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  1. Shoot like crazy!

    by , 04-04-2014 at 08:26 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    I am getting a new laptop, and giving the one I am using now to my sister. I won't be giving her the fancy case that came with it though, because I like it, and she doesn't need it. You see, after seeing the one I bought for Mom's cousin earlier this week and how well it runs, I want one just like it. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I was being paid to buy a computer for Mom's cousin, the one she's staying with. I ordered it on Monday, it arrived on Wednesday, and I took it to where Mom's ...
  2. Spring is starting out badly.

    by , 04-03-2014 at 07:14 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    Okay, as I have been staying here nearly two weeks now, I should probably mention some things about my housemates (I guess you'd call Carma and Joey that). Of course, you all have read about Joey before. He was the kid I tutored last school year. Now I am not only his tutor, but his caretaker and friend as well. I get him off the school bus in the afternoons so Carma can sleep some more, and then we do his homework. And if there's time between then and when he goes to his Aunt's for the night ...
  3. Dodging lightning bolts from my bed

    by , 04-02-2014 at 03:05 AM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    I have been shifting from awake to sleep all night. It's raining, and it has me worrying about my animals at the house. I know the cats are fully capable of getting someplace dry, and Luca has her house; but it is just not the same. And then there's lowercase and Flea. Those two kittens are by themselves now outside. They're safe and dry from staying in the barn they play in, but they are still by themselves. I guess I should be glad that things are becoming normal, and that the animals are ...
  4. Normal is normal

    by , 04-01-2014 at 03:33 AM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    Mom asked me to find a laptop computer for the person she's staying with today. Either find one online, or sell mine to him. Since I use my laptop here because the wi-fi is all I can connect to, I found one online. And I wouldn't sell my laptop anyway, it is too slow for someone else to use. And then Mom asked me to take a picture of myself so her cousin could see what I look like. I never responded. I can't be sending pictures of myself to a bunch of random people, even if it is my mother ...
  5. A not-so fun shopping trip

    by , 03-31-2014 at 03:26 AM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    Today I went shopping with Carma and Joey. Actually, they went shopping. I didn't buy a single thing. I carried bags and made sure Joey didn't break anything. I pushed carts. I considered buying Hitman: Absolution, but I didn't buy it in the end. I should probably start at the beginning.

    First, we went to Frisch's, where I ate overpriced food that tasted as if my sister was the one who made it. There's a reason I haven't been to Frisch's in more than 15 years. I don't like ...
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