It looks like Dad was trying to start trouble when he said that Georgia told off the other staff members at the office. I was told today that the event didn't happen at all. I don't know who to believe. I don't work again until Monday, so I will have to wait until then to find out. While I wait, I will be spending the weekend gaming. I haven't played anything yet today, but the day isn't over yet. This weekend's plan is to finish Final Fantasy XIII. I am so close. ...
Really early this morning (about 3am) I received my first Platinum Trophy. I finished Sly Copper and the Thievius Raccoonus. The game was alright, if a little easy. Actually, a lot easy. I guess they need the speed trials to offer some challenge. I don't plan on doing them, because I have completed the story, and there aren't any trophies for them either. I think I will start on Sly 2 this weekend. I also played more Jetpack Joyride. I really like the Profit Bird and Mr. Cuddles ...
Someone shoot me. Please. Cherie just called me talking about "I'm fixing to be on my way there like -right now-". She's freaking out about God Knows What (I just tune her out 'cuz I can't deal with it. It's like a bad country song). So apparently she's trying to find a way to get a free Greyhound ticket to come here. I have no idea wtf to do. I can't back out now and say "Oh sorry, you can't come." Because I already promised her. ...
Is breaking boxes down for recycling. When I got to work today there weren't any dishes to deal with, the place was pretty much dead. The manager came into the kitchen and asked if I could sort out the boxes in the basements. Yes there were two of them. So with craft-knife in hand I spent a good hour and a half cutting down and folding piles and piles of cardboard boxes, and it was the most fun I've had at work in all the time I've been there. I seriously considered running away and ...
I downloaded Jetpack Joyride from PSN today. It seemed like a fun mindless game when I was reading the description. And it is. And that's why I have spent hours playing it today. It's so fun! I have almost reached 5000 meters. Almost. In my friends rankings, I am second. To Dodie16. Overall, I am somewhere between 60,000 and 70,000. I played a couple multiplayer deathmatches in Grand Theft Auto IV. I didn't do too bad. I was hoping to get invited by the pro team to play ...