Haven't seen that one. But anywho... I just hope the movie industry manages to revive itself before its too late!
He even did better than the original Joker, and that's hard to do!
Yeah, so forget that. I just hope they find someone who can unlock the true spirit of the Joker.
Well, they have those voice-changing devices that can change the pitch of someone's voice. Maybe they can set it like that, but it'd be weird.
Well, that guy did put a lot of fear in the people he encountered. He made an EXCELLENT Joker. I don't think they'll be able to replace him easily!
Sadly, no. You can save that hammer for a rainy day. But beyond that, I hope they make a Dark Knight 2.
There are good games but bad movies, ironic?
I have several. Of course Kingdom Hearts is on the list, alongside FFX, FFVI, FFIV anf Chrono Trigger, to name a few.
Nope. I can't remember, I think my dad once watched it. I was probably in the other room, playing games!
Yeah, and I also liked that Corpse Bride movie.
But I still love Tim Burton. He makes such good films. I especially loved his Sleepy Hollow.
Ahh! It's almost as if Tim Burton was thinking of ways to really get inside the minds of people.
I guess there's no fixing it, but it always used to bother me. What were you going to say! Come on!
Most of the Jokers were great. Whoever did the one for the original Batman by Tim Burton did great to. I love the line "You... are my number one... guy!" Even though I thought he said "You... are my number one. And I..."
Freezing Ring!
Tsuna Feesh
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