Do you ever sleep so much that your brain just can't function any longer? I some how slept 17 hours "last night" after being awake for like...28, hardly a good reason, but damn, I'm all kinds of ****ed. I woke up at 9 PM and it felt like I had been asleep for 200 years. "Did the world end!?". My brain still feels like a baked potato...idk how it even happened.
I am going to try and make this entry as short as possible. So, expect the longest entry I have ever written...maybe. I left the house at 5:30am. Other than security lights and other illumination devices, it was pitch black outside as I rode the 9.8 miles to work. Yes, it wasn't the safest thing to do, but I wanted to get as much done in the office today so I could as much as possible on the check I will receive April 4, 2013. As I was riding down the road, I noticed ...
\\\\whGod... All of this talk of The Future - buying a house, where we'll live, what we'll do, pets, etc.... It's.. weird. I mean.. It's like .. Not been that long, which makes it even more awkward, but at the same time I'm like "Yay. Life got figured out -that- quick.. Finally." I mean.. I'm almost 30 (oh god no). But I don't feel 30. The entire time I was with Francisco, I felt like I was just playing house or something.. I dunno. I guess I just don't have ...
I arrived at the office at 8:43am, and I started working immediately. There were quite a few ads in my tray. However, what I thought was a lot turned out to be only a few that I could actually work on. The new sales reps (the office hired two more) forgot to put where to get the ads from, so I couldn't do anything until everyone else arrived. Overall, work today was alright. I was able to make an 8-page paper, and I think it looks great. Whether it will be once it gets printed ...
And boy do I have one. So to catch up, my computer is back online, praise be unto Hojo. I found a job working at my local Wally World in the Garden Center, doing various manly tasks that I was unaware even existed. Got denied to each university I've applied to thus far. So my mind is already a stew of stress and conflicted feelings. Which then get stirred by a woman. My lovely lady has begun partying again. She isn't drinking anymore, thank god, but ...