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  1. View Conversation
    neooo, why do you hate FF5?
  2. View Conversation
    Lol if only it were that easy
  3. View Conversation
    NAhh i heard there was a comic book stall in my local market but it closed before i heard of it so.. I'm out of luck
  4. View Conversation
    Yes, it seems some people have a slight attraction for their fears.
    Now if it were a damn, Waterfall, or any other loud fixture of water, then i would be hesitant. ^-^
  5. View Conversation
    It was Squall~Dissidia, it became annoying cause pretty much it was only me that used ~ so i changed it.

    Although yeah i noticed you back around here but i remember us talking about football a few times and seeing as my team are sucky now i was trying to come up with something to talk about.

    Also I'm fine but my exam's are in May/June so teachers are relentless now, you?
  6. View Conversation
    You ought to listen to Within Temptation's new album tracks if you haven't already. They are absolutely INCREDIBLE. X______X

  7. View Conversation
    Haha wow. Nicest rep comment ever.
  8. View Conversation
    Make a single one for every one you do. *points to sub forums*
  9. View Conversation
    No, you can quote my posts if you want. I just won't react "out of hand" over it, even if I sense something. Bleh, why do you speak with a higher vocab?
    I mean, my Psych told me I should stop because people might take it offensively to their intellect. Is it habitual or do you think before you post?
  10. View Conversation
    I'm not going to act as I feel anymore.
    I will abstain from acting arrogant, well, directly.
    How about we start anew?
  11. View Conversation
    Cool man. Thanks for being accepting; it makes things easier
  12. View Conversation
    Well that's the thing. They may not make sense to you but they might to others.
    Not directly accusing you. You have before and this is pointing a broad spectrum of those who held the same opinion with me.
    And just so you know, any more arrogant or insolent replies to me will no longer be taken seriously, or will I put any thought into them unless they hold relevance in truth.
  13. View Conversation
    You should check what Odin sent me today in a VM. At the end he points at you so I'm thinking he is referring to the VM you last sent me which is about the "Who's got the Gambits playing the game for them?" thread, which I responded twice.

    If that wasn't what Odin was talking about then I told him to be more clear which from my observations is something hard for him to do.

    This last part is for Odin who I'm guessing will see this eventually and probably rage a bit. *Waves* Yes, I can make observations even if you don't like them.
  14. View Conversation
    Not attempting to be an ass.
    Just don't talk about me behind me.
    I came to say this.
    From now on, how about we not argue, infact, how about we NOT respond to each others posts. Ever, cause apparently, we will never get along.
  15. View Conversation
    Yeah, it never ceases to amaze me. I just posted in there as well stating that and the differences between what taking away the junction & materia system to Gambits. I also like how the gambits play the game but it is the player who sets up the gambits, who keeps the gambits on. Gambits don't automatically program themselves in the most efficient manner, it takes player input.

    Humans and their silliness.
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May 21, 1989 (35)
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
Drawing, playing football (soccer) and table tennis, playing games, collecting anime series and movies...
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