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    You brought Kin with you?
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    Before Lady Gaga I functioned on Blondie and the Culture Club
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    not so much boring as it is filled with being content. I'd take that over excitement any day.
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    could you do me a favour and pick up a big crate of vanilla coke and ship it to ireland?

    edit: actually, just fill up a 747 at work and tell the pilot to fly to an airport in ireland
  5. View Conversation
    That's great. Achievement is a great feeling

    Um, well, the minions are coming along okay. Not getting a lot of fans on FB but I'm branching out into making minion jewerly. So far I have earrings and hairsticks. The pom pom ones are really cute though. How is the beach? There is no beach near where I live
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    I couldn't resist.
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    No it don't make you a nerd. It makes you an avid aircraft enthusiast.

    Yea? I'm sure you have noticed that I really like inappropriate things, so throw it over to me pm if its worth it

    ps. sorry for bombarding your page with silly pictures.
  8. View Conversation
    Just looked up them planes... they are some machines!
    I really like engines and machinery...

    That kinda stuff turns me on.... nah haha
    but I do love engineering... perhaps that ties in with the whole love of building things! lol

    I much prefere using cash that cards... I find it weird... although I have recently become an internet shopper.. thats crazy weird, click on something you want, ..few days later its at your door WTF!
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    I recognize the art, but just from stills. I don't think I've actually watched it before.
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    I suppose so. Then again I'm a guy too. There'd be less temptation for him there, haha.

    Yay monies! You can never go wrong with monies. And I've never had membership to a gym. I used my buddy's equipment for a while, but then I stopped because schedules conflicted. Now I just run. Also got this wheel thing with handles on the sides that you use for your abs (you ever seen one of those? It's pretty cool. They're hard to do when you start though.) and a couple 20 lb weights that I use sometimes. Not as much as I used to.

    I got the job And I took one online class before, way back in like '03 when I first started college. It didn't seem too bad; I started the first week failing the class and came out of it with a B. Don't really remember what the instructor was like, but he seemed nice.

    I am not in a band. There have been times where I wanted to be, and different people have wanted me to be, but I'm too lazy to actually learn an instrument halfway decent, heh. I wanna buy a bass and play that-I started learning to play one a couple years ago. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
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    Nope not that I know of. I've watched so much I lose track of titles so lol.
  12. View Conversation
    I'm gonna go back to school probably, online. I'm unsure of it, but I want to do it I think. Although if I just got a full time job that paid well enough and had benefits, I'd be set too. I've been working as a substitute janitor for the local school district, and there's no work during the Summer unless someone is injured or takes a vacation or something. This is a temporary janitor job with the district, pays like a normal janitorial job (like 2 dollars more) and would last me through the Summer. I also hear that once you get hired like that, they try to find you other work, so I'd have one foot in the door (finally.)

    Hope you can find a good job too. Also hope you keep up the good fight against that guy. Don't take any of his crap! Really, you should make him sleep out on the couch probably, but eh. So are you done with school and such though, or are you still going? Seems like you talked about it before, IIRC. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
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    But it will definitely be worth all the hard work. Being a pilot is really something.
    Whats your favourite type of plane. I watched a series once about a guy who built a plane from a kit... really interesting..

    I hate exams so much, they are mostly memory tests imo, I just memorize tons of info a couple of weeks before the test then it usually goes away, but maybe it stays there somewhere and will revisit me when I need it... i dunno

    BOYS RUEL!! haha I don't know, I've always loved building things!! ... I don't NEED it but it will come in handy for holding books and will look good and compliment the existing furniture in the kitchen

    Gigs going good, giving me some pocket money to buy nice things with so I'm happy enough. got another one this sunday at some festival,

    psst... you do it too?? phew I thought I was the only one, ... it works though right?? shoes are for the conformists!!
  14. View Conversation
    I like this one because he says the f-word during the chorus, haha:

    Been looking for work. I was all hyped up to get this one job after my last job ended, but then I thought I wasn't getting it because they didn't call me before the job was supposed to start. Then yesterday I got a call for an interview the same job, so yay! How are you?
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    Congrats on passing your Aero Test. Lol I'm such a dork that the first thought I had was Aero being the black magic from FF. Good luck with the rest.

    I'm doing okay, just trying to survive this massive heat wave. I'll be glad when autumn is here. Thank you for asking
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Date of Birth
April 16
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Chillin' by the Whiskey Cabinet
Final Fantasy; Aviation Management
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Flight Coordonator; Aviation Industry
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The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
(my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
ve yourself
is what i said
not "do you"

Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
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