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  1. Stress, Good and/or Bad

    It's been a while for one of these. I have an odd habit of doing one rough a year. Looking at the last one, it's been more than that. But I did two in a month so that's got me covered.

    I usually always have a reason for these, rarely are they just some update of life is life. Whether I feel like thinking about heady subjects or just getting lost in words, there's a reason. This feels a little more like its going to be update-ish. A lot of stuff has happened and with nothing to ...
  2. Clean up, clean up...

    by , 10-16-2016 at 04:16 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    everybody, everywhere! Clean up, clean up! Everybody, do your share!

    Does anyone else get this song stuck in your head when you are cleaning up something? I do, and I most certainly did this weekend. I had so much homework to do this weekend, and as usual, I found something else to do instead. I cleaned my extremely messy room and closet! On Saturday, I tackled the actual bedroom, and today was the closet. I love working at GE, but after work, I am way too tired to keep things ...
  3. .....

    One of my best friends, I guess- we hadn't really been close in years, but we grew up together... She hung herself.

    I still can't believe it. I wish there were something I could've done. She left behind like 4 kids.

    She struggled with drugs for a large chunk of her life, I'm pretty positive even up until she died. She was in a really bad car accident that nearly killed her a year or so ago, and apparently tried to get her shit together, but it didn't really work out. ...
  4. I hate today

    It's nothing personal. I just happen to hate October 6. It started off perfectly fine, back in 2003, with it being my first girlfriends birthday. It became my second girlfriends anniversary date two years later. Obviously neither of those relationships ended well. Six years ago it served as the sandwich date in between my grandmother and dad's deaths of the 5th and 7th.I just wanted to say that I hate October 6 on principle. I didn't know where else to vent this and to also point out how absurd ...
  5. I should be sleeping...

    by , 10-02-2016 at 10:32 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    ...but I am not tired. Anyway, what better time than now to post a quick little update. After all, rambling on and on about how great my life is (ha ha) always puts me to sleep.

    School is going, uh, okay? I am rocking the math course, still hating the English course, and I am not even doing the work in the science courses. That time without Internet I had recently killed my motivation. But despite not doing the work, I still got a 91% on my most recent Anatomy test. Luckily, ...
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