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Thread: The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED!

  1. #151
    The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! Echo Zel's Avatar
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    Originally postel by Wrath
    Blackthorne- No matter how awful the band is, throwing stuff at them will always be an act of cowardice. Same as heckling.
    You funny, funny person... Yes, thats right, I throw things at bands because I fear them, you retard.

    Originally posted by Wrath
    There is something inherently sissy about hurling projectiles or verbal abuse at people when they have no idea where you are, and when you fully intend on staying hidden so they cant beat your head in. If you dont like the band, dont watch them.
    Have you seen the members of my chemical romance? Dont make me laugh, be scared of them beating on me? Pffffft you are one funny ****er I greatly enjoyed your speech on a person you have no idea about, I guarentee that I wouldnt run scared, I have been kicked about by bouncers at Fests before for roudy behaviour. Last word, I dont run, from anyone. I dont give a shit how badly beaten I get as long as tehy cant call me a pus-sy.

    So shut up when you dont know me. NO hard feelings, but I hate being called anything and Im a naturally violent person.

    Falkenbach is understandable, he isn't like...HUGE or anything.
    Folk/black/whatever metal hybrid.

    Originally posted by Wrath
    But you haven't heard of Sunn O))) or Boris?
    Sunn O))) - Drone racket
    Boris- Depends what album. They change style each bloody time.

    But the colab is fantastic. You've got your weird ambient tracks, your stupidly heavily tracks, and tracks that sound like if Múm or Explosions In The Sky turned evil.
    If you go onto this site and click Media, you should get a little popup box that lets you listen to the whole album! (sans bonus tracks)
    Cheers, I'll check some of it out and report back on my feeling towards them.

  2. #152
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Rai Blackthorne, you're being warned for flaming/flame-baiting another member. If you can't read the rules, you shouldn't be posting.

    Flaming is the biggest "no-no" around here. So here's a nice warning for you.

    If anyone has a problem with this, PM Setzer. He and I will not be publicly argued with.

    If further flames are made, or any other violation of the rules, you will be warned.

    Back on topic, please.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  3. #153
    Professional Klutz. The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Ha ha, your temper made you get busted, I can tease you in real life so I'll stop on here.

    As for throwing things and heckling, I agree except, like my brother pointed out with the use of excessive expletive useage and rude behaviour, I dont think its cowardice as much as it is pointless and cruel to a band (any band) that have tried hard to play music and in tehir genre are a big name, just because you dont like them Danny, dont rip them apart.

    I'm currently listening to Opeth, so I sympathise with Winter. I however am off to Reading & Leeds where more 'my type of music' is played.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
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  4. #154
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Anybody here like the newer Vintersorg sound? I think its alright however it can not compare to their classic sound, I think I have everything from them now and Till Fjalls is still my favourite.

    Aria Nox - They're still pretty good for me to go back to as its been a while since I listened to them hard out but still they bring forth a sense of Nostalgia.

    On the topic of hurling abuse at bands, I think a lot of the time it is bullshit, I grow tired of people mocking Dimmu Borgir and CoF even though I am not particularly fond of them. However I would probably throw a pie at the fat meat sack guy from Carpathian Forest cause I hate joke bands like them, or bottle the guys from Marduk for being such generic morons and a disgrace to good Swedish Metal everywhere.

    I do not see the fascination with the Drone Metal, however I do quite like the more ambient sounding stuff. I guess I never gave Sunn O))) much of a chance.

    Just listening to some Morbid Saint, some Thrash Metal somebody suggested.

  5. #155
    Blackthorn totally misinterpreted my meaning.

    Winter- It's understandable. I have no idea whatsoever what it is about Sunn O)))'s music that captivates me so much, but in the case of "Black One" (and their LOVELY BBC Radio 1 session "Candlewolf Of The Golden Chalice" [Quite apparent they were going for whatever the silliest imaginable black metal like name would be then, eh?]) I think they're fantastic.

    Boris on the other hand, in the case of their album "Pink", just sound like a stoner/drone version of Múm or something, hahaha.

    If Sunn O))) dont float your boat, there is a very groovy drone band called Hyatari.
    I seriously reccomend the track "Collapse" as well as their debut album "The Light Carriers"

    As for Vintersorg- All I have by them is a promo of Cosmic Genesis (which I love) and last time one of my mates burnt me a bunch of stuff, The Focusing Blur was on (which I barely listen to) so I cant comment on their newer stuff.

    Cradle Of Filth.
    Can I stand them? - Not really. Though I got dragged to one of their gigs, and they were tolerable. They're not ENTIRELY awful. And they aint black metal at all.
    Oh well, at least the kids get into more extreme music as a result of listening to COF! (Also, Cradle have a couple of songs I like. Though nothing from the last few albums)

    Dimmu Borgir-
    About as black metal as Jello Biafra, yeah, but I really like them. And yes, I am fully aware that they are totally unintentionally hillarious. I have a Death Cult Armageddon poster above my desk just so I can look up and laugh at the expressions on half of the members' faces.

    Any albums anyone is particularly looking forwards to this year?
    "Mithras: Behind The Shadows Lie Madness" has had me jumping around in anticipation for a while now. Roll on May.

  6. #156
    I saw Sun O))) live at Roskilde Festival with Attila Csihar. They managed to completely scare away most of the crowd haha. Personally, I quite like Sunn O)))'s first couple of albums as well as Black One, but the popularity of that kind of music has gained recently is more bad than good. It seems like everyone and their grandmother and their dog now has a one-man ambient/drone/meaningless guitar sustain project which in most cases is utter shite.

    Personally I'm really looking forward to the next Candlemass album King of the Grey Islands. The last Candlemass album was disappointing, but the Krux II rekindled my faith in Leif Eidling's abilities.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  7. #157
    I feel guilty now for working on a drone project
    In my defence- There is actual variety in what we do and not just yet another 5 riffs per hour band.

    I just had a mental image/audio thing of Dio being Messiah's replacement...Can you imagine?

  8. #158
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Well I guess its not my thing, or maybe I will get into it down the road as I heard a bedroom project literally called . which was decent though it seems there is countless people starting their own generic bedroom black metal band it is quite amusing.

    However I quite enjoy the Les Legions Noires project Aäkon K&#235#235;trëh, which is something I would like to do myself but probably won't. I should try and find the other LLN bands but so far I only have this, Mutiilation and Vlad Tepes.

    As for albums this year I am waiting for the new Wintersun, hopefully Dawn, apparently the new Lord Wind is out but I haven't seen it yet, also I heard that Capricornus has disbanded which is a shame. The new Watain was better quality but mediocre at best, also the new Paysage d'Hiver should be interesting. I want to complete most of my current discographies first though.

  9. #159
    Quote Originally Posted by Wrath
    I feel guilty now for working on a drone project
    In my defence- There is actual variety in what we do and not just yet another 5 riffs per hour band.

    I just had a mental image/audio thing of Dio being Messiah's replacement...Can you imagine?
    Shame on you

    Dio would have been great. The former Sabbath singer which apparently was being considered as a vocalist for Candlemass (Tony Martin) does not really fit the sound of the band. He has got a great range, but no power to his voice like Johan Lanquist or Messiah Marcolin. Rob Lowe is a capable replacement, though I'd rather seen that the band and Messiah worked out their differences.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  10. #160
    Seriously? Tony Martin was considered for Candlemass?


    I can kinda see that working for Candlemass, the guys got an awesome voice. But I know what you mean when you say he lacks power.

  11. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by Wrath
    Seriously? Tony Martin was considered for Candlemass?


    I can kinda see that working for Candlemass, the guys got an awesome voice. But I know what you mean when you say he lacks power.
    Yeah, when he was sacked by Tony Iommi in favour of the reunion of the Mob Rules line-up, he tried out for Candlemass whom had recently parted with Messiah Marcolin. They did some demos together, but in the end Candlemass settled with Tomas Vikstrøm and Tony Martin eventually rejoined Black Sabbath.

    There was also some speculation that he'd join Candlemass again this time around, and Mats Bjørkman did a gig or 2 with Tony Martin's band in Sweden, but that didn't end up in anything either.

    Oh yeah, another release I might look forward to this year, is if the infamous Solomon Kane actually release something. Rumour has it that they are working on new material.
    Last edited by Sir Kenneth; 02-24-2007 at 12:13 PM.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  12. #162
    Burning Saviors put up a new song today, pretty awesome.
    <img src=""

  13. #163
    Burning Saviours kind of reminds me of Witchcraft. Very good retro heavy rock. I liked their old singer better though, apart from that it's a rather good track. The new guy reminds me a bit of Bobby Liebling in his early days.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  14. #164
    God I hope Heaven and Hell start making albums and touring all the time!

  15. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Kenneth
    Burning Saviours kind of reminds me of Witchcraft. Very good retro heavy rock. I liked their old singer better though, apart from that it's a rather good track. The new guy reminds me a bit of Bobby Liebling in his early days.
    Yeah, those two bands are doin' the same kind of thing. Which is cool, I appreciate it alot letting me live the years I wasn't able to through bands still around today.

    Total win.

    Witchcraft I find to be better than Burning Saviours though.
    <img src=""

  16. #166
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    I do not know if you guys are into but I am quite enjoying this Goatmoon, I am not really big on NSBM though there is quite a few good bands including this (Well not NS per say, but WP). Oh and I think I am slowly starting to like Agalloch.

  17. #167
    I knew it would happen eventually, they are too good a band to not like They grow on people. Took me a year to like the Mantle afterall.
    <img src=""

  18. #168
    Fell in love with The Mantle the second I heard it.
    When Ashes Against The Grain came out, it took me a week to listen to the whole album.
    Limbs was too good a song to not have on repeat

    NSBM, to me, is a bunch of uneducated white kids who use big words that they stole from uneducated facists who have access to a thesaurus, using prejudice of any form they can muster solely on the grounds that the whole Satanist thing isn't offending people anymore.
    But then, I'm biased.
    However- Some of the music is ****in funky.

  19. #169
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Not entirely though it depends on the band in question, admittedly they are running out of ways to offend as more and more people become perverted and others become more tolerable. I love Absurd's new stuff, I guess I just find it "Catchy", the Russian stuff is also quite good imo, kind off odd how most of it comes from Eastern Europe.

    ... oh and Hate Forest \m/

  20. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter
    Not entirely though it depends on the band in question, admittedly they are running out of ways to offend as more and more people become perverted and others become more tolerable. I love Absurd's new stuff, I guess I just find it "Catchy", the Russian stuff is also quite good imo, kind off odd how most of it comes from Eastern Europe.

    ... oh and Hate Forest \m/
    I always thought that it made a lot of sense actually. If you grew up in the eastblock in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, then a strong feeling of patriotism and national independence is probably something that is not that hard to muster. For some people there isn't very far from that to fascism or national socialism.

    Personally I agree with Wrath, though I am trying to be less biased when it comes to bands with a certain political agenda. Though most of the bands I have heard is pretty shite and obviously put more energy into writing lyrics about hating jews/blacks/martians/etc. rather than writing music which is actually enjoyable.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  21. #171
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Kenneth
    That's it. I'm going to form Earthbreed, a specist punk band, that hate aliens because they come to Earth and steal the earth mans jobs (as well as take them on spaceships to bum them).

    And they probably control all the banks and engineered the World Trade Centre attacks or something.

    If you see the Gray-Man, coming for your gob
    Kick his ****in teeth in, smash his ****in gob
    Send those greyskins the **** back home, they're eating half your pay
    Trash their ****in bubbleship, make those blackeyes pay

  22. #172
    Sign me up for that band!

    Oh yeah, Solomon Kane uploaded a song on their myspace profile (I still find it hard to mention Solomon Kane and myspace profile in the same sentence)
    The track is called The Dread and in my opinion it's absolutely killer classic doom metal. It does sound a bit rough, but apparently it is a live recording.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  23. #173
    The songs pretty cool.
    Only snags being the vocals (which are ok, but take some getting used to) and the fact that I've totally never heard the riff at the very start 238 times before.
    But- it's a cool song.

    The Human League is a perfect name for an anti Alien punk band, but I've been beaten to the name since about...1977...

  24. #174
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    If you consider NSBM a joke then perhaps Finland's Goatmoon would be more to your taste? Though I shall never treat Bliskinir as such.

    This Fortid album is rather excellent.

  25. #175
    Quote Originally Posted by Wrath
    The songs pretty cool.
    Only snags being the vocals (which are ok, but take some getting used to) and the fact that I've totally never heard the riff at the very start 238 times before.
    But- it's a cool song.

    The Human League is a perfect name for an anti Alien punk band, but I've been beaten to the name since about...1977...
    Yeah, I agree about the riff at the beginning, though I really dig the vocals. I'm sure that a cleaned up studio version would do them a lot more justice though. I do think it's 100 times better than a lot of the traditional doom bands coming out at the moment though. Most of them seems perfectly happy only releasing 7" vinyl with their Pentagram/Saint Vitus wannabe snoozefest.

    One relatively new band I really like though, is Fall Of The Idols. It is traditional doom metal, but they do have a vibe and a certain bleakness to them that you don't hear in any other doom metal band. Also, "The Walk" is a great example of what doom metal can also be. Awesome band.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  26. #176
    The new Warning is supposed to be fantastic traditinal doom, havn't heard it yet but I certainly plan to as people have been saying it is better than anything that even Reverend Bizarre have put out
    <img src=""

  27. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by The Witchfinder
    The new Warning is supposed to be fantastic traditinal doom, havn't heard it yet but I certainly plan to as people have been saying it is better than anything that even Reverend Bizarre have put out
    I preordered it from MISKATONIC, and I have to say that it is quite good. It's kind of ambient I suppose, a bit like YOB minus the stoner influence, so comparing it to anything Reverend Bizarre has put out, doesn't really do either band any justice.

    Anyway, Trivium's defining moment
    Last edited by Sir Kenneth; 02-28-2007 at 02:24 PM.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  28. #178
    I'm looking forwards to Serpentcult. (New band formed by ex Thee Plague Of Gentlemen members)
    However, as sad as I am to admit it, the one with the best songwriting talent from the TPOG lineup is the child-raping shitbag.

  29. #179
    Yeah, their singer proved to be one sick serial child-raping ****er. I still think it is a pity that the rest of the band as well as the band's label, has decided erase Thee Plague Of Gentlemen from history. Initially I didn't think they were anything special, but they grew on me, and I am also a big believer in keeping music available to those interested.

    Serpentcult is supposed to be an entirely different beast though. Or so I've heard atleast.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  30. #180
    I managed to get my hands on a four way split vinyl that Thee Plague Of Gentlemen appeared on (Single track. A cover of Eternal Winter).
    Other than that and a burnt copy of their last (only?) album, that is all I have heard.
    I quite enjoy their music, despite their singer doing actions that warrant his being shot out of a cannon.

    (Simillar to Filosofem, the ONLY Burzum album that I like. In fact, ironically, I love Filosofem almost as much as I think Varg is a sod.)

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