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  1. Looking up...

    by , 05-21-2016 at 04:11 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    I apologize for my lack of activity this last month. I haven't had Internet access until a few days ago. Tom cancelled our at the house, and I went and got permission to have it reinstalled in my name. Which is just fine with me. I prefer having all of the power. Mwa ha ha! No, but seriously, I don't mind who uses my Internet. I have the patience to wait for webpages to load. If other people don't, then that's their problem. And that was Tom's problem. The speed wasn't fast enough for ...
  2. Being Single Again

    About two months ago, I went to get my teeth cleaned. My dental hygienist found out that I was recently divorced. She asked about my music, and then asked if I knew a local drummer named Scott. I did not know a local drummer named Scott.

    A few days later, I get a call from my dentist's office, but I ignored it because I was busy. Then I got an email. From my dental hygienist. Saying she had been thinking about it, and Scott and I should get coffee.

    I ignored the email. ...
  3. I won't deNIER that I've been thinking up some weird stuff lately...

    by , 04-12-2016 at 06:02 AM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    You know when you get in a certain mood sometimes, and you just have to act on that mood? Well, last night I was in a "pull out my heart by each of its strings" mood, and I just had to act on it. For several days now, I have had Song of the Ancients playing on loop in my head. Each time it would repeat, it would increase my need for a bit of a cry. So, I started up a new save file of Nier.

    Now, for those of you who have played it, you probably agree that its story is ...
  4. Stay off the roads!

    by , 03-19-2016 at 09:46 AM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    It's weird that I don't title an entry with an ellipsis.

    Anyway, a lot of stuff has happened since the last entry. Nothing NSFW. But something adult like did. I went and got my driver's permit! Learning to drive and getting my license was one of my goals this year, and I am really trying to accomplish it. My sister and I had been talking about going to the testing site for a few weeks, and we went on Thursday so I could take the knowledge test.

    I downloaded the manual ...
  5. Update time

    Update time!

    For those of you who care to read this, and it should be all of you, I'm doing alright. Good even. I'm feeling a peace within myself that I haven't felt in a very, very long time. It's strange, and I won't lie, it worries me just a little bit. It's the type of peace that usually comes before some kind of disaster, for me at least. I hope and pray that this isn't the case, but I can honestly say I'm siting here in my recliner, with a nice cold PBR (in a bottle, not a can!), ...
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