaying! Your words bring so much life to the character and everything!! It's awesome.
And Xeim, I was surprised by how well you RP since you were all "I'm not good at roleplaying" and stuff, but you're wonderful and creative! Gosh, I wish I had the brains of you two, but I guess having our different thoughts and everything is what makes all of our characters unique in their own way.
Anyway... enough of my rambling and compliments. So most of us are probably going to be doing flashback sequences I guess. That's alright though. It just makes it all the more interesting to see what people are going to write.
Anyway, keep up the good work guys!
Edit: Oh and Suzu... yeah... I'd rather work on it with you than just put you in there without permission. >.< But we will interact eventually I'm sure.
Crap, I am soo sorry. I wrote my think and then I clicked Post Reply and then two for no reason came up. Sorry my computer hasn't been buddy buddy with me latley. Again sorry about the double posting.
And you know writing about your charcter dieing really makes you feel sad. Well at least for me. It was.
Andro: No, I don't want to drag the "prolouges" out any longer. I want to start right up with the main storyline. So, after the death sequence, we're skipping ahead to the day we joined. If you want to start with your character walking to the academy lost in thought about why he's going then that'd be good. We're either starting at the gates or on our way there.
Also, since we don't quite know when they actually get their zanpukto's, I'm going to say we practice with wooden swords for about a week or so and then take an "exam" to see if we're worthy of weilding a blade. If we pass, by defeating who we're fighting, then we get our zanpukto. We don't learn it's name until later after extensive training. Also, a short class on the nature of zanpukto's may be a nice thing to attend, but it's all up to the RPers.
I do like the idea of the ones coming to preform konso missing a few students. They could definately run away from the scene and turn into hollows. It is a good "warm-up."
As of yet, I haven't read any of the posts, but I'm going to do that right now.
Oathkeeper: Just delete one and everything will be happy and pretty.
Yeah, Xeim so I'll just be doing a little work during the first post that we get there to explain one or two things. Because for my character it is going to be a little strange why he is there since he does not have any special abilities to control spirit energy or even high amounts of energy spirit. So it will probably seem very strange for him to be there. I don't know if the others will be prevy to that information.
Thanks for the compliment Jenova. Its been a little while since I have actively RP'd, glad to know that I haven't lost it.
And training to earn a Zanpukto, sounds like something my character is going to fail. My character is going to be pretty horrible at a lot of things, so he'll probably be behind the rest of you. Should be interesting.
Ok, well, I'm going to post the next scene sometime today. I was really hoping Rika would post something, but I'm not going to wait around for her.
Once we're through here, you all can post whatever whenever, just don't get too out of hand and go through the academy in a day. :p We can even move through the academy at different rates as Andromeda said Steph might be doing. Some of you who are more inactive then others may even join the academy days or weeks after some of the other characters. It's your own story now, even if you are closely affected by the other characters.
Expect the next post by the end of the day.
EDIT: Alright, it's up, but I'm reall sel-conscious about it. I didn't get a chance to get my normal "editor" to look over it because she hasn't been online today. So don't be too hard on me when you read it. >.<
Also, just a reminder, in everyone's next post, you aren't going to put your point of view of the Soul Burial in it. You're going to start right in Rukongai.
I just read your post and realized something. It is pretty fun that you have Ichigo doing the Soul Burial. However, I know that you were wanting to do some things in the RP that connected back to events in the actual show. But since you had Ichigo do it, it is going to place us ten years later beyond all of the events in the show.
I don't know if you were changing your mind on doing something completely original. I don't mind either way, but it does break up consistency.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get a post up tonight. Aside from a headache there is not a lot stopping me. But if it gets worse it could prevent me from writing.
I'm sorry i haven't been on in like forever. I've literally had no time at all to be on tff. I'm done with the conversation between me and devox, so i'll just need to see when rika's on.
again sorry i'm so late.
I had seen Lady Rika on recently, though she had posted in a RP. So she might have just jumped on for that and disappeared. I don't know. I have not seen her post in here even though she is around in the forum. Though you may just want to skip that and post what you have, since we are moving along and the longer you wait the more of a gap there will be when you post.
I managed to get my post up tonight. So I'm pleased about that. It's quite exciting knowing that we are in the Soul Society now. So all of the fun can begin. I hope you don't mind that I used one of the Bleach characters, for a moment. I figured given the uniqueness of my character it would create some interesting things down the road, since I would make for an interesting test subject.
Well then, I'll be seeing you all soon enough.
Hm, well I can see where you're coming from. O.O I suppose I didn't think that through too much. (whoops.) I could go back and chnge it to someone else, but then again, if you really think about it, paralleling the storyline may get a little too complicated. It would keep us from really making the story our own. So in the end, it may be better to change that and set it 10 years in the future under the pretense that the shinigami won the war against the arrancar. It was a bad move on my part, I wasnt really thinking, but the RP can be altered as we go. I didn't want anything set in stone.
As for the other matters, abarai we couldn't wait any longer for your post, so like Andromeda said, we moved on. Anything in there that you are still interested in posting you can post through flashbacks.
-Hey guys. You probably don't even know who I am, but Suzu mentioned me in one of his earlier posts. Sorry I haven't posted in the RP, I'll get to that right away.
-Also Xeim, is there supposed to be like a set event where we find out the name of our zanpaktou, and it's bankai? Or are we allowed to put that among our own time?
RP- Sorry if I'm copying anyone for my character. I really don't watch Bleach all too much. I usually just watch an episode if I've heard that it's good. If I am copying a character though, please tell me so I may change it.
Well, I should probably make up a timeline of events for our academy stay shouldn't I? Heh. yes, there will be a set event, but we will be moving at our own paces through the academy. I'll either make up a whole timeline for you all to look at, or I'll tell you as it's needed. It kind of depends on how much free time I have. We won't be learning the name of our zanpukto's right away though. It'll take a while.
Also, Andromeda, in your post, were you planning on having Steph interact with me? I'm perfectly willing, I just didn't want to do something against your will.
Yeah, Xeim I do not really mind either way you want to approach the RP. Ten years after the show is fine. As you said it would allow us to not be too reliant on the show and become independent. Plus it will be easier to make original villains and species/races.
And Xeim, you can interact with me. I set it up that way so that you play with it however you wanted. You'll find me sort of do a hand off similar to this when I write. And is saying free for you do as you will. So I don't mind what you do with it.
A timeline might be useful in writing future posts and planning. Though I just sort of figured that you would just lay things out and I was not going to jump beyond something that you had not mentioned already in your post. But it is true that other may not be so forward thinking and cautious.
Okay so, I have an idea of what I might do for my post but I'm probably going to do it with Suzu and I havent seen him around. Anyone seen him lately? >.< I need to talk to him. SUZU contact me ASAP!!!