You funny, funny person... Yes, thats right, I throw things at bands because I fear them, you retard.Quote:
Originally postel by Wrath
Blackthorne- No matter how awful the band is, throwing stuff at them will always be an act of cowardice. Same as heckling.
Have you seen the members of my chemical romance? Dont make me laugh, be scared of them beating on me? Pffffft you are one funny ****er I greatly enjoyed your speech on a person you have no idea about, I guarentee that I wouldnt run scared, I have been kicked about by bouncers at Fests before for roudy behaviour. Last word, I dont run, from anyone. I dont give a shit how badly beaten I get as long as tehy cant call me a pus-sy.Quote:
Originally posted by Wrath
There is something inherently sissy about hurling projectiles or verbal abuse at people when they have no idea where you are, and when you fully intend on staying hidden so they cant beat your head in. If you dont like the band, dont watch them.
So shut up when you dont know me. NO hard feelings, but I hate being called anything and Im a naturally violent person.
Cheers, I'll check some of it out and report back on my feeling towards them.Quote:
Falkenbach is understandable, he isn't like...HUGE or anything.
Folk/black/whatever metal hybrid.
Originally posted by Wrath
But you haven't heard of Sunn O))) or Boris?
Sunn O))) - Drone racket
Boris- Depends what album. They change style each bloody time.
But the colab is fantastic. You've got your weird ambient tracks, your stupidly heavily tracks, and tracks that sound like if Múm or Explosions In The Sky turned evil.
If you go onto this site and click Media, you should get a little popup box that lets you listen to the whole album! (sans bonus tracks)