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    Permanently banned The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! darkViVi's Avatar
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    The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED!

    Aye, brethren. It is time we get this show back on the mothaf*ckin' road!

    Not long ago, I collected all of Immortal's treasures. I have truly missed Blizzard Beasts as it is a tr00 Metal masterpiece!

    Besides that, if anybody want, I have Satyricon's Mother north music video UNCENSORED!
    Monica Braathen dancing naked with her nice titties and pussy, another tr00 frostbitten masterpiece. Satyr and Frost have this grim corpse paint of DOOM! A must see brethren! You can Youtube it if you have an account or ask me to send it somehow, but be sure to see the UNCENSORED!

  2. #2
    Warlord of Your Mom The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! ultima_trev's Avatar
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    bout dayum time sum1 posted a metal thread. mah black ass waz gettin' fed up wit all da emo shiat datz bein posted on diz forum yo. We b needin some death metal to krunk our shiat like weez gotz da khronic. Cattle Decapitation, Lokyata, Elysia, fuggin' brutal shit mah n1gga. fuggin GANGSTA.

    Last edited by ultima_trev; 12-27-2006 at 07:08 AM.

    Undisputed masters of all creation since 2004.11.11.

  3. #3
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Glad to see this back up in action!

    Lately I went through a huge Bathory phase, especially both the Blood on Ice and Hammerheart albums, hard to say which is my favourite but other are rather well done. Amazingly I have several of their albums but not all though I think I am missing the weaker albums.

    Also been listening to a lot of Shining, very cold and desolate, I suggest starting off with Years of Oppression first as it basically shows off their sound, then go through in order. Endless Solitude is a great song. Leviathan is another similar project, been listening to a lot of The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide.

    I also took your guys advice and got Agalloch and after a few listens I kind of like it, not huge on it buts its pretty good. Also been blasting a lot of Windir, I love the outro to Journey to the End... listening to it, its like "fuck I missed the bus and now I am lost in the snow and have to find my way back", Blackened Techno I guess you could say.

  4. #4
    Ahhh how I have missed this great thread of threads. Let there be metal!

    Lately I've been listening to a lot of Motörhead. Mostly their late stuff like Sacrifice, Inferno, Snake Bite Love, and Kiss of Death, but Overkill and Ace of Spades has gotten a few spins as well. I've also been listening to some death metal. Cianide, Winter, Usurper (thrash/death I suppose) and Bolt Thrower is what does it for me when it comes to death metal.

    Still waiting for the new Pagan Altar and Warning albums.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  5. #5
    Registered User The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! Ghimon's Avatar
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    It is good to see some other Metal fans around. I imagine I will get laughed at however, because I am more into the progressive or power metal scene then anything else, with Nightwish and Kamelot being my favorites. Recently however, my love of the harder stuff has grown, and I have found myself buying up anything and everything Lamb of God, and Iced Earth. Anyways, if you guys here can make some suggestions on decent albums, let me know, and I will check them out.
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  6. #6
    Warlord of Your Mom The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! ultima_trev's Avatar
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    The TRUE story of creation, told for the first time:

    Before Time n space, there waz only light. Agonizin light. Then our true god, mah main mang, SATAN, decided it waz time fo change!

    On da first day, he said, "let their be darknezz, yo!" Then all da rowdy spirits be taintin da cosmos n makin it BLACK.

    On da second day, he said, "let there be ho's!" Then all these fine azz succubi come outta nowhere, massive orgiez ensue.

    On da hundreth day, he said, "let's get fvcked up n1ggaz!" Thatz when weed n booze were made to get us intoxicated.

    On da 666th day, he said, "we need some phat beatz, homiez!" Thatz when main dawg, Satan, performed da best miracle evar, he invented metal. AND IT WAZ EVUL FO SHO. \m/
    Last edited by ultima_trev; 12-27-2006 at 05:02 PM.

    Undisputed masters of all creation since 2004.11.11.

  7. #7
    Permanently banned The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! darkViVi's Avatar
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    Nice tale there, yo.

    I'm currently working on a new BoD banner, it's gonna look necro as hell!

    Uhhm, Ghimon: Harder stuff? Check out Nile, Immortal, Emperor or Haggard. T3H tr00 P464/\/ /\/3<R0 8V7<43RZ!!!! \m/

    HILL HILL!!!!

    NP: Nortt - Gudsforladt (Godforsaken)

  8. #8
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Ghimon - No worries, I have heaps of suggestions: If you are looking for Heavy kind of stuff, then check out Suidakra and Stormlord if you can find them. For more Viking/Folkish stuff you can't go past Ensiferum and Finntroll (I prefer the Ensiferum) and even early Vintersorg, or new Vintersorg if you like avant-garde metal. As for Death I quite like Kataklysm and of course old Morbid Angel.

    I keep forgetting about Belenos, great French BM that I often forget I have but are amongst the best current BM bands. Moonblood has also been played a lot, more raw sounding than a lot of the newer stuff, their demo "The Winter Fell....." demo is one of the greatest BM demos I've heard since the Beatrik ones. Blut Aus Nord is also worth a listen, I quite like Ultima Thul&#233;e, though I need to check out their others as the only other I have heard is MoRT.


  9. #9
    Permanently banned The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! darkViVi's Avatar
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    Morbid Angel IST KRIEG!!! I'm actually looking for a specific track but I don't know what it's called nor do I remember what album it was on. It has this grim drum solo in the beginning. It's a famous song and solo.

    I just checked out Marduk. Marduk IST GRYM!!!

    It's a bit more Doom-ish than I expected but they have some nice chanting and riffs so I might get more into that shit later on. All I've heard so far is one and a half song

    NP: Immortal ~ The Sun No Longer Rises
    (Pure Holocaust album)

  10. #10
    The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! Faustus's Avatar
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    This thread is back? FVCK YES!!!!!!! LONG LIVE TRUE METAL!!!!!!!!!!

    Lately I've been listening to Hypocrisy, Behemoth and Bloodbath. Been more appreciative of brutality in music than usual as of late.

    On a semi-related note, I picked up Amon Amarth's new album "With Oden on our side" about a month ago and I'm wondering which of you unholy bastards have heard it?
    Faustus: Pope Lucifer I, the Defiler of Nuns
    High Lord: Brotherhood of Doom.

    MAIM!! KILL!! BURN!!!!!

  11. #11
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    That sounds like Immortal Rites though you'll have to check, also I have the video to this and another 1. This one has them playing live on stage and the other they are playing surrounded by flames, great stuff.

    I don't like Marduk that much, they have 1 good song off Panzer Division but the rest is just the same riff repeated over along with the same blast beats and it gets old real quick. But I reackon you'd like Watain and Nifelhiem if you are into that kind of sound, except Watain is much better. Deathspell Omega has some evil chanting at the beginning of Si Monvmentvm but my favourite from them is Infernal Battles.

    @Surtur - I got it but it's kind of missing that Amon Amarth feeling, well at least thats what I felt. Sorrow Through Out The Nine Worlds FTW!

    NP: Nuit Noire - Faeries Fuck Humans .... French Punk Blark Metahl \m/

  12. #12
    Really the only metal I've been listening to lately is Agalloch and old school death metal, I've really grown to like indie rock so I've been drug away. I do love those post-rock/sludge bands though like Isis and The Other Side Of The Sky.
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  13. #13
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Indie is one of the few genres I have really yet to explore (well according to some people its not actually a genre) so one day I'll have to look more into it.

    Right now I'm listening to Abigor which is ok I suppose but I have been listening to a lot of Windir lately and when I get paid I am going to grab the DVD SOGNAMENTAL to add to my collection.

  14. #14
    I'm looking to buy an Immortal album, but since I am a bit of a Black Metal novice, I'd like some recommendations. What do you reckon is the best place to start?
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  15. #15
    The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! Faustus's Avatar
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    Amon Amarth ist truly krieg, their new album "With Oden on Our Side" is truly magnificient in all its epic Viking Glory, especially the song "Gods of War Arise", hell I'll even post the lyrics:

    Darkness flees the rising sun
    The village lies ahead
    It will wake to a new day soon
    Soon they'll all be dead

    We came in cover of moonless night
    Fifty men at arms
    Now at first morning light
    The church bell sounds the alarm

    Sacrifice to Gods of old
    Bleed them of their lives
    Fresh blood on our swords
    Gods of war arise
    Sacrifice to Gods of old
    Bleed them of their lives
    Fresh blood on our swords
    Gods of war arise

    Hear the tortured screams
    Shattering the air
    They awake from soothing dreams
    Into their worst nightmare

    Fire sweeps their homes
    They feel the dragon's breath
    Consuming and destructive flames
    Agonising death

    Some seek shelter in the church
    A refuge for those with faith
    But we know how to smoke them out
    A pyre will be raised

    But those who choose to stand and fight
    Will die with dignity
    For the unfortunate few who survive
    Waits a life in slavery

    The day draws to an end
    The night comes dark and cold
    We return to our ships
    With silver, slaves and gold

    We gave them agony
    As they fell and die
    The Gods have granted victory
    For our sacrifice
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Kenneth
    I'm looking to buy an Immortal album, but since I am a bit of a Black Metal novice, I'd like some recommendations. What do you reckon is the best place to start?
    Its a bit late but I just have to say it: At the Heart of Winter. IMO its the best album Immortal ever made.
    Faustus: Pope Lucifer I, the Defiler of Nuns
    High Lord: Brotherhood of Doom.

    MAIM!! KILL!! BURN!!!!!

  16. #16
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I've been listening to a lot of Katatonia lately. For My Demons is definately my favourite track of any of theirs I have ever heard before.

    And Agalloch. I've always liked these guys thanks to their different sound. They remind me a little bit of a mellow version of Opeth. Heh.

    Errm... Other than that Dir En Grey has been on my list right now. I know they aren't really metal, but their slight rock theme has a good sound.

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    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  17. #17
    Permanently banned The BoD presents: The Unholy Metal Thread -RESURRECTED! darkViVi's Avatar
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    @ Gaap: We both know Im the tr00 Norwegian Metal worshiper of unholy darkness

    Well I have 5 Immortal albums and some people say Immortal's albums are sounds the same when they infact sounds quite differently. A good place to start, that depends on what you want.

    Battles In The North is a great album, it's hard and hits the christians with a sledge hammer. The title track starts out with thundering drums and roaring guitars. 10 tracks of absolute chaos, mayhem and darkness. Would we want it any other way?

    Sons Of The Northern Darkness is another of their masterpieces and a favorite of mine. Unfortunatly I don't have all the tracks but what songs I do have is great. Varied in pace, sometimes hard other times more epical. And it is epical indeed, just check out the drumming on In My Kingdom Cold my brother, I am certain you'll like it. \m/

    If I may suggest, you go here and check out some of their samples yourself. Perhaps you must click on "discography" first but you will find short clips where you see the songs are listed (the songs that are links obviously) enjoy and tell me what you think when you have heard it, eh?
    \m/ \m/

  18. #18
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    I'm always in a metal mood \m/ >_< \m/.

    I enjoy a good bit of Black Metal, such as Behemoth, Anata, Psycroptic, and the like. I'm more into the Blackened Death scene than I am just straight up Black Metal. That of course stems from my love of Technical Death Metal, such as Necrophagist, Spawn of Posession, Sleep Terror, etc.

    As for more "normal" types of metal, I love Industrial (Pitchshifter, Spineshank, KMFDM), Progressive (Dream Theater, Spiral Architect, Symphony X), and even a bit of Metalcore (Silent Civilian, The Autumn Offering, Suicide Silence) as long as they're not bitching about a lost love or some other gay crap. And of course, I love just straight up METAL (Lamb of God, Black Sabbath, Mnemic)

    I'd like to make a suggestion: If you have even the slightest interest in Tech Death, I HIGHLY suggest listening to a few tracks from Necrophagist. They are the most incredible Tech Death band I've ever heard. I can play a good bit of Behemoth and the like, but trying to play Necrophagist is like an endurance trial o_O. I have their entire first CD (Onset of Putrefaction) and a few tracks from Epitaph if you want to hear them.

    Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
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  19. #19
    Ugh... How anyone can mention Black Sabbath, the fathers of the genre, with mediocre Fear Factory wannabes (as if FF wasn't bad enough) like Mnemic.

    It saddens me to see my country churn out abominations like Mnemic, Raunchy, and Hatesphere while all the other Scandinavian countries have some of the strongest scenes in the world. Artillery and Mercyful Fate, now that was Danish bands that meant business. Sadly not much of any interest has happened since in this kingdom
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  20. #20
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Heh... I never said Mnemic was even remotely on par with Sabbath, just that I like them . I'm fully aware of the stance Sabbath holds in the ranks of metal legends. I'm just a bit more musically open minded than most metal fans ^_^. Also, when you really think about it, compared to a lot of the American Nu Metal crap that's been churned out here, Mnemic isn't so bad in comparison.
    Last edited by Musashiden; 01-02-2007 at 04:46 PM.

    Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
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  21. #21
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    I admit I haven't heard all of Immortal yet, but Battles in the North is quite well known, but a lot of people have told me Blizzard Beast is the best (next on my list). The first stuff sounds like Death Metal (as done the first Darkthrone) so it's something I'd leave to last. Sons of the Northern darkness is one of my personal favourites.

    Out of that Agalloch/Opeth/Katatonia sound the best stuff I have heard is this Italian band knowns as Novembre, only problem is their music is quite obscure and it took me a little while to find the Classica album. But if you can find it, it's the best stuff I have heard in quite a while.

    When I get my new PC I plan of getting a bunch of old school bands entire discography like Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Led Zep, Pink Floyd etc...

    As for Death (Which I don't listen to much) Good stuff worth checking out I suggest is Morgoth, Infernal Bleeding & of course Hate Eternal. Good stuff.

    ... and right now I am listening to Wagner

  22. #22
    For Immortal the only album that you NEED to hear is Pure Holocaust, it is simply fantastic.

    I enjoy a good bit of Black Metal, such as Behemoth, Anata, Psycroptic, and the like.
    Wtf @ Anata and Psycroptic being black metal, their death metal, Behemoth has black metal material but are not anymore.

    It saddens me to see my country churn out abominations like Mnemic, Raunchy
    You are a horrible person, Raunchy is awesome, gay as hell but awesome none the less. Death Pop Romance is great.
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  23. #23
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heimdall
    Wtf @ Anata and Psycroptic being black metal, their death metal, Behemoth has black metal material but are not anymore.
    Meh, I just went by what my idv3 tag said when I ripped their CD's, it classified them as Blackened Death, and I refer to them as such o_O. It's good goddamn music regardless .

    Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
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  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Heimdall
    You are a horrible person, Raunchy is awesome, gay as hell but awesome none the less. Death Pop Romance is great.
    I never really got how anyone could like stuff like this. Personally I find their stuff to be way too pop for my liking. Especially their latest one.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  25. #25
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I've never been so great with telling genres apart. There's an obvious difference between most things, but I seriously could care elss about what's "heavy metal", what's "progressive" and whats whatever else.

    I honestly don't care. I can tell the difference between metal and pop and the obvious nes foo' sure.

    Let's see...

    The past week, I have listened to...

    Dir En Grey. - Not really metal when it comes to it.
    Amon Amarth.

    Who feels like teaching me genres specifically? Ahaha.

    EDIT: It's Wednesday?! **** "past week", make that past eight or nine days. Eh... I'll get back on top of things mid-January, I swear!

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    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja
    Dir En Grey. - Not really metal when it comes to it.
    Amon Amarth.
    Dir En Grey I don't know, as I've not listened to them in at least 3 years.
    Katatonia's early material was Death/Doom, but after Brave Murder Day they became a rock band.

    Amon Amarth is melo-death and Xasthur are black metal.
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  27. #27
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heimdall
    Dir En Grey I don't know, as I've not listened to them in at least 3 years.
    Katatonia's early material was Death/Doom, but after Brave Murder Day they became a rock band.

    Amon Amarth is melo-death and Xasthur are black metal.
    I like this guy. He knows things. *nods*.

    Okay, wise-guy , how about Chimaira?
    And Mastodon? And Strapping Young Lad? You're going to completely own me with musical knowledge, I can see it.

    Those are only a few of my musicial taste... It would take too long to ist every band, and I'm more than sure you'd tire of reading it after the first 30 seconds. ;D

    NP: Lacuna Coil - Enjoy The Silence. Depeche Mode's version of this track still shits all over Lacuna Coils', though, bluntly speaking.

    I'm not metal enough </lolz>.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  28. #28
    Haha, it isn't anything particularly special just really fun and catchy metalcore, that happens to be executed better than most bands in the style.
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  29. #29
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Heimdall proves himself to be quite the intelligent chap.

    Tr00 metul barstud lolz.

    I wonder if he can recommend me one or two new metal bands for my massively long list of musical content?

    I realise how cheeky I'm being, but that doesn't stop me from being an ass about it. And if you have any objections, I'LL JUST BAN YOU! MWAHAHA.
    Nah, kidding. I can't ban anyone anyway.

    The BOD have recommended me many bands, and most of it is great stuff... I just need something new after I decide I'm bored with Dir En Grey for a month or so.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  30. #30
    Hmm, lets see here. If I'm correct I had recommended Agalloch to you before (may be someone else that I recommended them to, but either way all of what they have released is essential) so if you like them then I really suggest that you check out Primordial. Fantastic band, Spirit the Earth Aflame is one of the best albums ever recorded.

    Looking for something fast yet asskicking? Gama Bomb - Survival of the Fastest is just about as badass as thrash metal gets, and with themes such as Hell truckers and zombies what's not to love?

    Empyrium, depending on the album, have created a beautiful mixture of folk and metal (first two) or straight neo-folk perfection (second two). Check out their albums A Wintersunset... and Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays.

    The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Twilight of the Idols, simply put the best power metal album ever released.
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