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    Again, sorry I needed that long to answer your VM. -.- I've the feeling I'm really lazy, I also needed a few days to answer a mail of another friend. -.- It's not that I've much to do, honestly, I've got a day off today and I'll have ANOTHER day off tomorrow (because English courses start next week - and I've many English courses xD"). At least I wasn't bored today. After not watching Anime for two days I had SIX (SIIIIIX!!! XD) episodes to watch. *__*" I was pretty much occupied the whole morning. XD

    Sorry, but I don't really get your job situation. I think I understand what you told me - that you're just someone to get into a school as janitor when someone is ill. BUT! What is that about not working regularly? ?_? How exactly do you take advantage of it?
    And besides, please don't be offended: Is there no other job you'd like to do? I suppose you could do better jobs... (better paid, for example xD")

    Hehehe, it's a nice toy, really. :3 But I decided to only use it for my studies. ^^ Like... writing my essays on my notebook and stuff. I think I'd probably use it to play games and listen to music if I had the chance to. That's why I'll only use it for studies. Too much distraction otherwise~

    I don't frequently set myself up to be teased... I do that all the time! XD Tease me if you like. But don't complain when you do it when I'm not in the mood to. xP Y'know, women are like that... like yesterday! When I wanted to surprise my sister by visiting her whilst I had to wait for the next course to start. I took the tram to her house and when I arrived, her boyfriend told me that she didn't let anyone in. EVEN HER BOYFRIEND!! XD He stood outside and didn't come in! XD We tried to convince her to let us in, but she was so angry she just wouldn't let us... Moods of a woman.. xP

    Oh, that's not what I experienced. xD" When discussion with my friends (if that ever happens xD"), we often agree with each other because the arguments of the others are good enough. There's no one who'd say that only conservative is good. Y'know, I don't think you can say that you're only conservative or liberal - normally people have their own views. Conservative and liberal are just groups which have established their own thoughts - but these don't have to be EVERYONE's thoughts. (Hard to explain .-.")

    Hah, I don't even want to think about those poor students who don't have access to the internet. They can't subscribe for their courses. Btw. I wasn't in my car, thankfully. I was at home. But nevertheless, I almost forgot it and when I realized it again it was already 6.59 pm! XD" Then I hastily logged into the website and I could finally subscribe at 7.01 pm. 100 places - and 63 were already part of the course. I was really lucky... xD""
    And about the 500 students in one room... it was a normal lecture. There'll probably be 500 students AGAIN next week. Or hopefully they won't come anymore. xD" I heard of students who just don't visit lectures - I hope there are many of them in my courses. xD"

    "Friends" is a word I use too much, to be honest. I call many people "friends" though I just know them... I just don't know any other word to say "they're people I hang out a bit with but don't really like THAT much". xP Tell me a word for those, please, Master Language xP
    Hehe, that's something interesting about me - I tend to really worry about something one day. On the next day I don't worry about it anymore. I tend to forget things or just... solve them by sleeping. xD"

    So, I hope there's no German word in this text. O.o" I've talked to my brother while writing this message. And I even didn't know anymore if I wrote to him in English or German... so.. my brain's not capable of differentiation anymore.. and I don't even know if all the words I use even exist. ARGH! XD
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    Lol it's still in theatres here, I'm aiming to see it in roughly two weeks. I'll let you know how it goes.
  3. View Conversation
    I remember reading in your journal that you're a fan of Studio Ghibli. While I can't claim to be an avid fan, what I've seen, I love. Have you seen Ponyo? If so, is it any good?
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    Sometimes you just have to capitalize when you see something like that. Is it right? Probably not, but he was 100% in the wrong
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    So, as I promised, here's the answer to your VM. Sorry you had to wait that long. I wasn't in the mood of writing. I don't think I am now, but I have to test my new notebook. >3" My father bought me one for university and stuff. I hope I won't write to you when I'm in university tomorrow. XD"

    How's work? Is the school better than the other? And will you finally be able to work all the time or are you just there until they get someone "better"? <.<" I don't trust those guys anymore. <,,,<""

    Well, I don't think you'd be that impolite, childish or stupid to give me a reason. xD" A former friend of mine made a really bad joke... I told him I felt like throwing up one morning when I got up. Then I said something like: "But don't get it wrong! I'm not pregnant! XD" And he wanted to be funny when saying "How could you possibly be pregnant - we didn't make love." ..... -.-" Don't get me wrong, nothin' wrong with such bad jokes, but I then remembered that he once had a crush on me... and I thought: "You still waiting for me to go out with me?!" XD""

    I haven't watched Wall-E, but I can't imagine that there is much sense to be found in that movie. O_o" But I'd like to discuss with friends about Global Warming warnings in movies. XD That'd be fun. (Unless it's not EVERY SINGLE DAY, of course ^^)

    I don't have the literature list now, as I don't even know if I'll be able to attend this course. ^^" I even got to registrate for that on the internet tomorrow by 7pm. And if I'm not mistaken I'll be in the train or in my car (at the train station! XD) by that time... So I probably have to do it IN MY F-ING CAR!! XD Just to get in. <.<" Doesn't sound like fun anymore. xD"
    And believe me, 100 students - that's not much. Today I was in a FULL room with probably more than 500 students in it. No fun. -.-

    They're not my friends. xD" They're just... yeah, one is a former classmate and one is a guy I've worked with for two months. That's not what I'd call friends.
    It's rather the latter - they try to take advantage of my ability to structure my studies. It's not THAT bad and I could probably help them a LOT just because I'm not as afraid as they seem to be. For example I don't fear being alone for 2 hours tomorrow... xD" There's no problem in that. Besides, I know enough people I could visit. For example my old school. xP It's not very far away from university. ^^
    I wouldn't charge money from them, because I'd also learn something if I taught them something. .-." I'd rather charge money from my little cousin who seems to be bad in school. XD At least my uncle told me that today.
    Oh, besides, guess who I met today! XD My uncle who's teaching at the university! XD He talked to me a bit but I was quite embarrased because he did that in front of the people I went to the course with. ^^""" At least I won't ever be in HIS course. xD" At least... not in this term. ^^"

    You see, I write to you today, so probably I passed the c-test.... and of course I did. ^^" It was quite obvious, as I've worked hard for it. <.<" But I was still relieved when they told me I had 82.3 % - which means I passed. Rather good, too. They expected you to have at least 70 %. So I'm still way ahead of many others. x3""
    So, now I'm relieved, happy, I got a notebook, my dad bought me a new tv (as my old one was already 6 years old and just died XD) and I had some nice Chinese food today. XD

    And now I have to test the tv, too... >3~
  6. View Conversation
    its pretty crazy how much is in that game to be honest, and I was surprised how they kept it fresh as well, like with Fun City and stuff. It was a good game, but yeah quite a few of the endbosses needed a LOT of leveling in order to stay alive. That, and accessories that had protection from like every single spell in the game helped as well. And on top of that, theres also a hidden dungeon as well! So much to do.

    As for the PSP remake, not sure on that one. I only played the PSX version, but I think they added an extra character or two into the remake, so its probably worth checking out, especially if you are looking for games for the PSP, which aren't too hard to find these days.
  7. View Conversation
    Sorry I didn't write.~ I'll answer your VM tomorrow. I still got some things to do and I'm a bit nervous as I'll get the results of the test tomorrow. >.< (If I failed... I probably won't write you tomorrow XD)
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    It's cheap and gets the job done. Plus I've been drinking it for years, so it's kind of one of those things. I'm all for actual good beer, like Blue Moon, Sam Adams (especially the seasonals) and Rogue, but PBR has that place in my heart, well liver.
  9. View Conversation
    Fail ahaha Jk.

    it looks more like a poopy face the good kind
  10. View Conversation
    And that's just fine, mate.
  11. View Conversation
    I guess people are scared to go toe-to-toe with the heavyweight champion Telegraph lol. but yeah I'll think of something tonight
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    7:18 - 7:37

    I think it takes less than 19 minutes to type out 1 page.
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    I also hope that you'll get a good job soon. .-." It'd be very unfair if you didn't get something although you try so hard...

    Believe me - I know what being addicted to a forum means. xD" I think I was addicted to one, once. And I'll probably rather cut off all strings to a forum before having this experience again. xD"
    Why should I stop writing to you? Unless, of course, you give me a reason to. But I hope you won't... And I think you're way too polite and nice to give me a reason. :3"

    Hmm.. talking about politics with friends.. xD"" I got the wrong kind of friends, I suppose. ^^" My best friend doesn't want to talk about politics, the other good friend didn't even care about the elections a while ago. xD" So... no room for politics. .-." I tend to talk about such stuff with people I barely know. Like in a forum xP

    Kehehe, I'll probably tell you a few things about one of my courses: Introduction to American literature xP I hope it's as interesting as I think it'll be. ^^" And I hope I can attend all the classes.. I have to hope for some, as they're all limited to... I think 100 students. <.<" That's probably the worst thing about studying. xD"
    Besides... *cough* I also mostly have classes in the afternoon. xP Buuuut! That's not because I don't like to get up early - there just weren't any classes for me before 10 am. xD"

    There is another thing I'd like to tell you... About my new friends at university... .-." I somehow have the feeling they're all up to something. Yesterday, one of them (a former classmate who'll study English, too.... if we both pass the c-test XD) wrote me a message and wanted me to call her today. (I tried, it seems she wasn't at home .-.") She claimed to have problems creating her schedule. Oookay, no problem, but WHY ASK ME??? >_<" I didn't have a clue, either. I've spent 9 hours on this. X.x So I sent her a website I found, hoping that it'd help her. Haven't heard of her after that. .-." So now... I don't really know if she's finished it or not. xD"
    Then, also yesterday, another friend wrote a message, on the same site, and asked which classes I'd attend. He said he wanted to attend the same classes as I did. And I thought: WTF?! O_o" You know, he was the one I wanted to go to the c-test with. But he didn't come when I was at the university... so I went alone. An hour later, he called me on my mobile phone (I didn't hear it xD"). When I met him later, he said that he wanted to ask if I'd go to the c-test with him... Again: WTF?! O_o"
    I somehow get the feeling they're all grabbing at my shirt, not letting me go, not able to do things on their own. xD" I admit that it's nice to have at least one person to go to classes with, but I'm just cautious. Perhaps I SEEM TO be a person who's strong and knows what to do and stuff... But I'm not! >_<" And I can't handle too much attention. xD" It's always strange that some people depend on me though normally I'm a quiet and shy person. .,."
    I know I should be happy that they want to spend time with me, but... I don't know. I also feel the urge to be alone. Also, I had to find all my classes on my own, yet they're asking me what to do. I WILL help them, of course, but at the same time I ask myself: Why can't they also do it on their own? .,."
    Sorry I've bothered you with that, but that's been on my mind since yesterday.

    As for the c-test, btw., I dreamt about it THREE TIMES (!!) - in one night! XD" In my first dream, I passed it. In the second, I didn't pass. In the third, I passed again. O.o" I suppose... I'm a bit nervous. xD""
  15. View Conversation
    I wouldn't say that this is good. .,." You're a better worker than him, so YOU should have gotten the job... But I fear it's already useless to complain about that. The world's always been unfair, hasn't it? <.<"

    Hah, I don't think I'll become addicted to TFF. There's too much stuff in my life drawing me away from TFF... like our movie, or university. I don't care as much about TFF as I do about my studies. x3" (Discipline is one of the most important words for me xP)
    You're also the only one I regularly talk to, but I think I've made quite some friends on here. :3 I just don't talk to them every single day. ^^" Also, I can't talk for days with them, there is a point when the conversation just.. breaks. .-." Neither one knows what to say anymore, so we don't write anymore... happens more often than you'd except it to happen. xD"

    OMFG NO! XD""" Don't.. Don't you ever tell me about blood and needles again. X..x""
    I'd love to give blood, I'd really do, but.. I can't stand the sight of blood. And I hate hate hate needles ToT" Just hearing about such things makes me shiver... x.x"

    I needed 9 hours to finally finish. -.-" It was quite... annoying. An hour ago I found a bit of information on what classes I should attend in my term. Then all was clear and I finally have my time-table! Yay! =D"
    So now the only thing bugging me is... will I pass the c-test? .,."""

    I hope you had something to do today~ It isn't easy to be occupied the whole day long. xD" I also am already bored again... I don't know how I'll survive my own time-table... (I'll have a free day every Wednesday xD")
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December 16, 1984 (40)
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"TFF Confessions," lol

by Taco-Calamitous on 07-03-2018 at 01:40 PM
Remember those times I would start a thread, titled something like "TFF Confessions," or "TFF Regrets," or something along those lines? Like, I would decide I wanted to come clean about something, and then, for whatever reason, I thought that other people on the forums would also want to do this. Except usually, people would just respond with nonsense, making fun of the concept, because y'all are trolls, lol Was reminded of those earlier, for some reason. I guess because a

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Top Ten Albums of 2017 (According to Me)

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-28-2017 at 01:31 AM
So 2017 was kinda a rough year for most people not named Taylor Swift, eh? (Jeez, Taylor. Way to have a good time. That’s not allowed, or something.) American politics are shit, everyone hates each other, and people seem barely capable of not hitting each other over the heads with bike locks, or ramming their cars into each other.

Personally, I drifted further into burnt out/not-giving-a-fuck territory this year, even though this is arguably the easiest year I’ve lived, this decade.

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Top 10 Albums, 2015

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-18-2015 at 03:07 PM
Hello, everyone! Guess what? I come here today to present you a list that is indisputably the best albums of 2015, according to me. No one can deny that these are the best ten albums this year, according to myself. If you think that I don't think that these are the top ten best albums this year, I think that you are probably wrong, and should rethink what you are thinking about that. So without further ado...

10. The Bombadils - Grassy Roads, Wandering Feet
So from the Great

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This New Year's Eve

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-31-2013 at 02:02 PM
I'm waiting for tomorrow
My heart is on my sleeve
And yes, I still believe
That this New Year's Eve
Will turn out better than before
I'm holding on
Still holding on
Until they close the door on me

-Five Iron Frenzy - New Year's Eve

It's becoming something of a tradition for me to listen to that song on this day every year now, and to post it around. It's a great song, and it seems to always capture my feelings of this

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Top 10 Songs of 2013, Second Half

by Taco-Calamitous on 12-01-2013 at 01:10 PM
I think it's about time to look at what songs I liked best from this second half of the year, as I did for the first half of 2013. I realize the year isn't over, but I don't think I'm gonna be getting any new music this month. There's nothing at this point that I'm looking forward to. So...

10. The Universe: A Very Special Moment. This band is related to Architecture in Helsinki somehow. I'm not sure how. This song is pretty cool though I think. I think it lives up to the band's name;

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