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  1. Hey Man, How You Been?
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    Thankies for understanding. ^^

    But I said I'd get it to you, and this time you shall. >=D
  3. View Conversation
    I'm really, really, really sorry with how long it's taking my to make your siggy banner and avatar. I've hit a good few busy days in the last week, and I'll try and get it to you before Friday.

    I've cut everything out, just need to work on designs.
  4. View Conversation
    What the hell just happened to your VMs. [Looks down]
  5. View Conversation
    You!,,, again?!
  6. View Conversation
    Who's losing their cool? ;-) I'm perfectly content.
  7. View Conversation
    "Not Discussed" Exactly so shut it, and,,,

    Oooooooooooooh you caught everything on your first playthough. WOW, I'm like really impressed now. Geeeeeee what will I do without knowing every little thing about this game that I haven't played in years. Ahhhhh the headaches are commencing,, what shall I DO?!?!? LOLOLOL. Listen G-Money, stop being so defensive, and quit wasting your breath justifying it. I'm sorry that you love 9 so much that you've got this need to try and drag down my impressions of 7 (THE BETTER GAME), but believe me when I say that I'm laughing at you. Your attempts are far more pathetic than my simple campaign against it, because I at least genuinely don't find the game appealing,,,, and you what? genuinely obsess over my opinion? Good for you. You keep that up, and I'll keep spending my time on trips to vegas & chicago, NBA season tickets, and my hot wife who would join me in mocking your adolescent goatee.
  8. View Conversation
    Ok but it's not discussed in FF7's original game that Sepheroth is immortal, so again,,, I'm not concerned.

    Hummmm,, how did Jenova escape with a mutilated body? I'm not sure what you're getting at here, but as I recall, and mind you I haven't studied the matter in the 5 years or more since I've touched the game, as I'm not an uber geek who plays every game annually, but the remains of Jenova were frozen in ice in the north and preserved that way. Sooooo what is your question about that exactly? Seems pretty straight forward.

    And no, again you missed the point. My views did not change with my favorite game. I'm not ignoring the facts you present, I'm merely stating that they aren't apparent in 7. It feels like a fleshed out and complete work, whereas 9 feels like there was very little time spent enhancing the game with enjoyable side quests, meaningful FMV's, or easily identifyable and significant references to the series. Instead there were trivial and tedious side quests, short and irrelevant FMV's, and typically extremely vague or obscure references, none of which really mattered to the story.

    PS - I like the little sparse "I just started shaving yesterday" goatee you've got going on there.
  9. View Conversation
    Insults? Coming from Mr. Passive aggressive? Don't play coy. And I'm not upset. I'm amuzed at your perceived success in trolling me. ;-)

    But your take on why I would accept 7's rushed process and not 9's is fundamentally flawed. You see, whatever they intended to happen with the resurrection angle, it "worked" to have it actualy not happen, and to turn out the way it did. So you're not busting me on being shortsighted like you think that you are. I GET IT,,,, trust me.

    And with the Sepheroth thing. I've already told you, if it has anything to do with what's mentioned in the sequels or prequels, I really don't care. Those were made later as pure dollers & cents additions for fanboys. I only play the main numbered series, and whatever flaw they created in story logic after that, no matter how valid it may be is something I don't claim to know anything about, nor do I care about.

    I'll say it again. I've played the whole series unobjectively. 9 was the only game that bored me, and it did so the entire game. I'll repeat. I did not set out playing it with an agenda to knock it, flame you over it, or do anything other than enjoy it. Unfortunately it's just not that great of a game.
  10. View Conversation
    Mkay,,,,,,, yes,, there is a mysterious evil plan I have for ignoring the facts you have presented. Muah ha ha ha. It is sooooo evil that you wouldn't believe it. You see I had set out with an agenda long ago, to hate everything to do with the number 9. Muah ha ha ha ha ha! It was that damn count on sesame st, always counting to the number 9. I remember it as though it were yesterday. 9 he says, 9. And then that F-ing cookie monster showed up and ate 9 cookies. Ooooooh you can imagine the trama.

    But 7, the number 7 reminds me of happy memories. A nice round number, and when I saw the 7th cookie cumbling in that blue bastard's face, I said to myself, "You know 7 cookies is really enough, dontcha think?" And I decided that faitfull cookie eating, number counting day, to hate everything to do with the number 9 no matter how great, and to ignore all detriments cast at anything to do with the number 7!!!

    CAN'T YOU SEE!!!!!!!! My plan is BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Listen tard. I'm perfectly familiar with the events of 7, and on a completely unbiased and otherwise enjoyable 1st run at 9, I didn't care for it. It felt unfished the entire way. It felt unispired. It felt anti-climactic. It didn't once excite me as every single other game in the series has! It's not blind. It's bordom!!!

    Conversely 7 felt glorious, alive, and epic. Flaws and all bring em on, I'm not blind. Good for the flaws! Guess what? Every movie you love that was ever made has 101 versions that were written and last second changes that some members of the crew would determine as either flaws or unfinished little bits. So what? 7 in the end felt complete. 9 felt like they were trying to placate people who pined for castles and feminine main characters. ;-) Enjoy all that. :-)
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    Aerith's resurection was implied with her brief appearance in the final FMV,,, you know where her face flashed and it was somewhat obvious that she had given her life willingly in able to guide the planets life energy when holy was cast.

    You've got what answer? LOL,,, that you made some point about 7? If you think I'm simply biased for the sake of it then you're missing the point. Whether 7 had production flaws or omissions isn't really the issue. It's how that came across in the final product. As I said before, I didn't set out to dislike 9, it just gave me no reason not to. That's on the game, not me.
  12. View Conversation
    No, it's not mere opinion at all. I've left numerous facts each time that pin the game at a lesser standard. IE: The card game didn't even come with rules, and was a clear attempt to copy 8's game. IE: The FMV sequences were exceedingly short and were most often used as makeup instead of to highlight interesting plot developments. IE: Trance was useless for the most part, and inarguably uncontrollable.

    All of these things demonstrate a lack of dilligent thought by the creators. I felt that way throughout the whole game, that I kept waiting for something interesting to do, or to be able to make a choice. But there were no choices. It's just plain shortsighted. I'm playing 2 right now, and am 10 hours into it and have already made more choices than I made in 9, so it's not just that no game can ever live up to a standard I have. 9 was just rushed and needed another 6 months of work to become more complete.

    So I take every opportunity, because I find it amuzing that people would rank it as their favorite. I mean if people just said, yeah I like the mood, and so it's my 4th or 5th favorite, then I wouldn't care. But BEST GAME IN THE SERIES? There's just nothing in that game that justifies a BEST GAME IN THE SERIES ranking. Best at what exactly?
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    Hey thanks for replying to my homework thread id rep you but i dont know how...
  14. View Conversation
    Sure, I don't mind. ^^
    Can you provide me with some images and names (in case I can find something too)?

    I'll get to work on it, and you'll have it in a few days. ^^
  15. View Conversation
    Because it's fun, and I enjoy making points. I really feel strongly that the gameplay was lacking, but I do thank you for the list of references, because it was an enjoyable read, and will definately enhance the replay value of the game for me. So that's good. Still, I just could not get over how pewny the sidequests and card games felt to me, nor how linear the progression was. You couldn't do anything except for whatever the "next" thing was for the longest time. I literally kept telling myself "don't worry, something will happen soon." I did just find out though that there was a "friendly enemy" quest to that energy ball enemy. Now that sounds fun, so there's a plus that might get this game up for me.

    Truthfully though, I don't set out to bash a game. I love all of these games, but when I got to 9, it was just a drag to press through the game. Even 12 now, I was absolutely pumped to play and I just finished it. The first 60 hours or so, I was mega excited. Never felt that way about 9. It was sluggish from the start and never picked up. BUT, I did get bogged down with 12. Once you moved north from the Estersands, the forest, the phon coast, Nabudis, Nabrues, none of it offered anything to do, so there was a 10 hour stretch of bore fest unfortunately, and then it never really got me back in after that. But I'm playing 2 now, and it's thrilling tbh. Always things to moniter or update or memorize. So I'm equal opportunity, but calling 9 the best in the series, is a gross exageration in my view, so much so that I feel the need to campaign against it. If it was like my 3rd favorite game it wouldn't be a big deal, but seriously, I'd rather play 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, or 10 well before I played 9.
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