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  1. So how's life?

    I continue to exist, as you might well imagine. I think my last journal entry was on New Year's Eve. Since then I've graduated from Tech School and moved on to my first duty station. Going back to Sheppard after a week and a half at home WAS really rough; I was really depressed when I first got back. I walked around base, and everything just looked colorless and dead. And they didn't even give us the night to settle back in; we had a GI Party the night we got back, which technically should've still ...
  2. Karma finally arrived!

    by , 04-20-2013 at 08:38 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    So this morning at 3-something am, Dad went to my brother's room complaining of pain. So the two of them go to the hospital. Finally, karma squeezed my father's insides enough to punish him for his guilty conscience.

    Dad has been in the hospital for nearly a whole day now. I have no interest on what is wrong with him, so whenever someone would give me details on the situation, I started hearing a buzzing noise in my head. Like a swarm of bees in my brain just buzzing around. ...
  3. Shift - Chapter 51 - Black and Blue

    The very air that surrounded Yuki seemed to be unsympathetic to the problem that was weighing on him. It pressed against his shoulders keeping him from rising from the street. He had no will to stand at the moment. His head just held down brushing the side of his face with his dark blue nearly black hair. The streetlamp above him cast a heavy light that darkened his eyes until it just seemed like there was a void present.

    Yuki’s mind was stuck as memories of the past flooded with ...
  4. Shift - Chapter 50 - Fading Light

    The bed creaked from the weight of Yuki’s body to being tossed on it, exhausted. He had just gotten back from Ayumi’s house having received her new intensive training. Being called ‘New Training’ (Ayumi’s words) was an inaccurate term according to Yuki and more important his body. He returned home with clean clothes, since he had to keep up appearances that he was just helping Ayumi study, but underneath his clothes were there a lot of bruises and sore muscles. Ayumi healed all of the wounds ...
  5. They Don't Really Care About Us.

    This video is sick as f*ck....