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  1. View Conversation
    Right so you've cut out your image then you drag it to a new image. (Make sure you set it at background colour.) Then get out the rubber tool and zoom in, because of the black or any other colour background, you can get a good view of flaws and other little errors. Am I making any sense?
  2. View Conversation
    So you want to rub out part of the image?
  3. View Conversation
    Right I think I can answer your first question:
    When you have opened the image, go to image at the top, click mode and go to greyscale, this discards all the colour information on your image.
    And for your second question I don't quite understand what you mean. Do you want the background to turn transparent or something else?
  4. View Conversation
    I am in fact familiar with Photoshop, what would you like to know? I'll try my best to answer for you.
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    I'm researching about Stem Cell research... It's pretty interesting but homework is to find out about the for's and the against's and why they are for and against it... -_-' It's kinda pointless seeing how we already did this all in the lesson!
  6. View Conversation
    Not a lot of progress actually... I'm buried in homework, I'm using this Laptop for research at the moment!
  7. View Conversation
    Hmmm. Then I think I might take the chance
  8. View Conversation
    Very little. How are the images coming? (I'm in no hurry)
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    I was thinking about getting it but there are a lot of left over used ones at game stores and It makes me think it might not be that good.
  10. View Conversation
    'sup Xanatos?
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    You have heard good things about Twilight Princess??
  12. View Conversation
    It could of been worse your right. I'm currently going on deviant art to go on How to draw Anime tutorials and practice doing them. Thanks for the complement, I bet you won't believe this but Adam was the one that got me into sig making, he told me to have a go at making one and I came out with his one. It is a good game, I bought a PSP 2 months in advance for that game and I promise you it's worth it, the hype won't let you down!
  13. View Conversation
    Oh right, that's why you've been quiet. That make's a lot of sense, it must be hard to be doing two things at once. I know I should get involved more in discussions, I don't know why I haven't been, I will do soon enough.
    Adam's ok actually, I tell him to come online more often but he mostly only comes online at my house, don't know why he does but he does. He's fine by the way.
    I'm just making signatures to pass the time at the moment, I got the new Dissidia: Final Fantasy and I've really gotten into it, other than that I've just been in bed watching videos and posting on here.
  14. View Conversation
    I've been ill to be honest so not so good. Sorry to here that we beat you but I'm not a soccer fan so either way is fine for me. I've joined the Anime fan club and I am starting my drawing pretty soon. I just need to buy in some pencils, markers and whatever else I need. I must say it's a wonder I don't speak to you more often but you seem to be very quiet lately.
    I've also noticed you've made friends with my best friend Gilgameshed up (Adam), he lives right next to me actually, around 20 houses down so it's a quick walk to his house. He stays at mine on Friday's and I stay at his on the Saturday's. It's good to hear from you anyway, are you doing anything new at the moment?
  15. View Conversation
    Not spoken to you in a while...
    How is it going?
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About Xanatos

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May 21, 1989 (35)
About Xanatos
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Drawing, playing football (soccer) and table tennis, playing games, collecting anime series and movies...
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Final Fantasy IX
Student (currently)


Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity


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06-27-2020 07:22 AM
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