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  1. Oh Audino.

    by , 07-21-2013 at 08:04 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    I woke up this morning at almost 9am today. It's a new record for me!

    I reached the place where the second Gym is in Pokemon White today. The trip there was rough. I was having to go back to the Day Care to heal after every battle. But it's all good now. My Pokemon are at a level I think is comfortable to take on the next set of battles. A couple of my team are nearing evolution. And Oshawott has actually taken a spot as a backup instead of being the key player in battles. ...
  2. I am lucky.

    Hey! I'm still alive.

    Which, really, is a huge privilege. I have come out of feeling bad for myself, and have been more positive lately. Or at least, the times when I do feel sad are more spread out.

    I played a show this Friday night, and it went really well. My voice carried, and I had plenty of energy. Sometimes when I'm up there by myself, it's easy to get worn out. But I wasn't alone this time! My father played guitar with me and my mother played bass. They really ...
  3. Raining while the Sun's shining.

    by , 07-20-2013 at 08:26 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    Grandma stopped by today to check up on my brother and me, and she brought us some food because she's always worried that we aren't eating right. Things like spaghetti ingredients, fruit juices, cereal, etc. She said she had a lot to do today with the garden, so she didn't stay long.

    It rained off and on all day today. The worst was when it rained for several hours nonstop. It was the hardest rain I ever remember that occurred when the sun was shining. It was almost like the ...
  4. What's bothering Che?

    Someone held a door open for me today. It puts a different perspective on life when you've hold seemingly hundreds of doors open for people, and then one time it happens for you. I had half a mind to go through the other door. There were two. "You don't control me, bitch." But I went through, and even held it and looked behind me for any others coming through while thanking the person. Hopefully that person feels like they cured cancer because of the sheer amount of pure honest thanks ...
  5. Taking advantage of the heat.

    by , 07-19-2013 at 08:53 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    I ended up not watching the live chat that Eat Your Kimchi had last night. I was so tired that I figured I would take a quick nap until it started. I left my computer on the web page that way I would wake up when it started. And I did wake up. But only to turn off my computer and go back to sleep.

    I then watched it when I got back from Sinking Spring at 9am. I wish I had watched it live though. It was really funny. And their cat was featured in it as well. Meemers is so cute! ...
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