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    Anytime, we now all have access to the library and HTML has been unlocked in that particular section of the forum. Lets divy up the goods and get this pony on the road!
  2. View Conversation
    I didn't want a phone card. ^^" I had my cell phone, that was all I needed. I didn't want to phone my parents that often. This must sound as if I don't like them, but you must imagine that.. well, somehow, I got to bed when they just got up xD

    Ah, so there are also Yellowstone parks in the US... That was what I was confused about... I'll just skip your sarcasm now. xP

    I don't think I get power from my sister, but well... xD I think it's the bed. It's much softer than mine at home. Perhaps that's the reason.. idk... .-.

    You were still asleep at 11.23 am?! O_o"" How long do you sleep??? XD

    As you can see.. I'm pretty tired... I'll answer your pm later, if I remember it. xD" I just wanted to write to let you know that I've been here.. but I've got no motivation to do anything today. ~..~"
  3. View Conversation
    Yes, most of the times you really don't have enough motivation to do something creative. It's sad, but it's not that bad at all. I wanted to write my FFVIII review yesterday... but then I was too tired. Also, I didn't write the next chapter of the story I have to write yet... meh...

    To be honest, I missed them a lot. The reason I was not phoning... was money. It always comes down to money, doesn't it? xD It was quite expensive to phone from India to my parents. .-." I just wrote them a few times when I needed advice. That wasn't often. And besides, I don't like it when they're around for too long. I need distance after a while. I couldn't stand seeing them 24/7. ^^" Besides... I only missed my mother.

    So where the heck is Yellowstone?! O_o Isn't it a... national park thing in England?! Somehow I got irritated by your talking about Yellowstone... xD"

    I don't think that Stupid likes me. Don't be stupid, Corporal Punishment xP There's no way he'd like me - he's more interested in other girls with... bigger eyes. XD I hope you understand what I mean. xD He flirted with a few of the other girls, but he didn't dare to flirt with me. x3 He'd just seen that I needed help and helped me - as a colleague.

    Since I'm at my sister's place I somehow really sleep well. o_o" This morning I woke up at 8 am and got up immediately. xD" I was widely awake, although normally I don't get up earlier than 10 am ^^"""

    So, I don't know what time it is in Oregon, but... have a nice day xP

  4. View Conversation
    Don't call yourself stupid. You're not! >_< *poke*

    Hm... you remind me of my own story which I write for a contest... I've to write the next chapter soon... xD" Otherwise, it'll be too late. <_<" But I've no time... today I also worked too long. -.- I should've gone home at 1 pm but I got home at 5 pm.... But today I got the money for work and... well, to be honest, it's quite much, but I've worked hard for it. xD"

    Hahaha, my dad and me together in India... that would've been overkill... I didn't want to talk to him when I was there. ^^" Sometimes my parents phoned me and then my father always told me what I've done wrong. -_-" That the Indians were a bit afraid because I didn't eat breakfast one day, because I've said "no" to someone (have I mentioned that I can't be polite? XD), etc. -.- It was really annoying everytime he phoned me... <_<" As for my mom... she always wanted to reassure herself that I was okay, still feeling well, not being ill and such. When she saw me at the airport she even cried 'cause she was so happy that I came home alive. XD""""

    When I was younger I always wanted to come to the US, we've family there. I've never met them before, so I wanted to meet them, like the rest of the family did. (They went there without me because I was only 6 then xD") But it's expensive, it's a long way... and I don't have anywhere I could go. xP But I'll research if I've family in Oregon.

    Stupid wasn't that stupid today. oo Somehow he really impressed me. When I couldn't handle something, he said "Let me do it" - like a gentleman. I was really surprised that he even talked to me after what had happened. xD It was nice that we parted ways without having an argument. :3"

    So now I'm getting tired again.. and I promised a friend to play Mario Kart via Nintendo Wi-Fi connection. xP So I'm gonna do this now. Have a nice night, Corporal Punishment! ^^

    Your Rat
  5. View Conversation
    Hm, unfortunately I have to tell you know that there's no "part 1" of Metropolis. xP There is a SONG which is called Metropolis (The Miracle and The Sleeper)... At least I think it was called that. xP
    Btw. you don't have to buy it... I know that CDs are expensive these days... <.< You'd better get one of your friend and choose one song there. As I said, I love every song of DT. x3

    Hah, I know what you mean. <_<" I started my current novel... a year ago, if I remember correctly. (My memory's getting worse each day O_o") By now I've written... 9 chapters... out of over 30 XD""
    Don't push yourself. I don't think that's the right way to write... :/

    Of course I went to India alone. It would've been totally annoying if my parents had been there. XD" It was... some kind of "a step forward into a future without being dependent of my parents". XD To be honest, I missed them a lot, but I needed this experience, I really did. I was only 18 by then and I hadn't been away for that long (and that far away ^^") before. I realized that I needed my parents and that my family was the most important thing in my life. .,.
    So what did I do there... I went to school. ^^ But not as a student. As I said, I wanna become a teacher (English and Maths xP), so I watched the lessons there. :3 I would've liked to go to school there, though. In my school they didn't have that much activities. It was just a school. But in India, they had Book Weeks, Movie Weeks, theaters, they did plays every now and then... it was just great ToT (And Indian food is totally delicious x3"" *kehehe*) You might wonder why I chose India: My father has many connections to Indians, so there was one man who was looking after me all the time. I could barely handle that... Indians are sooo~ polite. T.T"
    And they already said that they wanted to know when I'd come again... XD So I think someday in the future I'll go to India again. :3

    Hehehe, today work was awful again. XD" I dunno if you read my journal, but Stupid was stupid again today. <-<" Somehow he managed to get me so far as to lose all my politeness. XD" I told him to "not go on my nerves". Perhaps I've mentioned it before... but I never say something like that. xD" It was just that I'd worked for 12 hours yesterday, and there was sooo~ much work to do... X.x" (But I've laughed much when I heard that Stupid didn't want to come to me anymore because he was kind of afraid XD)

    Some weirdo on the internet I like. xP Btw. I've slept great. I wanted to get up at 3 am that night... I was fully awake, yet I forced myself to sleep again 'cause I have to get up at 5.45 (!!) am XD" That was.. a shock.
    After writing this, though, I'll go to bed. I'm tired. But hopefully I won't work long tomorrow =D

    Your Rat
  6. View Conversation
    I'll probably skip parts of our conversation now, I've - again - worked for 12 hours and I'm f-ing tired... I just wanted to read your reply to the pm. I thought about it a lot today, as I didn't really know what to expect. :/ I'll answer it after the VM again x3"

    I like all songs of DT, but I've a favorite album. And that's "Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes From A Memory" *_* That's just awesome. I hope you'll like it. xP
    As for my song: Eheheheh, you know, I can't record something here... I'm at my sister's place after all. Perhaps when she's gone for a week... That'll be... a week from now...? Or two weeks...? Dunno. xD"

    Don't push yourself. I noticed that when I wrote without having motivation, it was shit. Just shit. xD" It just wasn't good enough, so I deleted it all. Now I only write when I really feel like writing - and that's seldom. ^^"

    Well, I'd be shocked if it ever happened again. .-." I don't think so, either. I learn from my mistakes, I noticed that today, too. I've improved my driving skills. x3"

    I've never lived anywhere else before... except for three weeks two years ago. I've been to India XD" So, now you know where I live, you can imagine how far away that is... Is my English getting worse each sentence? x..x I've the feeling I'm not able to concentrate anymore. Perhaps I just lost my brain when I was in the bathroom XD

    My boss is pretty cool x3~ She accepts most of the things we say. If we say that we did it in another way as she thought we should do it, she accepts that. Sometimes she's even too friendly. But still, she's the boss. I told her that today, too. I said: "Boss, if you say that I've to stay 'till 10 pm, then I'll stay 'till 10 pm, no matter what!"
    Well, many bosses would've been glad to hear something like that... she answered "You're crazy, aren't you?" XD Because she didn't want me to work that long. xP I'm probably going to write another entry in my journal after answering your PM... about what happened at work today. <_< That was rather... annoying.

    Great day... haha, you're kidding me T.T" I feel like I'm always at work. I wrote in another forum that I had the feeling I spent more time at work than at home. ^^" I'm just glad I moved to my sister's place. Otherwise I would've been at home 30 minutes later... x..x"" I barely had time today... ARGH!

    So, now I'm gonna answer your PM.. Hope at least YOU'll have a nice day. And hopefully you slept better now

    Your Rat (who's just answered your VM in only 15 instead of the usual 30 minutes XD)
  7. View Conversation
    Oh, creating jobs is always good. xP They should try that everywhere. Although of course you won't earn much for such work (, will you? oo).

    Ohooo~ you know Dream Theater *_* So perhaps I can give you a song and after listening to it you'll be a fan. xP I'll convince you that DT is one of the best bands on earth! ^^
    As I like every song of them, it's free for you to decide. ^^
    One day, when we meet, let's sing a duet~ x3

    We just want him to pretend to play bass. x3" Depending on who will sponsor a band for us (XD), a friend or me will show him how to play. But we've had many who said that they played guitar. And if you know how to play guitar... bass is pretty easy. ^^
    Hm, it would be great to see the movie. =D Perhaps you could upload it somewhere, I think it's too big to send it via e-mail. ^^"

    I found 3 mistakes... I don't know where they were, they were really really minor. One was a typing error and one was the Shara-thing. I don't know where the other two were... Perhaps I'll find it again somewhere. ^^"
    Hmm... now I want to read on. <..<" Great job, mister. I wanna know what happens to the Phantom Fox and what he'll do. >_o I read on yesterday, but as I've already been too tired for everything, I nearly fell asleep while reading. XD" I just read that there'll be a hawk now... That's the only thing I remember .,." But I was quite happy that I managed to read 50+ pages so far. Normally I'm not that fast. ^^"
    Great mind...? Ah, well, I don't believe I am one. xD And after reading your journal I don't think you are that arrogant, either. I wanted to write something to you about that... But I just didn't know what I could write. .,. I... just like you the way you are. .,. About that religious stuff... ah, well, that's the point where I didn't know what to think. XD" You seem to be quite religious, so I have no idea what you're thinking/feeling. :/

    Yep, my mom had a good reason to be at the hospital. It was when my brother had to stay there for.. a few weeks. The doctors were trying to find out why my brother always had a terrible pain in his wrist. They really needed MONTHS to finally know it. ~..~" (Rheumatism... imagine, my brother was only 20 when they found that out... That was a shock. .,.")
    It wasn't only the fault of the kid, or even the parents. (Which weren't there, it was a group of kids x3") It was mine, too. Every day when I drive past that place I think: "Hell, how could you possible NOT see that kid?!" XD" Perhaps I'll show you someday, it's difficult to explain how everything looked. ^^"

    Btw. I hope you didn't miss me yesterday. <_<" Sunday evening I spontaneously decided to move to my sister's house for the rest of the month. That's because of work, of course, as my sister lives in the city (I only need 15-20 minutes now instead of 40-45 xD") and because I registered at the university yesterday. >3~ (15 minutes BY BIKE to the university x3") Aaand then, yesterday, I didn't have time to get internet. The boyfriend of my sister's had to do something about it today. (I took my computer with me, so he just needed to... install it, I think. I don't know what he did, exactly. xD)

    Never mind about what you said about my driving skills. x3" I know that I'm not perfect at driving and I already thought that it was a joke, yet I was a bit... pissed off. XD This again needs a bit of explanation: I think I'm a perfect driver these days. ~..~ I have no problems driving through the streets, finding my way and even changing lanes (I think I mentioned that I had many problems with that ^^"). I even figured out today how to let someone change lanes. XD It seems I now see when someone signals and wants to change. <_<" I was too polite today... Just wait a few days.. then I'll surely cry again because something happened XD

    Believe me, I already told my boss what to do. XD" Once I said to her that we should do work the way I want to, because of... ah, you can surely imagine.. I had my own system. xD And after listening to me she decided that we did it my way. >3 I must admit, today was the only day when I finally saw her as my boss. That was when some other guy showed up (one we're working for, obviously) and my boss asked me something about the work. I answered her as if I were her loyal servant. ^^""
    It's just as you said: I just do it when I think it's worth all the trouble. Like one guy at work. I ignore him now, just because he's not worth any of my anger.

    Hmm... so why would a gift be an "overkill"? Oo
    I don't know if I should write a message today. ^^" I think I can also pay her a visit someday... I think I'll need about 30 minutes if I go by bike. xP

    Hah, I finally beat Ultimecia! >_< In the next few days I'll probably write a review about the whole game, so I'll spare you the details of my long, long fight XD

    So... now there's nothing more... except your pm... *takes a deep breath* Oh well, no way out, right? .,. I'll write in the pm what I mean by that XD"

    Your Rat
  8. View Conversation
    Work is building your character? o.o Erm.. okay. I think that I now understand how things are working. .-." Like: Your boss is the one who tells you what to do, don't ever dare to answer him back. Also, there are persons who only work in an office all day long, yet they have the right to tell the workers how to do things, although they've never worked in another place. -_-" Also... don't hit me for this one, but... a working place with only women is terrible. XD But I knew that before.

    So, could you perhaps help me out a bit? Yesterday I really was an asshole. I was called by a friend Friday evening and she told me to write her a message as soon as I knew if I'd go to a party with her on Saturday evening. Guess what happened. I totally forgot to write to her. :/ I tend to forget many things lately. <_<" I also forgot that an old friend who moved to another cities (faaar away) said that she's gonna be in my city again. She wanted to meet me (and all the other friends ^^), but I forgot that... -.- So yesterday I got a message on my cell phone which said: "Thank you for the message." It was from the friend I mentioned. :/ Now I really feel bad because I haven't written to her. .,. What should I do? Do you think I should visit her and give her a gift to say that I'm sorry? .,.

    So now I have to kick Ultimecia's ass. <_< I'm finally going to finish off that b*tch <_<"""

    Damn, this message is too long

    Your Rat
  9. View Conversation
    W-Whut? ôô" Why's it illegal to pump gas into your car by yourself? Oo" (If you don't want to explain... give me the state law of Oregon xD)
    Hehe, Corporal Punishment is just great. x3~ (I somehow get the feeling that I don't really know what to say today... my head seems to be too empty XD)

    Are there any bands you like that I could also like? xP I don't really know what you're listening to. ^^" So I've no idea what you could sing. .-."

    So, saturday's over, so we now have... our lead!!! =D I'm quite happy that it turned out like that. He was a really good actor. :3 Another one also showed up, so there was only one missing (and I had the feeling he wasn't really interested in our project, but well...). Now we've got 2 of 3 male roles... one's still left because there hasn't been anyone who was capable of playing that role... (It must be very difficult to play a musician. xD)
    Unfortunately, I didn't spot you in the trailer, although I've watched it a second time. .,." By the way... is there any way to watch the movie? xP After seeing the trailer I'd really like to watch it. xD

    I won't get discouraged. ^^ I know that I'm not perfect at writing. Perhaps I sounded like I was sad when I wrote it... but you know, it's always like this: Something bad happens, I'm sad for a while, and after sleeping for one night I get better. x3" Besides, I've got more serious problems than writing contests. I also don't want to be famous, I just want to see if people like my writing. (And of course I want to spread my message xP)
    I sent in an other story. I write many, many short stories and it had to be about... erm... I think the topic was simply "15 minutes". ^^ I wrote about a kind of adventure but... eheheh, it was mostly about war. xP I suppose that they didn't see this point, because it was well hidden, but my message HAD TO BE in there. I can't write stories without any message. ^^"
    I like your point of view. When I was 17, I thought my writing was perfect. Since then, it got worse - or so I think. I came to the point when I really thought I was good enough, because I only got positive feedbacks and such. But then I realized that I wasn't good at all. XD" I then also thought that I couldn't ever be perfect at writing. I'll always make mistakes. And I surely won't ever publish a book as easy as I thought it would be. xD

    Btw. I've read chapter... 4 to 6 yesterday when I was in the train. ^^ So there are a few things I have to mention... I've already found 3 typing mistakes (yeah, I know, that's annoying, but I notice something like that easily -.-") and one was really really funny. XD I had to read that sentence again to know what you really meant. I think you wrote "Shara" instead of "Shari". And I thought: "WTF?! Where did this character come from?!" XD
    Btw. I don't like Shari. I silently prayed that the Phantom Fox would kill her.. but he didn't. T_T" I think she'll join the party now, so perhaps I'll grow to liking her at last... but so far.. I don't like her. ^^" Oh and the thing about the goggles of the Phantom Fox... awesome *_* Also, I really wondered why he didn't kill her, and I never would have thought that you'd explain it. ^^" But the reason was awesome again. I love the Phantom Fox. <3
    I can even tell you know WHY I like him. He reminds me of a character of one of my books. :3" It was a guy who worked for the evil one. He was totally loyal and also liked to play games with his victims. xD I love this kind of characters. x3" But I've never seen one in a book before... Somehow, most authors seem to dislike this kind of character. ôô"

    Oh! Of course the kid was okay. I wasn't, but he was okay. He looked really shocked when I, as you said, slammed the breaks. xD" The other kids who stood at the side of the road (those you didn't cross without looking <.<") were also totally shocked. All in all.. it was a shock for both of us, but luckily nothing happened. I wouldn't ever drive again if I'd killed that kid... :/ Never, never ever... And luckily, nobody had noticed that day that I was still in shock. XD" I had to drive to the hospital, I think because the car of my mother didn't start. But that was two years ago, so... I'm just cautious when I drive through that village. xD" I really know still where exactly it happend. Unfortunately, when I drive to work I have to pass that terrible place every day. x.x"
    I'm really glad you recovered from your accident. .,. I hope you won't be in one ever again.. :/
  10. View Conversation
    Mwahaha, look at me - I'm still alive! >//< Also, it wasn't that bad. In the morning I thought the day would be f-ing long, but it wasn't. Although we really worked for 12 hours. x.x That's sooo~ long. I don't even want to think about it... Funny thing is, though, that my brother also worked for 12 hours that day. XD My father, too, came home late... and my mother was at home wondering why nobody came home XD
    Work isn't as great as it was before, I must admit... There are a few people who piss me off. <_< Like the one who always wants to listen to the music HE likes... *grrr* I was so angry today, I didn't speak for at least one hour ^^" I really wished that Corporal Punishment was there... to punish him. MAIM AND DESTROY!!! XD I think that kept me alive today. XD

    I knew that you'd say that. But it's only fair. Do you have any wishes? I mean, what I could sing? xP I don't think you'll like a Metal song. xD I could sing "Toki no Horousha"... I'm pretty used to the Japanese words of that song. XD" I've sung it quite often in the last few weeks. ^^

    I'm pretty sure I'll show you some parts of the movie someday. ^^ But first we have to cast those damn men. xD" I haven't heard of ANY of them... I just hope they're gonna show up tomorrow. :/ It would be a shame if I met with my partner and then nobody was there.. XD"
    So I watched the "Revenge Of The Dead" Trailer... It sounded like a horror movie, to be honest XD But then I really thought it was quite funny. XD Really, your brother's great! That make-up was great! The blood was great! And to be honest, the female lead looks awesome! =D Such a beautiful girl!!! ^^ Now I have to watch all the other trailers, too. .,."
    Really, your brother seems to know what he's doing... great trailers. But I haven't seen you quite often... Sadly. ._.

    I thought that everyone liked your drawings. It sounded as if they did, at least. xP But okay, not everyone likes the thiings you do.
    Like, for example, I finally got the e-mail I was waiting for. You know, the writing contest.. I sucked XD Again. XD Somehow those great, big contests aren't my league yet. >_o But that's okay. It's just sad... I thought my story was quite good. .,." Perhaps they didn't see the intention I had. ^^"

    Hey! That's not fair! >_< If we ever meet, we'll decide who drives. I CAN drive, quite okay, if you ask me. xP I'm just not a perfect driver. Also, I never had an accident before. I just... well, I scratched a car once. That was everything. (I'm not going to talk about the kid who wanted to die desperately because it jumped out on the street - and I was the unlucky one who drove there. XD""" That was a total shock...)
    That accident with the stop sign... that's f-ing bothersome. O_o As if things hadn't been difficult for you without... Hopefully you've recovered. When I scratched that car (it was really a minor "accident", nothing important, as the person didn't bother XD") I didn't want to drive ever again. XD" But as I live in a small village I MUST drive. .,."
    To be honest, I like driving - at least in big cities. I'm sometimes a bit too afraid of driving, but it always worked out till now..

    How come you think that work's good for me? oo Do you mean the money I get will be good for me? ;P

    Okay, now I've got a huge problem.. I don't know where the whore lives... :/ I just know her from this forum and I didn't bother asking her where she comes from. xD" I didn't want to know... *shrugs* Anyway, can't Corporal Punishment just kill her off? That shouldn't be a problem for him, should it?

    So, today I got to work by train again - and I read chapter 2 and 3. ^^ *taking a deep breath*... you may excuse me, but... I love the Phantom Fox! >_< He's sooo~ cool!!! I love those evil characters who are driven by their past and have no other chance but being that evil *_* Buuut, you were really evil~ I thought I'd finally see what his leather gloves are about... and then the Scarlet Mare knocked him down T.T" I'll read on tomorrow - I'm going to get to my friend by train, again. ^^
    Oh and will you accept this theory? I really think that the Phantom Fox is the lost lover of the Scarlet Mare. :3 You don't have to say: "Yeah, you're right!!!" or "Damn, you're wrong!!!" or something like that. But you may giggle now because I've thought that much about it this morning xD

    So, hopefully you'll have a nice day, I almost missed you yesterday. xP
    Your Rat
  11. View Conversation
    Words like that don't really bother me at all.

    I'm not sure whether you being American (right?) has anything to do with it, but I'm guessing it does.

    Also, it's your mother tongue. But swearing in Dutch doesn't bother me either...
  12. View Conversation
    Swearing? I didn't notice that.

    What do you mean?
  13. View Conversation
    I can swear a lot around you? Mwahahaha, you don't have to tell me that twice. XD But unfortunately.. there's nothing to swear about today. Nobody to curse. It's really boring. Although... perhaps I could swear a bit because of tomorrow. Oooh, I don't want to go to work tomorrow T.T" Our boss told us today that we had to stay longer, because we are behind schedule. <_<" We have too much work, and we're only a few persons who do it. Actually, there are 6 of us doing the job 8 persons should do. -_-" So tomorrow I'll have to work for two more hours. TWO!!! ToT That means I'll stay at work for TWELVE hours!!!! From 7 am to 7 pm... X.x So I probably won't come to TFF tomorrow. I'll probably just come home, eat something and then go to bed again. XD

    About your singing: I wanna listen to it. <3

    I read about your movie in your journal and I really grinned because of that. XD I hope our movie will be better, as we want to win an Oscar XD Aw, just kidding, but we really want to make a professional movie. Btw. my partner told me she'd call me today, but hasn't called yet... Hopefully everything is alright. O.o Perhaps I should also tell her that she can't call tomorrow as I won't be home much. xD" Argh~
    Also, I'd like to see that movie. I'd really like to see you acting

    Hmm... I think I want to teach middle or high school. I'm not sure which one it'll be in the end. I know that I can still change from middle to high school. And I think I'll do that. Not in the first years, but after a few years. ^^
    How about drawing as your job? It might be difficult, but if there're many people who like your drawings... I see no problem. =D

    Haha, today I made a few mistakes again. =D I didn't run a red light, of course. I've learned something yesterday. XD Today I needed a few minutes to finally be able to drive through a green light. ~..~ It took some time because the light was red more than it was green. O_o And then I was the first to stand and when the light turned from red to green I drove very very quickly. But that seems to have been a problem. o_o" I don't know if the light really was green, but I'm pretty sure. XD Nonetheless, NOBODY was behind me suddenly. And I remembered that there were a few people behind me... I really thought I'd done something wrong. xD" Oh and then there was this man who wanted to have an accident badly. <_<" But I'll better keep quiet about this one, it's too frightening to remember what could've happened. XD"""
    You know, I'm driving the same way every day. So I know about the lights with the nice cameras. xP I'm very careful about them, to be honest. XD"

    Yep, I like to mention that I'm a blonde woman. xP Really, that's quite much fun with the right kind of people. ^^ Like men who really think that blondes are stupid. Just tell them straight forward that you share their opinion - they won't know what to respond. >3 And I must admit... some of the stereotypes aren't that wrong. I really have problems with driving. ^^"

    W-Wait! Why don't you have to get up at 6 or 7 am anymore? O_o That seems kind of.. unfair. I still have to get up at 5.30 am everyday... until the end of September. And September only started. ARGH! XD I think I need holidays again. xP And I can't wait till university finally starts... x3~

    I also heard that breakfast was THAT important. But we even have a breakfast break (sounds hilarious.. breakfast break.. XD") at work, so I really have breakfast every single day! >_o Even in school I ate something IN SCHOOL. But it's just too much for me in the morning. .,." Btw. I also only need half an hour to get ready. Today I even left after 20-25 minutes because my mother pissed me off in the morning. <_<"

    Don't you shorten that title!!! >_< All fun will be gone then T.T I enjoy saying that title to myself, to be honest. XD Like when I saw it on my computer I asked myself: "Should I read White Wind Valley Tales? <3" I really love it.. it sounds so.. awesome *_*

    Hmm... I want Corporal Punishment to.. take care of that certain person I mentioned '-' I want him to maim and destroy.. to bring destruction upon this world!!! MWAHAHHAHA!!!! XD Just kidding, I just want him to kill that whore that's going on my nerves for days now. <_<" She didn't do anything to make me more angry lately, but she deserves it. Oh and pleeassse, let the day tomorrow be short! ToT
    (What kind of payment does Corporal Punishment want in return? Money? Food? Bass-learning lessons? XD)

    I must admit, I like the word "Anyhoo" - and the fact that you always finish your messages with it. xP I think that's the thing that lets you seem to be sweet. x3"

    Anyhoo (XD)
    your Rat xP
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    Just thought I'd let you know that your MSN has a bot on it. haha. somehow I don't think you'd be trying to link me to "naughty" pictures of "us' then "blushing" and brbing.

    Just throwin it out there.
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    Oooh yes, yes yes! >_< She really sucks, she's such a who... wait, no swearing, right? She's not worth any swearing, and that I know. Though, I have to admit that I sometimes just have to be at rage. I have my own way of forgetting everything that happened. (Either sleeping or singing - I sang for an hour or two, then everything was back to normal again. x3~ "Singing out" my emotions normally helps. ^^ Or sleeping - I tend to forget everything when I have a good night's sleep x3)
    Hehe, hopefully my next weekend will be better, but it HAS TO be! ^^ I don't know if you've read it, but I'm making a movie with a friend. And this very weekend we've castings again. Hopefully we'll find the male leading role now. :/
    That reminds me... that I have to remember those guys about the date. O.o" ...... so, now I wrote to them that they have to be there on Saturday. Can't wait to see them *_* If we're lucky and they fit the roles, we'll start shooting the movie *_*

    Aw, I know what you mean. xD" I once worked in a kindergarten for a few weeks (six, to be exact) and they really grabbed my hands and dragged me from one game to the other. Once I even had to play "school kid" XD They were soo~ exited about entering elementary school soon, they just wanted to be as big as the other kids. xD It was sooo~ cute. ^_^ And of course I had to read stories to them for HOURS. That was really annoying, as I knew all of the books (short ones, of course) by heart at the end of the six weeks. ^^" I wouldn't want to work with kids that age. I just don't. I was exhausted every day, although I just played with them. ^^" That was not the kind of work I want to do all life long. X.x"
    Ah, don't remember me about what happened to me today, pleeeaasssse~ T.T Today, I really was stupid. I was sooo~ stupid. XD" Fortunately the police wasn't behind me today, but... ah well, how to put it? I saw a red light... DO YOU THINK I SLOWED DOWN???? XD" I just... ah well, I ignored the red light and drove right through. XD" You know why? Because I've blonde hair. <.<" I thought: "So... there is no light for the ones driving left... does this mean I can drive on through? .-." Of course it hadn't been red for a long time, all the other cars were still standing there, but it was red... My mother told me, when I came home, that the police would've stopped me if they had seen it. XD So I was really relieved. XD"""
    Blonde hair + woman + car = not good XD

    Hehe, I like you more every day! ^^ Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who's that grumpy in the morning. xD
    I don't drink coffee, I just don't like it. But I started to eat something in the morning. I have to, actually, as my father wouldn't let me get out of the house if he thought I was still too sleepy to drive. XD" So I kinda wake up while eating breakfast. Due to that I really feel sick every morning (as I just CAN'T eat something at 6 am xD"), but that doesn't matter to anyone. .-."
    It wasn't our boss who did it. She just paid it. It was a person I didn't know. A masseur, a real one. ^^ But I admit I felt kinda uncomfortable. I like to have full control of my body and I had to stare at a picture while the massage. So I didn't see what she was doing. And I of course didn't know where she would touch me. ^^" But that wasn't really bad. I just haven't had a massage before, so I didn't know what was coming. xD"

    You made my whole day with your mail... seriously, when I read the title of the document you sent me. .,." That's sooo~ awesome... I love that title. >_<
    I don't want to make money with my writing... at least not too much. xP I'd like to have a bit money for university and I'm still waiting for an answer of a contest I took part in. <.<" But they won't write back... Damn those *censored* >o<
    I don't want to please others - least of all this. I don't write for other people, except when I take part in competitions, of course. I don't write for me, either. I. just. don't. know. T.T It seems as if I really haven't got a reason... I even stopped to think about a reason. ^^" It's better that way...
    By the way, as I don't have much time throughout the week, I'll probably read your story on the weekend. And I'll see if there is something I could send you in return. x3

    Maim and destroy!!! *_* Punishment is always about maiming and destroying... mostly humans. xP So there is one person I want thee to get rid of, Corporal. I'll pay thee well in return. <3

    You WERE funny in the date thread. ^^ I just think too much about something, I suppose. xP So I thought about the situation and you were kinda right. I'd look down to my shoes all the time and you'd probably do the same. XD It would take a few hours for both of us to open up, I guess.
    I didn't want to discourage the idea either.
    I like you. You're a cool, nice person. (& sweet xP)

    Also, thanks for your comment. <3 I don't wear that kind of clothes all day (for example never at work xD"), but I really like it. <3

    your Rat xP
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"TFF Confessions," lol

by Taco-Calamitous on 07-03-2018 at 01:40 PM
Remember those times I would start a thread, titled something like "TFF Confessions," or "TFF Regrets," or something along those lines? Like, I would decide I wanted to come clean about something, and then, for whatever reason, I thought that other people on the forums would also want to do this. Except usually, people would just respond with nonsense, making fun of the concept, because y'all are trolls, lol Was reminded of those earlier, for some reason. I guess because a

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Top Ten Albums of 2017 (According to Me)

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-28-2017 at 01:31 AM
So 2017 was kinda a rough year for most people not named Taylor Swift, eh? (Jeez, Taylor. Way to have a good time. That’s not allowed, or something.) American politics are shit, everyone hates each other, and people seem barely capable of not hitting each other over the heads with bike locks, or ramming their cars into each other.

Personally, I drifted further into burnt out/not-giving-a-fuck territory this year, even though this is arguably the easiest year I’ve lived, this decade.

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Top 10 Albums, 2015

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-18-2015 at 03:07 PM
Hello, everyone! Guess what? I come here today to present you a list that is indisputably the best albums of 2015, according to me. No one can deny that these are the best ten albums this year, according to myself. If you think that I don't think that these are the top ten best albums this year, I think that you are probably wrong, and should rethink what you are thinking about that. So without further ado...

10. The Bombadils - Grassy Roads, Wandering Feet
So from the Great

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This New Year's Eve

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-31-2013 at 02:02 PM
I'm waiting for tomorrow
My heart is on my sleeve
And yes, I still believe
That this New Year's Eve
Will turn out better than before
I'm holding on
Still holding on
Until they close the door on me

-Five Iron Frenzy - New Year's Eve

It's becoming something of a tradition for me to listen to that song on this day every year now, and to post it around. It's a great song, and it seems to always capture my feelings of this

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Top 10 Songs of 2013, Second Half

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-01-2013 at 01:10 PM
I think it's about time to look at what songs I liked best from this second half of the year, as I did for the first half of 2013. I realize the year isn't over, but I don't think I'm gonna be getting any new music this month. There's nothing at this point that I'm looking forward to. So...

10. The Universe: A Very Special Moment. This band is related to Architecture in Helsinki somehow. I'm not sure how. This song is pretty cool though I think. I think it lives up to the band's name;

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