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  1. New opportunities

    by , 12-03-2012 at 08:59 AM (The struggle over the tyranny of my world)
    Today has been an interesting day, to say the least.

    Well, thats anouther saying out... But as the title implies, i was offered a place to live. I will have to pay rent and stuff, as per usual, but with friends. A while ago, she was arguing with this housemate moving out, but things got better. But now he cant actually afford to live with them anymore, so is moving out within a month or so. So... Im basically going to push forward whatever plans i had of moving into that area and ...
  2. This is where I feel like meh.

    Hello, everyone. Leon here in the first night of my two-night weekend. Needed some sleep and while I just woke up from a 30 minute nap, I feel refreshed enough for one of my all-nighters so let's go!

    Actually, I don't have much to say right now. Work-related stress and whatnot, but it's heavy tonight. Recently they have had someone keep an eye on us stockers and so far it's obvious she doesn't like me. It's understandable how they want us to stock our merchandise in a fast yet steady ...
  3. Pretending someone doesn't exist is more fun than pretending you don't exist.

    by , 12-02-2012 at 07:02 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    I did not get much sleep last night. I tried, but my mind was thinking one hundred things at once and I just couldn't sleep. I think I finally fell asleep at around four this morning, after going to bed at 11 last night. One of the things I was thinking about were the names I was called. Along with what I put in last night's entry, I am also a W-word. Which I think is hilarious, and I was actually laughing about it in bed. If anything, I am a tease, or the male equivalent. I am a "you ...
  4. They say the truth hurts, but why does it hurt me when I speak it?

    by , 12-01-2012 at 08:10 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    Today was an okay day. Until this evening. I played video games most of the day, and watched some anime. Then like clockwork, Suzy showed up while we were watching a movie. Seriously, why can't do something as a family without being interrupted by her?

    I had had enough of it, and spoke up while she was there. After she left, Dad came in and said I need to respect him, and not act like that when people are here. That's why I did it, to show that I am not okay with it.
  5. Shift - Chapter 15 - Don't Think

    “Hello? Good evening!” Ayumi greeted the door in her usual cheerful manner, but quickly changed it when she saw that it was only Yuki. “…It’s you…” She moved out of the way allowing him into the house. “Come in.” Tonight she was wearing a long simple, light green, dress that tied itself in at the waist with her hair down.

    The invitation had come from Ayumi, but Yuki still did not feel comfortable about going into another girl’s house alone. He knew Ayumi and there would not ...
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