Here is a Quote I know, but in Spanish: Cállate Idiota. Can you figure out what that means in English? Oh, and Hey Xan LOL
Nah.. I'm not that expert.. but I do Love drawing in Anime styLe.. I have an Art thread, showing off my skiLLs, there you'LL see my originaL character drawings.. have you seen it yet? ALso.. within this week I'm pLanning to upLoad photos of my first ever FanArt drawings.. exampLes are from One Piece and TaLes of The Abyss (game).. and of course.. I'm working now on my DeviantArt account.. :-)
I use the tools of RPG Maker... I said that i used Rpg maker vx, Yah.
and.. goodLuck on your exams.. you can aLways fix your drawing after your exam.. since the contest wiLL be ended at the end of this month.. so you have, I think.. a coupLe of weeks.. :-)
It wouLd be more fair to have one character.. since, we don't know if aLL the contestant or the members who'LL be participating can draw a group of characters.. and aLso, so that it wouLd not be compLicated.. :-)
No, it's o.k.. I decided to extend this Drawing Contest.. up to the end of this month.. since, no one stiLL sending their drawings, so far, you're not the onLy one.. don't worry, Im not mad or something.. :-)
You bet! The sprite is going to be an type who can be used in VX. I really need them if i want to continue my RPG... And maybe use an lot of easier scripts -.- Cuz it's either that my computer dies or that the scripts stop working.
How fares the arting?
You'll see...
Yeah, it does suck...I wish it lasted like 6 Months instead of 2...LOL
I'm good. Just Busy as well, and yeah, I don't have as much free time as I used to. I wish I was still on Summer Vacation...Then I can start posting, and stay Connected with my Friends and stuff. Oh well.
Hey Xanatos How r u?
Question, vould you find/make a pic of what you would look like in the RP should you join? I'll want it to make a better cover.
Glad you like it! It's my "RP pic" one could say!
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