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    Yeah I'm not following.
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    hey sorry for the delay

    I just got to work, I was sleeping all dayl How was work?
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    Doomtrain isn't worth the trouble of aquiring tbh i do it anyway but it's not worth it haha
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    Ahahaha, I will then. Thanks for the advice People say that I tend to blurt out things without thinking, that's something I need to get rid of I suppose.

    Cool! So I'm older than your sister by a day huh? I also happen to know another person who practically shares the same day, allthough we're one year apart.

    Ohh, where do you go to school? I know that there's a lot of well-known universities there in Toronto. Have you ever been out of Canada, for a vacation sometime?
  5. View Conversation
    Oh, lol. Well thanks again for letting me add you & I hope your day is going well
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    That works You can add me to your family if you'd like as well!
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    Btw, I'm trying to expand my TFF Family, would you like to join it?
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    I like it alot here, actually. Everyone has been so welcoming and pleasant; I couldn't have asked for much more
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    ikr!!! I still haven't been to sleep yet! O.O Get to work lady and we'll talk next time. It's been a pleasure and you are a sweetie!! ^_^

    Take care and have a wonderful evening!!!
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    I don't have anything even akin to privacy, so unless I want to start the next world war I am keeping all of my thoughts to myself. When I get worked up they are sooo not pretty!! I have chased a guy away before, and even though I knew I was doing it I didn't stop. I think I'm well rid of him, so it doesn't really bother me any more. Moving on can be torture!

    That is a pretty good feeling, you can focus on yourself and get back to what really matters.
  11. View Conversation
    You seem to have things pretty well figured out. That's always a nice feeling.
  12. View Conversation
    Yep!! You'll go nuts if you let every little thing get to you. I write and delete notes to myself all day long when I get irritated so nobody else has to put up with my drama. It makes me happy to get it out, even though no one else will ever see it. I have to say that since I decided to start letting things go I have been a much happier person. It just kinda sucks that it took so much drama to come to that conclusion. That's life though, and you gotta take the good with the bad.
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    I am really bad about telling people that I've heard their stories before. I usually just say that I think I remember them saying something about it before. It never seems to stop them though. I'm too much of a peacekeeper, I guess.

    I know what you mean. It's one thing if you gotta get it out, but let the matter rest after that. You'll be so much happier that way, and so will the poor sap that you're ranting to. (not YOU of course, just in general lol)
  14. View Conversation
    I hear you!!! I feel like screaming when someone tells me the same story more than twice. I need the second time to remember it. hehe I'm not entirely sure what's worse though, repeating yourself, or hearing someone else do it. o.O

    I have been accused of being quiet myself on many occasions, and even won a prank award for it once. It's not that I'm quiet, not at all. I am just not going to talk about things I care nothing about to try and make nice with people I probably wouldn't get along with anyways.
  15. View Conversation
    Exactly!! hahaha I can't stand having to lead a conversation. There are better things to do with my time than talking about things I care nothing about or endlessly repeating things that have already been said. It's better just to speak when there is actually something to say.
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April 16
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Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
(my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
ve yourself
is what i said
not "do you"

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