Hey, happy birthday!
I haven't agreed with any of your movie recommendations as of late, but anyway.. Happy birthday pal!
Happy birthday mate.
Happy birth, young man. Go out unto the universe and drink your pilsners until ye be satisfied.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, have a good one.
Happy Birthday!!!!
Random Fact 1 Haha I was looking through some of the older Gen chat threads and noticed you had already done a thread about eggs BEFORE I did mine haha, I should have looked through before aww well what's done is done.
At least you enjoyed it. It sounds like you prefer filler episodes? I cannot stand them, I feel like im wasting my time when I watch them.
You know I remember him saying that his artwork wouldn't look good in motion or something to that affect years ago. I'll have to check upon this movie of his when the time comes.
I can't give you thanks but you made such a valid point about Amano's style. People tend to forget or just plainly ignore that Amano's style is way more androgynous than Nomura or whomever else.
Have you started watching any of the Gundam shows?
That's awesome! It's got to be Eddie Brock though. If they didn't I would be massively disappointed
Sorry, I didn't know the right term. Maybe not ATB system...but I meant the battle system of the earlier games, like FFVII, VIII, IX ect.
Yeah, he was great in Inception too. Superman Returns was...ok. It wasn't nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be. Definitely better than Superman 3 (although almost anything is better than Superman 3). Brandon Routh does make a good Superman. I hadn't heard of a Venom movie. Venom is an all time favourite of mine, so I am hoping it goes well.
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