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  1. View Conversation
    I was kind of hoping for Victorian England. I thought that would have been cool. It would have a been a really nice setting. But I like the one they have set now.

    I think the movement looks really nice and fluid in ACIII. The trees make it seem really nice to play, and I'm surprised they did not add tree movement in the previous game (especially Bortherhood).
  2. View Conversation
    Well, that being said, it's still a good game with a lot of redeeming features. But definitely a lot more flaws than the previous games. I still liked it and still finished it without playing any other games in between, like I have done with the other games in the series.

    I just can't wait for ACIII. Looks like it could be the best yet.
  3. View Conversation
    To be honest, I found it a bit disappointing. From a gameplay point of view, the game is good, but still has the good and bad of the previous games with a few additions. The additions are ok, like the use of the hookblade and the zip lines, but some of the additions are awful, like the tower defense-style minigame to take over Assassin lairs.

    The story is good though, and is essential to the series, so it's worth a pick up. I just find it a lot more flawed than the previous games. One thing a do like though is they have made the game more difficult than the last ones. Don't know about you, but I thought the other games (main plotline wise) were pretty easy.
  4. View Conversation
    Thats just it though, you just need good aim for fast paced games like UT. I have never seen a game demand even remotely enough team work than counter strike. I think its the realism that separates them, i think thats what draws people to it and also makes a watchable game as a spectator. Now i didnt spend too much time in the UT pool, i just didnt like the set up, despite my love for CTF. But my old CS team mate was a big player in the UK for most of the UT boom, he boasted to be second best in the UK, even pointed out the fella that was number 1 to me at lan...ANYWAY! They had both drifted to different games, because the games offered so much more.. Thats why UT is pretty much dead now, sadly.

    Source has done more for the competitive fps scene than any other game, it's a pity the CGS flopped, it was a major step back and alot of people drifted away from source then and there hasn't been a game like it since
  5. View Conversation
    Thank you very much
  6. View Conversation
    Nah our own personal preferences don't matter on the grand scale of things, CS is without a doubt the best team based fps in history to date. I'm talking from a competitive level of course, UT never really got there, which is sad as they were fun games.
  7. View Conversation
    Well damn! lmao
  8. View Conversation
    Yeah I agree with you, I hope there's only a mural or one of those holograms beacons that portrays him as the Engineer. But I don't want them to talk an analyze it; just a silent part of the film where maybe a pair stare at each other in affirmation.

    Tons of background on the Engineers themselves must be told and hopefully there's have time to explain why the Xenomorphs came to be the most adaptable species in the Universe .. if they don't accomplish all that, I demand a 3rd movie!! Be pretty fresh if there was also a tiny glimpse in to the past of the advanced creation of the Predators as well, if they chose to accept them in the story-arc..
    I'm dead-set in having a true version of Alien vs. Predator that quits that crappy Michael Bay cliche creating a story revolved around humans. The Dark Horse comics that AvP originated from is what gave me aspiration for future sci-fi. Let's avoid mundane Earth and proceed to a time in the future where we have space marines trained for a war.

    Don't remember the last time a movie made me actually think in anticipation afterwards. With this, it's director's cut or bust when purchasing a hard copy.
  9. View Conversation
    To quote Ridley entirely "sequence at the beginning of the film that is fundamentally creation. It's donation, in the sense that the weight and the construction of the DNA of those aliens is way beyond what we can possibly imagine," Adding that the planet isn't necessarily Earth, he says "No, it doesn't have to be. That could be anywhere. That could be any planet anywhere. All he's doing is acting as a gardener in space. And the plant life, in fact, is the disintegration of himself. If you parallel that idea with the other sacrificial elements in history - which are clearly illustrated with the Mayans and the Incas - he would live for one year as a prince, and at the end of that year, he would be taken and donated to the gods in hopes of improving what might happen next year, be it with the crops or weather, et cetera."

    In the deleted scenes of the original film there were around 10 elder Engineers on the ground seeing the younger 'sacrifice' off in a farewell.

    Unfortunately this might be some sick way for him to slowly spoil the story for everyone. Which in that case would mean it was Earth and that Jesus is going to turn out to be really be an Engineer that we sacrificed, ..revenge story. Honestly though I don't care if it was or wasn't. What I was getting at that was that everyone on the internet posting their translations saying "FACT: it is Earth" even when Scott never directly said so.

    As a long time "Alien" film admirer, I watch in hopes to see humans get wasted for their errors and anticipate a full on war. In the process get a history lesson of the Xenomorphs and the Engineers. I hope he doesn't even touch base with that scene again and leaves it as an interpretation. I am not engaging these movies to focus on the "human story."

    Fun to talk about though, I thought the film was brilliant aside from some of the idle discussions between the characters.
  10. View Conversation
    There's a lot of money in it! I hope it goes well for you. =) I'm glad I've finally escaped Math though.
  11. View Conversation
    Tunnels and shit sounds interesting... sorta. What is it exactly you're doing? History?
  12. View Conversation
    Are you the non-American me? rofl I swear, you and I agree on damn near everything!
  13. View Conversation
    Games Development. I get to make boxes like this:

    ****ING BOXES! YEAH. Textures and all. ;3
  14. View Conversation
    Yeah, you too! You have to let me know what's going on in life regularly because I demand it.
  15. View Conversation
    I've been great! I've just been away because of college and things. Now I have nothing to do, it's time to return here and make some posts. ;3
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