That's what I meant. But I did send you a PM.
This has been a well kept secret, but I'll tell you... via VM of course, as there might be this one stalker dude watching...O.O
I'd like to see you try, because I can be rebellious
Texas? We get cold weather here, though.
I get a stomachache in cold weather. Weird, isn't it? *hands you a cookie* Here's your prize.
*cough* Well I have a different view and way ofworlddomination*cough*
I wake up at about 9, so only get 6 hours of sleep a day. Sadly, there's no prize.
I know about the group it's just I'm not a cat fan.
But I'm always here till 4:00 A.M.! Good job, you used an "an"!^^
I think so. On another note, did you remember that today is Father's Day? I thought it was in July!
I'm doing okay, but I think that I may be sick. However, I can still move about pretty well, considering that i have to forcefully eat, since it hurts lot when I try to swallow. But the pain seems to go away when I'm not thinking about it. *sigh* I just hope that I get over it soon. I hate being sick.
Well, I mean, you can't edit it, so I'll just send you another one. Disregard my first one; it's pointless at this point.
That's okay, but you really should eliminate the ranks altogether... Otherwise, you and I are just gonna go at it again. And yes, even though I have good grammar, I still tend to use words like gonna that are classified as non-existent. And I do use emoticons, too; I was only joking when I said that I don't. ^^ Anyway, I'll edit my user note for you, and you edit the user note for me, okay?
Okay, feud is over. *hugs* Love you!^^
Well, have fun. Make sure to rock his sox!
Freezing Ring!
Tsuna Feesh
Registered User
the mysterious
Griever is junctioned to me.
Asking all the personal questions.
Protecter of the Crystals
R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手
Twilight's Enigma
Can I be forgiven for what I am now
Became A Hero