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  1. Reminder: Don't EVER believe a thing that Dad says.

    by , 05-02-2013 at 07:22 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    It looks like Dad was trying to start trouble when he said that Georgia told off the other staff members at the office. I was told today that the event didn't happen at all. I don't know who to believe. I don't work again until Monday, so I will have to wait until then to find out.

    While I wait, I will be spending the weekend gaming. I haven't played anything yet today, but the day isn't over yet. This weekend's plan is to finish Final Fantasy XIII. I am so close.
  2. Platinum, and the next stage in my plan to be King of the Web

    by , 05-01-2013 at 06:59 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    Really early this morning (about 3am) I received my first Platinum Trophy. I finished Sly Copper and the Thievius Raccoonus. The game was alright, if a little easy. Actually, a lot easy. I guess they need the speed trials to offer some challenge. I don't plan on doing them, because I have completed the story, and there aren't any trophies for them either. I think I will start on Sly 2 this weekend.

    I also played more Jetpack Joyride. I really like the Profit Bird and Mr. Cuddles ...
  3. Bat Shit Crazy Coming To Clarksville... Maybe

    Someone shoot me. Please.

    Cherie just called me talking about "I'm fixing to be on my way there like -right now-". She's freaking out about God Knows What (I just tune her out 'cuz I can't deal with it. It's like a bad country song).

    So apparently she's trying to find a way to get a free Greyhound ticket to come here. I have no idea wtf to do. I can't back out now and say "Oh sorry, you can't come." Because I already promised her.

  4. It's a bit sad when the best part of your day

    Is breaking boxes down for recycling.

    When I got to work today there weren't any dishes to deal with, the place was pretty much dead. The manager came into the kitchen and asked if I could sort out the boxes in the basements. Yes there were two of them. So with craft-knife in hand I spent a good hour and a half cutting down and folding piles and piles of cardboard boxes, and it was the most fun I've had at work in all the time I've been there. I seriously considered running away and ...
  5. French Fries

    by , 04-30-2013 at 07:31 PM (The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle)
    I downloaded Jetpack Joyride from PSN today. It seemed like a fun mindless game when I was reading the description. And it is. And that's why I have spent hours playing it today. It's so fun! I have almost reached 5000 meters. Almost. In my friends rankings, I am second. To Dodie16. Overall, I am somewhere between 60,000 and 70,000.

    I played a couple multiplayer deathmatches in Grand Theft Auto IV. I didn't do too bad. I was hoping to get invited by the pro team to play ...