Somehow, I noticed that the guy in your sig suddenly disappeared... Creepy.
So, we need to fix that famous quote now: Fate is the best medicine.
Ugh. I hate that text restriction your sig... Weren't you tired an hour ago? Or did I rejuvenate you up again?
I know. Wow, these messages keep blocking out each other.
Yet, somehow, this isn't...
oh by the way you can call me Endy if you like to
lol I told you Ender is a word
Déjà vu much?
Oh, my God!
Endy! It almost sounds like Andy, but it's much better.
Well, not properly a word. Like how Infinite Undiscovery is a game, but Undiscovery isn't a word.
Up until today, I never knew that ender wasn't an actual word. I might call you Endy.
I have no clue what to call you, though, when talking to you. Fantasy Ender seems too long and awkward, so I'll have to pull out one of my nicknames again.
I was just about to ask that. I'll add you straight away.
I... can't seem to finish it. I get killed near the end so badly...
Send an Instant Message to ~FANTASY-ENDER~ Using...
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
I am confused
Arachnie Suicide
Anti- anything preppy
Australian Goof
Chocobo Sage
Registered User
Au revoir.
Tsuna Feesh
...means nothing to no way
The Hero
Professional Klutz.
TFF's Token Imp
The Journey Continues
Cilla vs. Games
Asking all the personal questions.