This is Why I hate creating NPCs
I talked with Toph and thought I would submit this at least for consideration. The following character I created for a NPC to be Haku's direct rival. She kind of grew past that and developed her own backstory and now I wish she were a main character so I'm posting her specifics. If you don't think it's a good idea, Xeim. She can remain a NPC.
Name: Mahonna Kuiki (Portmanteu of Magical and Woman)(town)
Age: 60(appearance 20)
Birthday: April 20th
Birthplace: Seretei
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Blood Type: O negative
Gender: female
Height: 5'9
Weight: 120
Zanpukto name: Kage Uzumaki(shadow spiral)
Zanpukto element: Vertigo
Occupation: Lesser Nobility
Shinigami fighting Specialty: Shun Po
Shinigami Fighting Minor: Swordsmanship
Standard Specialties: Attack Speed Defense
Incredibly arrogant, she wisps through the halls with her head held high. She overlooks anything and everything unless it directly affects her. Her motivation is to make captain as quickly as possible. She has worked very hard to be as magnificent at the Shinigami arts as she is, so she feels that all else is beneath her. She feels entitled to the best treatments and offers. Anyone who doubts her, soon come to know just how amazingly powerful she is.
She smokes black cigarettes on occasion and has nothing to do with drink. She is very fond of candied violets and often uses Violets as her emblem.
She has a dark Indian/Arabian complexion and features including a short pen sharp nose. In other respects she has the face of a doll. It is unrealistically beautiful and cheerful to see. Her eyes seem to glow a hypnotic blue. And her confident smile can make anyone lose themselves. She wears a white trailing gii that is a little torn. Tomboyish as she is, dress is not the greatest of her concern. She focuses on her obvious skills.
Background: As lesser nobility that was born from a family that originated in India. She was trained specifically to make captain and raise her family to greatness. She spent tireless years learning all the corners and tricks of the shinigami arts. Her father was once a member of the Chamber 46... Her mother was a lower seat in squad three until she was killed by a hollow. It now lies with her to restore her family name.
Themesong:The Distillers-The Hunger