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    Firstly... I read your journal. And I hate the world again. -.- Somehow it's always like that. If you work hard, you're just stupid. -.- I can totally understand that you don't want to work as hard as you did. This world's just not fair... And then there're people who don't deserve the job who get it... (I'm not talking about this guy who got your job - it's just that I've heard of a guy who just deserves death imo who got a good job.. -.-")

    I've never watched Death Note with English dubs, to be honest. xD" I think I only heard the voices when visiting the official website... And that was enough. X.x"
    How dare you say that Jun Fukuyama wasn't the best L?! You're talking to a fangirl, y'know? XD

    The crazy woman was the one who... Hmm.. what exactly did I tell you about her? XD" The one I worked with... the one I hated at the end of work. xD"
    Hm, I never even tried to be friends with my sister's friends... Oo" They're a bit too old and besides, they're HER friends. I couldn't even talk about my sister with them. xD"

    Mah, I don't know anything else... it's so boring here. T.T"

    Oh and I didn't forget the song - I just wasn't in the mood yesterday. Perhaps I'll manage to sing something for you today. << >>"
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    I'm trying to get my Gen eds done so I can Transfer. My Major is Fine and Media art. I'm not really sure specifically what I want to do, but I feel like it will just fall into place on it's own.

    Go with the flow haha.
  3. View Conversation
    Hehe, I also own the first volume of Death Note, but I didn't like the dubbed version, that's why I decided not to spend my money on such terrible things. xD" I bought a few volumes of the manga, too, but I watched (and read) most of it on the internet. ^^"
    So which ending did you like most? The one of the anime or the one of the manga? Personally, I love the manga ending and yesterday, after watching DNR2, I decided that I hated the anime ending. <_<" I completely miss the "I don't want to die!" part of Light. .,. That's what made the series great, in my opinion. Besides, my favorite character was Light. <3 I rooted for him at the beginning, but I always knew that he'd lose in the end. And I didn't like Near and Mello, though I accept them as enemies of Light. xP

    I don't have your full name, my dear. xP And I don't have a good picture of you, so it wouldn't work anyways. XD
    Okay, all serious again, now. I also tend to trust someone quite a lot until he/she gives me a reason not to. I can copy that from your text. xP But sometimes, if a person seems strange to me, I don't trust this certain person. Like... when this person says something stra... oh wait, I've got an example for that one. o_o" I had a friend once, a few years ago, who I always trusted and liked and such. Then, a few days after Valentine's Day, she told me that she wrote a short message to everyone on Valentine's Day... except me. She didn't write me and she told me that she didn't. xD" That was the moment I distanced myself from her and I really don't know what that was all about. But such moments can ruin trust in me. xD"
    Btw. I also trusted the crazy woman at work, until I finally realized that she was lying all the time. ^^" For example, she bullied one of the guys who at first worked with us. She even got our boss to get rid of him. Yet, when I talked to her about that guy, she said that it was only his fault and he's done everything wrong. .-. I then, a few weeks later, talked to another one who witnessed the whole scenario and told me the story from his point of view. I think I even heard the story from another pov after that... and everything concluded into this crazy woman lying to me. O.o""

    Haha, I know exactly what you mean. <.<" I also don't want to be like my father. And my dear brother... wait, the REAL dear brother, not the whose ass I kicked yesterday xD... also always says that he doesn't want to be like our father... he's slowly becoming like him. XD" And I suppose I also inherited some of his personality. <.<"

    I went outside with our dog. ^^ I did quite many things, but it was still boring, having no one to talk to and such. xD"
    And I wasn't too hard with my brother. I didn't kick his ass either. xD" I just asked him, politely, if he wanted to eat something. xP He wasn't hungry, so I only made myself something to eat..... and while I was at it, my parents came home. xD" So it wasn't that bad anymore. :3"

    So, now I wanna eat something and watch animes >3~
  4. View Conversation
    so, what are your studies? or graduated?
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    It's cool knowing the history of it now ahaha!! I always like reading your posts because of it. It sounds funny^^
  6. View Conversation
    So, how did you come up with the "Anyhoo, wuv yer mom" Thing? it's way better than my "peace in the middle east".
  7. View Conversation
    As you wish, Corporal Punishment. x3
    I'll search for the best picture of all of them. I'll probably chose the one in which I'm holding my Death Note. XD Btw. did you ever happen to watch Death Note? I've watched Rewrite 2 (you know.. the special x3") today and I suddenly remembered how great this anime is. <3

    I know what you mean. I also tend to do my work as it has to be done, not cheating on anyone. I just sometimes also skip a part that's already clean, or don't clean it as thoroughly as the other parts. I'm too much afraid of doing anything wrong, or rather being found out doing something wrong. xD"
    Yet, I don't understand why you compare work and relationships. Trusting someone at work is different than trusting someone in a relationship. I wouldn't say we're best buddies, but you're some kind of friend for me - I wouldn't lie to you, but you don't know if I lie to you. Take for example everything we talked about in our PMs. How can I know that you told me the truth? And how can you, for example, say that I'm really from Germany? Maybe I'm living in... erm... Ireland. .-." Or Canada. Or New Zealand.
    I won't say that I don't trust you, but I'm quite cautious about everything happening on the internet. There've been more than enough cases in which you are tricked by someone. (Of course I won't ever say that you're just a pedophile, there are more than enough reasons why you're NOT. Yet, as long as I haven't met you, I don't really know who you are.)
    I know what I'm talking about, trust me. .,. I've once met a guy I met on the internet who was completely a different person in real life. He was so nice on the internet, yet a real asshole when I met him.. xD" I admit that he was only one guy... and I've met tons of other people who I only knew from the internet (who were all nice and such x3"), yet this made me cautious. .-."

    Maybe it's maturity, that wouldn't be that bad. :3 As long as you don't complain about "the damned youth always listening to that hard rock sh*t", everything's alright. xD
    Btw. Lol@mature album XD

    Hah, I knew it! ^_^ I'm glad your team won again. After losing so many times, it was about time for them! ^^ Hopefully they won't fall back again. xP

    Well, a normal day is pretty boring. .-." Today I was alone ALL DAY LONG. My parents went hiking with my sister and her boyfriend... and my "dear" brother doesn't come home.
    Buuut.. I've heard someone now, so I'll just run now to see if it's finally my brother. (I still have to cook, it's f-ing 8 pm! >_<")
    Okay, it IS indeed my brother. Excuse me, I'll kick his ass now -.-"
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    I THINK it's the liberal party. Sounds like them, actually. But I think they're still a bit different from our lefties. .-.

    Hah, y'know, a woman never lets anyone see how fat she is. xD Which means: I only posted pictures of me which let me seem to be a normal girl. xP These ARE pictures of me. I've tons more of them, but some really look strange. O.o" Though.. I've made some a few days ago which were quite nice. Perhaps I'll upload one of them. <3

    It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't believe in forgetting one's language. xP That has nothing to do with YOU, Corporal Punishment. ^^
    Besides, how can a girl possibly trust someone on the internet?

    Mah, your luck that I ate breakfast a few hours ago. .-." Otherwise this would've been an... interesting text to read while eating something. xD"
    But yay for you feeling better now ^_^

    Yep, you're getting old. You know, you're 24, that's when you start to get old. Some of my friends told me that when I reach 20 years of age, I get old. *nod*
    Just kidding, it may just be a phase of yours. Like when I begin to read more and more mangas, instead of watching tons of animes. It's just something that'll be over soon. x3 Besides, relax and enjoy slow movies and music. It's not that bad, really. ^^

    Yay! ^^ It'd be great if you got the job. :3 You'd get more money then, too, wouldn't you? I remember you wrote about that before... :3 I'll think of you on Monday.

    Somehow I don't have much to tell you today... When I went back home, life turned so normal again. I spend my time watching animes, reading mangas, listening to music, (learning for the English test XD) and stuff. .-. Nothing happening over there...
    Hope you have a more interesting life xP
  9. View Conversation
    ahahah!! sounds like me and FF on school nights *sigh* I miss my Sega.....
  10. View Conversation
    Street fighter is the shit^^ especially 2
  11. View Conversation
    I didn't mean in the US - it's clear to me that he's an important person over there. xP But where I live, nobody cares anymore after he won the elections. .-. Perhaps we had too much hassle about our own elections, idk.
    My parents won't ever tell me who they favor. My father just states often that he doesn't like the "left party".

    How can you say that I don't need to be on a diet? You haven't seen me! XD
    Besides, I agree with you, I don't think I need one. Nevertheless, it'd be better for my health to do more sport. If I ever decide I needed to lose weight I'd probably just go walking every day. xP

    Hm, after learning German when she was young I think she couldn't forget it. I can't imagine just forgetting your mother tongue. .-. Sometimes I think I actually did, when some words just won't come to my mind, but then I remember them a few hours later. xD"

    Did you get ill? .,. Hopefully you're alright and your throat'll be okay again soon.
    Don't rush yourself with the song. ^^ If I don't forget it, I'll sing my song on Monday. I'll have plenty of time singing loudly when my parents are out working. :3

    Mah, please don't remind me on learning. .,." I'm constantly learning, y'know? XD" Yesterday, for example, I went to a cafe with a friend and suddenly she started to talk English. She always mocks me by talking like... an Arabian or Indian or such. Just not proper English. XD And what I did then was mocking her back by talking to her like that (in English .-.) until we parted. She was really annoyed, but always laughed about it. When I came home, I started FFI. I've been playing about one hour when I realized that I could switch the language to German. And I thought: "You kidding me??? I won't ever switch the language from English to German!" XD
    Now, I'm writing to you.
    Don't tell me I don't learn. xP English is something I always learn. And there's nothing more to learn. Except, perhaps, I could refresh my memory of some math-related stuff... have to search for something. x3~

    I read about "Whisper of the Heart" on MAL a few days ago. But I don't really like movies. You may think I'm strange, and I can assure you: I AM!!! I'm not able to watch movies. It's always quite difficult for me to watch them, because they're too long. I can't sit still and just watch a movie. I have to do something. (That's why I play video games - I can control the story. And some of them are movies xD")

    Hmm... I don't know which time it is at your place now, so.. have a nice day or a good night. XD"
  12. View Conversation
    Haha, don't you dare to think that anyone cares about Obama anymore. ^^ I heard (or rather: read) that he seems to make some really big mistakes and that even Americans don't like him that much anymore. But we don't care about that. We were happy when Obama won the elections and then the media concentrated on local stuff more than on global stuff. It's always funny how people are manipulated by the media...

    I know how you feel, ironically. .,. While working, I always ate sweets at the evening, until I noticed that I haven't lost weight though I should've lost a bit. (Due to working, of course! I'm not on a diet or something X.x") So I decided not to eat sweets at the evening anymore. I don't think I can resist them tomorrow when I see them in the supermarket. xP It's always difficult to refrain from something you've grown used to. But it's not that bad: You'll learn everything again as soon as you make the same mistakes again. XD

    I don't prefer either one. .-. I don't care about sports. It just annoyed me that everyone said "football" instead of "soccer". xP But I'd probably rather watch a football game, just because I haven't seen many of them yet. ^^ They're not that popular around here...

    Then, how did she learn German? oo Her parents are German and moved to America when she was 4? oo

    Hehe, all albums of Dream Theater are quite long. That's what I love about the band. <3 They've always quite long songs and albums, it's pretty normal that they fill the space of a disc. :3 Glad you like it! ^^
    I'll have to practice the song now, won't I? << >> So I can some day send it to you. Hopefully you'll survive that day. XD

    Another thing I'd like to mention: It was sooo~ great to be able to sleep till 10 am this morning! *_* I felt great!! ^_^ *happy*happy*

    Also, I've made quite a progress when it comes to my sister. Y'know, she even told me that I could come over again if I wanted to. She said that she was happy I'd come over aaand she thought it was good for our relationship. (It was, actually. I've done quite much to achieve this status. <.<" I talked to her pretty much, and even went to bed later just to be able to talk to her XD" And I told her much about my personal life... Hopefully she knows what I've done!!! XD")

    So, now I have to write a mail to her... I promised to write her.. xP
    Have a nice day~ ^^
  13. View Conversation
    That's quite impressive. Y'know, whenever America votes, we know everything about it. You... don't really want to know how everyone claimed that Obama would be the best president ever, although they didn't really know ANYTHING. xD" They thought everything they saw on TV would be enough...
    Ironically, you are wrong. I consider myself to be quite conservative. And the party I was voting won. Big issues... taxes, Afghanistan and probably education. But it all changes when the parties win. Then you don't really feel there's anything happening. xD" But I must admit I like the outcome of the elections. Exactly what I wanted to happen. >3"

    I won't punch you for being that stupid. I think you've punished yourself enough... I just hope you've learned something. I can always just hope that people learn from their mistakes. ^^" Sometimes I'm not sure. And I'm not sure about you, either. I don't really know you - and I don't know your drinking habits. Do you drink often? Even when you have to work the next day?

    I don't care about sports in general. xD And I know quite little about football. (There's only ONE football game... and that's American football. The other football is called soccer <.<" I just can't stand that no one cares about American football over here... when they talk about football it's always soccer. So I started to say soccer instead of football.)

    Well, I'd probably smack you if you made mistakes on purpose. XD And I think you'd probably make much. You seem to be a quite funny guy, you make every joke that you can. xP
    Btw. where is your German friend from? Was she born in Germany? Did she meet her husband when she went to the USA or did she move to the USA because she married him?

    So again I'm tired.. so I won't answer everything. The only thing left for me to say is: You had Creative Writing classes? I'm sooo~ envious T.T"
    Have a nice day!
  14. View Conversation
    Guess what happened today! XD I overslept AGAIN and guess what... 20 minutes. I wonder if I'll oversleep again tomorrow - then I'll probably wake up at 6:10 - 25 minutes too late. xD" And then it'll be quite interesting... will I make it to work in time on Wednesday? XD
    But I've got a good reason... I couldn't go to bed earlier. <.<" My sister wanted to stay at my parent's place till 9 pm and we came back at 10 pm, I needed about an hour to finally sleep... and I've probably gotten up too early on the weekend. <.<" I don't get enough sleep, I suppose. .,. Luckily my sister'll work at night today, so she won't bother me and I can go to bed as early as I want. x3"

    That's bad. Why're they losing so much? O.o The soccer team of the city I'm currently living in has always been winning recently. I think it's because I was here all the time. Just kidding, but they pretty much sucked half a year ago... so there is still hope that it's just a phase. :3 They'll probably win again soon. ^^ You just have to be patient. ^^

    Do you go to church every sunday? oo

    Hm, it always depends on what kind of sausage you're eating. There are some I wouldn't like to eat in the morning. (I also eat cereals in the morning. :3 At least... when I don't oversleep and skip breakfast again XD)

    As I said, I wouldn't recommend learning it. .-. Besides, what's the use of learning German? xD" There's probably.. like.. noone... you speaks German over there, is there?
    If you lived in France, I'd recommend learning German, but in the US.. ah well. xD"

    So you'd make many mistakes just to annoy me? You're a bad, bad boy! XD

    It's mostly the look of Balthier that made me think of Seifer instantly. This arrogant look of both is just matching. xD" Besides, the hair.. the clothes... their way of talking. (Yeah, I know that you didn't hear Seifer's voice but I imagined him talking like Balthier did xD")
    Ironically, I liked Seifer, as he had a different personality as Balthier had. Balthier was just an arrogant brat not knowing anything about life. Seifer had a dream he was following all the time. I appreciated that. ^^

    What do you mean by "Corporal Punishment'd get me"? O.o Is it wrong to give you a cookie? It's still edible, I promise!

    If the university knew I wasn't cheating (and I probably won't ever xD"), there'd be no problem. Nonetheless, I don't want to have enemies there. ^^" Let's just hope I won't ever see my uncle. .,." (But even if I did.. I probably would speak up against him all the time. xD" Correcting him, disagreeing with him...)

    So.. I know nothing more to tell you about. .-." Or maybe... it's interesting to know that I just said "hello" to my parents, not hugging them of something. But I've clearly noticed that my mom missed me. xP She talked quite much with me, telling me what has been going on at home and such. :3" My dad also talked to me for a while, but he just told me that I should be glad that I haven't been at home. XD" It seems my brother (the older one) had a huge argument with his girlfriend who made a terrible scene - OUT ON THE STREETS!!! XD"" It seems they've shouted quite much and I'm normally the only one who's able to listen to it. (Just because my room is next to his.) But this time they were quite loud and half of the neighbourhood must've heard it. ^^""" So glad I stayed at my sister's place. xD" I would've been quite annoyed if I'd heard it. ^^"
    After hearing what happened I'm surprised to see his girlfriend still in our house. I mean, I thought they'd broken for sure this time. (Don't ask how often they've done this before.. I can't count it anymore .-." All those nights I woke up in the middle of the night, hearing her cry in my brother's room, always cautious if she'll leave. I wouldn't let her drive home alone. xD" I'd probably bring her home if that ever were to happen. It's always a dramatic event in our house. X.x")

    Also, did you happen to notice the elections we had yesterday? I was quite shocked how some voted... (Especially those idiots in the East of the country. xD" You might think they learned something from the Wall, but they just didn't. They're stupid. All of them. xD"")

    So now I've written enough. .-."""
  15. View Conversation
    It's in the background, behind a lot of stuff. I wrote an update on it in a journal post a while back. I'm buried in books for the next while, but it'll probably resurface over summer. Thanks dude.
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"TFF Confessions," lol

by Taco-Calamitous on 07-03-2018 at 01:40 PM
Remember those times I would start a thread, titled something like "TFF Confessions," or "TFF Regrets," or something along those lines? Like, I would decide I wanted to come clean about something, and then, for whatever reason, I thought that other people on the forums would also want to do this. Except usually, people would just respond with nonsense, making fun of the concept, because y'all are trolls, lol Was reminded of those earlier, for some reason. I guess because a

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Top Ten Albums of 2017 (According to Me)

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-28-2017 at 01:31 AM
So 2017 was kinda a rough year for most people not named Taylor Swift, eh? (Jeez, Taylor. Way to have a good time. That’s not allowed, or something.) American politics are shit, everyone hates each other, and people seem barely capable of not hitting each other over the heads with bike locks, or ramming their cars into each other.

Personally, I drifted further into burnt out/not-giving-a-fuck territory this year, even though this is arguably the easiest year I’ve lived, this decade.

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Top 10 Albums, 2015

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-18-2015 at 03:07 PM
Hello, everyone! Guess what? I come here today to present you a list that is indisputably the best albums of 2015, according to me. No one can deny that these are the best ten albums this year, according to myself. If you think that I don't think that these are the top ten best albums this year, I think that you are probably wrong, and should rethink what you are thinking about that. So without further ado...

10. The Bombadils - Grassy Roads, Wandering Feet
So from the Great

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This New Year's Eve

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-31-2013 at 02:02 PM
I'm waiting for tomorrow
My heart is on my sleeve
And yes, I still believe
That this New Year's Eve
Will turn out better than before
I'm holding on
Still holding on
Until they close the door on me

-Five Iron Frenzy - New Year's Eve

It's becoming something of a tradition for me to listen to that song on this day every year now, and to post it around. It's a great song, and it seems to always capture my feelings of this

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Top 10 Songs of 2013, Second Half

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-01-2013 at 01:10 PM
I think it's about time to look at what songs I liked best from this second half of the year, as I did for the first half of 2013. I realize the year isn't over, but I don't think I'm gonna be getting any new music this month. There's nothing at this point that I'm looking forward to. So...

10. The Universe: A Very Special Moment. This band is related to Architecture in Helsinki somehow. I'm not sure how. This song is pretty cool though I think. I think it lives up to the band's name;

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