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  1. Can't remember the last time I was so busy

    It's been a little while since I wrote an entry, but I've been crazy busy lately. I threw myself out there to do a lot of the news for the forums/site, there are others helping out, but I'm definitely spending a chunk of my time on this. Hopefully, people are liking it and hopefully it brings in new members following the constant stream of news. I know so many old bits of information and stuff that I've had to put a bit of a line done not to go any further back than "X" or otherwise ...
  2. CSI: Computer Season Premiere

    The first episode of many, I imagine.

    The reason why I haven't been around much, or at all, the fast few days is that I've been getting visited by the Blue Reaper. My system was so unstable for a time that I had to turn it off as a preventative measure. Ah, technology.

    So, I did what little investigating I could on my phone and quickly discovered that whatever was causing it was beyond my depth. Fortunately, my best friend is a master of this sort of thing. Over the ...
  3. Happy Xmas to me

    So I kinda bought myself a psp for Xmas. It was $140, which Is pretty damn cheap but seeing as they're fast going out of fashion with the new vita, I thought 'now's my chance' and snapped it up while it was still a bargain. The only reason I don't give in to my childish excitement and open it now is that I'm using it as a way to do well in the upcoming exams (they're like 3-4 weeks away *gulp*). If I pass them with flying colours then well done me and If I fail, well I've got a psp so nyaa . ...
  4. What's happening.

    Well, like I said earlier, my little sis moved out, leaving me with no one to talk to but the boys and mother dearest, neither do I feel comfortable enough to be entirely candid with, but such is life, eh?
    So, being forced to make conversation on the most banal subjects, I'm slowly learning how ordinary people talk. It's like 'My Fair Lady' without the supporting actors and songs (too bad, it woulda been loverly).
    Trained Eliza Cyan: "I do so enjoy the little walks down memory ...
  5. Reputation Restored

    The Reputation System has been enabled. The following changes have been made to the system in order to make it more user-friendly:
    1. The reputation user spread has been lifted. You are no longer required to find other people to rep before you can rep the same person on a different post.
    2. The daily reputation cap has been lifted. You can now rep as many posts as you wish.
    3. A comment is now required to give reputation. This is to make the system distinctly different than the Likes System.
    Helpful Tip , Bug Fix
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